Age of Jackson Study Guide Name______________________ Seneca Falls Convention

Age of Jackson Study Guide
1. The Women’s Rights’ movement first began Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 with the idea of getting
more rights for women in voting, participation in government, ownership of property, and jobs.
2. John Q. Adams appointed Henry Clay as his Secretary of State after the election of 1824.
3. Andrew Jackson’s group of advisers were known as the Kitchen Cabinet.
4. Who was known as Tippecanoe after his defeat of the Native Americans there? William Henry
5. The Panic of 1837 led to a depression.
6. The Nullification Crisis was triggered by strong opposition to the Tariff of Abominations.
7. What group was most hurt by Jackson's removal policy? Native Americans
8. What was the “Corrupt Bargain” during the Election of 1824? Jackson won both the popular and
electoral votes but not by a 51% majority as needed. The vote went to the House and because
Clay was the 4th person, he was no longer in the race. It is said that Clay, Speaker of the House,
made a deal with John Quincy Adams. The deal was if Adams got elected, he would make Clay
his Secretary of State.
9. What political party was later known as the Whig party? National Republican
10. What type of people did Andrew Jackson appeal to? Common people,
11. A private meeting is called a caucus .
12. Secede means to withdraw from the Union.
13. Pet Banks were referred to as state banks that federal money was put into because Andrew Jackson
didn’t want all of the federal money in one National Bank.
14. The practice of giving jobs to loyal supporters is spoils system.
15. What means the right to vote? suffrage
16. Who was the first Vice-president to take over the office of President with out being elected? John Tyler
17. The election of 1824 was known as a corrupt bargain.
18. An abomination is something that is hated.
19. “Our Federal Union---it must be preserved” was said by President Andrew Jackson.
20. The Panic of 1837 occurred during the presidency of Martin van Buren.
21. The Tariff of 1828 was liked by Western farmers and Northern manufacturers.
22. To nullify is to cancel.
23. President Andrew Jackson gave government jobs to people who supported him.
24. Why did three times as many people vote in the presidential election of 1828 as voted in 1824? Voting
laws had been changed in most states to give all white men the right to vote.
25. Some people refer to the national government as the federal government.
26. Who has the sole power of impeachment? House of Representatives
27. Each member of the House of Representatives is elected for a term of how many years? 2 years
28. What are the “enumerated” powers of the federal government? Declare war, coin money, regulate
interstate and foreign commerce, patents and copyrights
29. What are the qualifications for holding the office for a Senator? 30 years old, US citizen for 9 years,
and a resident of the state elected
30. Who brought tobacco to Jamestown? John Rolfe
31. What was the lawmaking body of Virginia called? House of Burgesses
32. What were the laws passed by England to limit America’s trade and to help them make more money?
Navigation Laws
33. A system set up in which the colonies sole purpose was to make money for England was called
34. What did the Proclamation of 1763 do? Forbade colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mts.
35. The writers built safeguards into the Constitution so one branch could not dominate the others. This is
called checks and balance system.
36. The compromise between the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia plan was called the Great Compromise
37. John Locke believed that people had a natural right to life, liberty, and property.
38. Both the federal and state government have the powers to tax.
39. People who favored the Constitution were called Federalists.
40. Favored by most large-states delegates; representation would be based on population –Virginia Plan
41. What was the solution for counting enslaved persons towards representation in the states? 3/5ths
42. What act increased the time required to become a citizen of the U.S. from 5 to 14 yrs.? Naturalization
43. Which amendment ended slavery? 13th
44. Which amendment gave women the right to vote? 19th
45. Which amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18? 26th
46. What was the tax on imports citizens had to pay? tariff
47. What treaty allowed American ships to use the lower Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans?
Pinckney’s Treaty