BARREN COUNTY SCHOOLS SCHOOL-BASED DECISION MAKING FUNCTIONAL SCHOOL OPERATIONAL POLICIES District: Barren School: Red Cross Elementary Policy Type: Function Policy Number: 8.51 POLICY TOPIC DESCRIPTION Policy for Elementary Scheduling POLICY STATEMENT The school schedule should accomplish the following: • Provide quality teaching and learning time, with a minimum of six hours and ten minutes of instruction each day. • Provide varying learning time so that students are provided with as much time as they need to master content and skills. • Create a school climate that provides common planning time for teaching teams, promotes equity, and supports varied instructional methods. Our school council will implement literary block scheduling to reduce instructional fragmentation, improve discipline, and provide regularly schedules, yet flexible, opportunities for extended learning enrichment (Candy 1988, 1990; Canady and Reina 1993). DATE ADOPTED__________________ SIGNATURE___________________________ (COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON)