200 Point Rubric for Top Leadership Presentation -Due 6April 20 possible points Electronic copy Emailed to sullivdd@npenn.org Must save file as last name: ex: Sullivan_ Top Lead Present VERBAL-NONVERBAL SKILLS EYE CONTACT/ BODY LANGUAGE/ POISE/ ELOCUTION/ ENTHUSIASM Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes. Movements seem fluid and help the audience visualize. Student displays relaxed, self-onfident nature. Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling about topic Total Content Power Point Development Planning Communication Information Delegation Identify the largest problem under the sections in which you supervised? How did you get ideas for a feasible/effective outcome? How did you breakdown the project into phases? Were there performance levels needed? How were they measured? What resources did you need? How did you get them? Are there any financial costs? How will money be attained? Any foreseeable safety/financial risks? How were you going to handle these risks? Who will be involved? What method(s) of communication did you utilize to ensure information flowed freely? Did every stakeholder have a way to get and receive information? How did you solicit feedback? What other communication methods could you have been used to increase communication? How frequently did you check the status of delegated responsibilities? How did you identify the manpower for relevant responsibilities & objectives? How did you inspire your team to make sacrifices and take calculated risks? Did you have any barriers w/personnel?(transportation, uncomfortable, inadequate skill level...) Accountability Flexibility Professionalism QUALITY & REVIEW PLAN How did you troubleshoot ways to assist them Did you provide suspense dates and validate progress? Did you continue to maintain appropriate level of focus and urgency on delegations? Did you intervene, Why? How could you have helped them to succeed? Did you meet deadlines and desired end result? Did you hold personnel accountable Positive/Negative action taken for your personnel? Were required forms created, tracked, and accomplished within set time parameters? Did you have to work with sections outside your supervision? Were you able to meet deadlines, if not, what could you have done to ensure success? Were there any situations/barriers that required adjustments? Did you need to adapt from original idea/objective? Why? What happened when you did? How were you informed? Did you and your personnel maintain a professional demeanor throughout the process? If inappropriate behavior was exhibited how did you handle? What were the results? Include successes and areas for improvement Was documentation captured to ensure improvement for future ex: SOP? Could this experience be considered as a Best Practice for AF JROTC? Total ____ 200