The Value of Financial Flexibility and Payout Policy Marc Steffen Rappa , Thomas Schmidb , Daniel Ludwig Urbanc a Institute of Management Accounting, School of Business Administration and Economics, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Am Plan 1, D-35032 Marburg b Department of Financial Management and Capital Markets, Center for Entrepreneurial and Financial Studies (CEFS), Technische Universität München, Arcisstrasse 21, D-80333 München c Department of Financial Management and Capital Markets, Technische Universität München, Arcisstrasse 21, D-80333 München Abstract We propose a novel empirical measure for a firm’s value of financial flexibility and examine its impact on payout decisions. Studying listed firms from 23 countries over the 1998-2008 period, we find convincing evidence that the value of financial flexibility is an important determinant of payout policy. Specifically, firms with a high value of financial flexibility tend to limit or even avoid payouts. If such firms decide to disgorge cash, they prefer share repurchases to dividends. Overall, our results are consistent with the view that financial flexibility considerations determine the pecking order of payouts. JEL classification: G32, G35 Keywords: Payout policy, financial flexibility, dividends, share repurchases Email addresses: (Marc Steffen Rapp), (Thomas Schmid), (Daniel Ludwig Urban) Working paper June 11, 2012 One of the central challenges in financial economics is the quest to understand the payout behavior of firms. While it is well known that payout decisions are irrelevant in perfect capital markets (see Miller and Modigliani (1961)), intense discussions among managers, shareholders, researchers, and other commentators suggest that payouts do matter. Moreover, survey results suggest that (financial) managers (i) attribute substantial weight to financial flexibility considerations when they decide on their capital structure (e.g., Graham and Harvey (2001)) and (ii) prefer repurchasing shares to paying cash dividends, because they perceive repurchases as a more flexible means of payout (e.g., Brav, Graham, Harvey, and Michaely (2005)). In this paper, we combine these two views. In particular, we argue that – besides market imperfections1 – a firm’s value of financial flexibility is a major determinant of its payout behavior. Thus, we put forward a financial flexibility perspective of payout behavior. Under this view, firms attributing a high value to financial flexibility are expected to limit or even avoid payouts. The key rationale for this view is the observation that ceteris paribus payouts reduce internal financing opportunities and raising external capital comes along with substantial costs (e.g., Jensen and Meckling (1976), Myers and Majluf (1984), and Ritter (1987)). Furthermore, we expect that payout decisions follow a pecking order according to which firms with a high value of financial flexibility are expected to prefer share repurchases to dividends when they decide to distribute earnings to their shareholders. This reasoning is in line with previous research indicating that dividends are often considered as an ongoing commitment, while share repurchases can be omitted or reduced more easily (e.g., Guay and Harford (2000)). Thus, if firms rely on share repurchases instead of dividends, they are supposed to face fewer financial constraints as a result of dividend expectations. Overall, we expect that a firm’s pecking order of payouts depends on its value of 1 Subsequent to Miller and Modigliani (1961), researchers have relaxed the rather strict assumption of perfect capital markets and investigated whether, among others, taxes (e.g., Black (1976), Auerbach (1979), and Poterba and Summers (1984)) or agency conflicts (e.g., Jensen (1986), La Porta, Lopez-de Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny (2000), and Brockman and Unlu (2009)) impact the corporate payout decision. 2 financial flexibility. Unfortunately, the value a firm attributes to its financial flexibility is not directly observable. To overcome this problem, we construct a novel proxy for a firm’s financial flexibility, the value of financial flexibility. For this, we combine two well-established approaches in the literature. First, Gamba and Triantis (2008) argue that a firm’s financial flexibility is determined by five factors: growth opportunities, profitability, costs of holding cash, costs of external financing, and the reversibility of capital. A straightforward but rather simple approach to approximate a firm’s value of financial flexibility would thus be to construct an index that measures the rank of a company along these five dimensions. However, this approach suffers from arbitrary weights assigned to its components. Moreover, they do not reflect the market’s assessment of a firm’s financial flexibility.2 Hence, we rely on the estimation approach by Faulkender and Wang (2006) – which they used in the context of the marginal value of cash – and extend it with empirical proxies of the determinants of financial flexibility as identified by Gamba and Triantis (2008) to construct a measure for a firm’s value of financial flexibility. To illustrate the validity of our measure, we conduct two event studies related to (i) the presentation of the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) and (ii) its (unexpected) rejection by the House of Representatives. As expected, we find that firms with high a (low) value of financial flexibility generate positive (negative) excess returns around the presentation and negative (positive) announcement returns around the rejection of the program. To test the impact of financial flexibility considerations on payout policy, we construct a global sample covering listed firms from 23 countries over the 1998-2008 period. Our panel dataset includes (i) accounting and capital market data from Compustat/CRSP for U.S. companies and Worldscope/Datastream for all other countries in the sample, (ii) country- and year-specific, handcollected tax data on corporate and individual taxation, and (iii) country-specific corporate gov2 Nevertheless, we construct such an index as a robustness test. The results are in line with those obtained by our main estimation methodology for the value of financial flexibility. 3 ernance data related to creditor or shareholder protection.3 In total, our sample covers more than 20,000 individual firms from both developed (e.g., the U.S., the UK, Japan) and developing economies (e.g., China, India, Brazil). Our empirical tests reveal that (i) both the likelihood and amount of dividends and share repurchases decrease with the value of financial flexibility and that (ii) firms with a high value of financial flexibility are less likely to initiate but more likely to omit dividends. With respect to the payout channel choice, we find that (iii) firms with a low value of financial flexibility are more likely to rely on dividends than share repurchases, whereas firms with a high value of financial flexibility prefer share repurchases to dividends. In particular, we show that the likelihood of a dividend payment decreases from 89.92% to 47.07% as the value of financial flexibility rises from the 5% to the 95% percentile. Multinomial logit analysis also suggests that the likelihood of dividends decreases by about 69% from 40.65% to 12.79% as the value of financial flexibility increases from the lowest to the highest decile. Moreover, the likelihood of mixed payouts (i.e., both share repurchases and dividends) declines from 43.16% to 8.15%. Finally, the likelihood of share repurchases rises from 4.68% to 20.34% as the value of financial flexibility increases from the lowest to the highest decile, suggesting that firms with a high value of financial flexibility substitute dividend payments with share repurchases in order to avoid ongoing dividend commitments. It seems that payout policy follows a pecking order driven by financial flexibility considerations. Firms with a high value of financial flexibility tend to avoid payouts. If these firms decide to disgorge cash, for whatever reason, they prefer share repurchases to dividends as a more flexible means of payout. These results are consistent with the financial flexibility perspective of payout behavior. Furthermore, they indicate that financial flexibility is a major determinant of payout decisions, even 3 By combining Compustat and Worldscope data, we are able to ensure both a high data quality and a large sample size. 4 after controlling for tax and corporate governance-based explanations of payout policy. Our results are also robust to another specification of our financial flexibility measure and numerous estimation procedures. This paper contributes to the literature along three dimensions. First, we propose a novel empirical measure for a firm’s value of financial flexibility and demonstrate the validity of this proxy. Second, this is – to the best of our knowledge – the first large-scale empirical study on the impact of financial flexibility on payout decisions. Third, using a global sample allows us to compare the economic impact of the value of financial flexibility relative to taxation and corporate governance quality. Furthermore, this sample ensures that the identified effect is of general importance and alleviates concerns that it may be restricted to certain countries. Overall, our analysis contributes to a better understanding of firms’ payout behavior. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section I, we develop our hypotheses. The dataset is described in Section II. In Section III, we summarize the empirical results. In Section IV, we examine the robustness of these results. In Section V, we conclude by summarizing the results and commenting on their implications for both regulators and researchers. I. Theoretical Framework In this section of the paper, we motivate why financial flexibility might have an impact on payout decisions and develop testable hypotheses. Furthermore, we explain the idea behind our measure for the value of financial flexibility as well as its construction. A. Motivation and Hypotheses The rationale behind financial flexibility and its possible impact on payout policy can be best explained by considering the benefits and costs of payouts. On the one hand, the distribution of cash among shareholders has potential benefits for the firm. In particular, distributing cash may 5 signal good earnings prospects to equity investors.4 Furthermore, undistributed cash may be used by managers to increase their own utility, possibly at the expense of the owners. In this context, payouts reduce agency conflicts of equity (e.g., Jensen (1986)). On the other hand, payouts come at a cost. Payouts reduce the firm’s ability to (internally) finance its future investments and hence increase its probability of financial distress. However, the relative importance of costs and benefits of payouts may vary across firms. In this paper, we argue that a firm’s financial flexibility reflects this trade-off. Financial flexibility refers to the ability of a firm to avoid financial distress when it has to deal with negative cash flow shocks and to fund profitable investment opportunities when they arise (Gamba and Triantis (2008), p. 2263). If, for instance, a firm has high growth opportunities, it is expected to pay considerable attention to its financial flexibility, resulting in a high value of financial flexibility. Under this financial flexibility perspective of payout behavior, we expect that both the probability and amount of both dividends and share repurchases are lower in firms that attribute a high value to financial flexibility. Furthermore, we also expect a negative relation between a firm’s value of financial flexibility and the likelihood of dividend initiations and a positive relation with the likelihood of dividend omissions. Finally, firms with a high value of financial flexibility are supposed to follow a pecking order when making payout decisions. In general, they are expected to avoid payouts. However, if these firms decide to disgorge cash, for whatever reason, they should prefer share repurchases to dividends. This is because share repurchases can be reduced or omitted more easily than dividends, because, in contrast to dividends, they are not regarded as ongoing commitments. • Hypothesis H1: Firms with a high value of financial flexibility have lower payouts (proba4 See, among others, Bhattacharya (1979), Miller and Rock (1985), and John and Williams (1985) on signaling theories of payout policy. 6 bility and amount). • Hypothesis H2: Firms with a high value of financial flexibility are less likely to initiate and more likely to omit a dividend. • Hypothesis H3: Firms with a high value of financial flexibility prefer no payouts to share repurchases and share repurchases to dividends. B. The Empirical Measure for the Value of Financial Flexibility Unfortunately, financial flexibility cannot be observed directly. Hence, we propose a novel empirical measure for financial flexibility by combining two approaches that have been well established in the literature. In particular, we use the factors influencing the value of financial flexibility as described by Gamba and Triantis (2008) and apply the methodology of Faulkender and Wang (2006) to calculate an empirical proxy.5 Faulkender and Wang (2006) look at how an additional unit of cash in a firm will be distributed among its investors. Based on this perspective, the authors hypothesize that the marginal value of cash decreases both with larger cash holdings and higher leverage, since an additional $1 of cash should be worth less to the firm if the firm already disposes of a large amount of cash and because a higher leverage increases the probability that the additional $1 will end up in the hands of the creditors, resulting in a lower value to the shareholders.6 The authors calculate the marginal value of cash using a pooled ordinary least squares (OLS) approach. They regress the annual excess stock return of a firm on changes in firm characteristics over the fiscal year, paying special attention to changes in a firm’s cash position. Put differently, the authors estimate the market’s response to 5 In a recently published paper, Liu and Mauer (2011) also employ the approach of Faulkender and Wang (2006) to determine the marginal value of cash. In particular, they add vega to the Faulkender and Wang (2006) model to analyze the impact of CEO risk-taking incentives on the value of cash. 6 This reasoning goes back to the contingent claim analysis by Black and Scholes (1973). 