Executive Council Minutes October 10, 2012

Executive Council Minutes
October 10, 2012
Present: Jeremy McMillen, Steve Davis, Brandy Fair, Gary Paikowski
Absent: Giles Brown, Jeanie Hardin, Marc Payne, Roy Renfro
Recorder: Shelle Cassell
Agenda Items
Program Approval – Web Based Small Business Development (AAS)
Steve Davis submitted a proposal to add an Associate of Applied Science degree in Web
Based Small Business Development. The program is designed to provide training for
individuals who want to build a home-based business using web-based resources. It was
noted that the program instruction would be covered by existing faculty, and it is not to
cost any extra to run the program. The current “Mac” lab in the Arts and Communication
Center is already loaded with the necessary software and will be available for students in
the courses. One possible exception would be that the lab might need some sort of
monitoring. Currently, no one is in place to monitor the lab outside of normal teaching
times -- and there is a possibility that students would need to be in there during nonteaching times. Brandy suggested that a work-study student be approved for that purpose.
Action/Motion: Members present unanimously approved the program as presented.
Since several members had to leave the meeting early, an email request for approval was
distributed. Subsequent to that email, the program was approved by a majority of Council
members. No opposition was expressed. The program will be presented to the Board for
consideration at the October 15 meeting.
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