Executive Council Minutes March 2, 2011

Executive Council Minutes
March 2, 2011
Present: Alan Scheibmeir, Giles Brown, Wade Graves, Jeanie Hardin, Gary
Paikowski, and Marc Payne.
Absent: Roy Renfro
Guest: Cindy Powell
Recorder: Shelle Cassell
Agenda Items
Welding Rodeo Parking
Cindy Powell outlined the purpose and details of the upcoming Welding Rodeo
competition. She said that 13 high schools have responded and approximately 110
students will be competing. She requested approval to close the parking lot in front of
Viking Residence Hall and Campus Police for the welding booths. The parking lot will be
closed in various stages Thursday, March 24, through Saturday, March 26.
Action/Motion: Jeanie Hardin made the motion, second by Wade Graves, to approve the
parking lot closure as outlined. Cindy Powell will notify employees and students prior to
the event.
Chemistry Professor Replacement
Jeanie Hardin requested approval to replace the full-time Chemistry professor position
that will be vacant upon the pending retirement of John Gurak. She distributed data on
the number of courses and sections taught.
Action/Motion: The Council unanimously approved the motion by Giles Brown, second
by Wade Graves, to replace the full-time Chemistry professor position.
Policies and Procedures Manual Legal Updates
Dr. Scheibmeir distributed a summary of Policies and Procedures Legal updates that are
to be closely reviewed by each vice president and discussed in-depth with the president at
their regular weekly meeting.
Action/Motion: To ensure that the updates are implemented, each vice president is to
sign and return an affidavit acknowledging their understanding of the updates.
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Texas Higher Education Law Conference
Dr. Scheibmeir encouraged members to consider attending the 15th Annual Texas Higher
Education Law Conference at the University of North Texas March 28-29. Marc Payne
indicated that he was already registered.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Nominations of Community Representatives
Dr. Scheibmeir asked council members to think of area citizens to supplement the list
being compiled by the Board that will be considered for inclusion in the presidential
search process and for succession planning for future Board members. Additional retreat
topics will be information on current state funding proposals, consideration of tuition and
fees, and the tax abatement policy.
Action/Motion: Each member is to bring names (three are desirable) to the next
EPA Peer Audit
Giles Brown shared the results of the peer audit recently conducted on the college’s
environmental practices. He commended the work and training of Steve Black, Terry
Steele and Crystal Crow in this effort. The audit identified some good practices and noted
concerns that will be addressed. Giles expressed appreciation for the cooperation of
college employees throughout the process.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Business Office Customer Service
Giles Brown encouraged members to share ideas and concerns related to improving
customer service in his areas of responsibilities. Dr. Scheibmeir asked all vice presidents
to be aware of the importance of customer service and to be open to discuss concerns as
they arise.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
Campus Security Consultant Schedule
Marc Payne shared the schedule of interviews and meeting of the consultants who are
studying campus security and staffing.
Action/Motion: No action necessary.
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