7 changes in cash over the most recent year. The excess market return is defined as the one-year stock return relative to the return of its benchmark portfolio. Each stock is assigned to one of the 25 Fama and French (1993) value-weighted size and book-to-market portfolios based on its size and book-to-market ratio. Instead of looking at the distribution of cash among investors, we extend this approach by valuing a firm’s financial flexibility. Therefore, we include the factors determining the value of financial flexibility described by Gamba and Triantis (2008) in the Faulkender and Wang (2006) model. Since Gamba and Triantis (2008) do not describe empirical measures for the factors, we identify measurable variables for each factor. The factors and their measurements are as follows: • Growth opportunities: Gamba and Triantis (2008) argue that growth opportunities affect the value of financial flexibility. Higher growth opportunities are expected to increase the value of financial flexibility, since a firm with many profitable growth opportunities is expected to face unexpected cash flow shocks more often, making financial flexibility more valuable. We approximate growth opportunities by a firm’s Tobin’s, TobQi,t , defined as the sum of total assets and market capitalization less the book value of common equity deflated by total assets. • Profitability: In order to measure the profitability of a firm, we employ the ratio of a firm’s operating cash flow, OCFi,t , to its lagged market capitalization. Firms with a higher profitability should have a lower value of financial flexibility, since they should be able to dispose of a higher amount of cash, all other things being equal. • Costs of holding cash: Gamba and Triantis (2008) show that the effective costs of holding cash, T , affect the value of financial flexibility. These costs can be estimated by comparing 8 the taxation of interest at the individual level to interest taxation at the corporate level: T= TC , TI (1) where TC is the tax rate applicable to corporate interest income and T I is the tax rate applicable to individual interest income. If T were greater than one, for instance, this would imply that interest income is taxed more heavily at the corporate level, resulting in higher effective costs of holding cash at the corporate level. In other words, it is more beneficial to shareholders if they hold cash instead of the company. Hence, higher costs of holding cash decrease a firm’s value of financial flexibility. • Costs of external financing: A firm with higher costs of external financing is expected to have a higher value of financial flexibility, since it is more costly for it to raise new capital. We measure the costs of external financing by the volatility of a firm’s total shareholder returns, because a higher stock price volatility signals higher risk, reflecting higher debt and equity financing costs, resulting in a higher value of financial flexibility. In this context, PVi,t denotes the two-year stock price volatility for firm i in year t, based on the monthly total shareholder returns in year t and t − 1. • Reversibility of capital: The value of financial flexibility is also affected by the reversibility of a firm’s capital. For instance, a firm able to sell its assets quickly and with a low discount should be more flexible, all other things being equal. We approximate the reversibility of capital by a firm’s tangibility, Tangi,t , defined as tangible assets deflated by total assets, since tangible assets can be sold more easily compared to intangible assets. Consequently, a higher reversibility of capital is expected to decrease the value of financial flexibility. Instead of using benchmark portfolio returns for the calculation of the dependent variable, 9 we employ a Fama and French (1993) three factor asset pricing model to calculate cumulative abnormal returns.7 In addition, we also include industry, country, and year dummies, denoted by the vector Zi,t , resulting in the following equation for the value of financial flexibility: ∆Ci,t ∆Ei,t ∆NAi,t ∆RDi,t ∆Ii,t ∆Di,t + γ2 + γ3 + γ4 + γ5 + γ6 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 NFi,t OCFi,t Ci,t−1 + γ8 Li,t + γ9 + γ10 TobQi,t + γ11 + γ12 T i,t + γ13 PVi,t + γ7 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Ci,t−1 ∆Ci,t ∆Ci,t ∆Ci,t + γ14 Tangi,t + γ15 · + γ16 Li,t · + γ17 TobQi,t · Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 OCFi,t ∆Ci,t ∆Ci,t ∆Ci,t ∆Ci,t + γ18 · + γ19 T i,t · + γ20 PVi,t · + γ21 Tangi,t · Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 ri,t − Ri,t = γ0 + γ1 + γ22 Zi,t + i,t , (2) where ri,t − Ri,t is the cumulative abnormal return of firm i in year t.8 All firm-specific factors except leverage, Tobin’s Q, stock price volatility, and tangibility are deflated by the lagged market capitalization of the firm, Mi,t−1 . Ci,t is cash and short-term investments. Ei,t is earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA). NAi,t is total assets minus cash. RDi,t , which is set to zero if missing, is research and development expense. Ii,t is interest expense. Di,t is cash dividends. NFi,t is net cash flow from financing. ∆ denotes the one-year absolute change of a variable. Li,t is leverage defined as total debt deflated by the sum of total debt and market capitalization. The additional factors in the equation above, which were taken from the original model by Faulkender and Wang (2006), are supposed to control for other determinants of abnormal returns; namely, a firm’s financial structure (Ii,t , Di,t , Li,t , and NFi,t ), its investment policy (RDi,t and NAi,t ), and its profitability (Ei,t ). 7 See Appendix B for an exact description of the calculation of the abnormal returns. By regressing cumulative abnormal returns on changes in cash holdings, we implicitly assume that expected cash holdings at the end of year t are equal to the cash holdings at year t − 1. In Section IV, we show that our results are robust to two different approaches of adjusting for expected changes in cash. 8 10 Based on the estimated regression coefficients for ∆Ci,t Mi,t−1 and the interaction effects, we calculate the value of financial flexibility of firm i in year t, VOFFi,t , as follows: VOFFi,t = γ1 + γ15 Ci,t−1 OCFi,t + γ16 Li,t + γ17 TobQi,t + γ18 + γ19 Ti,t + γ20 PVi,t + γ21 Tangi,t . Mi,t−1 Mi,t−1 (3) In summary, we use a three-step procedure to analyze the relation between financial flexibility and payout policy: 1. In equation (2), we regress annual cumulative abnormal returns on changes in firm characteristics. The cumulative abnormal returns were obtained using a Fama and French (1993) three factor model. 2. Based on the regression coefficients for ∆Ci,t Mi,t−1 and the interaction terms, we calculate the value of financial flexibility. 3. Finally, we regress various payout variables on the value of financial flexibility in order to analyze the influence of financial flexibility considerations on payout decisions. Compared to previous research on financial flexibility and payout policy, our approach benefits from a direct estimation of the value of financial flexibility. To this end, we combine the estimation methodology of Faulkender and Wang (2006) with the factors determining the value of financial flexibility found by Gamba and Triantis (2008). This allows us to obtain an empirical proxy for financial flexibility, taking multiple firm characteristics into account simultaneously. In particular, the weights of the single components of financial flexibility reflect the market’s opinion. This approach allows us to directly estimate the relation between financial flexibility and payout policy. 11 II. Data In order to test our hypotheses on financial flexibility, we obtain accounting and return data. We also retrieve corporate governance and tax data to examine the relative impact of investor protection and taxes on payout decisions. A. Description of Sample Our sample comprises all publicly traded, non-financial and non-utility firms resided in 23 countries over the 1998-2008 period. We obtain data for 17 European countries9 , the BRIC countries, Japan, and the United States. This firm list is either based on Compustat for U.S. firms or Thomson Worldscope for all other countries in the sample. While most of the previous literature employs Compustat data in U.S. samples, Worldscope is more widely used in international samples. Following more recent research (e.g., Shaver, Mitchell, and Yeung (1997), Aggarwal, Erel, and Stulz (2009), and Favara, Schroth, and Valta (2010)), we use two different data sources in order to improve both the size and the integrity of our global sample. We provide a detailed overview of our sample generation process in Appendix A and Table I. Table II provides an overview of the firm distribution across the 23 countries and over the 19982008 period. About a fourth of all firms in our final sample is resided in the U.S. Another large fraction of firms is located in China, India, Japan, or the UK. Based on the adjusted and harmonized data, we calculate all necessary variables and ratios following our specifications in Section I. Moreover, we winsorize all ratios at the 1 st and 99th percentiles in order to reduce the effect of outliers. Finally, we balance all variables employed as interaction terms at their means in order to decrease the effects of variance inflation. 9 In particular, the European sample includes firms from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. 12 – Table I about here – – Table II about here – In addition, we also generate annual cumulative abnormal returns, the dependent variable in our financial flexibility regression (equation (2)). In order to do so, we use a Fama and French (1993) three factor model based on monthly total shareholder returns obtained from the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) for U.S. firms or Thomson Datastream. A detailed overview of how we arrive at the estimation of these abnormal returns can be found in Appendix B. In Table III, we provide summary statistics for the 1998-2008 period. Panel A refers to our financial flexibility regressions, while Panel B refers to our payout regressions. The first five variables in Panel B in Table III are payout variables we use as dependent variables in our payout regressions to estimate the effects of corporate governance, taxation, and financial flexibility on payout decisions. These variables are defined as follows: • PayerDi,t is a dummy variable that is set to one if firm i pays cash dividends in year t and zero otherwise. • DIi,t is the ratio of cash dividends to net income. It is set to zero if net income is negative and if net income is negative and cash dividends are zero. It is set to one if dividends exceed net income.10 • PayerRi,t is a dummy variable that is set to one if firm i repurchases shares in year t and zero otherwise. 10 Alternatively, one could also gauge a firm’s dividend payout ratio by the ratio of dividends to sales. In our opinion, however, the payout ratio based on net income is a more appropriate measure, since net income approximates roughly the amount of cash a firm can freely dispose of. 13 • RIi,t is the ratio of share repurchases to net income. It is set to zero if net income is negative and if net income is negative and share repurchases are zero. It is set to one if share repurchases exceed net income. • RTPi,t is share repurchases to total payout. – Table III about here – The other variables in Panel B in Table III are control variables that are known to influence payout decisions. These control variables have been taken from Brockman and Unlu (2009). REi,t is retained earnings deflated by total assets, TEi,t is total common equity deflated by total assets, ROAi,t is net income divided by total assets, SGRi,t is logarithmic sales growth where sales is denominated in millions of $US, Logsizei,t is the natural logarithm of total assets in millions of $US, and Cashi,t is cash and short-term investments scaled by total assets. B. Corporate Governance and Tax Variables We also look at the relation between taxes, shareholder and creditor protection, and payout policy in order to analyze the economic significance of financial flexibility considerations and its importance relative to classical determinants of payout decisions. First, differences in the taxation between share repurchases and dividends may affect payout decisions (e.g., Poterba and Summers (1984), Chetty and Saez (2005), and Moser (2007)). When dividends, for example, are taxed more heavily than share repurchases, firms may prefer share repurchases to cash dividends, all other things being equal. In order to measure the relative taxation of dividends and share repurchases and its impact on payout policy, we collected data on corporate and individual taxation for the 23 countries in our sample over the 1998-2008 period. Our primary data source were global and European tax guides by the International Bureau of Fiscal Documen14 tation (IBFD). In the case of ambiguous or insufficient information, we also obtained tax data from Ernst & Young Ltd. and PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd.11 Using these data, we calculate aggregate tax rates, taking both corporate and individual dividend or capital gains taxation and imputation regimes into account. We assume that shareholders are resided in the same country as the distributing firm and that they meet minimum holding period requirements when calculating the tax rates. Moreover, shareholders are not supposed to qualify as substantial shareholders. Based on these tax rates, we calculate the country- and year-specific dividend tax penalty as defined in Poterba and Summers (1984) in order to measure the relative taxation of capital gains and dividends. The tax penalty indicator, δDiv , is given by: T − T CG , δDiv = Div 1 − T CG (4) where T Div is the aggregate tax rate taking both corporate income tax rates, individual dividend tax rates, and, if applicable, imputation rates into account and T CG is the aggregate tax rate of corporate income tax rates, individual capital gains tax rates into account, and, if applicable, imputation rates. Annual values for δDiv across the 23 countries in the sample are given in Table IV.12 – Table IV about here – In most of the countries, the dividend tax penalty is positive, indicating that, after corporate and personal taxes, dividends are tax penalized relative to capital gains or share repurchases. Some 11 We graciously thank Ernst & Young and PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. for granting us access to both worldwide corporate and individual tax guides for the 1998-2008 period. 12 Detailed tax data is available upon request. 