-- I ..:,{ I ,rL b,;i .wl}[lBo LtTING j: irr: IKTEaIM IEfgfrIe cs0w,trffi OREGON sH E L L F lffiI3SOBaTSSI+HFgt0nr { .onnoor SIiBLLFISB L OBTht * fPOR '@ - L, e?, },948 H*F 2?, lay '- - .8* +'. t''t.'-r#\ 94 SA,r,l?rtffi9 pra#$as at *ot' d* Cornxnprogress oUowirtg is ieseniation ieseniation of of tha work in progress at the the Pish Pish Comts a Breseat*tl,oa rorb in sf,tha the work The feg,onlns the "n^{* lc l*latXra the clstt of tbs mission mission Newport Newport laboratory laboratory as as siximnartzed sixiartzed thiring thiring the the visit visit of of the Leg$1ative Leg$1ative nlr*lei* Eaq66 l*boratory es tras&arla*d,dnrtng Interim 0o'aql?tca'se Committee on$$et iy 87t 27,1948* 1948t Saterin ;* i. a ,,r,i l',' tlbe erab flrbery ls the largnat shellflsb indaetry of tba stat€ prodacfi,sgstsr 6 s*}trlnlr Saexd,aof ora,bs $sg gesf slsco 19t?r aq$ far *ba F*rt atr gs.*i.s pru*xetr€ e€ *ry{f,*&p of $S m*ltlen 1nr.rfi.s a }6dEr Sbtr g5;e* * raluat* tcrs pf, npproxtstalg qTGv*iLltcs ilolta,rs a fa*r to tba f,Xehefaeaas * flnal m'* t*ll. ralee sf, ss*,rtf * ntllton dollars nf, ms* pa.f pa*rr Oras sne-bcl'f, ef, tb* tlse and wseg af *hs ahsl}ftrb irysxtxgnttEn h*e beas aralgp& te tbe $$.,-q*F sf, ttole fl*herf. S.a lasgpit qf$sl.c lthssa Ef, thtrs *te{g te d*ts har beeir t tasslEg FtEgs,B ie t&a .&eto*la-€illaauoE *a:ea iF. pes,$sfigttea ritb tbe $*,sta sf FsiAllrfrtEn rfto fur€ rumta,g a alrllsr S$oSsA eff lbs agpinr &tst*& the rlnter qt 194?-1.94.8r es&at lgartb af, tbE eahunbte Slrgrr Shq prfaetlr pnr"poiroef, th*F **g ?s Set€rwr tr6 th* ts*'qgr*le.tloaebl.pa; if angr, gx,tctlltg: bstrasn t&o ers& rtoeks os eaeh stdLeaf ths Sa.1**!*,Slrarr f,hs f*se$nlng is saea to 3e a verg Es€€lEarf 1116* proper . roqutsite to ,ea€h esna€Effint of, a ftehary ln an crea fl*hed Jolntly ty tw aagd*G* ee*te gtator eith thgtF 6drnre6atr*tloaor FrsltEtss.ry aual;rrf*:af'*&t pfbe*e* h*s ab$rn tbe stoq'bg tbere te bc elossl.y rel*ted tbsaasF qs*Sry.tios{ nm*,,*s?asnlagltssr *nd s*,f E.ralrha * slq$Ic boeo€nuooea**ogk *E**d{Sg'fm,$ st 1s***,:-*illssEol Eoad,nortb pnrt *ragc Sarborl q-athlsglt'sni fha batk cf tb* ss*b* taggrtl sf,f, Sor*h $ea$r $nc* xcrth of th#r:&bnbta S.llgp, mreri! aerth e3ons lollg S*aEh an& sf,f, Srag* $*rbor, qlth nou get$g s'a f,er ngr*h Es FFr srssrflle* *ns trEnaerab r*r rsserareitr sff -$s* 9{en R*etsst ?1, Jster td th6 dles sorth ef, th* Ssgs$ of t*Cifiisg tswarda &;traatl"oe lrl*rdr $ptrlng tt aF3wer64an if ths fitrestlon ef wrsrcnt fe"af,si4 lt*elf tp thE Wth rt-th mre tr6e boi*lg rceovarsd, iie&*A of tha .€etrq.*bt*. Ono erab rele*e*i[,1n, ?S-gQ .f,atb*u Ef ra*er # sl.lse aff, ehetE {|gs cEe€TeS{t lrr g EsMtiry{.a.I 3et *a tba be*6h' esd. exe t*66sd ln 15 fa&onn ;es ret*ksa i* itrs& Sse ln f,S f'*'tltossr Obaiouely there te senrid,arpblc nsveffiat of, ecabu laotb tnehorelof,f,sbof€ aad. aass*slse tn tblE &irr&r $bs rqs.llI-ts *att 6sfiW1€tqd.1111 !e Sa€.6fr1hr aaalyeed. esd qoa.r.*teat*d slth t&e ftndtngs sf the %sbtnetsn lnte;tlga,'tl.saa tc p€ryft fors*tlon sf Fc$rlat{.o:r that xrtlt te tE the boat luteref,.t* sf iba,casb ltoc&s aa& af the .k*du$rlss ef, beth bt**aa l,s t&f,c orcrleppls6 areo" *nother lqpr**nt lc tlatoro'ln&llon Ef tbs abase cf tbe srs&tqrestlgBtloe extent sf th* Ete$ka ad in*enalty ef tir* ft rherf+ fhla te elgs sbtalned. Ssln the t*G$*,sg s,osk bg xeaaa af eanplrng tle aorerol.s1 &st*heg to fla$ the ms&ar sf srabc s#R#rt aa *splnet aash la6g*d ersb recor6ra&. ?s qbtaln lafsfs*.tt$n ss. tbe fleharg ltcoLf botb aorr and i,s the$agtr regorda. ara beiag eanrytl,ed sa tbq bonts and ge*r telry fiEbed. ln aaeb *rEBr Lag la sbteh thstr t€sol6 bssks hare been acrd sre bei"sg dllstrtblrtsil to n*Atr f.ishsrsa tbelr c*tchacs nrn&ar ef grort* $*Xled.r qt.ndathEr pertieent d.atft fsr e*ub d,ayNr fls&l,agr Sbs *swqrelal *atEh€e la eaah rurea aF€ earyr}*d, perl*i$sgltrtr to fr.eteft plss tbe eoqro*itlen tbe **tahes F$d ta fernlt {etectlsn ef, aryr sher$e* ths-E of q&t6b tn the l"aa*lnga* oc6u"r in may stocks which wou.ld. wonid. affect aM aM be be reflected. in the land.ings la the bereflected. tbp land.ings eslr occnr *f,faet etegks which rsflseted. in tbs stocks worl'ld affect sr& -1-1- fl'"" i' :', {.. -,.' ''Fbs d'eterlalr}etloa ef usft*s}}ell E6e$osr s* tlw cf, ghe&{Lia4r of *b6 sgs&r b*t b**n xet as oss $f the f,Lret Froble*g ts be eettle&. It har beca fsa*A t-het f,tgbtag &rrr,n€ tbls tims r*ealt* ia lancuplate u*tllaEt*en of tbe Fs6esrs6 throE& r*rtaga of, potentlsl a*rket*ble srsls and, w*t s€ 6!Es€A sq**as &urfng. *k**. tld *re 'Iesdsdr s**tr?*Llgr'. befege tbgss wy Ee sst lt is necesaaf.Jr ta ttet*sslse thE prop€r ti fer each str€E of the saes* s.4 tbe B.ea',t of y*l'r ia g**r ftuehst.trEn tbsi rs&,yo.6:E1r!,r *tluansb iar tae FFeEaet the bnlk sf tha effort l* b*ixg gire€tea torari!.r l*q$ sgs?*?tc prob],aur sf tmcF{tste *cncera te tke xs*u*try barlc reE*or*b la aSeo beie*i egffied out la th* ,sgvjrort l*besa.ts"y *d *iac xlareli* en tls lif,e s*dt beb* itc of the crabc. flhld i.s ln acoortenee rtth the generel pollcy of tbe Cowlrrs'E$ rhleh aselts th*,t rybile baelc aaf, tb€s?ctxc*l rcssar.sh fs Lfgbry Gb*lrable saeh ;srst !rc* bo paraoft?oi! to *trbja.