Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Hilary Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
By June 2016, there will be a decrease in the proportion of students reporting that they
have been bullied, as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate Survey results.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/26/2015: In response to our safe school data, we have continued to implement strategies to decrease the
proportion of students reporting incidences of bullying. We have continued to support a positive climate and safe
school initiatives. Staff continue to have positive and constructive conversations with students on the issue of
bullying prevention. The school has accessed support of NPU officers, CYW and Social Work Services. The P.A.L.S
Program has been implemented to support school climate development. Peel Regional Police conducted
presentations to students on bullying, cyber-bullying and the importance of bystander intervention. We continued
to support opportunities for staff to connect with students in areas outside of the classroom, i.e. clubs and teams.
Students have responded well and are continuing to demonstrate more confident and positive behaviour.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have
demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of collaboration.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/26/2015: In collaboration with the Special Assignment Teacher and Student Achievement Officer from the
Ministry of Education, staff have continued to increase opportunities for our students to be engaged in Effective
Lesson Design. Learning opportunities have been provided to greatly improve students' ability to collaborate in the
co-construction of Learning Goals and Success Criteria. Students refer to co-constructed anchor charts regularly
and independently. They interact effectively with one another while engaged in problem solving activities.
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students successfully
completing their respective secondary program requirements or transitions to the
Outcome Progress Comments
5/26/2015: Staff have supported the successful transition of our students from elementary to secondary school.
Parent meetings, student visits and staff-to-staff transition meetings have all assisted our students in preparation
for Grade 9 and to ensure that secondary staff are equipped with the necessary information to support our
students within this critical transition. Transition meetings have been arranged to discuss the needs of our diverse
learners. Welcome to Kindergarten Evening has embraced parents and new JK students, along with community
groups, in an effort to transition students from home to school. Early Learning Data has been used to assist with
the needs of our students transitioning to Grade 1. Students continue to be encouraged to participate in the
following programs so that they will be better able to access the curriculum and to meet Ministry expectations:
Summer Literacy camp for Primary and Junior students; Summer School for Intermediate students; the one-week
preparatory course for students transitioning to Grade 9.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Hilary Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students able to articulate
strategies supporting their learning, as demonstrated by perceptual data survey results.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/26/2015: The Special Assignment Teacher has worked with all staff to build capacity with co-constructing
Learning Goals and Success Criteria with students. Staff have improved in the use of effective questioning and the
consistent provision of effective Descriptive Feedback. Students have been engaged in Accountable Talk regarding
the various strategies that they utilize to support their learning. Students have been more fully engaged in their
own learning and have demonstrated improvements in their ability to articulate the strategies used. Students are
using more correct Math language/terminology and have gained confidence and skills in communicating and
explaining their thinking.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students improving their EQAO
achievement level in numeracy between assessment years.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/26/2015: All staff continue to be involved in Focused Consultation and The Collaborative Inquiry Process. Our
school-wide collaborative inquiry asks the question, “If we focus on consolidating basic number sense and mental
math skills then students’ ability to deconstruct and solve multi-step math problems and communicate their
reasoning will improve.” Staff also formulated a plan to increase effective us of math manipulatives in the
classroom. As a result of teaching and practicing more strategies, students are continuing to use a greater variety
of problem solving strategies. Staff continue to be in-serviced ty the Student Achievement Office from the Ministry
of Education and the Special Assignment Teacher (SAT) on the 3 Part Math Lesson. Co-planning and co-teaching
and the effective development of student centered Learning Goals and Success Criteria continue to be supported
by the SAT. Teachers continue to be engaged in ongoing dialogue of successes, challenges and next steps and the
consolidation of their knowledge of the continuum of expectations throughout the grades to improve scaffolding
of learning. The use of technology continues to greatly enhance Math lessons and increase student engagement.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students improving their EQAO
achievement level in Reading and Writing between assessment years.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/26/2015: All Star Reading and individual and group focused Guided Reading sessions have greatly improved the
percentage of students who are reading at Benchmark. The implementation of RAZKids has also assisted students
in increasing their reading achievement. Students have been more fully engaged in the learning and have
demonstrated improvements in their ability to respond to reading comprehension questions. Intensive support of
resource teachers and the use of assistive technology have increased confidence and achievement for our diverse
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SkoVision™ Report