15 countries also tried to reduce taxation differences between the two payout types. In the U.S., for instance, δDiv decreased from 0.10 in the 1990s to almost zero in the 2000s. In order to quantify the level of shareholder protection, we use the anti-director rights index by Djankov, La Porta, de Silanes, and Shleifer (2008), denoted by ADi . It measures the strength of control rights granted by country law to minority shareholders. This variable is defined as the sum of six dummy variables that indicate whether certain requirements with regard to shareholder protection are met.13 In line with the shareholder rights outcome hypothesis by La Porta, Lopez-de Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny (2000) and subsequent literature (e.g. Sawicki (2009) and Jiraporn, Kim, and Kim (2011)), we expect a positive relation between the level of shareholder protection and earnings distributions, since better protected shareholders should be able to force managers more easily to pay out cash dividends or to repurchase shares. We employ the creditor rights index proposed by Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer (2007), CRi,t , as a measure of creditor protection. Similar to the definition of the anti-director rights index, the creditor rights index is composed of four dummy variables that indicate whether a country’s law system meets certain requirements with regard to creditor protection. Unfortunately, we have to drop Luxembourg from our sample, because Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer (2007) do not provide data for this country. In addition, annual observations for the creditor rights index are only available for the 1998-2003 period. As our sample period extends to the year 2008, we assume that the creditor rights index does not change after the year 2003.14 According to the creditor rights substitute hypothesis by Brockman and Unlu (2009), there 13 Spamann (2010) provides a more recent version of the anti-director rights index. His anti-director rights index, however, is not available for all the countries in the sample. In particular, there are missing values for China, Luxembourg, and Russia. Thus, we rely on the shareholder rights index by Djankov, La Porta, de Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). 14 During the 1998-2003 period, the creditor rights index varies only in two of the 22 countries. In each of the cases, the difference is only one point. Thus, the creditor rights index seems to be very constant over time. 16 should be a positive relation between creditor rights quality and share repurchases and dividends. Debt claimants, for example, may demand additional covenants when they cannot be sure to recover their interest in a firm during bankruptcy. These covenants, which become more important when creditor protection is low, may relate to financing and investment decisions (Nini, Smith, and Sufi (2009)), but also to a firm’s payout policy. Thus, both managers and shareholders may agree to payout restrictions as a substitute governance mechanism in order to improve the accessibility to debt in countries with bad investor protection, resulting in the hypothesized relation between creditor protection and payouts. III. Empirical Results In this section, we empirically test our hypotheses formulated in Section I. After calculating the empirical measure for the value of financial flexibility in Subsection A, we provide evidence for its empirical validity in Subsection B. The impact of the value of financial flexibility on payout behavior is analyzed in Subsection C. A. Estimation of the Value of Financial Flexibility In this part of the paper, we calculate the value of financial flexibility based on equation (3). Pooled OLS, fixed effects, and random effects regression results with yearly cumulative abnormal returns as the dependent variable for the 1998-2008 period can be found in Table V. In each model, we use a set of country, industry, and year dummies and firm-level clustered standard errors. We form 12 industry portfolios following the definition by Kenneth R. French by assigning each firm to one of the 12 portfolios based on its 4-digit SIC code.15 Overall, the regression results for the value of financial flexibility in Table V are in line with our expectations and the theoretical considerations of Gamba and Triantis (2008), because in each 15 See 17 specification, all interaction terms supposed to measure a firm’s value of financial flexibility exhibit the expected sign and are significant at the 1% level. The coefficient for ∆Ci,t is positive and significant at the 1% level. According to the negative and significant coefficients for Ci,t−1 · ∆Ci,t and Li,t ·∆Ci,t , firms with higher lagged cash holdings and a higher leverage have a lower value of financial flexibility. The value of financial flexibility is also higher in firms with more growth opportunities (TobQi,t · ∆Ci,t ). In addition, firms with higher profitability, approximated by OCFi,t · ∆Ci,t , have a lower value of financial flexibility. Furthermore, the negative and significant coefficient for T i,t · ∆Ci,t indicates that the value of financial flexibility decreases as the opportunity costs of holding cash in the firm increase. The value of financial flexibility is higher for firms with high external financial costs, as indicated by the positive coefficient for the stock price volatility, PVi,t · ∆Ci,t . Finally, firms with a better reversibility of capital, measured by Tangi,t , have a lower value of financial flexibility, because a firm should, in general, be able to sell tangible assets more easily than intangible assets in the case of unexpected cash needs. – Table V about here – Based on the regression coefficients reported in Table V, we are now able to calculate the empirical measure for the value of financial flexibility, VOFFi,t , as defined in equation (3). In the following, we only use estimates for the value of financial flexibility based on the OLS regressions in model I of Table V. The (unreported) results based on fixed and random effects estimation are similar. B. Do we Really Measure Financial Flexibility? Next, we investigate the empirical validity of our measure for the value of financial flexibility. In order to do so, we perform two event studies related to the announcement (September 19, 2008) and the temporary and unexpected rejection (September 29, 2008) of the Troubled Asset Relief 18 Program (TARP) in the U.S. TARP is a program designed by the U.S. government meant to attenuate the effects of the global financial crisis, especially after the collapse of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008. It was first announced on September 16, 2008, and surprisingly rejected by the House of Representatives by a vote of 228-205 on September 29, 2008. On the same day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 778 points or almost 7% lower – its biggest point loss ever and the biggest percentage loss since September 17, 2001, the first trading day after 9/11. For September 19, 2008, we expect positive abnormal returns for firms with a high value of financial flexibility, because the announcement of TARP suggested that banks under trouble would be bailed out, resulting in a stronger financial sector and therefore improved borrowing opportunities. This is of special importance for firms that have a high value of financial flexibility. On the other hand, abnormal returns should be negative for firms with a low value of financial flexibility, since the acceptance of TARP would improve the situation of financially restricted competitors. Following the same reasoning, our expectations for the rejection of TARP on September 29, 2008, are vice versa. Since TARP is a program mainly related to the U.S. economy, we restrict our event studies to all U.S. firms in the sample. The estimation period for both events is based on 250 trading days ending 10 tradings before the collapse of Lehman Brothers (September 15, 2008). We set the event period to the three trading days centered around the respective event days in order to mitigate the effects of confounding events (e.g., the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers). The results for both event studies can be found in Table VI. Panel A shows mean three-day cumulative abnormal returns for the lowest and highest annual deciles of the value of financial flexibility based on a market model, while Panel B refers to a Fama and French (1993) three factor model. In line with our expectations, we find positive cumulative abnormal returns for firms with a high value of financial flexibility on September 19, 2008, and negative cumulative abnormal 19 returns for firms with a low value of financial flexibility. This holds true in both specifications. The mean difference between the three-day cumulative abnormal returns for those two deciles in the Fama and French (1993) specification is 4.33% and it is statistically different from zero at the 1% level. Around September 29, 2008, firms with a low value of financial flexibility yielded a slightly positive cumulative abnormal return, while the mean cumulative abnormal return of firms with a high value of financial flexibility is negative. Again, the differences are statistically significant at least at the 5% level. Overall, these findings suggest that our measure indeed captures the effects of financial flexibility. – Table VI about here – C. Impact of Financial Flexibility on Payout Policy Having shown that our financial flexibility measure approximates a firm’s value of financial flexibility, we examine its impact on payout decisions. In Table VII, we present means of several variables across annual deciles for the value of financial flexibility during the 1998 to 2008 period. This allows us to gain first insights into the relation between financial flexibility and payout decisions. Interestingly, both the likelihood and the amounts of dividends decrease with a higher value of financial flexibility, which is in line with the financial flexibility perspective of payout policy (Hypothesis H1). For instance, the mean likelihood of a dividend payment is 0.8413 in the lowest financial flexibility decile, while it amounts to only 0.2557 in the highest decile. Similarly, DIi,t decreases from 0.4690 in the first decile to 0.0999 in the highest decile, suggesting that firms with a low value of financial flexibility pay out almost 50% of their net income via dividends, while firms with a high value of financial flexibility disgorge only 10% of their net income by means of dividends. In addition, the value of financial flexibility appears to be negatively related to the likelihood and the amounts of share repurchases, which is also in line with Hypothesis H1. This relation, however, is not clearly monotonic. The ratio of share repurchases to total payouts increases 20 as the value of financial flexibility ranges from its lowest to its highest decile, indicating that firms prefer share repurchases to dividends when they attribute more value to their financial flexibility. This is consistent with Hypothesis H3 as share repurchases are assumed to be more flexible as dividends. These preliminary findings already suggest that financial flexibility has a major impact on payout decisions. Using these analyses as a starting point, we now systematically investigate the relation between a firm’s value of financial flexibility and its payout policy. – Table VII about here – C.1. Dividends We start with examining the relation between the value of financial flexibility and dividend payouts. Table VIII shows pooled logit and tobit regression results with the dependent variable being either the dividend dummy, PayerDi,t (Panel A), or the ratio of dividends to net income, DIi,t (Panel B), for the 1998-2008 period with firm-level clustered standard errors in parentheses. In model I in Panel A, we employ VOFFi,t as the sole explanatory variable. Its coefficient amounts to -3.265 and it is significantly different from zero at the 1% level. Thus, firms with a higher value financial flexibility are less likely to pay dividends, which is in line with the financial flexibility perspective of payout policy (Hypothesis H1). In models II and III, we add our corporate governance measures, control variables, and industry and year dummies, resulting in our full regression model (model III in Table VIII): PayerDi,t = β0 + β1 REi,t + β2 TEi,t + β3 ROAi,t + β4 SGRi,t + β5 Logsizei,t + β6 Cashi,t + β7 ADi + β8 CRi,t + β9 δDivi,t + β10 VOFFi,t + β11 Yi,t + i,t . (5) where ADi is the anti-director rights index of Djankov, La Porta, de Silanes, and Shleifer (2008), CRi,t is the creditor rights index of Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer (2007), and δDivi,t is the 21 country- and year-specific dividend tax penalty indicator.16 Yi,t is a vector of industry and year dummies. – Table VIII about here – In the full model, the coefficient for VOFFi,t decreases to -2.614 but remains significant at the 1% level. In models II and III, the coefficients for CRi,t and ADi are positive and significant at the 1%, which is in line with the creditor rights substitute hypothesis by Brockman and Unlu (2009) and the outcome hypothesis by La Porta, Lopez-de Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny (2000). The coefficient for δDivi,t is negative and significant at the 1% level, indicating that firms are less likely to pay dividends when corporate and individual taxes penalize dividends relative to share repurchases. The coefficients for REi,t , TEi,t , ROAi,t , and Logsizei,t are positive, suggesting that larger firms with high retained earnings, equity ratios and high profitability are more likely to pay dividends. Moreover, the negative coefficients for SGRi,t and Cashi,t indicate that firms with strong growth opportunities and high cash holdings have lower payouts. The negative coefficient for the cash variable is in line with DeAngelo, DeAngelo, and Stulz (2006) who argue that firms maintain high cash holdings in order to fund profitable investment opportunities, resulting in a negative coefficient for Cashi,t . Next, we analyze the economic significance of shareholder and creditor protection, taxation, and the value of financial flexibility. In order to do so, we follow the same methodology as in Brockman and Unlu (2009). The results can be found in Figure 1. The four graphs show predicted probabilities of cash dividends for increasing percentiles of VOFFi,t and δDivi,t as well as varying 16 Note that by using this tax incentive indicator, we implicitly assume that a firm is owned only by individual shareholders who do not qualify as substantial shareholders, but who are supposed to meet minimum holding period requirements. 22 levels of ADi and CRi,t . The predicted probabilites are based on the coefficients obtained from the logit regression in model III of Table VIII.17 – Figure 1 about here – As indicated by the upper graph in Figure 1, the probability of paying dividends drops from 89.92% to 47.09% as the value of financial flexibility increases from the 5% to the 95% percentile, suggesting that a firm with a relatively low value of financial flexibility is almost twice as likely to pay a dividend than a firm with a high value of financial flexibility. In the second graph, we look at the probability of dividends as a function of the dividend tax penalty. The observed slope is substantially flatter, indicating that the overall impact of taxes on dividend decisions is weaker compared to financial flexibility considerations. Figure 1 also shows that the likelihood of dividends increases by 62% as the shareholder rights index ranges from its lowest to its highest value. The variation in the likelihood of dividend payouts arising from a variation in the creditor rights index is comparably low, since the probability of dividends rises only by 20% as the creditor rights index increases from zero to four. Overall, the evidence in Figure 1 suggests that both financial flexibility and shareholder protection have a strong influence on dividend decisions while tax issues and creditor rights are only of minor importance. In Panel B of Table VIII, we use DIi,t as the dependent variable. Again, the coefficient for VOFFi,t is negative and highly significant. Summing up, Table VIII and Figure 1 provide strong evidence for the financial flexibility perspective of payout policy (hypothesis H1). C.2. Share Repurchases We also analyze the relation between financial flexibility and both the likelihood and the amount of share repurchases. Table IX provides logit and tobit regression results for the value of All explanatory variables except VOFFi,t , δDivi,t , ADi , and CRi,t are evaluated at the sample median. The year is set to 2008 and the industry to the manufacturing industry. 