WHAT CAN I DO? How good am I at articulating your academic and professional skills? Which skills have I been developing though this module? How well can I describe my skills
to employers?
Take responsibility for my own learning and academic progress Recognise my personal strengths and areas for improvement Purposefully develop my academic and professional skills Articulate clearly the skills and experiences I have gained Learn from and use feedback from multiple sources Offer constructive criticism to others Respond actively to peer feedback Deal with and learn from criticism SELF and PEER
Identify key demands of the task Make decisions about task management Conceptualise central issues within the task Set clearly defined goals that are realistic and achievable - STRUCTURE
Develop strategies to ensure individual and/or group progress Identify options, plan and implement a plan of action Respond constructively and flexibly to uncertainty Review and adapt my strategies and progress COLLABORATION
Respect the views and values of others Take initiative, be assertive and lead others Negotiate productively in a cooperative context Listen and adapt to meet the needs of your group Deliberately stand back and enable others to contribute Strengthen your understandings through discussion with others Support others in their learning/ enable others to overcome difficulties Make an effort to maintain group cohesiveness, identity and motivation -
- Be well-informed about my time commitments and responsibilities
- Manage my time efficiently both individually and within a group
- Juggle multiple priorities and competing deadlines effectively
- Respond flexibly and constructively to changes in priorities
- Organise my time so as to meet short-term deadlines
- Organise my time so as to meet long-term deadlines
- Manage time in a range of different contexts
- Set and maintain my work priorities
- Present information and ideas effectively (oral, written, visual)
- Demonstrate confidence in communicating through technology
- Take responsibility for acting in a professional and ethical manner
- Adjust my written or oral tone and style according to the audience
- Respond positively and effectively to questions and challenges
- Demonstrate sensitivity in a multi-national/multicultural context
- Persuade others of the importance or relevance of my views
- Use a variety of means for engaging an audience
- Link theory to practice
- Conceptualise and manage risks
- Develop my own ideas with confidence
- Respond creatively to resolving problems
- Handle large amounts of diverse data critically
- Show entrepreneurial and business awareness
- Identify and use appropriate sources of information
- Selectively collect and collate appropriate information