International Research Journal of Plant Science (ISSN: 2141-5447) Vol. 2(7) pp. 209-214, July, 2011 Available online Copyright © 2011 International Research Journals Full length Research Paper Effect of N levels and sowing methods on the growth and yield of swiss chard cv. kalam selection Ijaz Ali1 and Asghar Ali2 1 Scientific Officer, Land Resources research Institute (LRRI), National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Park Road, Islamabad-45500, Pakistan 2 Agriculture Officer, Agriculture Extension, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. Accepted 21 March, 2011 Effect of sowing methods and N applications on growth and yield of Swiss chard cv. Kalam selection was studied. Three sowing methods (plain sowing, single side ridge sowing and double side ridge sowing) and six N levels (0, 20, 50, 80, 110, and 140 kg N ha-1) were included. Both different N levels and sowing methods expressed no effect in number of days taken to germination but negative effect of N was observed in the case of number of days taken to edible maturity and a shorter period for edible maturity was recorded in plain sowing. Leaf fresh yield and growth vigor like plant height, number of leaves per plant and leaf area were significantly affected by N levels and sowing methods while seed yield was only significantly affected by N levels. Leaf fresh yield and growth vigor per plant was highest in single side ridge sowing but due to more number of plants in the double side ridge sowing resulted in high total fresh and seed yield. The results revealed that Swiss chard should be grown on double side ridge with sufficient amount of N to obtain a higher fresh yield. INTRODUCTION Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. circla mog) is a member of the chenopodiaceae (goosefoot or pigweed) family. It is also known as leaf beet, seakale beet, silver beet, spinach beet, or simply chard. Chard is very old vegetable that originated in the Mediterranean basin. The ancient Greeks (350 B.C.) recognized the red chard, the white (call sicula), and the black (so named for its intense green color). The wild forms grow on the Canary Islands. It is a foliage beet, which has been developed for its large fleshy leafstalks and broad crispy leaf blades. Like the beet, chard is herbaceous biennial, botanically very similar to the table beet except that it does not form an enlarged hypocotyle. The plant develops a compressed cluster of stalks similar to celery, forming distinctive enlarged petioles with heavily savoyed leaves. The leaves are prepared for the table like spinach, while the leafstalks and midribs are often used and served like asparagus. It is a unique specie valued both for its cooked greens and its cooked petioles, but is primarily grown in home gardens rather than commercially in North America (Nonnecke, 1989). Chard is a very important crop from *Corresponding author Email: nutritional point of view. Platt (1962) reported that hundred grams of Swiss chard contains water (92 mL), energy level (21 cal), protein (2 g), fat (0.2 g), carbohydrates (3 g), fiber (0.4 g), calcium (132 mg), phosphorus (34 g), iron (0.7 mg), carotene equivalent (600 mg), thiamine (0.08 mg), riboflavin (0.2 mg), niacin (0.5 mg), and ascorbic acid (50 mg). Swiss chard is grown throughout all gardening areas of the United States and Canada and can be easily adapted in our sub-tropical conditions because it is one of the best potherbs for summer use and withstands hot weather by no bolting. It does not respond to high temperature, which causes bolting in beet, spinach and lettuce. However, the temperature requirements for germination are similar to those for red beets and spinach. The pH requirements are towards neutral (pH 6.5-7.5). Due to the large leaf surface, chard should be provided with supplementary water between periods of rainfall to prevent serious water stress. Chard has not yet achieved the status of large scale commercial production aimed at maximum yield and quality. And that is why it is difficult to generalize fertilizer recommendations and cultural practices like sowing, watering hoeing etc. for it. For the time being due to the 210 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. The data on days to germination, days to edible maturity, leaf area (cm2), number of leaves per plant, plant height (cm), leaf fresh yield (ton ha-1) and seed yield (kg ha-1) were collected and statistically analyzed using ANOVA model through computer software MSTATC for each observation. Mean values of parameters were separated according to least significant difference (LSD) test. interaction was non-significant. Days taken to edible maturity has also shown a strong negative correlation (Table-2) with leaf area (-0.90), number of leaves/plant (0.97), plant height (-0.98), fresh yield (-0.75) and seed yield (-0.37). These observations were strongly supported by