Daily Bulletin Monday, March 28, 2016

Daily Bulletin
Monday, March 28, 2016
If you would like to audition for next year's Broken Box class, then plan to attend a mandatory meeting this Wednesday at
lunch in room 410. Audition dates and materials will be discussed. See Mrs. Moran if you have any questions.
Countdown to College: For sophomores, juniors and your parents: Don't forget to attend Countdown to College at Mountain
View High School on March 30th from 6:30-8:40pm. You don't want to miss a panel of Los Altos High seniors discuss their
college admission journey!
Attention all students who received notices of acceptance to the National Honor Society. Please do not forget that you must
turn in the green acceptance paper to Sra. Rodriguex in room 911.
Attention all NHS officer candidates. Please check your MVLA email for interview notice and respond to Sra. Rodriguex
The Circus Art’s Club will meet at lunch in room 712.
Amnesty International will meet at lunch in room 410.
Interact will meet at lunch in room 719.
There is a LAAL meeting today at lunch in Mrs. Cave's Office.