$-ste the geueral grrob}aw to a poirttex ef w*1tfng ea practlcar solu*lea sntlL fraquentiy lrrelirv*at d.rt*,llr ise wlr*rl. &rttberuore the enryh**lt f,s ea prs*f€ss sxeorurtersd ln tle cormrsl*}. flsh* ef,yr & aa*'ss3fuilregttAatlon i* aaoo betng w&e cf tbs spqrts fttbgfy rht6b ln rey* eral areas ls far froa *Lnor in proSnstlens, tbta ts being fbna bg fotrlowtng asrch the sew line* as theee *ryleEn* trn the essffifsie!, f,l*hsry* *Ats p*gt $+ar a f,alrly d'etatledl rtefu hcE bes;l *i*a* l" rei"rta 3Ey ; e mr6 sr logs iest lssc. of-s,aqEfi$ 81Gb tbat tt fopnd. for elther tbe sporto or ecme*et*l f,i.ah*rg l* lm,, lrettletely alryLfe*ble to th* ctbstl, She elam stocks of tha Stete *ra enotbor rsry r*lu*ble r€s-qne6f *bleh nat o*1# yield' E coaslilerabl"s lneem frean eolwr€trl &rgsin€r b*t ef er€a sarc ts* por.t*'nee fu'rsioh rsereatlta to xengr th*esaad* *f p*eple 6aeb Ee*,r'aE tbe Srs,:ggn base$es an8 b*,yor Hare . he $r,eb3sse a,re egaln both mny exd F*usleg'bertre*Ipe-ortin tha es,se of th+ bqf ela:ni, offer Lre nopa for-cesperatfvefi Tlfg . tlom*t ttre is tha gr,ee.ter eegs wlfir v&ieh tbay mag b6 eturlts{r 'gtrsr+f*"*piA am hclng nssdgto i[etsm$i.$e the sxtont qnit $reryrrt *e*d.ltlsa of, the rtEekr la sa*h of, tks base Ef th€ {t&ts, tba sxtsgt ts *&ish th€y are dugn and, angr trcd,r ln a&u.ai[a,E€.e, In'the eacs of els,aa r&teb aa*s fpsss ts be dreltnln6 ta ahues.enee*ta&les *s€ ill* reeted ftrst tsrarile fln&l*g tha csnse an$ *eeod.ly tsrsrf,s €offeetlr€ wa$ar*et* in tba cago of the horse elanl f,or ererylap lt haa beeu fcnrA that in *,qy oo"t tbef ?:a.s bcEn clesw*tts# itea tr aru,r,{lgtn* thtr *lrsn eseeaglt**er rqrt aion of, regnlattsea ts &s tg rectrl.ct the dig$Jng te ea amaet tbst r1ll pet #gss6*tr Ita fetere ert.*taase. Ia tbs easrsa ef, *srk *E th6 hsree alas lt rral fsuns tlat the pi,*td ef w*t 4 vcrlEd. 6ra*'tl.y {opendllag upoa tha tine dG*-$ks 'fsr gterr la tarn eleta*lelsad, bI tbr tlw ef eSrawatag* A sts:tdardt. p,roeee&r*.rc tha gtet& sf se.t Fer att*f*fag gtenga'r4. etsa r*a aet aB s,nd,t€str b,ave beea mde sn sla{*s frsa {.lff,ereat *rass at I'ogm,lar i:rtertclnr 4he lnfsrmetlon that {a betag gathcrad ,froc thls rgrslts the {eoignt*e af re&}s.ttont aB to cloaodl r6*q€na f,or f,lsgts$ *t€h rlltr, 1rrcwat tbg r**tage of wa* fraa eli6gflrg *laau nhea tn thalr Iporect eondlttres, // ?ery llttle lsorb baa been 6oae oa the raser el**r yat &rs to Is.eh of tlre en{t ql4npaer€rr llhir ep*el*a 1* ef gre*t txqlorta*eo *nd aboalitl wld' nlXl, bE atsd,lail flhe atoskE f,or tlr* St**a *rs eFIl*c{Etlf ta {l,gE esee!. Jaat aa soon es poaelbler af rsbulldlag" Fultbet, ths lntasattSr of, ittgelng-on tblca &s oE *ltr spaclea of, ol"*n*, re'y be yerJr r€ego$eblf exFsetsd to in*reaso $reatly Ln tbe eentng f,ec yeatrs' Aceord.ln6l.fr lf tbe sxig*er$s of tlre flsharf at aqtrrutlsr€sas*"f, a nE*r*l l€sstr ls to be ana,l.ataie6d. trt rr111 be seessgery to oare&lly qf;sdsina*ll erl.st* lng reSrlatlens a.n,drevise thsse shere sach ls neeoFreryr It nLght be pelnt*d t -P-2-2- rT'':i;1 qaests from groufrts in f,rom gsrisr:s p*str quests variouS groups ln the tb.s past, eoaad stwiy rg?ar been beaa a sound sta*y made There fhere haa harEnever w,4e the fishery of the flshatry or stocks in sr stocks l:r Oreon ytstd sqatai*sd Eresonon bxae tre* of base true sustained yield toanageoswhich shleh to ta €&rn*se* aent regutr*tlsns" ment reilat ions. fbe nery The new ex,,gan{lng expsndin oyster iz$ustryis ograter lnf,iretryis also ne*4 of aealgts*sc if of assistance n need sla,o iyr lf this thip vai relt}*b!e industry i*d?stry is *n *6airl ie to uable again beeo@ become f,trq].y firmly est*llLshEql established ln in eur ur waters. B*tarc* €emv'ar; cwever, g!*rt te alnee tbls is priru*rl}y ea pl&rat* ls prin'ariiy since this prt,ate e:ttertlrlsg enterprise idtgtpJr industry frem frcs start fros to finish f,l*igh it tt is la being rel'egated to pooltlo* pres*nt until of,minor sfursr assistance *salstail*e at et the usttrl the being relegated to e a positon of tbe present t*hs ffir€ re p*blfc gp16 thcroughly Fsssarce fisheries fi,aharlEx are &r€ more public resource fisheries are more thcroughly studied. thcrsrrgb-l.r studied.. s*rr.Ei*ttr &. careftU eefsfrll careftU Yst6h watch is is belag watch being la ka3rt kept ea on tntrodaollons introduotons asd tqnrt* insqr€ that imports sf of oyEt*s oyster seed in undesirable la insure that no re ea&Eatr*ble f,srEs F,Ee *.lehwould *oulf,be be forms are letro&pe* introd which detrimental tature a,nd,r/erfuture dstrlrcat*l totothe ths tidelands t!4ela,*# and/or fat :ro ia&netr{es of tf# State, industries State. of thi stater An erperlneat experiment is underway testing as,brb! ne Variety t*r*tng '0oarx&e,rabls 1r also alro i:.a*erm}r "{a "ryXetiis*rh af oyster eyeter in ln an ** attenpt ta improve of to of the *tteqt iryrar* the ths :u.aiity work tbs product. lealt?y of, trha*met' Considerable gboel{ stat* which aa the the native native oyster beds of should be be d,ona done on op***a beds dgaltss{ to bs.f€ declined to of the ths State shteb have what is sb*t ta ngs s state et*t€ of * a vttt&el" nonexietenoe.. sf virtual aea-$ziptgns** 14 &*illttoa in addition to to tbe the fcregniag foreing the of thc Shellfish $beltr,f1*&resources lectsga aE number rerearcss include rea#er of qf the ep*eie* cr mtrner minor species or fi.she:fieu fisheries aueh such as as tbe the Fi€dneka, Piddocks, of or "rosh*sJr8*strsdr 'rock-oyeters, of *he cuter set*g so&st which sblcb supply coast c sport sappls quite rp*rt fl€beryt uite a fishery; e+rL and the the ruallsF scallop flah.erg fishery lrhiob wuoh haa has besa been qq€rxrr6af** Time *xtrewly o*retic in ia occurrence. extremely erratic Slw does moh tb*s not not permit nmch more mr6 than a a casual es*al dosc ?srnlt lespestte* of ef these tbsse fiehr3ries fi*harlas bu! inspection but th*y they are halng watched *atEbEi[ and *o opportuneare being asd,studied ntad,[g&as oppertaar ities Itles eay nayFrgit. peit. ea*clnflon; the I* tbe shellfish oheltfJ.*h investigation to sununarized ccwrts{*4 as In conclusion, X'arsqttgaties might si€bt be f,o}lg*l,sg aa following certain bsslc policies: E*rt*ln beele Bol{eif* r i! *ppartionarl f fl the totothe valngE of (1) The ftrk work is apportioned.in aDportionet relationto thereajeeiive reaeeiive values iainrelation tbs rssp€etlre tbs rslatl.sn of, the $tnio towards iail*tldlrs! ftrherles the believed B*llared obligationS *nit the individual fisheries and each. of, the ebLlgatXess of *LE 5tate tsrar€* each, *cdb+ bclsg direCted i* being &*rq*St$S first (2) Within e*eb each f*sbsry fishery th,s the x+r* work *i at tbs the prcsant present is l*l Witafa fip*t t**eldt towards thg the ms{e most pt*icrf*€ pressing prybleua problems of of pnaetlcal practical importance rather t&an than ?sgg&r towards l*tFar iryart*app *eadeatr* study a*g theoretlcatr oror any academic academic study of theoretical biological fundamentals, stedff of of theoretical *; biological btc,l.g6lsatfu.nd.amentals, fs,rtdlaepntal*r (3) eA fci,r fair r*tlp ratio of of erl}sndad expended ;f,fort effort is being sought between the {&} spE*&t for is bslr€ f_sr b*t!***a tbT se@rsl,al, f,'l*hept*s and commercial fisheries cosmmrcial arr6"the th* sports *,parta fiahe±ies. If either a@ one appears f,l,be:Fisri eFltruersto tp receive lf, elther racetre great*r eaEhatle greater emphasis A* in *rqr any Freffaa program it because rne& such *r is f*lt felt Jestlf**& justified ea. on. on lt is t* solely rolel,y brsange graau*r of tho grounds the of, comparative lrymrtB!trssr eerp*rati,ve importance. state, (4) within tbe the $hotlflsb Shellfish resources, most fisheries ta:mat tL} sl,tbln s* in s*s€Etrd€fi' as ftgb&ti.ar of t[* state, ef the s'ra faced tro are f,aeed with we of cith ae ma.ltitude pmbl,*aa" wlttte4a *11 ere All are of sf long lerg overdue ovet{trs problems. ef importance tWritc,aee uad. ts looked losked in *y6$ at ln to, tol even and ml*t met be lack ef, of soepl*tesprg completeness et the ecst of nd*tlrcabl* tbo cost af n.ndesireable lask eoas d,et*.1Lnr f,n some in details, &fter sftea these preblser are *hase immediate gt*ea€ placed on firmer foundation i,awdl*te problems flrwr au *re fEe*&attes tt it tqil,l will then then be be Fssqible possible *s to u:ciataXn maintain tle the negd,Ed needed le,foeettorr information se$ and rerlss revise s&S any Fa**e{LpasseddetaIIE. over over details. !' rr, g. -'\* 0 ,:' -$* -3-