120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 2W1 Phone: (905) 857-7582 Fax: (905) 857-9353 Principal: A. D’Agostino Vice Principal: V. Viola Dear Parents, Below is some useful information for you and your child to share. SUGGESTED SCHOOL SUPPLIES ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Each child is asked to bring in one coloured markers box of tissues. Thank you to pencil crayons those of you who have already a bottle of glue/glue stick sent one in! pencils eraser pencil sharpener (the kind that collects the sharpenings) pencil case PERSONAL BELONGINGS Please label with a permanent marker all of your child’s: ⇒ clothing ⇒ lunch boxes ⇒ non-disposable water bottles ⇒ footwear This will help us in identifying your child's belongings, as other children may have the same size and/or brand of clothing. ROOM USE ➢ Students cannot be in the classroom without teacher supervision. ➢ Boots or outdoor shoes are not to be worn in the classroom (Please provide indoor shoes for your child at your earliest convenience.) ➢ Our classroom will be open to your child at most recesses for extra help or studying. DRINKS The children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to drink. The water bottle will be kept on the corner of their desks. Studies have shown that water intake throughout the day increases a child's ability to learn and retain information. For hygiene purposes, the water bottles must be taken home daily to be washed and refilled each night. Water bottles will NOT be allowed outdoors. WASHROOM AND DRINK PROCEDURE During class time, your child is directed to ask permission to use the washroom or to get a drink. They are encouraged not interrupt a lesson. LUNCH/SNACK Each morning and afternoon, the students will have a short snack break in addition to the lunch break. Please provide your child with a HEALTHY snack for these times. ➢ Any student that wishes to leave for lunch must have a note in order to do so. ➢ Those who remain at school are asked to follow the lunch time rules. ➢ AGENDA The student agenda/organizer is a very important organizational tool. The children will be responsible to copy from the homework board all assigned work and reminders into their agenda. The children will be bringing it to and from school daily, even if they do not have any homework. Parents should be shown this book daily to sign on the appropriate date. Please remind your child of their responsibility to keep you informed. We can also use this agenda as a communication book between parent and teacher. I will check the agenda daily and ask the children to notify me if there are any notes from parents first thing in the morning. CLASS DOJO This computer app helps teachers improve behaviour in the classroom quickly and easily. It makes it easy for me to capture and generate data on behaviour that I can then share with parents. We will be working co-operatively to achieve class agreed upon goal and individual student goals. I have also attached individual account codes for students and parents to sign up with. Studyladder is a web based program built by teachers to help students of all abilities have fun while learning. I have attached passwords with instructions to guide you through the signing up process. Prodigy Games is another web based program that helps students of all abilities to improve their math skills while on a quest to battle others. I have also attached the class code to help you to sign up. Please also take advantage of the online short videos that explain how to play Prodigy. HOMEWORK Please check your child's agenda daily for important notes and homework. Homework is usually a result of incomplete classroom work (as outlined in the Homework policy in your child’s agenda), therefore should not take a long time to complete. Homework is to be completed by your child independently. We will have words of the week and reviews. Incomplete homework will result in a red card (see Soccer Central) unless your child has written notification from you. ASSESSMENTS AND TESTS Assessments and tests will be sent home for you to sign. All assessments are placed in your child’s “Assessment Portfolio”, please sign and return these to the school promptly. HOME READING PROGRAM Your child will be given a HOME READING BOOKLET. A detailed explanation of how the reading booklet is to be completed will be given with the booklet at a later date. READING IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS! FAST FIVE 1. Stop what you’re doing. 2. Eyes looking. 3. Ears listening. 4. Being still. 5. Hands free. When the teacher calls out “FAST FIVE”, the students follow the above directions and show their hand with five fingers in the air. SOCCER CENTRAL In every aspect of life, if rules are broken or procedures are not followed then there are consequences. The consequence in our classroom is very similar to what happens in the game of soccer. In our classroom, each student begins the day with a GREEN card (that means they're good to go). If the student breaks a rule, then he/she must change their card to yellow. A YELLOW card means they must stay in for five minutes of their recess. If the student breaks a rule while their card is yellow then they must change their card to red. A RED card means he/she will stay in for the entire recess and complete a reflection paper (to be signed and returned to school the next day). If the student gets three red cards in one week then I will be contacting you to discuss a behaviour plan. I will also indicate in your child's agenda if he/she has received a yellow or red card by drawing a circle of the corresponding colour and briefly explain what they have done. Our Schedule MEDIA Mrs. Naccarato will be teaching us Media every MONDAY. We are very excited to learn about media and what’s trending! MUSIC/HEALTH The very talented Mrs. McGoldrick will be teaching us Music and Health this year. Music and Health are on TUESDAY. DRAMA/DANCE We will be getting our “groove” on with Mrs. Hegedusic this year every WEDNESDAY. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mrs. Hegedusic will teach our class gym days will be on every THURSDAY. Please have your child wear loose pants and running shoes on these days. PLEASE SEND A PAIR OF INDOOR RUNNING SHOES TO SCHOOL WITH YOUR CHILD. Children must wear running shoes during gym to ensure their safety. (No flip flops…PLEASE!) LIBRARY We will have library exchange once a week every FRIDAY. At this time, the children will have the opportunity to choose a book of interest. Students are asked to return it for exchange the following library day. Their library book can be used to complete their Reading Folder. A final message... Children are all very special, talented and unique. Children are precious gifts from God. Our time together is short. Let's work with each other to make this a great year for all of us. Sincerely, S. De Bartolo