Executive Council Minutes
March 30, 2011
Present: Alan Scheibmeir, Giles Brown, Wade Graves, Jeanie Hardin, Gary
Paikowski, and Marc Payne.
Absent: Roy Renfro
Recorder: Shelle Cassell
Agenda Items
Fall Calendar 2012
Jeanie Hardin announced that state guidelines for uniform semester dates will require the
Fall 2012 semester to begin on August 27, 2012.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Great Western Dining Survey
Wade Graves encouraged members to offer feedback on Great Western’s dining service
and food quality through a survey they are currently conducting.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
UNT Higher Education Law Conference Summary
Marc Payne shared the highlights of the recent law conference he attended. He indicated
that the key areas in which GCC will need to formulate or review current practices
include the proposed legislation that will allow concealed weapons on campus,
prevention and handling of sexual harassment complaints, the increasing prevalence of
mental illness, and the new FMLA guidelines that provide benefits to caregivers of
injured veterans.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
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