17 23 financial flexibility, VOFFi,t , with the dependent variable being either the share repurchase dummy, PayerRi,t (Panel A), or the ratio of share repurchases to net income, RIi,t (Panel B). The evidence in Table IX suggests that firms with a high value of financial flexibility are less likely to repurchase shares, as indicated by the negative and highly significant coefficients for VOFFi,t , which is again in line with the financial flexibility perspective of payout policy (Hypothesis H1). In addition, repurchase amounts are also negatively related to the value of financial flexibility (Panel B). – Table IX about here – The coefficient for CRi,t is negative and significant at the 1% level, suggesting that firms are less likely to repurchase shares in countries with better creditor protection, which is in contrast to the positive sign for CRi,t found in the dividend regressions. One possible explaination for this is that debt providers might not be aware of share repurchases, because outside the U.S., share repurchases have only recently gained in importance.18 Therefore, covenants do not necessarily cover share repurchases, making it easier for firms to disgorge money by repurchasing shares in countries with weak creditor rights, because dividends are expected to be subject to creditor restrictions in countries with bad creditor protection, as suggested by the positive coefficient for CRi,t in the dividend regressions. In contrast, creditors resided in countries with strong protection could be able to prevent firms from repurchasing shares without having to rely on covenants. In line with the outcome hypothesis by La Porta, Lopez-de Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny (2000), there is a positive and significant relationship between ADi and share repurchases. The positive and significant coefficient for δDivi,t indicates that both the likelihood and the amounts of share repurchases are higher in countries where share repurchases carry tax advantages relative to dividends. 18 In 1998, for example, European and BRIC firms only repurchased shares for $18 and $0.4 billion. These numbers increased to $104 and $5 billion in 2008, respectively. 24 In Figure 2, we again evaluate the economic significance of these results. Similar to Figure 1, we plot share repurchase probabilities against increasing percentiles of VOFFi,t and δDivi,t as well as varying levels of ADi and CRi,t . Going from the 5th to the 95th VOFFi,t percentile results in a decline in the likelihood of share repurchases by about 17%. Thus, in contrast to the steep slope in the upper graph in Figure 1, the relation between financial flexibility and the likelihood of share repurchases is rather flat. Compared to the high variation in the likelihood of share repurchases as a result of differences in shareholder and creditor protection, the impact of taxation on the decision to repurchase shares is also relatively weak. – Figure 2 about here – C.3. Initiation and Omission of Dividends In the following, we also look at the decision to omit or to initiate dividends. Therefore, we regress two dummy variables, OMITi,t and INITi,t , on the tax, corporate governance, and financial flexibility measures. These dummy variables are defined as follows: • OMITi,t , the dividend omission dummy, is set to one if a firm stops paying a dividend in year t and zero if the firm continues to pay a dividend. • INITi,t , the dividend initiation dummy, is set to one if the firm pays a dividend in year t and if cash dividends have been zero in year t − 1. It is set to zero if the firm continues not to pay dividends in year t. The results for the dividend omission dummy can be found in Panel A of Table X. First of all, the coefficient for VOFFi,t is positive and significant at the 1% level in each model, indicating that firms with a high value of financial flexibility are more likely to omit dividend payments in order to remain financially flexible, which is in line with Hypothesis H2. In addition, the coefficient 25 for the anti-director rights variable, ADi , is negative and significant at the 1% level, providing evidence for the shareholder rights outcome hypothesis. Finally, there is a positive relation between creditor protection and the likelihood of dividend omissions, although the coefficient for CRi,t is not significant in model III. – Table X about here – In Panel B of Table X, we analyze dividend initiations. In each model in Panel B, the coefficient for VOFFi,t is negative and significant, indicating that firms are less likely to start paying a dividend when they have a high value of financial flexibility, as predicted by Hypothesis H2. This finding suggests that firms with a high value of financial flexibility try to avoid dividend initiations. Moreover, the coefficient for ADi is positive and significant at the 1% level. The positive and significant coefficient for CRi,t indicates that firms are less likely to initiate dividends when creditor protection is low, which is in line with the substitute hypothesis of Brockman and Unlu (2009). C.4. Is there a Pecking Order of Payout Policy? So far, we have only looked at dividend and share repurchase decisions independently of each other. Now, we use a multinomial logit model to analyze the dividend and share repurchase decision simultaneously. This model is estimated based on the full regression model including our measure for financial flexibility, VOFFi,t , as well as corporate governance, tax, and firm-specific control variables and industry and year dummies (equation (5)). The dependent variable is a categorical variable, Pi,t . Pi,t is set to zero if firm i does not pay dividends or repurchase shares in year t. It is set to one if the firm repurchases shares, but does not pay cash dividends. It is set to two if the firm pays cash dividends but does not repurchase shares. It is set to three if the firm both repurchases shares and pays cash dividends. 26 Table XII shows mean predicted probabilities for the four payout categories across increasing deciles of VOFFi,t , estimated by the pooled multinomial logit model. The results for the multinomial logit model can be found in Table XI.19 Overall, the results in Table XII suggest that payout decisions follow a pecking order, as predicted by Hypothesis H3. – Table XI about here – – Table XII about here – While firms from the lowest VOFFi,t decile do not disgorge cash with a likelihood of 11.51%, firms with the highest value of financial flexibility are more than 400% more likely not to distribute money to its shareholders. At the same time, the likelihood of dividends decreases by about 69% from 40.65% to 12.79% as the value of financial flexibility increases from the lowest to the highest decile. Moreover, the likelihood of both share repurchases and dividends declines from 43.16% to 8.15%, which corresponds to a reduction by 80%. Hence, in the highest VOFFi,t decile, a mixed payout is even less likely than a dividend payment, while this payout type constitutes the most likely payout decision in firms with a low value of financial flexibility. Finally, the likelihood of share repurchases rises slightly from 4.68% to 20.34% as the value of financial flexibility increases from the lowest to the highest decile, suggesting that firms with a high value of financial flexibility substitute dividend payments by share repurchases in order to avoid ongoing dividend commitments. While the likelihood of share repurchases alone is overall relatively low, the probability of share repurchases even exceeds the likelihood of dividends in the highest VOFFi,t decile. – Figure 3 about here – In addition to Table XII, Figure 3 illustrates the economic impact of financial flexibility on payout decisions. It shows that both the likelihood of dividends and mixed payouts decrease with 19 As indicated in the table, the coefficients for VOFFi,t are significant at the 1% level. 27 an increasing value of financial flexibility while the probability of share repurchases and, more importantly, the likelihood of no distributions at all increase with VOFFi,t . Thus, firms with a high value of financial flexibility are, in general, reluctant to disgorge cash to their shareholders. However, if these firms decide to distribute money, for whatever reason, they prefer share repurchases to dividends. This is in line with our financial flexibility perspective of payout policy, because share repurchases are generally considered as being more flexible than dividends. To validate this result, we perform a second empirical test in which we directly analyze the impact of financial flexibility on the payout method for all firms that either pay dividends or repurchase shares. For this, we employ the value of share repurchases divided by the value of total payouts as the dependent variable. The results are reported in Table XIII. As can be seen, the VOFFi,t has positive impact on the fraction of share repurchases. Again, this indicates that firms with a high VOFFi,t prefer share repurchases over dividends if they decide to distribute cash. – Table XIII about here – IV. Robustness Tests In this section, we present several robustness tests. First, we examine whether our results hold true if we use unexpected changes in cash instead of actual changes for the estimation of the value of financial flexibility. Second, we replace corporate governance and tax variables with country dummies in the payout regressions. Third, we employ anothermethodology to estimate the value of financial flexibility. In particular, we construct an index based on the five factors by Gamba and Triantis (2008) that determine a firm’s value of financial flexibility. Please note that we do not report all regression results for these approaches. Instead, we only show how the results found in Figure 3 change if these alternative estimation methodologies are applied (Figures 4, 5, and 6).20 20 Detailed results can be obtained from the authors upon request. 28 Finally, we perform several subsample regressions and take advantage of our international sample. By doing so, we are able to show that the relation between financial flexibility holds both globally and for various economic regions. A. Unexpected Changes in Cash In our base model following equation (2), we regress cumulative abnormal returns on changes in cash holdings in order to estimate the value of financial flexibility. This implicitly assumes that expected cash holdings at the end of year t are equal to the cash holdings at year t − 1. In order to analyze the robustness of our results to a measure of unexpected changes in cash, we now employ two approaches following Almeida, Campello, and Weisbach (2004). They propose a methodology to approximate unexpected changes in cash holdings, defined as the difference between realized and expected change in cash. According to the first approach by Almeida, Campello, and Weisbach (2004), expected cash holdings can be estimated by the following equation: ∆CashHoldingsi,t = α0 + α1 Ei,t−1 − Di,t−1 + α2 TobQi,t−1 + α3 Logsizei,t−1 + i,t , TAi,t−1 (6) where TAi,t is the market value of total assets. Similar to Faulkender and Wang (2006), we assume that the market has only access to information related to a firm’s last fiscal year when estimating expected cash and we therefore use lagged explanatory variables. In line with the second approach by Almeida, Campello, and Weisbach (2004), we also add capital expenditures, the change in net working capital, and the change in short-term debt, all deflated by the lagged market value of total assets, to equation (6). Based on the coefficients obtained from an OLS estimation including firm effects we calculate expected and unexpected changes in cash holdings and then estimate the value of financial flexibility according to our specification in equation (2). All in all, our results are robust to those two 29 approximations of unexpected changes in cash holdings, both in terms of the size of the coefficients and their significance. Firms with a high value of financial flexibility have lower dividends and share repurchases. Moreover, they are less likely to initiate, but more likely to omit a dividend. Finally, the pecking order of payout policy corresponding to our financial flexibility perspective (Hypothesis H3) still holds, as suggested by Figure 4 that is based on annual deciles of the value of financial flexibility incorporating the second approach by Almeida, Campello, and Weisbach (2004). While most of the firms with a low value of financial flexibility pay dividends or disgorge cash both by repurchasing shares and paying dividends, firms with high a high value of financial flexibility disgorge no cash in more than 50% of the cases or repurchase shares in about 20% of the cases. – Figure 4 about here – B. Country Dummies Next, we also re-run all our regressions using country dummies instead of our corporate governance and tax variables. By doing so, we are able to show that our financial flexibility results are robust to controlling for effects related to cross-country differences. Again, firms with a high value of financial flexibility are less likely to disgorge money to their shareholders, they are less likely to initiate dividends, and more likely to omit them. Figure 5 also indicates that the likelihood of dividends and mixed payouts declines considerable for increasing deciles of the value of financial flexibility, while the probabilities of share repurchases and no payouts rise, which is in line with our financial flexibility perspective of payout policy. – Figure 5 about here – 30 C. Financial Flexibility Index In this subsection, we employ another empirical measure for the value of financial flexibility. So far, we relied on the estimation methodology of Faulkender and Wang (2006), extended by the financial flexibility determinants described by Gamba and Triantis (2008). As argued above, this measure entails the advantage that the weights of its five components reflect the market’s view on a firm’s financial flexibility determinants. Nevertheless, we additionally construct an alternative index for the value of financial flexibility. Therefore, we split the five determinants of the value of financial flexibility into annual deciles. Firms within the highest (lowest) decile for a variable (e.g. Tobin’s Q) are assigned ten (one) point(s). Then, we sum the points and divide them by 50, the highest possible value. This procedure results in a firm-specific financial flexibility index ranging from 0.1 to 1, whereby a higher value indicates a higher value of financial flexibility. 