Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for Bishop Francis Allen School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students indicating that they
feel accepted by students in the school, as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate
Survey results.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: In response to school climate survey data, a School wide Bullying Prevention program with monthly
themes that target specific strategies has been implemented. A Bullying Awareness "Stand Up" week with daily
activities focused on the Bystander was organized by the Youth Taking Action Group and CCCC Action Team. There
have been numerous presentations on Anti-bullying, Acceptance, and Inclusivity for each division. Moreover,
implementation of the Virtues Program with a focus on explicit teaching, modeling and "Gotcha" recognition
continues daily. With a focus on student voice, engagement and well being, students have been provided with the
opportunity to be involved in clubs, athletics, the arts and leadership opportunities. The Intermediate students
participated in a Boy's and Girl's Day with workshop topics on persevering through challenges, finding your
passions, and Health & Wellbeing. Annual events have included Houses Initiation, cross-grade Advent Retreat/Play
day, Christmas Sing Along, Hair Spray Jr- the Musical, ShareLife Spirit Days and Social Justice Projects. School
masses continue to be celebrated in collaboration with St. Mary's Parish Team. Implications for continuous
improvement next year will be to continue to provide varied opportunities for student voice, engagement,
mentoring and leadership.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who apply
knowledge gained through professional learning, as demonstrated in the feedback on
Catholic Board Learning Plan.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: School Wide Collaborative Inquiry Focus:"If we continue to implement Learning Goals and co-construct
Success Criteria while providing timely Descriptive Feedback, then students will better demonstrate their
understanding of Learning Goals and Success Criteria in Literacy and Numeracy." Staff have been working
extensively on promoting the collaborative inquiry model within their classrooms. More specifically, staff have
been using the three part math lessons, co- planning, co-teaching, and moderated marking. They have collaborated
with Resource teachers, Special Assignment Teachers; Student Achievement Officers and Program Consultants to
engage in effective lesson design. Implications for continuous improvement next year will be to refine our inquiry
focus on assessment "for and as learning" through various form of descriptive feedback that include observations;
exit tickets; peer and self-assessment strategies using accountable talk; and individualized goal setting. We will
continue to explicitly teach higher-order thinking within cross-curricular connections; explore video documentation
as an alternative form of assessment; and continue to implement high yield instructional strategies that support
student engagement.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for Bishop Francis Allen School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have
demonstrated improvement on the learning skills and work habits of self-regulation.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: Transitional practices include monthly in-school Team Meetings with Special Education Services staff;
consultation with ASD team and Outside agencies to support our diverse learners in programming and with
transitions; provide In-take and Case Conferences to support new students coming to school from Specialized Day
Care Programs and home; cross-panel meetings for our Grade 8 students and Secondary School staff to
recommend appropriate placements time (i.e. PIP, Career Path, Academic streams); class promotion meeting
consultation with staff. Implications for continuous improvement next year are to explore the development of
"focus student" profiles that include contact logs and successful strategies; create a formalized "Transition Guide"
for teachers engaged in the class promotion process. Continue Cross-panel inquiry in Numeracy and 21st Century
Learning strategies and technology.
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students able to articulate
strategies supporting their learning, as demonstrated in the EQAO questionnaire.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: We continue to focus on Assessment "for and as" learning through ongoing professional development
with Resource teachers, Special Assignment teachers and Student Achievement Officer; using these forms of
assessments to drive instruction. Implementing a growth mind -set with staff and students has led to greater
student confidence and engagement through observational data. Increasingly, teachers are asking effective
questions, provoking inquiry and guiding students to analyze, reflect and articulate their learning. Applying specific
Descriptive feedback, students are taking more responsibility for their learning. Implications for continuous
improvement next year include: consolidation / refinement of professional learning with all educators; building
capacity in development of co-created Learning Goals, Success Criteria and Descriptive feedback to ensure that
students engage in metacognitive strategies to extend and deepen their learning; inter-school planning/sharing to
highlight best practices and increase divergent and creative thinking; further develop conferencing strategies,
observation checklists, exit tickets and surveys.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for Bishop Francis Allen School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students improving their
EQAO achievement levels between assessment years.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/31/2015: Professional learning continues to be inquiry based and responsive to student learning needs and
strengths. Through Family POD sessions, collaboration with Special Assignment Teachers, Student Work Study
Teacher, Student Achievement Officers and Numeracy Program consultants, staff continue to design effective
lessons; engage in collaborative divisional work; use a three part teaching framework in other subject areas; and
engage learners through effective communication. Implications for continuous improvement next year are to build
capacity among grades through co-planning, co-teaching and moderated marking; attend PD workshops to further
develop differentiated instruction and technology; designate guided instruction in daily practice with "focus"
students to close gaps and encourage critical/creative thinking.
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SkoVision™ Report