AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY Weather and Forecasting EARLY ONLINE RELEASE This is a preliminary PDF of the author-produced manuscript that has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication. Since it is being posted so soon after acceptance, it has not yet been copyedited, formatted, or processed by AMS Publications. This preliminary version of the manuscript may be downloaded, distributed, and cited, but please be aware that there will be visual differences and possibly some content differences between this version and the final published version. The DOI for this manuscript is doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-13-00113.1 The final published version of this manuscript will replace the preliminary version at the above DOI once it is available. If you would like to cite this EOR in a separate work, please use the following full citation: Cintineo, J., M. Pavolonis, J. Sieglaff, and D. Lindsey, 2014: An Empirical Model for Assessing the Severe Weather Potential of Developing Convection. Wea. Forecasting. doi:10.1175/WAF-D-13-00113.1, in press. © 2014 American Meteorological Society Manuscript (non-LaTeX) Click here to download Manuscript (non-LaTeX): An_Empirical_Model_for_Assessing_the_Severe_Weather_Potential_of_Developing_Con An Empirical Model for Assessing the Severe Weather Potential of Developing Convection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 John L. Cintineo1 Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Michael J. Pavolonis Advanced Satellite Products Team NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research, Madison, Wisconsin Justin M. Sieglaff Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Daniel T. Lindsey Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch, NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research, Fort Collins, Colorado 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Corresponding author address: John L. Cintineo, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 1 32 33 34 35 ABSTRACT The formation and maintenance of thunderstorms that produce large hail, strong 36 winds, and tornadoes are often difficult to forecast due to their rapid evolution and 37 complex interactions with environmental features that are challenging to observe. Given 38 inherent uncertainties in storm development, it is intuitive to predict severe storms in a 39 probabilistic manner. This paper presents such an approach to forecasting severe 40 thunderstorms and their associated hazards, fusing together data from several sources as 41 input to a statistical model. Mesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP) models have 42 been developed in part to forecast environments favorable to severe storm development. 43 Geostationary satellites such as the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 44 (GOES) series maintain a frequently updating view of growing cumulus clouds over the 45 contiguous United States (CONUS) to provide temporal trends in developing convection 46 to forecasters. The Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) network delivers 47 repeated scans of hydrometeors inside storms, monitoring intensification of hydrometeor 48 size and extent, as well as hydrometeor motion. Forecasters utilize NWP models, GOES, 49 and NEXRAD data at different stages of the forecast of severe storms, and the model 50 described in this paper exploits data from each in an attempt to predict severe hazards in a 51 more accurate and timely manner, while providing uncertainty information to the 52 forecaster. A preliminary evaluation of the model demonstrates good skill in the forecast 53 of storms, and also displays the potential to increase lead time on severe hazards, as 54 measured relative to the issuance times of National Weather Service (NWS) severe 2 55 thunderstorm and tornado warnings and occurrence times of severe events in local storm 56 reports. 57 3 58 59 60 1. Introduction Severe thunderstorms are a relatively common occurrence in the United States, 61 yet determining which thunderstorms will be severe is sometimes complicated. These 62 storms produce hazards such as tornadoes, large hail, high winds, and often flash 63 flooding, which are a serious threat to life and property (e.g., Lubber 2012). The literature 64 is extensive on the topic of severe thunderstorms, with authors contributing both to our 65 theoretical (e.g., Lemon and Doswell 1979; Bluestein 1993; Markowski and Richardson 66 2010b) and applied (e.g., Rasmussen 2003; Brooks et al. 2003; Doswell et al. 2005) 67 knowledge of severe convective storms. Severe thunderstorms need several ingredients in 68 order to form (Markowski and Richardson 2010a, 2010b): 1) potential instability in the 69 atmosphere, manifested by generally at least 100 J kg-1 of convective available potential 70 energy (CAPE) and often greater than 1000 J kg-1 of CAPE; 2) adequate atmospheric 71 moisture, whereby lifted air becomes saturated and remains saturated