21 Next, we use the financial flexibility index – instead of VOFFi,t – in our payout regressions. Figure 6 shows the results for the multinomial logit model with the financial flexibility index as empirical proxy for a firm’s value of financial flexibility. As can be seen, the results are comparable to the results from Section III. Results for the dividend and share repurchase regressions yield similar results. Consequently, we argue that our results hold true if we use this alternative approach to estimate a firm’s financial flexibility. – Figure 6 about here – D. Subsample Regressions Finally, we test the robustness of our results by examining the relation between the value of financial flexibility and payouts for the U.S., Europe, as well as the BRIC countries and Japan. In order to so, we estimate the value of financial flexibility separately for each of these regions using 21 For a comparable approach in the context of corporate opacity, see Anderson, Duru, and Reeb (2009). 31 OLS estimation with industry and year dummies. Then, we regress our payout variables on the value of financial flexibility based on the region-specific estimates. Tables XIV and XV provide results for dividends and share repurchase, respectively. Table XIV indicates that there is a negative and significant relation between the value of financial flexibility and both the likelihood and the amount of dividends across the three economic regions. Although the regression coefficients declined in magnitude, the effect is nevertheless of economic significance. In Europe, where the magnitude of the coefficient for VOFFi,t is lowest, there is still a decline of 14% in the likelihood of paying dividends as the value of financial flexibility increases from the 5% to the 95% percentile. – Table XIV about here – In Table XV, we look at the impact of financial flexibility on share repurchases across the three economic regions. Again, we find a significant and negative relationship between VOFFi,t and both the likelihood and the amount of share repurchases. The impact of financial flexibility on share repurchase decisions seems to be larger in the U.S. as well as in the BRIC countries and Japan as suggested by Table IX. However, for the 17 European countries in our sample, the relation between our financial flexibility measure and share repurchases is insignificant, which may be explained by the fact that share repurchases have only recently gained in importance in Europe as they have long been abolished in several European countries. Furthermore, results not shown in this paper also indicate that the pecking order also holds within the three subsamples. – Table XV about here – All in all, the analyses in this section provide sound evidence that our financial flexibility estimations obtained in Section III are robust to various empirical specifications. 32 V. Conclusion In this paper, we analyze how a firm’s financial flexibility affects its payout decisions. Unfortunately, financial flexibility cannot be directly observed. Hence, we construct a novel empirical proxy for a firm’s financial flexibility, the value of financial flexibility, by combining two approaches well established in the literature. In particular, we combine the determinants of financial flexibility found by Gamba and Triantis (2008) with the estimation methodology for a firm’s marginal value of cash as proposed by Faulkender and Wang (2006). An event study exploiting the quasi-experimental opportunity of the announcement of TARP and its unexpected rejection provides evidence for the empirical validity of our proxy. Using a global sample covering 23 both developed (e.g., the U.S., the UK, Japan) and developing (e.g., China, India, Brazil) countries over the 1998-2008 period, we find that a firm’s value of financial flexibility has a strong impact on its payout policy. In line with our hypotheses, both the probabilities and the amounts of dividends and share repurchases decrease as the value of financial flexibility increases. Furthermore, we find that firms with a high value of financial flexibility are more likely to omit but less likely to initiate a dividend. Multinomial logit analysis also reveals that payout policy follows a pecking order. While firms in the lowest value of financial flexibility decile do not distribute earnings to their shareholders with a likelihood of only 11.51%, firms with the highest value of financial flexibility are more than five times as likely not to disgorge cash to their shareholders. As the value of financial flexibility increases from the lowest to the highest decile, the likelihood of dividends also declines by about 69%. At the same time, the likelihood of share repurchases increases from 4.68% to 20.34%. This suggests that firms with a high value of financial flexibility substitute dividend payments by share repurchases if they want to disgorge cash in order to avoid ongoing dividend commitments. Several robustness tests ensure the validity of these results. For example, we show that neither 33 the estimation methodology (by replacing our main methodology with an index approach and by using unexpected instead of actual changes in cash) nor the specific geographic region (by performing sub-sample regressions for the U.S., Europe, and BRIC/Japan) has a major impact on the results. Our findings have several implications, both for academics and policymakers. First, financial flexibility has largely been ignored in the empirical literature thus far. One of the potential reasons for this may be empirical difficulties, since financial flexibility is not directly observable. Our results, however, clearly suggest that a firm’s value of financial flexibility should be taken into account, at least with regard to payout policy. Second, the findings indicate that the value of financial flexibility impacts the behavior of firms. Hence, capital market regulators may want to think about ways to ensure that growth is not hindered in firms for which financial flexibility is of high importance. Of course, there are several avenues for future research. The strong results for payout policy suggest that the value of financial flexibility might also influence other corporate policy decisions such as the capital structure choice. Furthermore, it would be interesting to investigate how firm-specific corporate governance quality as well as ownership structures influence the impact of financial flexibility on payout policy. 34 Appendix A. Accounting Data In this section, we describe in detail how we obtain our accounting variables. With respect to our U.S. sample, we download data on all active and inactive firms denominated in $US from Compustat North America for the 1997-2009 period (see Panel A in Table I for an overview of the sample generation process using Compustat data). First, we exclude all observations whose Foreign Incorporation Code or Location Code is not equal to ”USA”. We then drop firms not listed on the NYSE, AMEX, or NASDAQ. Moreover, we eliminate financial (SIC code between 6000 and 6999) and utility (SIC code between 4900 and 4949) firms or firms with missing SIC from the sample. We also create a calendar year variable to control for differences in reporting periods across the firms. Therefore, we match fiscal year t + 1 of firm i with calendar year t if a firm’s fiscal year ends in the first six months of year t + 1. Otherwise, we match fiscal year t of firm i with calendar year t. After having downloaded the U.S. data, we perform some additional data checks. In order to obtain market data required for our screening procedure, we link the Compustat annual file to the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) database. In addition, we also eliminate firms whose shares are not traded as ordinary common stock by removing observations whose CSRP Share Code is missing or not equal to 10 or 11. After having performed these steps, our U.S. sample consists of 6,270 firms. Next, we filter and obtain data for the 22 other countries in our sample using the Worldscope database (Panel B in Table I). This time, we start by generating a firm list obtained from Thomson Financial comprising all active and inactive, publicly traded, and non-ADR firms for the 1995-2009 period. We drop firms whose primary identifier is unknown to the Worldscope database and firms resided in tax havens by looking at the ISIN country code.22 We also exclude financial and utility 22 In particular, these tax havens comprise Antigua and Barbuda, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, 35 firms from our list. Using this firm list, we download firm-level data denominated in $US from Thomson Worldscope for the 1995-2009 period. In addition, we drop observations with missing fiscal year end date or observations where the company changes its fiscal year end date. Similar to above, we calculate a calendar year variable based on a firm’s reporting date. Furthermore, we remove observations whose country code indicates that the corresponding firm is not resided in one of the 22 countries in our sample. Finally, we drop observations with unknown share type or whose equity is not traded as ordinary common stock. After this step, the Worldscope sample consists of 15,497 firms. Next, we merge the Compustat and the Worldscope sample. In order to do so, we have to match our variables according to their definitions in both databases. After having merged Compustat and Worldscope data, we remove observations where the calendar year of the observation is equal or higher than the year of the firm’s inactive date (Panel C in Table I). Moreover, we drop observations with inconsistent data (for instance, observations with negative sales). Furthermore, we restrict our sample period from 1998 to 2008, resulting ultimately in a sample of 20,325 firms. We also correct for inflation by converting the data to real $US, setting the base year to 2005. Consumer price indexes were obtained from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Appendix B. Generation of Cumulative Abnormal Returns In this section, we explain how we derive annual cumulative abnormal returns, the dependent variable in our financial flexibility regressions (equation (2)). In order to calculate cumulative abnormal returns, ri,t − Ri,t , we use a Fama and French (1993) three factor model. According to this specification, we obtain risk-free interest rates, the Fama and French (1993) factors, and firm Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, and Virgin Islands. 36 return data.23 To begin with, we obtain monthly firm-level return data for the period from January 1, 1992, to January 1, 2009. Similar to above, we use two data sources. For the U.S. firms in our sample, we acquire CRSP return data, while we draw return data from Thomson Datastream for the other 22 countries. First, we download monthly U.S. return and stock price data denominated in $US from CRSP. We drop observations with missing return or observations whose lagged stock price is less than $1 in order to reduce the effects of penny stocks (Ince and Porter (2006)). Second, we obtain monthly total shareholder returns and price data denominated in local currency24 from Datastream, using a firm’s ISIN assigned to its primary ordinary common stock as Datastream identifier. According to Datastream, monthly total shareholder returns are defined ”as the theoretical growth in value of a shareholding over a specified period, assuming that dividends are re-invested to purchase additional units of an equity or unit trust at the closing price applicable on the ex-dividend date.”25 In order to overcome well-known Datastream integrity problems, we adjust our data, following the approach by Ince and Porter (2006). First, Datastream continues to report a firm’s last stock price when it becomes inactive, resulting in zero returns. Since these returns are no real returns, we drop observations at the end of a stock’s return series that are zero. Moreover, we drop any pair of returns if one of the returns exceeds 300% and their compound return is less than 50% in order to account for data errors. Finally, we set returns to missing if its 23 We also use the return data obtained in this subsection to calculate the two-year stock price volatility in equation (2). 24 When we calculate the cumulative abnormal returns, we assume that a shareholder is resided in the same country as the corresponding firm and that the investor tries to maximize his return denominated in his home currency. Therefore, we do not convert return data into $US. 25 In the CRSP database, dividends are re-invested at month-end. Thus, the definition of monthly returns is not similar in both databases. Therefore, we also aggregate daily CRSP returns to obtain monthly CRSP returns comparable to monthly Datastream returns. We find that the correlation coefficient between yearly abnormal returns based on monthly CRSP returns and aggregated daily CRSP returns amounts to 0.9985. Hence, we rely on monthly CRSP returns in the following. 37 lagged unadjusted stock price, denominated in local currency, is less than unity. By doing so, we mitigate the effects of penny stocks. After having adjusted the firm-level return data, we obtain short-term risk-free interest rates for different economic regions, assuming that investors only have access to local capital markets and hence a local risk-free interest rate: • Brazil: Interbank Certificates of Deposit, available only from October 10, 1994. • China: One-month Interbank Offered Rate, available only from January 9, 2002. • Europe without UK: Frankfurt Interbank Offered Rate and starting December 30, 1998, the one-month Euro Interbank Offered Rate.26 • India: One-month Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate, available only from December 1, 1998. • Japan: One-month Gensaki Treasury Bill Rate (cf. Griffin (2002)), available only from March 1, 1993. • Russia: 8-30 days Russia Interbank Offered Rate, available only from September 1, 1994. • USA: One-month U.S. Treasury Bill Rate (source: Ibbotson Associates). • UK: One-month London Interbank Offered Rate. Finally, we obtain Fama and French (1993) factors to calculate cumulative abnormal returns. Recent research (e.g. Griffin (2002)) indicates that domestic pricing models can explain much more time-series variation in stock returns than global pricing models, resulting in lower pricing 26 At this point, we assume that Europe (without UK) is one economic region. We treat the United Kingdom separately, since its capital market is much more developed compared to other European countries. Moreover, the number of UK firms in our sample is large compared to the number of European firms, making it possible to calculate region-specific Fama and French (1993) factors based on a sufficiently large sample (cf. Table II). 38 errors. Thus, we use specific Fama and French (1993) factors for the economic regions defined above. For, the U.S., we obtain monthly Fama and French (1993) factors, comprising the excess market return, a Small Minus Big (SMB) factor and a High Minus Low (HML) factor, directly from Kenneth R. French’s webpage.27 For the other regions, however, no Fama and French (1993) factors are available. Therefore, we estimate our own monthly Fama and French (1993) factors for each of the regions mentioned above. These calculations are based on all stocks in our sample assigned to the corresponding region. To ensure comparability with the original Fama and French (1993) factors, we also add utility firms, since Fama and French (1993) do not exclude these firms. Fama and French (1993) construct their SMB and HML factors using all non-financial NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks and portfolio breakpoints based on NYSE stocks. For example, they use the median size of all NYSE stocks to form two portfolios consisting of larger and smaller NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks. As we obtain different Fama and French factors for different economic regions, we do not use NYSE breakpoints as defined in Fama and French (1993). Instead, we use breakpoints based on all stocks in an economic region in order to take regional differences into account. This procedure may, however, result in deviations from the original approach by Fama and French (1993), since the size breakpoints based on the full sample are expected to be smaller compared to NYSE-only breakpoints, because NYSE firms tend to be larger compared to AMEX and NASDAQ stocks. In this regard, Schmidt, von Arx, Schrimpf, Wagner, and Ziegler (2011) find that the mean (median) of the NYSE breakpoint for size is the 0.81 (0.81) quantile for all NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks during the 07/1986-12/2008 period. Thus, we also construct size portfolios based on the 80% breakpoint in order to investigate the robustness of our Fama and French (1993) factors.28 27 See library.html. In addition, Schmidt, von Arx, Schrimpf, Wagner, and Ziegler (2011) find that the book-to-market breakpoints based on all stocks do not differ much from NYSE-only breakpoints. Thus, we use in both cases the 30% and 70% quantiles for the book-to-market portfolios as in Fama and French (1993). 28 39 After having obtained our own Fama and French (1993) factors, we are able to calculate annual cumulative annual returns by performing monthly time-series regressions. For each month in the period from 1998 to 2008, we regress monthly excess stock returns, defined as the stock return minus the risk-free rate of return, on a constant, the excess market return, and the SMB and HML factors using a five year observation window. We require that there have to be at least 36 monthly return observations available during the 60 month observation window. Based on the regression coefficients, we calculate monthly abnormal returns. Using these monthly abnormal returns, we calculate yearly cumulative abnormal returns as the sum over 12 monthly abnormal returns for a given firm. We find that the correlation coefficient between yearly cumulative abnormal returns based on the two types of Fama and French factors amounts to 0.9931. In the following, we hence employ cumulative abnormal returns based on Fama and French (1993) factors using the median size breakpoint, since some of the six portfolios used to calculate the Fama and French (1993) factors remain empty when we use 80% size breakpoint, which would result in a lower number of observations. 40 References Aggarwal, Reena, Isil Erel, and Ren M. Stulz, 2009, Differences in corporate governance practices between U.S. and foreign firms: Measurement, causes, and consequences, Review of Financial Studies 22, 3131–3169. Almeida, Heitor, Murillo Campello, and Michael S. Weisbach, 2004, The cash flow sensitivity of cash, Journal of Finance 59, 1777–1804. 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Step Description Firms Panel A: Compustat sample 1 2 3 4 5 All active and inactive firms with data between 1997 and 2009 have been downloaded from Compustat North Americas Observations whose LOC (ISO Country Code - Headquarters) or FIC (Foreign Incorporation Code) is not equal to ”USA” have been removed from the sample. Observations whose EXCHG (Compustat Stock Exchange Code) is not equal to 11 (NYSE), 12 (AMEX), 14 (NASDAQ), or whose EXCHG is missing have been removed from the sample. Observations whose SICH (Historic SIC Code) is between 4900 and 4949 (utilities), 6000 and 6999 (financials), or whose SICH is missing have been removed from the sample. Observations whose SHRCD (CSRP Share Code) is not equal to 10 or 11 (i.e. ordinary common shares) or whose SHRCD is missing have been removed from the sample. 20,952 15,938 9,477 6,329 6,270 Panel B: Worldscope sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A firm list containing all active and inactive firms resided in 17 European countries, Japan, or the BRIC countries during the 1997-2009 period has been drawn from Thomson Financial. Firms whose primary identifier (i.e. the Thomson Entity Key) was unknown to Thomson Worldscope have been removed from the firm list. Firms resided in tax havens (e.g., Virgin Islands or Guernsey) have been removed from the firm list. Financials and utilities amd firms with missing SIC code have been removed from the firm list. Using this firm list, accounting data have been downloaded from Thomson Worldscope. Observations with missing fiscal year end date or where the company changes its fiscal year end date have been removed from the sample. Observations where the Thomson Financial country code is not equal to AUT, BEL, BRA, CHE, CHN, DEU, DNK, ESP, FIN, FRA, GBR, GRC, IND, IRL, ITA, JPN, LUX, NLD, NOR, PRT, RUS, or SWE have been removed from the sample. Observations with unknown share type or whose equity is not traded as common stock have been removed from the sample. 23,766 23,672 23,289 17,455 16,669 16,631 15,479 Panel C: Merged sample 1 2 3 4 The Compustat and Worldscope samples have been merged. Observations where the year of the observation is equal or higher than the year of the firm’s inactive date have been removed from the sample. Observations with inconsistent data (sales lower than zero, total common equity lower than zero, cash dividends greater than sales, cash dividends negative) have been removed from the sample. The sample period has been set to the 1998-2008 period. 44 21,749 21,726 21,378 20,325 45 JPN 2,810 2,896 3,138 3,211 3,316 3,421 3,525 3,548 3,550 3,514 3,424 3,972 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 68 70 75 72 64 63 62 61 62 60 60 101 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total Year AUT Year 17 16 20 20 21 19 22 26 26 25 24 31 LUX 98 100 93 93 94 97 108 107 109 105 98 145 BEL 136 138 124 120 118 118 117 115 110 106 94 171 NLD 42 78 81 72 72 94 117 118 121 120 119 152 BRA 118 116 110 114 115 119 142 164 175 181 165 242 NOR 131 985 1,023 1,044 1,214 1,313 1,364 1,342 1,381 1,503 1,608 1,709 CHN 63 62 66 61 56 52 51 49 49 43 41 81 PRT 110 107 105 102 102 98 105 116 116 117 114 151 DNK 21 20 23 27 38 61 94 157 184 184 173 195 RUS 114 115 116 114 114 113 113 113 111 112 111 142 FIN 112 111 110 108 106 103 105 104 103 101 98 147 ESP 710 738 712 682 674 663 654 665 653 631 584 1,001 FRA 223 257 259 262 260 265 307 351 371 390 360 490 SWE 565 584 615 583 552 550 568 610 610 585 557 849 DEU 146 154 169 166 167 168 176 178 181 174 169 225 CHE 174 214 250 258 257 258 269 261 265 262 243 324 GRC 1,002 986 1,051 1,060 1,068 1,148 1,255 1,338 1,345 1,326 1,159 2,104 UK 301 352 390 394 472 618 693 1,765 1,882 1,914 1,895 2,089 IND 3,919 3,795 3,640 3,606 3,571 3,533 3,495 3,407 3,337 3,215 2,993 5,634 USA 49 51 50 51 50 54 59 68 67 63 57 87 IRL 11,097 12,132 12,410 12,413 12,700 13,127 13,613 14,884 15,027 14,945 14,350 20,325 Total 168 187 190 193 199 199 212 221 219 214 204 283 ITA This table presents the number of firms across years and countries. A firm has to meet the data requirements given in Section II to appear in the sample. Table II: Sample composition. Table III: Summary statistics for the 1998-2008 period. This table provides summary statistics for the variables used in the financial flexibility regressions (Panel A) and the payout regressions (Panel B) for the 1998-2008 period. ri,t − Ri,t is the cumulative abnormal return obtained from a Fama and French (1993) model (cf. Appendix B). Ci,t is cash and short-term investments to lagged market capitalization. Ei,t is EBITDA to lagged market capitalization. NAi,t is total assets minus cash holdings to lagged market capitalization. RDi,t is research and development expense to lagged market capitalization. It is set to zero if missing. Ii,t is interest expense to lagged market capitalization. Di,t is cash dividends to lagged market capitalization. Li,t is leverage defined as total debt deflated by the sum of total debt and market capitalization. NFi,t is net cash flow from financing to lagged market capitalization. TobQi,t is Tobin’s Q defined as the sum of total assets and market capitalization less the book value of common equity deflated by total assets. OCFi,t is operating cash flow to lagged market capitalization. T i,t measures the relative taxation of interest at the corporate and individual level (equation (1)). PVi,t is the two-year volatility of monthly total shareholder returns. Tangi,t is tangibility, defined as tangible assets deflated by total assets. PayerDi,t is a dummy variable that is set to one if firm i pays cash dividends in year t and zero otherwise. DIi,t is the ratio of cash dividends to net income. It is set to zero if net income is negative and if net income is negative and cash dividends are zero. It is set to one if dividends exceed net income. PayerRi,t is a dummy variable that is set to one if firm i repurchases shares in year t and zero otherwise. RIi,t is the ratio of share repurchases to net income. It is set to zero if net income is negative and if net income is negative and share repurchases are zero. It is set to one if share repurchases exceed net income. RTPi,t is share repurchases to total payout. REi,t is retained earnings deflated by total assets. TEi,t is total common equity deflated by total assets. ROAi,t is net income divided by total assets. SGRi,t is logarithmic sales growth where sales is denominated in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Logsizei,t is the natural logarithm of total assets in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Cashi,t is cash and short-term investments scaled by total assets. ∆ denotes the one-year absolute change of a variable. All ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. Variable N Mean 1 st Quartile Median 3rd Quartile SD 0.2402 0.0479 0.0530 0.2070 0.0000 0.0031 0.0023 0.3175 0.4242 0.0525 1.8705 0.1655 0.8500 0.1679 0.9980 0.4295 0.1620 0.2144 0.5558 0.0178 0.0210 0.0125 0.3240 0.2491 0.2595 1.6423 0.2233 0.1570 0.0756 0.1576 1.0000 0.4138 1.0000 0.4945 0.3487 0.4721 Panel A: Financial flexibility regressions ri,t − Ri,t ∆Ci,t ∆Ei,t ∆NAi,t ∆RDi,t ∆Ii,t ∆Di,t Ci,t−1 Li,t NFi,t TobQi,t OCFi,t T i,t PVi,t Tangi,t 87,290 118,983 115,327 118,969 119,355 113,207 109,645 119,268 129,236 111,810 129,431 111,910 146,698 110,330 139,824 0.0310 0.0105 0.0211 0.0798 0.0011 0.0004 0.0005 0.2527 0.2561 0.0136 1.7477 0.1037 0.7285 0.1361 0.9032 -0.2141 -0.0376 -0.0308 -0.0652 0.0000 -0.0019 0.0000 0.0535 0.0282 -0.0615 0.9552 0.0136 0.6500 0.0839 0.8814 0.0083 0.0017 0.0091 0.0400 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1412 0.1871 -0.0093 1.2408 0.0787 0.6700 0.1170 0.9810 Panel B: Payout regressions PayerDi,t DIi,t PayerRi,t 131,599 131,525 91,872 0.5740 0.2702 0.3354 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.1169 0.0000 Continued on next page. 46 Table III: Summary statistics for the 1998-2008 period (continued). Variable N Mean 1 st Quartile Median 3rd Quartile SD RIi,t RTPi,t REi,t TEi,t ROAi,t SGRi,t Logsizei,t Cashi,t 91,939 59,596 131,696 143,990 143,803 132,925 144,026 143,901 0.1571 0.2934 -0.3023 0.4845 -0.0040 0.1099 5.2021 0.1773 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0505 0.3155 -0.0036 -0.0440 3.9462 0.0427 0.0000 0.0017 0.2339 0.4682 0.0278 0.0833 5.1141 0.1109 0.0455 0.6517 0.5894 0.6531 0.0651 0.2195 6.3895 0.2387 0.3280 0.4022 2.5229 0.2244 0.1737 0.3371 1.9377 0.1911 47 48 AUT 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 JPN 0.1216 0.1216 0.1216 0.1216 0.1216 0.1216 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 -0.4459 -0.4459 -0.4459 -0.3419 -0.2520 -0.2520 -0.2520 -0.2520 -0.2519 -0.2517 -0.2517 LUX 0.1676 0.1676 0.1676 0.1676 0.1643 0.1627 0.1627 0.1627 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 BEL 0.6000 0.6000 0.6000 0.2500 0.2499 0.2499 0.2499 0.2499 0.2500 0.2499 0.2499 NLD -0.1111 -0.1111 -0.1111 -0.1111 -0.1111 -0.2500 -0.2500 -0.1765 -0.1765 -0.1765 -0.1765 BRA 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1100 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 NOR 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2000 CHN 0.1749 0.1749 0.2000 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 PRT 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 DNK 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1954 -0.0805 -0.0805 -0.0805 -0.0460 -0.0460 -0.0460 -0.0460 RUS -0.3889 -0.3889 -0.4085 -0.4085 -0.4085 -0.4085 -0.4085 -0.1672 -0.1167 -0.1167 -0.1167 FIN 0.2488 0.0900 0.0900 0.1122 0.1122 0.0941 0.0941 0.0941 0.0941 0.0000 0.0000 ESP 0.1272 0.1360 0.1470 0.1380 0.1323 0.0674 0.0368 0.0307 0.0307 0.0301 0.0028 FRA 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 SWE 0.1464 0.2368 0.2003 0.0078 0.2557 0.2558 0.2373 0.2216 0.2216 0.2373 0.2374 DEU 0.4243 0.4244 0.4204 0.4153 0.4100 0.4037 0.4037 0.4036 0.4037 0.4037 0.4037 CHE 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 GRC -0.2500 -0.2500 -0.2500 -0.2500 -0.2500 -0.2500 -0.2500 -0.2500 -0.2500 -0.2500 0.0854 UK -0.1250 0.0110 0.1333 0.2290 0.0418 0.0416 0.0449 0.1402 0.1402 0.1700 0.1700 IND 0.0909 0.1158 0.1137 0.1005 0.1045 0.0335 -0.0032 0.0128 0.0139 0.0174 0.0686 USA 0.1771 0.3250 0.3250 0.2750 0.2750 0.2750 0.2750 0.2750 0.2750 0.2624 0.2624 IRL 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ITA This table presents the tax disadvantage of dividends relative to share repurchases across 23 countries over the 1998-2008 period. The definition of the tax disadvantage follows Poterba and Summers (1984) and can be found in equation (4). Table IV: Tax disadvantage of dividends relative to share repurchases across 23 countries over the 1998-2008 period. Table V: Regression results for the value of financial flexibility. This table presents the results of regressing annual cumulative abnormal returns, ri,t −Ri,t , on changes in firm characteristics over the 1998-2008 period. ri,t − Ri,t is the cumulative abnormal return obtained from a Fama and French (1993) model (cf. Appendix B). Ci,t is cash and short-term investments to lagged market capitalization. Ei,t is EBITDA to lagged market capitalization. NAi,t is total assets minus cash holdings to lagged market capitalization. RDi,t is research and development expense to lagged market capitalization. It is set to zero if missing. Ii,t is interest expense to lagged market capitalization. Di,t is cash dividends to lagged market capitalization. Li,t is leverage defined as total debt deflated by the sum of total debt and market capitalization. NFi,t is net cash flow from financing to lagged market capitalization. TobQi,t is Tobin’s Q defined as the sum of total assets and market capitalization less the book value of common equity deflated by total assets. OCFi,t is operating cash flow to lagged market capitalization. T i,t measures the relative taxation of interest at the corporate and individual level (equation (1)). PVi,t is the two-year volatility of monthly total shareholder returns. Tangi,t is tangibility, defined as tangible assets deflated by total assets. ∆ denotes the one-year absolute change of a variable. All ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. All variables used as interaction terms are balanced at their means. Model I represents the results obtained from an OLS regression. Model II represents a fixed effects regression whereas model III represents a random effects regression. Models I and III have been estimated using a set of industry, country, and year dummies. Standard errors are clustered at the firm-level and given in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, or 10% level is indicated by ***, **, or *, respectively. Variable I II III Intercept 0.008 (0.010) 0.467*** (0.033) 0.246*** (0.011) 0.055*** (0.005) 0.142 (0.110) -1.001*** (0.131) 1.952*** (0.121) 0.100*** (0.006) -0.306*** (0.007) 0.094*** (0.011) 0.080*** (0.003) 0.364*** (0.012) -0.01 (0.007) 1.033*** -0.021 (0.036) 0.498*** (0.032) 0.208*** (0.011) 0.018*** (0.005) -0.013 (0.111) -0.725*** (0.132) 1.136*** (0.120) 0.333*** (0.012) -0.796*** (0.017) 0.141*** (0.012) 0.137*** (0.005) 0.335*** (0.014) 0.012 (0.007) 1.536*** -0.002 (0.010) 0.462*** (0.032) 0.237*** (0.011) 0.044*** (0.004) 0.076 (0.110) -0.946*** (0.129) 1.706*** (0.119) 0.154*** (0.007) -0.384*** (0.008) 0.112*** (0.011) 0.094*** (0.003) 0.378*** (0.012) -0.006 (0.007) 1.163*** ∆Ci,t ∆Ei,t ∆NAi,t ∆RDi,t ∆Ii,t ∆Di,t Ci,t−1 Li,t NFi,t TobQi,t OCFi,t T i,t PVi,t Continued on next page. 49 Table V: Regression results for the value of financial flexibility (continued). Variable Tangi,t Ci,t−1 · ∆Ci,t Li,t · ∆Ci,t TobQi,t · ∆Ci,t OCFi,t · ∆Ci,t T i,t · ∆Ci,t PVi,t · ∆Ci,t Tangi,t · ∆Ci,t R2 Adjusted R2 N I II III (0.036) 0.008 (0.012) -0.139*** (0.022) -0.182*** (0.041) 0.114*** (0.022) -0.119*** (0.032) -0.145*** (0.022) 1.397*** (0.231) -0.318*** (0.114) (0.050) -0.246*** (0.030) -0.151*** (0.023) -0.137*** (0.041) 0.080*** (0.022) -0.103*** (0.033) -0.143*** (0.021) 1.162*** (0.227) -0.303*** (0.110) (0.038) -0.021 (0.014) -0.138*** (0.022) -0.167*** (0.041) 0.104*** (0.021) -0.119*** (0.032) -0.147*** (0.022) 1.408*** (0.230) -0.321*** (0.112) 0.216 0.215 70,465 0.264 0.263 70,465 70,465 50 Table VI: The value of financial flexibility and the global financial crisis. This table presents the results of two event studies related to the announcement (September 19, 2008) and the rejection (September 29, 2008) of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in the U.S. The event studies are based on all U.S. firms in the sample, an estimation window based on 250 trading days ending 10 tradings before the collapse of Lehman Brothers (September 15, 2008), and an event period of three trading days centered around the respective event days. Panel A shows mean three-day cumulative abnormal returns for the lowest and highest deciles of the value of financial flexibility (VOFF) based on a market model, while Panel B refers to a Fama and French (1993) three factor model. Statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, or 10% level is indicated by ***, **, or *, respectively. Event VOFF decile 1 VOFF decile 10 Difference Panel A: Market model September 19, 2008 September 29, 2008 -0.81% 0.03% 0.63% -1.36% 1.44%*** -1.39%*** Panel B: Fama and French (1993) three factor model September 19, 2008 September 29, 2008 -1.63% 0.45% 2.70% -0.37% 51 4.33%*** -0,82%** 52 PayerDi,t PayerRi,t DIi,t RIi,t RTPi,t REi,t Ci,t−1 Li,t TobQi,t OCFi,t T i,t PVi,t Tangi,t VOFF decile 0.8413 0.4762 0.4690 0.1717 0.1530 0.2957 0.7000 0.5199 0.8801 0.2515 1.9864 0.0880 0.9824 1 0.8673 0.5394 0.4421 0.1877 0.1816 0.3386 0.3823 0.3687 0.9433 0.1536 1.8656 0.0943 0.9773 2 0.8165 0.4812 0.3903 0.1697 0.1979 0.2645 0.2940 0.3368 1.0605 0.1470 1.7157 0.1097 0.9678 3 0.7548 0.3973 0.3626 0.1639 0.2185 0.1331 0.2330 0.3251 1.1484 0.1360 1.3895 0.1139 0.9497 4 0.6948 0.3798 0.3315 0.1769 0.2700 0.1345 0.1829 0.2873 1.2360 0.1196 1.1675 0.1171 0.9263 5 0.6332 0.3894 0.2941 0.1849 0.3151 0.1069 0.1674 0.2429 1.3582 0.1056 1.0707 0.1259 0.8941 6 0.5621 0.3842 0.2476 0.1940 0.3549 -0.0427 0.1507 0.2067 1.5100 0.0879 1.0209 0.1366 0.8531 7 0.4734 0.3711 0.2033 0.1952 0.4049 -0.2838 0.1430 0.1597 1.7414 0.0665 1.0022 0.1519 0.8154 8 0.3746 0.3381 0.1532 0.1888 0.4574 -0.6851 0.1385 0.1062 2.2010 0.0420 0.9865 0.1780 0.7992 9 0.2557 0.2624 0.0999 0.1534 0.4878 -1.9573 0.1240 0.0478 4.2487 -0.0043 0.9922 0.2295 0.8201 10 This table presents means of several variables for annual VOFFi,t deciles for the period from 1998 to 2008. VOFFi,t deciles are increasing from 1 to 10. VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. PayerDi,t is a dummy variable that is set to one if firm i pays cash dividends in year t and zero otherwise. PayerRi,t is a dummy variable that is set to one if firm i repurchases shares in year t and zero otherwise. DIi,t is the ratio of cash dividends to net income. It is set to zero if net income is negative and if net income is negative and cash dividends are zero. It is set to one if dividends exceed net income. RIi,t is the ratio of share repurchases to net income. It is set to zero if net income is negative and if net income is negative and share repurchases are zero. It is set to one if share repurchases exceed net income. RTPi,t is share repurchases to total payout. REi,t is retained earnings deflated by total assets. Ci,t−1 is lagged cash and short-term investments to lagged market capitalization. Li,t is leverage defined as total debt deflated by the sum of total debt and market capitalization. TobQi,t is Tobin’s Q defined as the sum of total assets and market capitalization less the book value of common equity deflated by total assets. OCFi,t is operating cash flow to lagged market capitalization. T i,t measures the relative taxation of interest at the corporate and individual level (equation (1)). PVi,t is the two-year volatility of monthly total shareholder returns. Tangi,t is tangibility, defined as tangible assets deflated by total assets. All ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. Table VII: Mean firm characteristics for VOFF deciles, 1998-2008. Table VIII: Financial flexibility and dividends. This table presents the pooled logit and tobit regression results with firm-level clustered standard errors for the period from 1998 to 2008. The dependent variable is either PayerDi,t (Panel A) or DIi,t (Panel B). PayerDi,t is a dummy variable that is set to one if firm i pays dividends in year t and zero otherwise. DIi,t is the ratio of cash dividends to net income. It is set to zero if net income is negative and if net income is negative and cash dividends are zero. It is set to one if dividends exceed net income. REi,t is retained earnings deflated by total assets. TEi,t is total common equity deflated by total assets. ROAi,t is net income divided by total assets. SGRi,t is logarithmic sales growth where sales is denominated in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Logsizei,t is the natural logarithm of total assets in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Cashi,t is cash and short-term investments scaled by total assets. CRi,t and ADi are creditor and shareholder rights indexes from Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer (2007) and Djankov, La Porta, de Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). δDivi,t is a tax variable indicating the preferability of dividends over capital gains following the definition by Poterba and Summers (1984). VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. It has been estimated using industry, country, and year dummies, and a pooled OLS model. All ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. Standard errors are in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, or 10% level is indicated by ***, **, or *, respectively. Panel A: PayerDi,t Panel B: DIi,t Variable I II III IV V VI Intercept 1.426*** (0.026) -0.310*** (0.073) 0.400*** (0.005) 0.056*** (0.020) -3.265*** (0.074) 0.437*** (0.020) 0.045** (0.020) -0.182* (0.107) -3.079*** (0.075) -2.525*** (0.133) 0.578*** (0.054) 0.426*** (0.105) 4.520*** (0.229) -0.222*** (0.043) 0.286*** (0.013) -0.492*** (0.120) 0.437*** (0.021) 0.186*** (0.021) -1.306*** (0.134) -2.614*** (0.086) -0.925*** (0.019) 0.068*** (0.005) 0.044*** (0.005) -0.205*** (0.030) -0.872*** (0.018) -0.107*** (0.032) 0.096*** (0.008) -0.051** (0.024) -0.032 (0.044) -0.251*** (0.013) 0.040*** (0.003) -0.215*** (0.032) 0.053*** (0.005) 0.051*** (0.005) -0.490*** (0.033) -0.651*** (0.020) 0.117 91,188 No 0.148 91,145 No 0.073 91,160 No 0.088 91,117 No REi,t TEi,t ROAi,t SGRi,t Logsizei,t Cashi,t ADi CRi,t δDivi,t VOFFi,t Pseudo R2 N Dummies 0.303 85,186 Industry / Year 53 0.143 85,186 Industry / Year Table IX: Financial flexibility and share repurchases. This table presents pooled logit and tobit regression results with firm-level clustered standard errors for the period from 1998 to 2008. The dependent variable is either PayerRi,t (Panel A) or RIi,t (Panel B). PayerRi,t is a dummy variable that is set to one if firm i repurchases shares in year t and zero otherwise. RIi,t is the ratio of share repurchases to net income. It is set to zero if net income is negative and if net income is negative and share repurchases are zero. It is set to one if share repurchases exceed net income. REi,t is retained earnings deflated by total assets. TEi,t is total common equity deflated by total assets. ROAi,t is net income divided by total assets. SGRi,t is logarithmic sales growth where sales is denominated in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Logsizei,t is the natural logarithm of total assets in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Cashi,t is cash and short-term investments scaled by total assets. CRi,t and ADi are creditor and shareholder rights indexes from Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer (2007) and Djankov, La Porta, de Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). δDivi,t is a tax variable indicating the preferability of dividends over capital gains following the definition by Poterba and Summers (1984). VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. It has been estimated using industry, country, and year dummies, and a pooled OLS model. All ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. Standard errors are in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, or 10% level is indicated by ***, **, or *, respectively. Panel A: PayerRi,t Panel B: RIi,t Variable I II III IV V VI Intercept -0.125*** (0.025) -0.399*** (0.068) -0.218*** (0.013) -0.140*** (0.037) -1.086*** (0.062) 0.299*** (0.019) -0.491*** (0.019) 0.580*** (0.092) -1.051*** (0.061) -4.407*** (0.135) 0.061*** (0.013) 1.622*** (0.098) 1.509*** (0.137) -0.546*** (0.041) 0.297*** (0.011) 0.223** (0.105) 0.582*** (0.024) -0.483*** (0.021) 1.778*** (0.126) -0.494*** (0.072) -0.340*** (0.030) 0.103*** (0.010) -0.264*** (0.010) 0.265*** (0.048) -0.340*** (0.029) -1.574*** (0.060) 0.029*** (0.005) 0.509*** (0.045) -0.131** (0.057) -0.411*** (0.022) 0.120*** (0.005) 0.227*** (0.051) 0.193*** (0.011) -0.239*** (0.010) 0.619*** (0.057) -0.065** (0.032) 0.014 68,709 No 0.048 68,678 No 0.004 68,784 No 0.030 68,753 No REi,t TEi,t ROAi,t SGRi,t Logsizei,t Cashi,t ADi CRi,t δDivi,t VOFFi,t Pseudo R2 N Dummies 0.132 63,595 Industry / Year 54 0.071 63,671 Industry / Year Table X: Financial flexibility and dividend omissions and initiations. This table presents the pooled logit regression results with firm-level clustered standard errors for the period from 1998 to 2008. The dependent variable is either OMITi,t (Panel A) or INITi,t (Panel B). OMITi,t is set to one if the firm stops paying a dividend in year t and zero if the firm continues to pay a dividend. INITi,t is set to one if the firm pays a dividend in year t and if cash dividends have been zero in year t − 1. It is set to zero if the firm continues not to pay dividends in year t. REi,t is retained earnings deflated by total assets. TEi,t is total common equity deflated by total assets. ROAi,t is net income divided by total assets. SGRi,t is logarithmic sales growth where sales is denominated in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Logsizei,t is the natural logarithm of total assets in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Cashi,t is cash and short-term investments scaled by total assets. CRi,t and ADi are creditor and shareholder rights indexes from Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer (2007) and Djankov, La Porta, de Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). δDivi,t is a tax variable indicating the preferability of dividends over capital gains following the definition by Poterba and Summers (1984). VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. It has been estimated using industry, country, and year dummies, and a pooled OLS model. All ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. Standard errors are in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, or 10% level is indicated by ***, **, or *, respectively. Panel A: OMITi,t Panel B: INITi,t Variable I II III IV V VI Intercept -3.154*** (0.029) -2.081*** (0.080) -1.622*** (0.032) -2.544*** (0.121) 0.909*** (0.080) -0.326*** (0.022) 0.105*** (0.026) 0.813*** (0.084) 1.412*** (0.187) -0.079*** (0.024) -2.570*** (0.156) -4.455*** (0.294) -0.003 (0.121) -0.343*** (0.015) 0.322 (0.218) -0.413*** (0.025) 0.033 (0.024) 0.949*** (0.096) -2.070*** (0.089) 0.192*** (0.039) 0.111*** (0.030) -1.937*** (0.091) -2.817*** (0.204) 0.290*** (0.044) -0.735*** (0.134) 3.045*** (0.322) 0.104 (0.071) 0.034** (0.016) 0.277** (0.140) 0.202*** (0.042) 0.226*** (0.032) -1.255*** (0.122) 0.007 56,503 No 0.017 56,476 No 0.041 33,639 No 0.050 33,624 No REi,t TEi,t ROAi,t SGRi,t Logsizei,t Cashi,t ADi CRi,t VOFFi,t Pseudo R2 N Dummies 0.146 52,485 Industry / Year 55 0.105 31,764 Industry / Year Table XI: Estimation of the impact of financial flexibility on payout policy using a multinomial logit model. This table presents the pooled multinomial logit regression results with firm-level clustered standard errors for the period from 1998 to 2008. The dependent variable Pi,t is a categorical variable that is set to zero if the firm does not pay dividends or repurchase shares in year t. It is set to one if the firm repurchases shares, but does not pay cash dividends. It is set to two if the firm pays cash dividends but does not repurchase shares. It is set to three if the firm both repurchases shares and pays cash dividends. REi,t is retained earnings deflated by total assets. TEi,t is total common equity deflated by total assets. ROAi,t is net income divided by total assets. SGRi,t is logarithmic sales growth where sales is denominated