BARREN COUNTY SCHOOLS SCHOOL-BASED DECISION MAKING FUNCTIONAL SCHOOL OPERATIONAL POLICIES District: Barren School: Red Cross Elementary Policy Type: Function Policy Number: 9.01 POLICY TOPIC DESCRIPTION Comprehensive School Improvement Plan POLICY STATEMENT The Red Cross Elementary School SBDM Council will assign The Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) development to a committee consisting of the principal, assistant principal, parent, teachers, and curriculum resource teacher. The committees’ responsibilities will deal with the issues of student achievement and best instructional practices for our students. The CSIP is an ongoing plan with revisions being made at least annually. The use of all assessment data, state and national standards and committee input will determine the most appropriate instructional practices. An Implementation and Impact Check will be done by the committee bi-monthly. In the spring a committee will do a complete review/revision of the plan that will determine revisions for the next school year. DATE ADOPTED__________________ SIGNATURE___________________________ (COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON)