Name:___________________________ Date:_______ Review Sheet (Unit 1)

Review Sheet (Unit 1)
Due: On day of Test
Identify/Define: 2 points each
1. Autocracy
2. Oligarchy
3. Democracy
4. Theocracy
5. nomad
6. Neolithic Revolution
7. egalitarian
8. Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
9. Nile River
10. Indus River
11. Yellow River
12. Hammurabi Law Code
13. Patriarchy
14. Monotheism
15. Polytheism
16. Cuneiform
17. hieroglyphics
18. Ziggurat
19. Pyramids
20. pharaoh
21. Divine Right
22. Polis
23. Athens
24. Sparta
25. Alexander the Great
26. Hellenistic Period
27. Republic
28. Aqueduct
29. Colloseum
30. Silk Road
31. Octavian/Augustus
32. Constantine
33. Oracle (Dephi)
34. Punic Wars
35. Pax Romana
Short Answer: 5 points each
Provide responses to the following questions. Responses must be written in COMPLETE SENTENCES
and in paragraph form unless otherwise noted.
1. List and describe 4 changes that occurred in human society as a result of the Neolithic Revolution.
(refer to your before/after chart for help)
2. Identify and briefly describe the 4 earliest River Valley Civilizations.
3. Describe the geography of Greece and discuss the role that geography played in keeping Greece from
4. Compare and contrast Athens and Sparta.
5. List 3 famous Greek philosophers.
6. Describe the religion on ancient Greece and Rome.
7. Describe the geography of Italy/Rome.
8. Describe the structure of government under the Roman Republic.
9. Briefly describe the tactics used by the Romans to build their empire.
10. Analyze the factors that will eventually contribute to the fall of the Roman Empire.
Possible Essay Questions:
# 2 and 7 from Short Answer section (impact of geography on development of Greece and Rome)
# 4 from Short Answer Section