when lifted to great 72 heights; 3) a lifting mechanism for parcels of air to reach their level of free convection 73 (LFC) (e.g., surface synoptic fronts, drylines, outflow boundaries, sea-breeze boundaries, 74 or intense surface heating); and 4) vertical wind shear, to organize and sustain the storm’s 75 updraft (generally 0-6 km shear ≥ 18 m s-1, or 35 kts). There are complicating factors for 76 forecasters to consider when predicting severe thunderstorms, however. Convective 77 initiation alone is a complex function of vertical motions from the microscale (e.g., 78 thermals) to the synoptic scale, as well as mesoscale temperature and moisture gradients 79 and non-uniformities (Markowski and Richardson 2010a). There are a myriad of other 80 uncertainties, including: if the lifting will be adequate to reach the LFC of a storm 4 81 environment and persistent enough to support a storm; if dry air will entrain into the 82 updraft of the storm, inhibiting vertical development; and if the environmental shear will 83 be too little to organize the storm, or perhaps too great and destroy the updraft of the 84 storm, or oriented such that a storm may merge with other storms, possibly impacting the 85 severity of the storm (e.g., Markowski and Richardson 2010b, and references therein). 86 Because of the danger such storms pose, and in response to a great deal of 87 research, observational networks have been installed, in part, to monitor severe weather 88 conditions in situ (e.g., rawinsonde launching sites, surface observation stations) and 89 remotely (e.g., NEXRAD*, GOES†). Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models are 90 also used to forecast severe weather, largely to identify favorable environments for such 91 storms. Rapidly updating mesoscale numerical models, such as the Rapid Refresh (RAP; 92 Benjamin et al. 2006) can assimilate observations and generate near-term (0-18 h) 93 forecasts useful for storm prediction in a timely manner, over a continental domain. 94 A probabilistic approach to this forecast problem is preferred because of 95 complexities that can be difficult to observe, features whose automated identification is 96 challenging, or phenomena that are not fully understood. For instance, outflow 97 boundaries from other storms can sometimes aid or detract from storm development; 98 warm air intrusions aloft that are unobserved in soundings or NWP data can create 99 significant convective inhibition (CIN); high spatial variability of surface moisture may 100 be difficult to resolve, impacting a parcel’s buoyancy; or orographic features can greatly 101 enhance or suppress convection. Because of these and other complexities, a probabilistic 102 statistical model was chosen for severe hazard prediction. * † Next Generation Weather Radar (Crum and Alberty 1993) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (Menzel and Purdom 1994) 5 103 Despite these shortcomings, remote sensing of storms has proved fruitful for 104 decades. Adler and Fenn (1979a and 1979b), Adler et al. (1985), and Reynolds (1980) 105 quantitatively used temporal trends of GOES infrared (IR) brightness temperature (BT) to 106 infer the intensity of thunderstorms. Numerous satellite-derived convective initiation and 107 cloud-top-cooling methodologies have been developed in the last decade to forecast 108 thunderstorm initiation and intensification (e.g., Roberts and Rutledge 2003; Mueller et 109 al. 2003, Mecikalski and Bedka 2006, Vila et al. 2008, Zinner et al. 2008; Bedka et al. 110 2010; Sieglaff et al. 2011; Mecikalski et al. 2011). Cintineo et al. (2013; C13 hereinafter) 111 recently employed temporal trends in GOES-derived cloud properties to infer storm 112 severity from developing convection. 113 NEXRAD, which provides three-dimensional information of the hydrometeor and 114 kinematic properties (via Doppler velocity) of convective clouds, has proven to be the 115 most important tool for storm surveillance and nowcasting. Polger et al. (1994) quantifies 116 the increase in forecast skill using NEXRAD over legacy weather radar; critical success 117 index scores for severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings almost doubled relative to the 118 pre-NEXRAD era, while tornado warning lead time increased from 4.4 min pre-NEXRAD to 119 8.8 min post-NEXRAD implementation. Algorithms derived from radar data have also 120 shown some skill for diagnosing severe weather potential (e.g., Greene and Clark 1972; 121 Witt et al. 1998; Stumpf et al. 1998; Wilson et al. 2009). 122 High spatial resolution NWP models have steadily become more skillful, due to 123 improved observations, data assimilation techniques, physical understanding, and 124 computing power (e.g., Benjamin et al. 2004), such that they are now used frequently in 125 the short-term to identify regions with atmospheric environments conducive to severe 126 storms (e.g., Bothwell et al. 2002). This paper synthesizes derived data from rapidly 6 127 updating remotely sensed observation networks (GOES and NEXRAD) and NWP model 128 output (RAP) to automatically predict the probability that a developing convective cloud 129 or storm will produce severe weather within 120 min. The product described in this paper 130 is meant to link together quantifiable information available to forecasters so they may be 131 able to quickly discern the potential severity of storms of interest. 132 133 2. Data and Methods 134 a) Probabilistic Model 135 A flexible and simple statistical model was chosen for this forecast problem: the 136 naïve Bayesian classifier (Zhang 2006; Domingos and Pazzani, 1997), which assumes 137 that predictors are independent. Despite the clear violation of this “naïve” assumption, the 138 model has demonstrated good performance in meteorological applications (e.g., Kossin 139 and Sitkowski 2009). This model computes a conditional probability of class membership 140 dependent on a set of quantifiable features. For this problem, there are two classes: 141 storms that will produce severe hazards (a tornado, a wind gust of 58 mph or greater, or a 142 hailstone with diameter 25.4 mm or greater) and storms that will not (Csev and Cns, 143 respectively). Using Bayes’ theorem, the probability of a storm producing severe hazards 144 given a set of observed predictors F is defined by 145 ( | ) ( ) ( | ( ) ) , (1) 146 where the pipe ( | ) represents a conditional probability and P(Csev) is the probability that 147 would be assigned if there were no predictors. P(Csev) is referred to as the prior 148 probability, or a priori probability. In this study, the a priori has been transformed into a 149 function of environmental data (see sections 2d and 2f), and serves as a “first guess” of 7 150 the probability of severe, or ( 151 assumption of predictor independence allows for practical implementation of Bayes’ 152 theorem through reduction of dimensionality (see Kossin and Sitkowski 2009) and Eq. 153 (1) can be rewritten as 154 | ). Naturally, ( ( | ) ( )∏ | )=1– ( ( | ( ) ) | ). The , (2) 155 with Fi denoting the value of the ith predictor, and N the number of predictors. The is 156 the product operator, multiplying the probability of each ith predictor conditional on the 157 storm being a member of the severe class. Thus, only the a priori and conditional 158 probability distribution for each predictor is needed to compute the final probability 159 conditional on the observed predictor set, F. 160 161 162 b) Satellite Data and Algorithms GOES-12 and GOES-13 imager data (variable temporal resolution, from 5 to 60 163 min) are used as input into satellite algorithms that compute a cloud mask (Heidinger 164 2010), cloud-top phase (Pavolonis 2010a; Pavolonis 2010b), and 11-µm top of 165 troposphere cloud emissivity (εtot) (Pavolonis 2010a). The cloud-top phase and εtot fields 166 are remapped using a nearest-neighbor method to a cylindrical equidistant projection with 167 0.04o latitude by 0.04o longitude spatial resolution, and are interpolated to the radar 168 resolution (see section 2c) when the statistical model is executed. The remapping 169 software used is “Mapx” from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC 2013). 170 The εtot is the 11-µm emissivity of the cloud when the effective cloud height (Cox 1976) 171 is taken to be the top of the troposphere (see equation 2 in Pavolonis 2010a). For clouds 172 with a large infrared optical depth (e.g., growing cumulus clouds), εtot is a measure of 8 173 how close the cloud radiative center is to the tropopause (on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0). 174 Please refer to Pavolonis (2010a) for a complete physical description of εtot. This derived 175 product is used to compute vertical growth rates in clouds as opposed to 11-µm BT, since 176 it is less sensitive to the thermodynamic state of the cloud-free atmosphere and maintains 177 the spatial gradients observed in the 11-µm BT field (see discussion in C13 and their Fig. 178 1). 179 The GOES cloud-top phase algorithm also uses multispectral GOES imager 180 observations as well as output from a multispectral GOES cloud mask (Heidinger et al. 181 2010) to determine the phase of cloudy GOES pixels. The GOES cloud-top phase output 182 is used to determine the rate at which the top of a developing convective cloud glaciates 183 (i.e., converts from liquid water to ice). The temporal rates of change in εtot (∆εtot) and the 184 ice cloud fraction (∆ice, or glaciation rate) are used as predictors in the probabilistic 185 model, and both have units of min-1. These two temporal trends depict vertical cloud 186 growth, while only ∆ice captures microphysical changes at the cloud-top. C13 187 demonstrated that both metrics discriminated between severe and non-severe convection 188 skillfully. Thus, both are used as predictors in the statistical model. The training for these 189 two predictors is described in C13, and summarized in section 2f. 190 191 192 c) Radar Data and Algorithms Level-II NEXRAD-derived products have been provided by the University of 193 Oklahoma Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Mesoscale Studies (OU/CIMMS) and 194 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Severe Storms 195 Laboratory (NOAA/NSSL). NSSL quality-controls (QC) radar reflectivity from 9 196 throughout the contiguous United States (CONUS), and creates a 3D composite 197 reflectivity field (5-min temporal resolution) using the Warning Decision Support System 198 – Integrated Information (WDSS-II; Lakshmanan et al. 2006; Lakshmanan et al. 2007a; 199 Lakshmanan et al. 2007b). Radar data are merged using an exponential distance 200 relationship, such that data from closer radars are weighted more than data from more 201 distant radars, at any given point (Lakshmanan et al. 2006). In this fashion, the radar 202 fields are remapped (with WDSS – II) using a cylindrical equidistant projection with 203 0.01o latitude by 0.01o longitude spatial resolution. The remapped QC merged reflectivity 204 (REF) is then input into the NSSL enhanced hail detection algorithm (along with RAP 205 environmental data) to compute the Maximum Expected Size of Hail (MESH; Witt et al. 206 1998a). MESH is empirically derived from the severe hail index (SHI), which is a 207 reflectivity-weighted vertical integration from the melting level (0oC) to storm top that 208 neglects reflectivity less than 40 dBZ, in an effort to capture the ice content in a storm. It 209 has been used to diagnose hail potential in severe storms and shown to have some skill 210 (e.g., Witt et al. 1998b; Ortega et al. 2009; Wilson et al. 2009; Cintineo et al. 2012). The 211 instantaneous maximum MESH in a storm (at any given time) is another predictor in the 212 probabilistic model. Sources of error for the MESH product include errors in the heights 213 of temperature levels of RAP analysis data, affecting the vertical integration of SHI; and 214 single-radar surveillance of storms, especially at ranges far from the radar, when beam- 215 widening may be a problem, resulting in an underestimation of the maximum MESH 216 (Cintineo et al. 2012, Bunkers and Smith 2013). 217 218 d) RAP Data Fields 10 219 The RAP was the NWP model of choice in this study due to its superior update 220 frequency (60 min) and spatial resolution (13.5 km) over any operational North American 221 model. The RAP assimilates data from rawinsondes, wind profilers, aircraft, surface 222 stations, ship reports, NEXRAD, satellite radiances, GOES, GPS, and other sources using 223 the Community Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) system. Two NWP-derived 224 fields that help discern severe storm environments are used to create the a priori 225 probability of severe weather (described in section 2f). They are the effective bulk shear 226 (EBS; Thompson et al. 2007) and most-unstable CAPE (MUCAPE). Bulk shear (0-6 km) 227 has shown good discrimination between environments that produce severe storms and 228 those that produce ordinary storms (e.g., Thompson et al. 2003). The EBS normalizes the 229 shear values for storms with shallow and deep inflow layers, enabling a better 230 comparison between vertical wind profiles of storms in different environments. The use 231 of MUCAPE as opposed to mixed-layer or surface-based CAPE is better to identify 232 environments supportive of elevated convection that can become severe. When a storm 233 overcomes the environmental CIN, the MUCAPE and EBS of the environment can help 234 determine the intensity of the convective updraft and storm mode (e.g., supercell, 235 multicell, or ordinary storm), to the first order. Because mesoscale NWP forecast output 236 often contains errors in the timing, placement, and intensity of frontal features, the 237 moisture field, and wind speeds (e.g., Coniglio 2012), a conservative approach is used to 238 create blended environmental products. First, a WDSS – II algorithm (gribToNetcdf) is 239 used to remap RAP fields from their native Lambert conformal projection to a cylindrical 240 equidistant projection. Next, MUCAPE and EBS are calculated for every point in the 241 remapped RAP grid for a given forecast time. For both MUCAPE and EBS, the 11 242 maximum value at every point in the forecast grid is taken over the span of five forecast 243 hours. The forecast hours used for this operation are the current analysis (t0), the previous 244 hour analysis (t-1), and the one-, two-, and three-hour forecasts (tF1, tF2, and tF3, 245 respectively). This “off-centered” approach is used since the RAP output valid at t0 is 246 usually unavailable to a forecaster until approximately one hour later. Thus, when new 247 RAP data become available, the derived output valid at tF1 is meant to represent the 248 current state of the atmosphere. 249 After this temporal compositing is complete, a 5x5 grid point (~67.5 x 67.5 km) 250 spatial filter is applied to each composite field (with a Gaussian kernel and a smoothing 251 radius equal to three standard deviations), creating a smoothed estimate of the instability 252 and shear in the environment. This process is performed in the hope that poor timing or 253 location of features in the RAP output will not be detrimental to the output probability of 254 severe determined by the statistical model. Finally, a second WDSS – II algorithm 255 (w2cropconv, using the default Cressman interpolation) converts the grid to one with 256 0.04o latitude by 0.04o longitude spatial resolution (still cylindrical equidistant). These 257 RAP-derived fields are interpolated to the resolution of the radar fields when the 258 probabilistic model is run, in similar fashion to the GOES-derived fields. Thus, the 259 GOES-derived, NEXRAD-derived, and RAP-derived fields are all on the same 260 cylindrical equidistant grid (0.01o latitude by 0.01o longitude) during the execution of the 261 statistical model. 262 263 e) Storm Identification and Tracking 12 264 The satellite-object identification and tracking system developed by Sieglaff et al. 265 (2013a; S13 hereinafter) is employed to create satellite objects needed for the automated 266 computation of temporal trends in the previously described metrics (∆εtot and ∆ice). A 267 satellite object is defined as a collection of spatially connected pixels that contain a local 268 maximum of εtot. A unique identification number (ID) is assigned to the satellite object, 269 which is tracked through space and time in subsequent GOES imager observations. The 270 S13 framework allows for the history of a variety of parameters (satellite, radar, and 271 NWP) to be maintained through a satellite object’s lifetime. The reader is encouraged to 272 consult S13 for complete details. Hartung et al. (2013), Sieglaff et al. (2013b), and C13 273 also utilized the satellite-object tracking described in S13.The tracking system utilizes the 274 WDSS-II identification and tracking algorithm (Lakshmanan et al. 2003), applied to the 275 εtot field. In addition, a post-processing algorithm, which uses three different spatial 276 scales of a satellite object to correct non-continuous storm tracks (i.e., owing to 277 misidentifications by the WDSS-II algorithm) is employed. 278 Radar object identification and tracking is performed on composite reflectivity 279 (REFcomp) using the WDSS-II algorithm (Lakshmanan et al. 2003) without the post- 280 processing scheme described in S13. The post-processing scheme is not needed given the 281 finer spatial and temporal resolution of NEXRAD data. WDSS-II uses an enhanced 282 watershed algorithm to create objects. In this case, the algorithm searches for local 283 maxima of REFcomp ≥ 35 dBZ. It then spatially grows the objects in increments of 10 dBZ 284 until a size of at least 20 pixels is reached (approximately 20 km2). For example, if a 285 maximum of 42 dBZ is identified, the algorithm will search for pixels spatially connected 286 to the maximum pixel greater than or equal to 32 dBZ. If this yields an object of at least 13 287 20 pixels, the object will stop growing. Please see Lakshmanan et al. 2003 for more 288 details. The maximum MESH is extracted at each scan time during the life of a radar 289 object. 290 The greatest source of error for both ∆εtot and ∆ice occurs when there is a non- 291 continuous storm track. The method of S13 works well to correct these tracks, but begins 292 to break down when the amount of time elapsed between GOES scans becomes large (30 293 min or more). Thus, during times of GOES full-disk scans (30 min between scans, every 294 3 h), the accuracy in satellite-based tracking and the computed ∆εtot and ∆ice may 295 decline, especially for spatially small storms (~5 satellite pixels). Tracking radar objects 296 in REFcomp every 5 min does not suffer from this decline in accuracy. The storm ID of a 297 radar object may change if the object spatially changes greatly from one scan to the next 298 (e.g., during splits or mergers). Since only the latest instantaneous MESH is being used as 299 a predictor, however, a change in storm ID is not cause for concern, since no temporal 300 trend is computed using radar data. 301 It is necessary to identify and track convective cloud/storm objects in GOES and 302 NEXRAD because of the differing sensitivity to hydrometeor properties. More 303 specifically, rapid cloud growth (observable by GOES) often occurs prior to the 304 development of precipitation-sized hydrometeors required for robust NEXRAD-based 305 remote sensing of cloud properties. Information derived from GOES and NEXRAD are 306 combined by associating each parallax corrected GOES cloud object with one or more 307 spatially overlapping NEXRAD objects (if a NEXRAD object or objects exists). In the 308 case of large cloud shields, when no satellite objects are discernable, the model will only 14 309 utilize NEXRAD and NWP information to compute a probability of severe weather for 310 identified radar objects. 