Rose Tree Elementary School 1101 First Ave. Media, PA 19063

Rose Tree Elementary School
1101 First Ave.
Media, PA 19063
Room 104
(610) 627- 7214
Dear New First Graders and Families,
Welcome to First Grade! My name is Mrs. Johnson and I’m very happy to have you in
my class this school year. I’m looking forward to a terrific year filled with many exciting
learning opportunities and lots of fun!
On the first day of school please bring a copy of a family picture to share with your
classmates. The picture will be hung in the classroom after we share it. Students may also
bring water in a bottle with a straw or spout that doesn’t spill or leak every day to ensure that
they remain hydrated.
Please ask your parents if you are buying or packing your lunch and if you are buying
review the menu on the school website each day to decide which of the 5 lunch choices
would be best for you. Lunch money can be sent in an envelope or baggie clearly marked
with your child’s first and last name and room number.
There is an open house on Thursday, August 28th from 2:00-3:30. I really hope you
can come and meet me then and check out our classroom. Please bring all school supplies
you have at this time so you will have a lighter load on the first day of school and your parent
can help get everything put away. You will also have a chance to practice ordering your lunch
and find your desk, mailbox, and coat hook and go on a monkey hunt!
Please have your parent respond to this email with your full name and if you go by a
shortened name (ex. Billy for William, or Jack for John) and have them let me know so I have
it correct on your nametags. Also, please have them tell me how you will go home each day
(Bus #, car rider, walker, aftercare, etc.) so I can confirm this information.
Enjoy the rest of your summer vacation and I will see you at open house or on
September 2nd for the first day of school.
Mrs. A. Johnson
First Grade is as much fun as a barrel of monkeys!