Catholic School Learning Plan for Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic... Annual Progress Report

Catholic School Learning Plan for Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students indicating
that they feel accepted by students in the school, as demonstrated by the CCCC School
Climate Survey results.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/12/2015: We continue to offer a variety of programs (SNAP, PALS, Friendship Club) and access human resources
(Social Worker, Child & Youth Worker, ASD Team, Behaviour Team, Peel Health, NPU officer, SMART Start, Peel
Police, Ballroom Dancing, Hula Hoop, Zumba, Yoga, Junior Achievement, Financial Literacy, Skills Canada, Author
visit, City of Brampton Fit Kids & Water Works and City of Brampton Recreation & Culture) to support a Catholic
Community, Culture & Caring as well as invite presentations re: Anti Anti-Bullying (Princess & the Frog, Saidat,
Ubuntu Anti-bullying and character development, Tales of Anansi the Spider). We continue to highlight
environmentally friendly initiatives such as the Great Lakes presentation, Big Gulp, recycling GOOS paper, No Idling,
Take back the Trash Thursdays, Walk/Wheel to school Wednesday and Flick off the Lights Friday and sustain the
enhancement of our greening and beautification projects to maintain our GOLD status by weeding our flower beds,
planting flowers and shrubs in our Peace garden, continuing to uphold our commitment to the Adopt A Park
program by cleaning it up twice a year. We continue to nurture the development of our Catholic faith by practising
and highlighting the OCSGE & Virtues at monthly assemblies, celebrating liturgies and liaising with the parish
Pastor, Fr. Vito Marziliano, to support sacramental preparation.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who will
demonstrate their independent life long learning skills through improved work habits.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/8/2015: By implementing a culture of inquiry based learning, the teachers have taken a collaborative and crosscurricular approach in working together with the Student Work Study Teacher, Special Assignment Teacher,
teacher-librarian, ELL, FSL and planning time teachers, to develop Success Criteria and personalize learning to
engage and assist students in becoming independent life-long learners. Some of these strategies include providing
students with descriptive feedback, opportunities for accountable talk and gradual release of responsibility.
Monthly staff meetings and bi-monthly divisional meetings afford teachers the opportunity to engage in
professional development and dialogue about co-planning next steps for their students and how to document their
learning. Explicit teaching of learning skills and success criteria will support students in setting goals and work
towards achieving independence through self regulation and the inquiry process.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of Grade 8 students who
are prepared for Secondary School transition through a variety of contexts and active
Outcome Progress Comments
6/8/2015: We continue to train and support students in the use of “My Blueprint”, and invite parents to attend
workshops and presentations offered by the school and board, and to visit various websites listed in our newsletter
and on our website to access assistance such as Homework Help and Math at Home. Teachers are consistently
updated and informed of the full range of pathways, options, programs and supports that are made available to
students, including the transition to secondary program, “Get Ready” and “Summer School”.
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students able to
articulate strategies supporting their learning as demonstrated by data collected from
various forms of assessments.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/8/2015: Teachers meet regularly to moderate assessments to get to know the learner, discuss data (EQAO, PM,
CASI, Focus on Five, Math Attitude survey, Safe School Climate surveys & Learning skills checklists) and ensure that
best instructional practices (Guided Reading) and common language (Accountable Talk) is being used in all
classrooms. Learning Goals, Success Criteria, Knowledge Building and Inquiry based learning are developing across
the school. Teachers have observed a noticeable increase of students who are able to articulate strategies that
help them learn more independently. Teachers also use differentiated instruction for specific learners and provide
All Star and Leveled Literacy Intervention programs to support students in achieving benchmarks.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students
demonstrating 21st century learning skills that will be evident through assessment data and
Outcome Progress Comments
6/8/2015: As we continue to create a culture of inquiry based learning, we encourage students to use technology
to explore and acquire new independent learning skills and apply them to discover and investigate their own
personal wonderings. Students are being supported by and have access to the SMART boards, computers and
assistive software. In addition, students are provided choices on how they want their learning to be presented and
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SkoVision™ Report