SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 – Meeting of the Executive Cabinet of... Student Government Association

SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 – Meeting of the Executive Cabinet of the Western Kentucky University
Student Government Association
President Jay Todd Richey
Executive Vice President Nolan Miles
Administrative Vice President Liz Koehler
Chief of Staff James Line
Director of Public Relations Sawyer Coffey
Director of Academic and Student Affairs Barrett Greenwell
Director of Information Technology Rachel Keightley
Speaker of the Student Senate Paige Settles
Richey calls the meeting to order.
Richey discusses a 30-second It’s On Us video at a football game, a basketball game, and a
tabling event for MyCampusToo.
Koehler discusses funding for the video and tabling.
Sawyer discusses a 1-minute video for the 50th anniversary of SGA and employing Kyle Parks as
the videographer.
Koehler says it’s probable that SGA can pay Kyle Parks to make the video.
Line discusses MyCampusToo and potentially funding an airplane ticket for Johana Lopez, a
guest speaker for a leadership seminar directed at Latino students, recommends it be voted on at
the next executive cabinet meeting if the Senate approves MyCampusToo.
Line and Richey clarify the MyCampusToo task force idea, saying it will be the Cultural and
Diversity Affairs Committee renamed.
Settes motions to adjourn, Richey seconds. The meeting is adjourned.