in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Logsizei,t is the natural logarithm of total assets in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Cashi,t is cash and short-term investments scaled by total assets. CRi,t and ADi are creditor and shareholder rights indexes from Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer (2007) and Djankov, La Porta, de Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). δDivi,t is a tax variable indicating the preferability of dividends over capital gains following the definition by Poterba and Summers (1984). VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. It has been estimated using industry, country, and year dummies, and a pooled OLS model. All ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. The model in this table has been estimated using a set of industry and year dummies. Standard errors are in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, or 10% level is indicated by ***, **, or *, respectively. Variable Repurchase (Pi,t = 1) Dividend (Pi,t = 2) Dividend & repurchase (Pi,t = 3) Intercept -2.458*** (0.181) 0.031*** (0.010) 1.201*** (0.137) 1.444*** (0.140) -0.550*** (0.055) 0.282*** (0.016) 0.543*** (0.132) 0.120*** (0.031) -0.511*** (0.025) 1.176*** (0.156) -0.279*** (0.086) -2.632*** (0.187) 0.352*** (0.039) -0.043 (0.137) 4.652*** (0.269) -0.346*** (0.054) 0.345*** (0.017) -0.424*** (0.162) 0.409*** (0.034) 0.191*** (0.030) -1.218*** (0.177) -2.030*** (0.115) -7.176*** (0.214) 0.873*** (0.102) 1.524*** (0.154) 6.287*** (0.386) -0.852*** (0.069) 0.593*** (0.019) -0.514*** (0.175) 1.014*** (0.037) -0.241*** (0.029) 0.727*** (0.174) -2.712*** (0.132) REi,t TEi,t ROAi,t SGRi,t Logsizei,t Cashi,t ADi CRi,t δDivi,t VOFFi,t Pseudo R2 N 0.0.219 62,244 56 Table XII: Financial flexibility and payout decisons. This table presents mean predicted probabilities for certain payout types across increasing deciles of VOFFi,t estimated from the pooled multinomial logit model (Table XI). The dependent variable Pi,t in this model is a categorical variable that is set to zero if the firm does not pay dividends or repurchase shares in year t. It is set to one if the firm repurchases shares, but does not pay cash dividends. It is set to two if the firm pays cash dividends but does not repurchase shares. It is set to three if the firm both repurchases shares and pays cash dividends. VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. Decile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No payout Repurchase Dividend Dividend & repurchase 0.1151 0.1312 0.1810 0.2472 0.2695 0.2838 0.3120 0.3647 0.4384 0.5872 0.0468 0.0554 0.0737 0.1006 0.1178 0.1314 0.1442 0.1670 0.1883 0.2034 0.4065 0.3717 0.3591 0.3485 0.3426 0.3280 0.3081 0.2692 0.2230 0.1279 0.4316 0.4417 0.3862 0.3037 0.2701 0.2568 0.2358 0.1991 0.1503 0.0815 57 Table XIII: Trade-off between share repurchases and dividends. This table presents the pooled tobit regression results with firm-level clustered standard errors for the period from 1998 to 2008. The dependent variable is RTPi,t . RTPi,t is share repurchases to total payout. REi,t is retained earnings deflated by total assets. TEi,t is total common equity deflated by total assets. ROAi,t is net income divided by total assets. SGRi,t is logarithmic sales growth where sales is denominated in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Logsizei,t is the natural logarithm of total assets in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Cashi,t is cash and short-term investments scaled by total assets. CRi,t and ADi are creditor and shareholder rights indexes from Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer (2007) and Djankov, La Porta, de Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). δDivi,t is a tax variable indicating the preferability of dividends over capital gains following the definition by Poterba and Summers (1984). VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. It has been estimated using industry, country, and year dummies, and a pooled OLS model. All ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. Standard errors are in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, or 10% level is indicated by ***, **, or *, respectively. Variable I II III Intercept -0.109*** (0.012) 0.763*** (0.049) 0.716*** (0.039) -0.105*** (0.013) -0.235*** (0.012) 0.203*** (0.057) 0.532*** (0.036) -0.093 (0.067) -0.054*** (0.007) 0.528*** (0.047) -0.663*** (0.085) -0.177*** (0.025) 0.033*** (0.005) 0.456*** (0.064) -0.013 (0.013) -0.219*** (0.012) 0.669*** (0.067) 0.568*** (0.038) 0.016 49,390 No 0.074 49,365 No 0.113 45,699 Industry / Year REi,t TEi,t ROAi,t SGRi,t Logsizei,t Cashi,t ADi CRi,t δDivi,t VOFFi,t Pseudo R2 N Dummies 58 Table XIV: Financial flexibility and dividends for various economic regions. This table presents the pooled logit and tobit regression results with firm-level clustered standard errors for the period from 1998 to 2008 for three economic regions. The dependent variable is either PayerDi,t (Panel A) or DIi,t (Panel B). PayerDi,t is a dummy variable that is set to one if firm i pays dividends in year t and zero otherwise. DIi,t is the ratio of cash dividends to net income. It is set to zero if net income is negative and if net income is negative and cash dividends are zero. It is set to one if dividends exceed net income. REi,t is retained earnings deflated by total assets. TEi,t is total common equity deflated by total assets. ROAi,t is net income divided by total assets. SGRi,t is logarithmic sales growth where sales is denominated in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Logsizei,t is the natural logarithm of total assets in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Cashi,t is cash and short-term investments scaled by total assets. CRi,t and ADi are creditor and shareholder rights indexes from Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer (2007) and Djankov, La Porta, de Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). δDivi,t is a tax variable indicating the preferability of dividends over capital gains following the definition by Poterba and Summers (1984). VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. It has been estimated using all observations from the respective subsamples, industry and year dummies, and a pooled OLS estimation. All ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. All models in this table have been estimated using a set of industry and year dummies. Standard errors are in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, or 10% level is indicated by ***, **, or *, respectively. Panel A: PayerDi,t Panel B: DIi,t Variable USA EU17 BRIC/JPN USA EU17 BRIC/JPN Intercept -1.474*** (0.159) 0.230*** (0.049) -0.464** (0.199) 2.672*** (0.371) -0.777*** (0.091) 0.352*** (0.024) -1.320*** (0.242) -1.630*** (0.179) -3.972*** (0.179) 0.586*** (0.088) 0.373** (0.177) 6.862*** (0.401) -0.818*** (0.067) 0.416*** (0.023) -1.180*** (0.204) -0.860*** (0.140) -4.074*** (0.317) 2.322*** (0.231) 3.138*** (0.234) -0.169 (0.616) 0.056 (0.121) 0.358*** (0.027) -1.174*** (0.281) -1.307*** (0.164) -0.276*** (0.084) 0.047*** (0.009) -0.326*** (0.070) -0.092 (0.090) -0.317*** (0.035) 0.090*** (0.008) -0.449*** (0.083) -0.550*** (0.063) 0.178*** (0.036) 0.111*** (0.014) -0.027 (0.041) 0.505*** (0.067) -0.348*** (0.019) 0.056*** (0.004) -0.407*** (0.052) -0.267*** (0.031) 0.432*** (0.048) 0.230*** (0.003) 0.278*** (0.032) -2.277*** (0.166) -0.223*** (0.024) 0.011*** (0.003) -0.184*** (0.046) -0.331*** (0.034) 0.241 27,056 0.336 26,969 0.311 31,203 0.144 27,056 0.133 26,969 0.115 31,203 REi,t TEi,t ROAi,t SGRi,t Logsizei,t Cashi,t VOFFi,t Pseudo R2 N 59 Table XV: Financial flexibility and share repurchases for various economic regions. This table presents the pooled logit and tobit regression results with firm-level clustered standard errors for the period from 1998 to 2008 for three economic regions. The dependent variable is either PayerRi,t (Panel A) or RIi,t (Panel B). PayerRi,t is a dummy variable that is set to one if firm i repurchases shares in year t and zero otherwise. RIi,t is the ratio of share repurchases to net income. It is set to zero if net income is negative and if net income is negative and share repurchases are zero. It is set to one if share repurchases exceed net income. REi,t is retained earnings deflated by total assets. TEi,t is total common equity deflated by total assets. ROAi,t is net income divided by total assets. SGRi,t is logarithmic sales growth where sales is denominated in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Logsizei,t is the natural logarithm of total assets in millions of $US (2005 = 100). Cashi,t is cash and short-term investments scaled by total assets. CRi,t and ADi are creditor and shareholder rights indexes from Djankov, McLiesh, and Shleifer (2007) and Djankov, La Porta, de Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). δDivi,t is a tax variable indicating the preferability of dividends over capital gains following the definition by Poterba and Summers (1984). VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. It has been estimated using all observations from the respective subsamples, industry and year dummies, and a pooled OLS estimation. All ratios are winsorized at the 1% level. All models in this table have been estimated using a set of industry and year dummies. Standard errors are in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, or 10% level is indicated by ***, **, or *, respectively. Panel A: PayerRi,t Panel B: RIi,t Variable USA EU17 BRIC/JPN USA EU17 BRIC/JPN Intercept -1.433*** (0.163) 0.061*** (0.013) 0.766*** (0.142) 1.820*** (0.180) -0.763*** (0.067) 0.294*** (0.017) 0.269* (0.143) -0.837*** (0.111) -3.971*** (0.179) 0.104*** (0.034) 0.114 (0.182) 2.857*** (0.326) -0.591*** (0.074) 0.273*** (0.018) 0.797*** (0.194) -0.103 (0.150) -4.067*** (0.317) 0.225 (0.153) 2.268*** (0.235) -1.660** (0.703) -0.351*** (0.112) 0.168*** (0.030) 0.591* (0.310) -2.371*** (0.261) -0.657*** (0.088) 0.038*** (0.007) 0.240*** (0.079) -0.004 (0.086) -0.532*** (0.040) 0.138*** (0.008) 0.286*** (0.081) -0.404*** (0.060) -1.887*** (0.090) 0.050*** (0.013) -0.018 (0.091) 0.501*** (0.113) -0.359*** (0.041) 0.115*** (0.008) 0.550*** (0.100) -0.056 (0.075) -1.084*** (0.099) 0.038* (0.021) 0.627*** (0.060) -2.999*** (0.257) -0.156*** (0.040) 0.043*** (0.008) 0.236*** (0.081) -0.478*** (0.074) 0.096 24,456 0.125 21,221 0.093 17,520 0.046 24,458 0.076 21,272 0.077 17,543 REi,t TEi,t ROAi,t SGRi,t Logsizei,t Cashi,t VOFFi,t Pseudo R2 N 60 Probability of dividends 1.0 0.90 0.88 0.84 0.9 0.77 Probability 0.8 0.68 0.7 0.57 0.6 0.47 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 5% 10% 25% 50% 75% Percentiles of VOFF 90% 95% 0.71 0.70 25% 50% 75% 90% Percentiles of the dividend tax penalty indicator 95% Probability of dividends 1.0 0.9 0.82 0.80 0.77 Probability 0.8 0.77 0.74 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 5% 10% Probability of dividends 0 1.0 0.86 0.9 Probability 0.8 0.73 0.63 0.7 0.6 0 0.80 0.53 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 2 3 Shareholder rights 4 5 0.80 0.83 3 4 Probability of dividends 0 1.0 0 0.9 Probability 0.8 0.69 0.77 0.73 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 Creditor rights Figure 1: The four graphs0 visualize predicted probabilities of dividends for increasing0 percentiles of the value of financial flexibility (VOFFi,t ), increasing percentiles of the tax penalty indicator (δDivi,t ), varying levels of shareholder rights (ADi ), and varying levels of creditor rights (CRi,t ). The predicted probabilites are based on the coefficients obtained from the logit regression in model III in Table VIII. All explanatory variables except VOFFi,t , δDivi,t , ADi , and CRi,t are set to the sample median. The year is set to 2008 and the industry is set to the manufacturing industry. In doing so, we follow the same methodology as in Brockman and Unlu (2009). 61 0 0 Probability of share repurchases 1.0 0.9 Probability 0.8 0.7 0.58 0.6 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.52 0.50 0.48 50% 75% Percentiles of VOFF 90% 95% 0.64 0.65 25% 50% 75% 90% Percentiles of the dividend tax penalty indicator 95% 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 5% 10% 25% Probability of share repurchases 1.0 0.9 Probability 0.8 0.7 0.61 0.54 0.6 0.5 0.43 0.43 5% 10% 0.54 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Probability of share repurchases 0 1.0 0 0.9 0.74 Probability 0.8 0.7 0.61 0.6 0.47 0.5 0.33 0.4 0.3 0.22 0.2 0.1 1 2 3 Shareholder rights 4 5 Probability of share repurchases 0 1.0 0 0.9 Probability 0.8 0.7 0.66 0.54 0.6 0.5 0.42 0.4 0.31 0.3 0.22 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 Creditor rights 3 4 0 Figure 2: The four graphs0 visualize predicted probabilities of share repurchases for increasing percentiles of the value of financial flexibility (VOFFi,t ), increasing percentiles of the tax penalty indicator (δDivi,t ), varying levels of shareholder rights (ADi ), and varying levels of creditor rights (CRi,t ). The predicted probabilites are based on the coefficients obtained from the logit regression in model III in Table IX. All explanatory variables except VOFFi,t , δDivi,t , ADi , and CRi,t are set to the sample median. The year is set to 2008 and the industry is set to the manufacturing industry. In doing so, we follow the same methodology as in Brockman and Unlu (2009). 62 0 0 Payout probabilities 0.7 Probability 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 No paypout 2 3 4 5 6 VOFF decile Share repurchases Dividends 7 8 9 10 Dividends & repurchases Figure 3: The graph visualizes mean predicted payout probabilities by increasing VOFFi,t deciles. VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. The predicted probabilites are based on the multinomial logit model in Table XI. 0 63 0 Payout probabilities 0.7 Probability 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 No paypout 2 3 4 5 6 VOFF decile Share repurchases Dividends 7 8 9 10 Dividends & repurchases Figure 4: The graph visualizes mean predicted payout probabilities by increasing VOFFi,t deciles. VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. It has been estimated incorporting the approach by Almeida, Campello, and Weisbach (2004) to adjust for expected changes in cash holdings in model (2). 0 64 0 Payout probabilities 0.7 Probability 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 No paypout 2 3 4 5 6 VOFF decile Share repurchases Dividends 7 8 9 10 Dividends & repurchases Figure 5: The graph visualizes mean predicted payout probabilities by increasing VOFFi,t deciles. VOFFi,t is the value of financial flexibility. In contrast to figure 3, the predicted payout probabilities are based on a multinomial logit model including country dummies instead of corporate governance and tax variables. 0 65 0 Payout probabilities 0.7 Probability 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 No paypout 2 3 4 5 6 VOFF decile Share repurchases Dividends 7 8 9 10 Dividends & repurchases Figure 6: The graph visualizes mean predicted payout probabilities by increasing deciles for the alternative financial flexibility measure as defined in Section IV. 0 66 0