Tripathi et al. (1992) who reported a negative correlation between days to maturity and other traits. The data in Table-3 revealed that maximum number of days (85) taken to edible maturity were recorded at control (0 kg N ha-1), which was statistically similar to 20 kg N ha-1 while minimum number of days taken to edible maturity was observed at highest N level (140kg N ha-1). Since the maturity of leafy vegetables only accounts for the vegetative growth and nitrogen, which is an essential part of chlorophyll, protein and many enzymes take active part in vegetative production of the plant; therefore, at higher N levels early maturity was recorded. Similar results were found by Zia-ur-Rehman (1999) in the study of nitrogen effect on salad vegetable lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Plants grown on double side ridge sowing took maximum number of days (80) to edible maturity, which was statistically similar to plain sowing and minimum number of days were recorded for single side ridge sowing (Table-3). Early plant maturity in the single side ridge sowing might be because that the ridge sowing provides better environment for root growth, nutrient uptake and moisture availability as compared to plain sowing. Plants sown on double side ridge matured late because of more number of plants, which were applied with the same amount of N as single side ridge and where the nitrogen demand of plants were not met adequately as in case of single side ridge sowing. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Leaf area Days to germination Table-1 indicated that the N levels, sowing methods and their interaction had a significant effect on leaf area (cm2). Coefficient of correlation “r” values (Table-2) indicated a strong positive relation for leaf area with number of leaves per plant (0.93), plant height (0.95), fresh yield (0.72) and seed yield (0.41). The results presented in Table-3 showed broader leaves on plants provided with 140 kg N ha-1 (282.12 cm2) while minimum leaf area was found at control. These results are in agreement with Dorobantu et al. (1989) who reported an increase in leaf area of potato with increase in N levels. Plants sown on single side ridge possessed maximum leaf area (258.55 2 cm ) and plants on double side ridge got minimum leaf area. The interaction of N levels and sowing methods showed that the highest leaf area was observed when the -1 plant received 140 kg N ha and sown on single side ridge; however, it was statistically similar to leaf area obtained with 110 kg N ha-1 and single side ridge sowing. The higher N supply showed maximum leaf area because of higher N availability while close resemblance of chard with table beets and spinach, its fertilizer requirements and other cultural practices would be assumed similar to them. The main objective of this project was to see the effect of different fertilizers and sowing methods on growth and yield of Swiss chard. MATERIAL AND METHODS Experimental trial was conducted during 2005 and 2006 at the farmer field in the village of Mundoori, Kohat District. The experiment was laid out in two factorial RCB design, replicated four times. A plot size of 3m x 6m was used. All agronomic practices of the locality for vegetable like spinach were followed. -1 A uniform fertilizer dose of 60 kg ha of P2O5 (triple supper -1 phosphate), 30 kg ha of K2O (potassium sulfate) and all the N levels (urea) were applied at the time of sowing by banding method. Different sowing methods were kept in main plot and various N levels in subplots. N levels and sowing methods were as follows: Nitrogen levels N0 : Control N2 : 50 kg N ha-1 N4 : 110 kg N ha-1 Sowing methods S1 : Plain S3 : Double side ridge -1 N1 : 20 kg N ha N3 : 80 kg N ha-1 N5 : 140 kg N ha-1 S2 : Single side ridge Data regarding number of days taken to germination as influenced by different levels of N and sowing methods showed that the number of days taken to germination was not affected either by N levels or sowing methods. The germination of the crop took 9 days irrespective of N levels and sowing methods in each treatment. It might be due to the food reserved in seeds for germination and the seeds do not absorb nutrients from soil. Similar results were found by Zia-ur-Rehman (1999) while studying the response of lettuce to various levels of nitrogen on days taken to germination. Days to edible maturity Results of analysis of variance (Table-1) revealed that all the N levels and sowing methods had significantly affected days taken to edible maturity. However, their Ali and Ali 211 Table-1. Results of analysis of variance for various traits at different N levels and sowing methods. Source variance Replication N level (N) Sowing Method (S) Interaction (NXS) Error of 3 5 F-value Days to edible maturity 0.28 98.75** 2 0.60 957.23** Number of leaves per plant 0.48 117.18** Plant height (cm) 0.31 213.03** Fresh yield -1 (ton ha ) 0.16 568.55** 0.31 3.68** 9.95** 498.89** 12.52** 33.51** 248.75** 2.20 10 0.12 21.91** 0.23 1.34** 1.39 0.28 51 -- -- -- -- -- -- d. f. Leaf area (cm 2) Seed yield (kg ha-1) **Significant at 1% level of probability. Table 2. Coefficient of correlation values (r) among different traits. S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Traits Days to edible maturity Leaf area (cm2) Number of leaves per plant Plant height (cm) Fresh yield (ton ha-1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Days to edible maturity Leaf area (cm 2) Number of leaves per plant Plant height (cm) Fresh yield (ton ha-1) Seed yield (kg ha-1) -- -0.90** -0.97** -0.98** -0.75** -0.37** -- -- 0.93** 0.95** 0.72** 0.41** -- -- -- 0.98** 0.78** 0.37** -- -- -- -- 0.77** 0.33** -- -- -- -- -- 0.57** **Significant at 1% level of probability. maximum leaf area at single ridge sowing might be due to the better environment for root growth, nutrient uptake and moisture availability as compared to plain sowing. The same amount of nitrogen was more adequate because of less number of plants as compared to double side ridge sowing. Number of leaves per plant It has been observed that N levels and sowing methods had significantly affected number of leaves per plant whereas their interaction was non-significant (Table-1). A positive correlation for number of leaves per plant with plant height (0.98), fresh yield (0.78) and seed yield (0.37) was observed (Table-2). The data in Table-3 revealed that more number of leaves per plant was produced with the application of higher N level (140 kg N ha-1). Maximum number of leaves might be due to regular supply of N which enhanced vegetative growth, while deficiency of N resulted in poor growth. Similar results were found by Vas and Riemond (1992) who observed that nitrogen promoted total number of leaves in potato. More number of leaves per plant was observed in plants sown on single side ridge which was followed by plain and double ridge sowing (Table-3). These differences might be due to providing better environment for root growth, nutrient uptake moisture availability and space by ridge sowing as compared to plain sowing. While comparing ridge sowings, competition for nutrients was more on double side ridge sowing because of more number of plants as compared to single side ridge 212 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. Table-3. Mean values for various traits as affected by different N levels and sowing methods in Swiss chard. Treatments Days to edible maturity Leaf area 2 (cm ) Nitrogen (N) levels N0 (Control) 84.92a 182.77f N1 (20 kg N ha-1) 83.33a 204.27e N2 (50 kg N ha-1) 80.75b 227.33d -1 N3 (80 kg N ha ) 77.42c 254.34c -1 N4 (110 kg N ha ) 74.25d 269.77b -1 N5 (140 kg N ha ) 70.33e 282.12a LSD value 1.59 3.56 Sowing methods (S) S1 (plain sowing) 78.42b 231.88b S2 (single side ridge) 77.29b 258.55a S3 (double side ridge) 79.79a 219.88c LSD value 1.13 2.52 Nitrogen levels (N) X Sowing methods (S) N0 x S1 84.75 183.31i N0 x S2 84.00 184.31hi N0 x S3 86.00 180.70i N1 x S1 83.5 197.38hi N1 x S2 82.00 224.86fg N1 x S3 84.50 190.56hi N2 x S1 80.75 225.24fg N2 x S2 79.75 249.27cde N2 x S3 81.75 207.48gh N3 x S1 77.25 249.48cde N3 x S2 76.50 285.60ab N3 x S3 78.50 227.93efg N4 x S1 74.00 263.35bcd N4 x S2 72.75 300.13a N4 x S3 76.00 245.84def N5 x S1 70.25 272.49bc N5 x S2 68.75 307.09a N5 x S3 72.00 266.77bcd LSD value NS 8.20 Number of leaves per plant Plant height (cm) Fresh yield -1 (ton ha ) Seed yield -1 (kg ha ) 11.40f 12.95e 15.22d 17.19c 19.45b 21.91a 1.04 21.58f 24.12e 28.27d 32.28c 37.49b 41.59a 1.52 30.57f 39.78e 46.98d 54.72c 60.44b 66.13a 0.95 312.50c 336.89bc 354.17abc 371.76ab 393.98a 401.85a 27.31 16.23b 17.32a 15.51c 0.73 31.05b 33.01a 28.60c 1.07 44.50c 48.19b 56.63a 0.67 340.52 375.39 369.69 NS 11.34 11.81 11.04 12.84 13.83 12.18 15.13 15.98 14.55 17.03 18.38 16.16 19.30 20.68 18.36 21.74 23.22 20.76 NS 21.55j 22.35ij 20.85j 24.15ij 25.35i 22.85ij 28.98gh 30.32fg 25.50hi 32.00fg 35.32def 29.50g 37.50cde 40.50bc 34.45ef 42.12ab 44.20a 38.45cd 3.50 26.11 30.04 35.56 35.13 37.96 46.28 42.33 44.22 54.37 49.48 52.39 62.33 54.63 59.39 67.33 59.37 65.11 73.87 NS 312.96 323.15 301.39 317.13 339.35 354.17 342.59 365.74 354.17 344.91 387.96 382.41 369.44 420.37 392.13 356.02 415.74 433.80 NS Note: Means followed by different alphabets within each column differ significantly at 1% level of probability. NS: Non-significant. sowing. Plant height N levels, sowing methods and their interaction had significant effect on plant height (Table-1). Plant height had a positive correlation (Table-2) with fresh yield (0.77) and seed yield (0.33). Data in Table-3 indicated that the -1 application of highest N dose (140 kg N ha ) produced taller plants of 41.59 cm. These results are in agreement with Khan and Suryanarayana (1978) and Aman et al. (2002) who reported that 100-150 kg N ha-1 produced