311 312 313 f) Training Dataset The identification of satellite and radar objects was also necessary to create 314 datasets to train the statistical model. C13 describes the criteria for the training in detail, 315 as well as the spatial and seasonal distribution of selected storms (see S13 for details 316 about the tracking method of satellite objects). To summarize, the severe storm class 317 comprises 130 storms, while the non-severe storm class has 976 storms. Severe storms 318 were selected if they produced at least one tornado or hail report, since those two hazards 319 are more directly related to updraft strength than wind reports, and wind reports often 320 carry larger ambiguity (Trapp et al. 2006). These training storms may have produced 321 wind reports in addition to hail and tornado reports, however. Storms that only resulted in 322 reports of straight-line wind damage (no severe hail or tornado reports) were completely 323 excluded from the classifier training. Conditional probability distributions for the two 324 satellite-derived predictors, ∆εtot and ∆ice, are shown in Figs. 1a and 1b, for both severe 325 and non-severe classes. The lifetime maximum ∆εtot and ∆ice for each member storm 326 comprise the distributions, which have also been smoothed via kernel density estimation 327 (KDE; see C13 for details) to approximate the true distribution of the population. The 328 maximum MESH at every scan time during the lifetime of a storm object was also 329 extracted, creating the conditional probability distributions seen in Fig. 1c (also smoothed 330 via KDE). The conditional probability of severe for each predictor, ( | 331 from these distributions. ), is drawn 15 332 The creation of the a priori probability table required a much larger dataset (since 333 it is two-dimensional). All vertically growing satellite objects (∆εtot > 0) were initially 334 used from 28 days in 2008-2012, over the CONUS GOES-East scan sector (see C13 for 335 their seasonal distribution). Of these growing satellite objects, any which achieved at 336 least 35 dBZ at -10 oC at some point in their lifetime were defined as thunderstorms. This 337 criterion was selected based on simulations of convective initiation by Kain et al. (2012). 338 These criteria resulted in 5635 thunderstorms. Of these thunderstorms, any storm that 339 achieved a MESH of 25.4 mm (1.0 in) or greater was characterized as severe, resulting in 340 324 storms. This threshold is arbitrary, but matches a criterion established by the 341 National Weather Service (NWS) for severe thunderstorm warning verification (NWS 342 2013). All thunderstorms and severe thunderstorms were plotted on a 2D phase space, 343 defined by their lifetime maximum, spatial median EBS and MUCAPE. Each plot was 344 smoothed with 2D KDE, with a Gaussian kernel and an optimally chosen bandwidth. The 345 smoothed thunderstorm distribution was finally divided by the smoothed severe 346 thunderstorm distribution to create a 2D conditional probability table (Fig. 2). Thus, this 347 table yields the probability that a storm will produce severe weather, given only its 348 environmental EBS and MUCAPE, that is, a storm’s a priori probability. 349 350 351 g) Verification Dataset The model (object-tracking and statistical classifier) operated in real-time at the 352 University of Wisconsin – Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (UW- 353 CIMSS) from April through November 2013, providing numerous days with severe 354 weather over the CONUS. The model was scored against both preliminary severe local 16 355 storm reports (LSRs) from NOAA Storm Prediction Center (SPC), and NWS-issued 356 severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings. Since one goal of this model is to increase 357 lead time of NWS warnings, only the first severe thunderstorm or tornado warning issued 358 on a storm was used to validate the model (as well as the first LSR). LSRs have clear 359 biases and inconsistencies (e.g., Trapp et al. 2006, Doswell et al. 2005, Witt et al. 1998b, 360 Kelly et al. 1985, Morgan and Summers 1982), including reduced reporting in sparsely 361 populated regions and after sunset, and incomplete reporting (e.g., Ortega et al. 2009). 362 Nevertheless, LSRs (a tornado, a wind gust of 58 mph or greater, or a hailstone with 363 diameter 25.4 mm or greater) are used for verification in addition to warnings since they 364 are widely regarded as the ‘ground truth’ (though LSRs certainly do not convey the entire 365 truth). While the predictors in this model do not specifically relate to tornadogenesis, 366 tornadoes can often occur in storms with strong rotating updrafts (e.g., supercell 367 thunderstorms), which may be inferred from the statistical model. Thus, tornado LSRs 368 are included as a verification metric; only 2 out of 80 first LSRs for storms were for 369 tornadoes, however, making it difficult to measure meaningful skill of the model for 370 tornadoes alone. 