Ch 16-The Civil Rights Movement- Sec 1 The Movement Begins

Ch 16-The Civil Rights Movement- Sec 1 The Movement Begins
Segregation : The World of Jim Crow 1877-1960’s-Many states passed _________________
The laws required separation of blacks and whites in schools, parks, public buildings,
hospitals, and transportation systems, Whites and Blacks could not use the same public
facilities ( Separate but Equal)
African American Facilities were always inferior ( Plessy V Fergerson 1896)
In the South de jure segregation was practiced because of the Jim Crow laws (The Law)
In the North _____________________ segregation was practiced, the not posted or
unannounced separation of races ( The Fact)
Public Areas, schools, housing, and employment were effectively segregated
In 1942 Civil Rights leader James Farmer founded the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) to
confront segregation in the North, First Sit In was used in Chicago, and boycotts
NAACP’s Legal Strategy -The NAACP focused on the inequalities between the black/white
schools, Under lawyer Thurgood Marshall the NAACP would win 29 out of 32 cases
Brown V. Board of Education -The father of 8 yr old Linda Brown challenged the idea of his
daughter traveling 21 blocks to school in Topeka, Kansas
Under Chief Justice Earl ____________ the court unanimously struck down school segregation
Montgomery Bus Boycott 1956 -In December 1st, 1955 Seamstress and NAACP officer Rosa
Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus home
The Montgomery Improvement Association suggested a boycott and a young 26 yr. old
Minister ___________________________________was elected leader
Crisis in Little Rock 1957 -In September Gov. Orval Faubus of Arkansas ordered the AK
National Guard to turn away nine African American students trying to attend Little Rock’s
Central High school
IKE called out the 101st Airborne in support of the Federal Court Order (Troop escort)
Civil Rights Act of 1957 gave the Attorney General power over school desegregation
Dr. King and the SCLC- In 1957 King joined with Baptist Ministers and Civil Rights leaders in
forming the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Ch 16 Sec 2-Challenging Segregation: Sit-ins
In April 1960 Baker helped students at Shaw University organize The
___________________________________________________ (SNCC) -Student Activism would
be essential
In February 1960 a ___________________________________ was held at the White Only
lunch counter at Woolworth’s in Greensboro, NC
The Freedom Riders
In 1961 CORE members black and white began riding interstate buses to test the courts’
decision to end segregation on buses and public places
________________________________________ were attacked and beaten by white mobs in
Birmingham and Anniston, AL
The Movement at High Tide -Birmingham, Alabama -In April 12, 1963 Dr. MLK was arrested
He wrote “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”
On May 2nd, 2,000 children marched, Chief Bull Conner arrested 959 of them
On May 3rd, Police Dogs, high pressure hoses, and clubs were used (National TV Audience)
JFK sent a Civil Rights Bill to Congress
The March on Washington -To encourage the Congress to pass JFK’s Civil Rights .On August
28th, 1963 more than 250,000 people including 75,000 whites assembled on the national mall All listened to many speaker including Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream!”
-On July 2nd, 1964 LBJ signed the _______________________________________ which
prohibited discrimination because of race, religion, national origin, and gender
The Selma Campaign-In 1965 SNCC organized a voting campaign in Selma, Alabama
On March 7th, 1965 , 600 protestors began the march from Selma to Montgomery, AL
Police swung pipes, clubs and used tear-gas –“Bloody Sunday”
On March 21, 3,000 members led by MLK with Federal Protection marched, The numbers grew
to 25,000 marchers
The ________________________________________________ of 1965 -The act eliminated
literacy tests, allowed federal officials to register voters
Ch 16 Sec 3- New Civil Rights Issues-Violence Erupts in the cities of the North
Centuries of de _______________________ segregation had produced social and economic
inequalities ( Racism)
Slums, high unemployment, poor schools all contributed to desperation, Aggressive Police was
a point of contention
In July 1964, a race riot erupted in Harlem after a 15 year old black student was killed
On Aug. 11th, 1965 the worst riot erupted in _________________________, Los Angeles
The Kerner Commission -People suffered in the cities from heightened expectations from the
civil rights movement and LBJ’s promises in the Great Society that were not realized
“White______________________________” created an explosive mixture of poverty, police
brutality, and the commission recommended extensive public housing, integrated schools, 2
million new jobs, and a national system of income supplementation
Black Power -In June 1966 march it had become evident to MLK that CORE and SNCC had
become militant “We shall overrun!”,Stokely Carmichael of SNCC preached the slogan
“__________________________________________r” the battle cry for militant civil rights
Malcolm Little joined The Nation of Islam when he was in prison converted and changed his
name to ___________________________________________________
The Black Panthers
In October 1966, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the political party the
It advocated self-sufficiency, full employment opportunities, decent housing and no military
service due to the unfair numbers being drafted and killed in Vietnam
King, the War and the Assassination
On April 3rd, 1968 DR. MLK addressed a crowd in Memphis, He was assassinated
one day later by James Earl Ray on his hotel balcony.
Reaction to King’s Death
Over 100 cities exploded in flames
Baltimore, Chicago, KC, and Washington were the worst
After King’s death the Civil Rights Movement lacked the unity of purpose and vision.