GRAYS HARBOR COLLEGE Aberdeen, Washington Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
September 16, 2014
Members Present:
Mr. Art Blauvelt, Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Ms. Denise Portmann, Mr. Randy Rust,
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Ms. Kristy Anderson, Mr. Tom Angier, Dr. Ed Brewster, Ms. Laurie Clary,
Ms. Jane Goldberg, Mr. Forrest Gonzalez, Mr. Darin Jones, Ms. Sandy Lloyd,
Ms. Barbara McCullough, Mr. Keith Penner, Ms. Diane Smith, Mr. JEB Thornton,
Mr. Aaron Tuttle, Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
1. Call to Order
Chair Ms. Chaffee called the meeting to order.
2. Agenda Changes
The Board agreed to move agenda items 6 b and c, Classified Staff and Student Government reports
to follow agenda item 4, Public Comments.
3. Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from the June 17, 2014 meeting.
Motion carried.
4. Public Comments
5. Board Development (Ms. Laurie Clary)
a. Accreditation Update – Included in the Board backup materials was a summary of the
recommendations from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities that resulted
from our three-year accreditation report. Ms. Clary reviewed the recommendations. Two of the
recommendations centered on mission fulfillment, one concerned the adoption of a policy on the
safe use, storage and disposal of hazardous and toxic materials, and one concerned
implementation of an external financial audit and consideration of the audit results by the Board.
Ms. Clary noted that the audit recommendation is being included in the evaluations of every
college in the state.
After the accreditation report, Mr. Blauvelt asked about the Open Public Meetings. Dr. Brewster
responded that the assistant attorney general will provide training for the Board at the October
OP 524 – Hazmat Policy – Ms. Clary reported in order to be in compliance with
recommendation #2 the Board needs to adopt a policy that addresses safe use, storage and
disposal of hazardous waste and toxic materials. She presented Operational Policy 524,
Management and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes for review and adoption. After discussion, it
was moved and seconded to approve the policy as presented. Motion carried.
5. College Input (Reports)
a. Board of Trustees
1) Greater Grays Harbor Leaders Banquet – Dr. Brewster announced the college will sponsor a
table at the annual Greater Grays Harbor Leaders banquet October 10. Board members were
not able to attend. Dr. Brewster will invite e-team members to join him.
2) October Board Meeting – Dr. Brewster reminded the Board that the October Board meeting
has been rescheduled to October 28. Ms. Sharp will participate by phone.
ASGHC President’s Report (Mr. Forrest Gonzalez)
Mr. Gonzalez reported the following:
1) He attended training provided by the Washington Community and Technical College
Association which provided him the opportunity to network with student government leaders
from other colleges.
2) Student government is developing priorities to present to the legislature.
3) Student government held a “meet and greet” session for new students.
Responding to a question from a Board member regarding his future plans, Mr. Gonzalez
replied that he is interested in a career in the law enforcement field.
Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported seventeen classified staff members attended a state meeting of
classified staff. At that meeting, GHC employee, Ms. Gloria Fenton, received the Region A
award for exceptional staff. Ms. Laurie Chesterman, GHC employee was the recipient of the
summer quarterly award presented to a classified member each quarter.
Negotiations continue on the WPEA state-wide contract. Mr. Randy Karnath, GHC
employee, represented GHC in the negotiations. Ms. Barbara McCullough also serves on the
negotiation team. It was noted that twelve of the community and technical colleges are
represented by WPEA. If the contract isn’t ratified by October 1, it won’t be included in the
Governor’s budget.
Faculty (Ms. Lynne Lerych)
Faculty were not represented.
President (Dr. Ed Brewster)
1) WACTC Report – Highlights from the recent presidents’ meeting were included in
backup materials received prior to the Board meeting. Dr. Brewster noted the Allocation
Committee presented its recommendations to WACTC at its summer meeting. The plan
was then submitted to the State Board who did not take any action.
The State Board passed a resolution that said they believe that meeting the obligation for
the K-12 system is not viable without extra revenue, and stated that reducing funding for
higher education and pre-K education was not the way to solve the revenue deficit. Ms.
Portmann asked if there were efforts to get some of the items that are protected in the
budget unprotected. Dr. Brewster responded he did not know.
2) IT Related Projects (Ms. Sandy Lloyd and Mr. JEB Thornton)
Ms. Lloyd reported an outside company was hired to develop the framework and design
for our new web site. They finished the project in July. The focus now is creating pages
we want into the new system. The new website should be implemented over Christmas
Mr. Thornton reported that ctcLink is a centralized system of online functions that
replaces a thirty year old system. It will give students, faculty and staff access to a
modern efficient way of doing business. We are scheduled for implementation of the
new system in May, 2015.
Vice President for Instruction (Ms. Laurie Clary)
1) Nursing Program Update – Ms. Clary reported we had an on-site visit from the
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. We received recommendations
from the Commission that state we are out of compliance in some areas. We have been
instructed to complete another self-study to address the noted issues. Our program has
been put on conditional approval. Their concerns included:
• Curriculum - We have hired a consultant to work with our faculty to correct
curriculum concerns.
• Director’s Responsibilities - Another concern was that part of our nursing director’s
job was teaching. Our director retired and long-time nursing instructor, Ms. Carol
O’Neal, has accepted the director position and will not teach.
• Instructor’s Degrees - All of our current nursing faculty are master degree nurses.
That has not always been the case.
• Data and Assessment - Our use of data and assessment was not deemed adequate.
Training on how to access and use data will be provided
2) Bachelor of Applied Science Degree
Mr. Thornton reported we received approval last February to offer a Bachelor of Applied
Science Degree in management. The Board packet included a list of steps needed to be
completed before implementing the program. When completed and approval has been
received from the State Board and the Commission on Colleges we will be authorized to
offer the program next Fall Quarter. Mr. Rust expressed concern that business law and
accounting classes were not included in the class offerings. Mr. Thornton responded we
can add components to the program at a later date. Dr. Brewster added that the
development of the program was based on a survey of local businesses.
Vice President for Student Services (Mr. Jason Hoseney)
1) Enrollment – Mr. Hoseney reported summer enrollment increased 1% over last summer’s
enrollment. Fall applications are up 4%. It appears hopeful that we may exceed our
target for Fall.
Vice President for Administrative Services (Ms. Barbara McCullough)
1) Fiscal year end Budget Analysis Reports and Written Report – Ms. McCullough
reviewed the following funds:
 State and Local Budgeted Funds by Program
 State and Local Budgeted funds by Object of Expenditure
 Multi-Year Comparison of Tuition Collected
 Cash Position Analysis
 Grants Analysis
Detailed information regarding each fund was included in backup materials received
prior to the meeting.
2) Capital Project Update – Mr. Penner reported we are thirteen months into the
construction of the Schermer building and that we are still on track for completion to be
May 5, 2015. Ms. McCullough suggested the Board tour the Building at a future Board
8. Executive Session
9. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Rebecca Chaffee, Chair