the taller plants. Taller plants were produced in plots where plants were sown on single side ridges followed by plain and double side ridge sowings. The combined effect of N levels and sowing methods showed that the tallest plants were observed at 140 kg N ha-1 and on single side ridges while the shortest plants were recorded in control plots and when planted on double side ridges. Maximum plant height at higher N levels and single side ridge sowing might be due to more nitrogen availability and less competition for nutrients on single side ridges due to less number of plants as compared to double side ridge sowing; while comparing with plane sowing, ridge sowing provides better environment for root growth, moisture availability and sunlight capturing. Fresh yield -1 Fresh yield (ton ha ) showed significant differences due to different N levels and sowing methods; however their Ali and Ali 213 interaction was non significant (Table-1). The coefficient of correlation “r” values (Table-2) showed a positive correlation with seed yield (0.57). Data regarding fresh yield (Table-3) revealed that highest level of N (140 kg N ha-1) produced maximum fresh yield of 66.13 ton ha-1 while lowest fresh yield (30.57 ton ha-1) was observed in control plots. The increase in yield may be due to high availability of nitrogen. At lower doses the nutrient was not available to plants in sufficient quantities that suppressed the growth. The same findings regarding fresh yield as influenced by N levels have been obtained by Mrkovic et al. (1988) who reported that spinach yield increased with increasing N level up to 150 kg N ha-1. Same trend of increase in yield of different leafy vegetables was observed by Weier and Scharrpf (1989), Boon et al. (1986) and Sharma and Kansal (1984). -1 Highest fresh yield ha was recorded on double side ridges followed by single side ridge and plain sowings (Table-3). The yield per plot was higher for double side ridges because of more number of plants; the yield ha-1 was also increased as compared to single side ridge sowing, while as compared to plain sowing, ridge sowing provided conditions suitable to root growth and moisture conservation along with suitable friendly environment for other agricultural practices like hoeing, watering etc. Seed yield Seed yield (kg ha-1) was significantly affected by different levels of N but not by the sowing methods and their interaction with N levels (Table-1). Similarly, coefficient of correlation values (r) indicated a positive correlation of seed yield with all other traits except days taken to edible maturity, which was negatively correlated to all traits (Table-2). The data presented in Table-3 showed that maximum seed yield (401.85 kg ha-1) was observed at 140 kg N ha-1, which was statistically similar to the seed -1 yield recorded at110 kg N ha . The lowest seed yield was observed in control plots. Higher seed yield at highest N level might be due to nitrogen availability, which regularizes other nutrients like phosphorus and potassium, and plays a significant role in vegetative growth and seed production. The seed yield recorded at -1 maximum N level (140 kg N ha ) was much lower than -1 the seed yield (600 kg ha ) observed by Khan and Mirsa (1998) in India. The lower yield was probably due to the bad weather conditions experienced in the last days of growth stage and also may be due to the fact that much of the nitrogen effects may exhaust during repeated harvest of leaves from the plants. The effect of sowing methods on seed yield was nonsignificant (Table-3). This non-significant effect of sowing methods on seed yield might be probably due to the fact that much of the nitrogen effect might have exhausted during the repeated pickings of leaves from the plants. However, maximum seed yield was observed on single side ridges followed by double side ridge and plain sowing. These differences might be due to the fact that ridge sowing provided good conditions for plant growth as compared to plain sowing and double side ridges, though had more number of plants per unit area as compared to the single side ridges. But these plants were weaker and thus resulted in the less seed yield. CONCLUSION The results of this study revealed that nitrogen was found as high influencing factor for increasing fresh yield and other growth factors. Nitrogen at the rate of 140 kg N ha-1 applied as sole dose at sowing time resulted in significant higher fresh yield, seed yield and growth factors of Swiss chard as compared to the other lower levels of nitrogen. Whereas in the sowing methods, double side ridge sowing was found the most suitable sowing method for higher fresh yield because more number of plants can be grown on double side ridge sowing as compared to single side ridge and plain sowings. REFERENCES Aman F, Ishtiaq M, Wadan HD, Shah M (2002). 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