The pH Scale

The pH Scale
pH is a measure of how _______________________ a solution is. The pH scale is a numerical
scale of all the possible numerical values of pH from 0-14.
A solution with a pH of 7 is considered ________, like water. (Neither acidic nor basic)
Above 7: _______
Below 7:________
The pH scale is a logarithmic scale, meaning, that every change of one unit changes the value by 10. At
both extreme ends of the scale substances are very corrosive.
You know that acids form __________ when placed in water. It is the amount of these
ions that determines a solutions pH. The H in pH stands for H+ ions!
The more H+ ions, the ____________ the acid and the ___________ the pH value
The less H+ ions, the ___________the acid and the closer to neutral (7) the solution is.
The scale also measures how basic a substance is, we know bases form __________
when placed in water
The more OH- ions, the ___________ the base and the___________ the pH value
(closer to 14)
The less OH- ions, the _________ the base and the closer to neutral the solution is.
pH= 7 is considered neutral because the H+ and OH- ion amounts are equal. What does
H+ and OH- form?__________
Adding an acid to a base together will create water which is neutral! These reactions are
called neutralization reactions.
Acid + Base --> Salt + Water
- ___________________________ reaction
NaOH + HCl --> NaCl + H2O