Think ‘bout it: What do the words: Corrupt and

Think ‘bout it: What do the words: Corrupt and
Bargain mean.
Today, I will be able to explain the results of the
1824 Election and the “Corrupt Bargain.” I will
also be able to explain why J.Q. Adams was an
unpopular President.
To receive any credit for 11.1 /11.3 I must see it
before the end of Monday.
Make sure you took your quiz 11.3-4.
Jackson – war hero of 1812 and Indian fighter (helped
the U.S. acquire Florida), West
John Q. Adams – Sec. of State under Monroe, true
author of the “Monroe Doctrine;” helped to cover
Jackson’s rogue military endeavors (Florida)., North
Henry Clay– Speaker of the H.O.R., author of the
Missouri Compromise regarding slavery (**you’ll learn
this in a week or two**), West
William Crawford – Sec. of the Treasury, from the
No one received a majority of the Electoral votes; even
though Jackson had the most electoral and popular votes he
doesn’t become President.
Top 3 Candidates are passed to the H.O.R. for a vote
(Crawford has a stroke), so it’s between Jackson and Adams
Clay doesn’t like Jackson’s leadership style (dictator) and
helps Adams win.
Adams appoints Clay to Sec. of State.
"The Corrupt Bargain"
By the 1830s, most states have dropped their
landowning requirements for voters.
Results: More “common” white people can vote.
Prior to 1828, no more than 28% of people could
vote. By 1828, that number rose to 58. By 1840, the
turnout was nearly 80%. Is this good or bad, why?
Drawback: More restrictions are being placed on
free black voters, in a lot of cases they are losing
the right to vote in national elections. Also,
women, Natives, and many others still aren’t
allowed to vote 
Whigs: Wanted more federal involvement
with the economy (wealthier ppl, business
owners, southern planters, former Federalists)
Democrats: Frontier farmers, factory workers,
and those that are against large government.
Old way, Caucus: Think of a few wealthy
powerful men making decisions in a cloudy
cigar-smoke filled room. “King makers”
New way, National Convention: Delegates
from all states chose the party’s nominee for
President. Nat’l Conventions are still held