371 Scoring was performed subjectively because of numerous challenges in 372 automatically validating storms as severe. These challenges include: storms that form or 373 travel into or out of the CONUS; storms that merge or split prior to being warned or 374 producing severe weather (thus changing ID); denoting the “first” severe weather 375 warning for a storm; and the presence of radar anomalies owing to non-meteorological 376 scatterers, which occur infrequently, Thus, due to the possibility of a scoring algorithm 377 introducing non-trivial bias, a manual evaluation was performed at this time. Two 17 378 independent days (i.e., days that were not used to train the classifier) were selected for the 379 evaluation:18 May 2013 and 17 June 2013. These days were selected due to the fairly 380 large geographic coverage of storms (Fig. 3), and since storms initiated predominantly as 381 discrete or small multicellular convection before growing upscale. The SPC issued a 382 moderate risk for severe storms on 18 May and several slight risk areas on 17 June. 383 Despite only scoring on two days, over 800 storms were evaluated (warned and un- 384 warned), providing an ample and representative preliminary validation for the model. 385 386 3. Results 387 a) Real-time operation overview 388 There are three streams of real-time data essential for the proper functioning of 389 this model: 1) GOES-East imagery, 2) NEXRAD-derived products, and 3) RAP model 390 data. GOES-derived cloud products and RAP-derived fields are processed accordingly as 391 the data arrive (see sections 2b and 2d). Real-time tracking algorithms identify and track 392 storms using both εtot and REFcomp once those data are computed or available. The 393 probabilistic model is run with the latest satellite and RAP fields once tracking is 394 completed on a REFcomp field, providing probability of severe output data every 5 min for 395 each identified storm in the eastern two-thirds of the CONUS. The model computes or 396 extracts the predictor information (∆εtot, ∆ice, MESH, MUCAPE, and EBS) and 397 associates satellite-tracked objects with radar objects, sharing information between the 398 two. Each satellite object may share information with one or more overlapping radar 399 objects (or none if the storm is not sufficiently mature to be identified on radar). Each 400 radar object may only contain information from at most one overlapping satellite object. 18 401 A parallax correction is also performed (using a constant cloud-top height of 7 km) to 402 allow satellite objects to better match corresponding radar objects. The ( 403 computed based on look-up tables derived from the distributions in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The 404 predictor values and probability information for each storm are then stored to a file, 405 which is read when a new radar scan is received and objects are identified and tracked. | ) is 406 407 408 b) An example case – 3 July 2013 Once the model completes a time step, the severe probability data can be 409 visualized. Figure 4 demonstrates the output from the model for severe storms over 410 western New York on 3 July 2013 between 19:00 and 21:30 UTC, annotated for clarity. 411 The arrows are colored by the calculated ( 412 model. On this day, the SPC only forecasted a 5% chance of high wind (within 25 miles 413 of a given point) for western NY in their 20:00 UTC Day 1 outlook, and never issued a 414 severe thunderstorm watch for the region. Thus, forecasted severe weather potential was 415 quite marginal for western NY. Nevertheless, storm 1 is identified at 19:04 UTC (Fig. 4a, 416 depicted by the box labeled “1” and an attached larger arrow) with ( 417 contains REFcomp generally less than 35 dBZ. The parent satellite object resided in a 418 favorable environment, with approximately 3000 J kg-1 of MUCAPE and 20 m s-1 of 419 EBS, and exhibited moderate ∆εtot and ∆ice (see Fig. 1). Fifty minutes later (Fig. 4b), the 420 storm exhibited maximum REFcomp near 50 dBZ, maximum MESH of 2.54 mm, and a 421 probability of severe of 0.1. At 20:14 UTC (Fig. 4c), the probability increases again to 422 0.46, and again at 20:19 UTC (Fig. 4d) to 0.56, largely due to slowly increasing 423 maximum MESH. This storm produced a measured wind gust of 58 mph at the Rochester | ), and point to storms identified by the | ) < 0.1 and 19 424 International Airport at 20:39 UTC (20 min after the first computed ( 425 would go on to produce multiple severe wind reports in the region. The NWS in Buffalo, 426 NY issued a severe thunderstorm warning at 20:52 UTC (approximately Fig. 4e), 33 min 427 after the model first produced a severe probability greater than 0.5 for this storm, and 13 428 min after the first severe wind report was recorded. This storm obtained a maximum 429 probability of severe of 0.89 (Fig. 4f). The reader should note that even though the model 430 was not trained with storms producing only severe wind, it may still be useful for certain 431 storms that do produce severe wind, since severe wind is often associated with storms 432 that may produce severe hail and tornadoes (e.g., storms with strong, persistent updrafts). 