Unit B: Diversity of Living Things

Unit B: Diversity of Living Things
Chapter 2: Diversity: From Simple to Complex
The Kingdom of Bacteria, Archaea, and Protista are all comprised of
unicellular organisms.
Specific Expectations:
In the chapter you will learn how to …
B1.2: analyze the impact that climate change might have on the diversity of living things.
B2.1: Use appropriate terminology related to biodiversity. (2.2)
B2.3: use proper sampling techniques to collect organisms from an ecosystem and
classify the organisms according to the principles of taxonomy (2.4)
B3.2: Compare and contrast the structure and function of different types of prokaryotes,
eukaryotes, and viruses. (2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
B3.3: describe unifying and distinguishing anatomical and physiological characteristics
of representative organisms. (2.2, 2.4)
B3.4: explain key structural and functional changes in organisms as they have evolved
over time. (2.1, 2.3)
2.1: A Microscopic Look at Life’s Organization
pg. 52 - 58
Key Terms: Virus, capsid, replication, lytic cycle, lysogenic cycle, and prion.
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Classifying Viruses
Reproduction in Viruses
Learning Check:
pg. 55
Viruses and Disease
Patterns of Disease
Prions: Non – viral Disease-causing Agents
Viruses and Biotechnology
Review Questions:
Activity 2.1: Comparing Prion Diseases
1 – 15
pg. 58
pg. 57
Thought Lab 2 – A: Measles Immunization
Study Guide: Self Assessment
Viruses and Prions Cause Diseases
In Plants and Animals (2.1)
pg. 79
1 – 14
SG. 18 – 19
SG. 20
pg. 59 – 66
2.2: Comparing Bacteria and Archaea
Key Terms: Bacterium. Archaeon, coccus, bacillus, mathanogenesis, extremophile,
binary fission, conjugation, endospore, and Gram stain.
Comparing Morphology
Aggregations: Cells Grouped Together
Comparing Nutrition
Comparing Habitats
Learning Check:
7 – 12
pg. 62
Comparing Reproduction
Conjugation: New Genetic Content
Plasmids: Small Loops of DNA
Endospores: Protecting Genetic Material
Classifying and Identifying Bacteria and Archaea
Bacteria and Human Health
Bacteria and the Environment
Archaea and Biotechnology
Review Questions:
Activity 2.2: Classifying Baacteria
1 – 12
pg. 66
pg. 64
Study Guide: Comparing Two Domains: Archaea
And Bacteria (2.2)
Importance of Bacteria and Archaea 1 – 6
SG. 21
SG. 22 – 23
2.3: Eukaryotic Evolution and Diversity
pg. 67 - 71
Key Terms: endosymbiosis, endosymbiont, and host cell.
Chloroplasts and Mitochondria
Learning Check:
13 – 18
pg. 69
1 – 13
pg. 71
SG. 24
SG. 25 – 26
Life Cycles and Reproduction
Review Questions:
Study Guide: Evolution of the Eukaryotic Cell
Eukaryotes: Life Cycles and
Reproduction (2.3)
2.4: Protists: The Unicellular Eukaryotes
pg. 72 - 78
Key Terms: protest, parasite, pseudopod, cilium, flagellum, and red tide.
Characteristics of Protists
Animal-like Protists
The Cercozoans: Phylum Cercozoa
The Ciliates: Phylum Cillophora
Flagellates: Phylum Zoomastigina
The Sporozoans: Phylum Sporozoa
Fungus-like Protists
Learning Check:
19 – 24
pg. 76
1 – 13
pg. 78
Plant-like Protists
Diatoms: Phylum Chrysophyta
Dinoflagellates: Phylum Pyrrophyta
Review Questions:
Activity 2.3: Slime Moulds: Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment
Inquiry Inv. 2 – B: Sampling Pond Organisms
Study Guide: Kingdom Protista (2.4)
pg. 80 – 81
Bringing It All Together
Practice Test
SG. 27 – 28
SG. 29
1 – 14
SG. 30 - 31