433 Storm 2 (denoted in Figs. 4c-f) measures ( | ) > 0.5), and | ) = 0.56 at 21:24 UTC. The 434 storm was warned 6 min later at 21:30 UTC (not shown) by the NWS, and would go on 435 to produce 25.4 mm hail at 21:43 UTC. The maximum severe probability exhibited by 436 this storm was 0.93 at 21:34 UTC. The first severe thunderstorm warning issued for 437 storm 2 did not measure as much lead time as the warning issued on storm 1, since the 438 observed ∆εtot and ∆ice were smaller for storm 2, but storm 2 still exhibited ( 439 0.5 before the warning was issued. | )> 440 441 442 c) Model performance The model was scored against initial LSRs (2 tornado, 52 hail, 26 wind) and 443 initial severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings issued by the NWS. Additionally, the 444 skill of the model was compared to the skill of NWS warnings. Probabilistic forecasts 445 from the model were divided into six bins: a) 0.01 ≤ x < 0.1, b) 0.1 ≤ x < 0.3, c) 0.3 ≤ x < 446 0.5, d) 0.5 ≤ x < 0.7, e) 0.7 ≤ x < 0.9, and f) x ≥ 0.9. The midpoint probability for each bin 20 447 is used to represent the entire bin in several figures. To evaluate the model against LSRs 448 and NWS warnings, a trained human analyst subjectively examined geospatial images of 449 the output probability (at 5-min resolution), geospatial images of warning polygons (at 1- 450 min resolution), the SPC’s preliminary severe LSR log, and Iowa State University’s 451 (ISU) valid time extent code (VTEC) application, which aided in matching NWS 452 warnings to storms and often provides verification LSRs as well (ISU 013). VTEC is an 453 application that allows the user to navigate archived NWS warnings, showing the full 454 warning text and maps with the warning polygon and location of LSRs (if they occurred). 455 The time a forecast probability first exceeded a threshold was recorded for each storm 456 (using the six aforementioned bins), as well as the time when the first warning was issued 457 on a storm (if it was ever warned), and the time of the first severe hail, wind, or tornado 458 report associated with the storm (if a report ever occurred). Storms were evaluated in the 459 eastern two-thirds of the CONUS, approximately east of the 105o W meridian. An 460 attempt was made to evaluate every storm that occurred, but some storms with low 461 lifetime maximum probability of severe (less than 0.1) may have been excluded, simply 462 because of their very high frequency. Diligent effort was given to storms exceeding a 463 probability of 0.1 at some point in their lifetime (and storms that produced LSRs or 464 became warned). 465 Traditional metrics of scoring were computed, including the probability of 466 detection (POD), false alarm ratio (FAR), critical success index (CSI), and Pierce Skill 467 Score (PSS; Pierce 1884). These metrics were plotted as a function of probability 468 threshold (Fig. 5). A storm has a “hit” at a certain probability threshold if it attained or 469 exceeded the probability prior to the occurrence of the truth metric (an LSR or NWS 21 470 warning). A “miss” denotes occurrence of the truth metric prior to when a probability 471 threshold was attained for a storm (if it ever reached the threshold). A “false alarm” 472 occurs when the probability of a storm meets a certain threshold, but the truth metric is 473 never observed. A “correct null” happens when no truth metric is observed, and the 474 probability threshold for a storm is never met. Thus, a single storm may have a 475 combination of hits and misses or false alarms and correct nulls, corresponding to 476 different probability thresholds. The skill metrics were formulated following Wilks 477 (2006). The CSI is useful in this evaluation since the occurrence of severe weather is 478 much less frequent than its non-occurrence, while the PSS measures skill against the 479 sample climatology of occurrence. Figs. 5a and 5b demonstrate the model skill measured 480 to severe LSRs and NWS warnings, respectively. The vertical bars represent the 95% 481 confidence intervals for the CSI and PSS at each probability threshold, which were 482 computed empirically, from 5000 samples via bootstrapping (i.e., resampling with 483 replacement; see Wilks 2006). The model exhibited maximum CSI > 0.4 against both 484 criteria (from 0.3 to 0.7 for NWS warnings, and at 0.7 for LSRs), while the POD and 485 FAR were lower versus NWS warnings. LSRs typically occur after an NWS warning has 486 been issued, contributing to the higher POD for the LSR truth metric. The higher FAR for 487 the LSR criterion may be partially due to some biases in reporting (e.g., a dearth of 488 reports in sparsely populated regions). 489 The lead time for each storm “hit” was measured for each truth metric. 490 Distributions of lead time are shown in Fig. 6. The notches in each boxplot denote the 491 95% confidence interval for the median lead time (indicated by the horizontal red line), 492 computed empirically via bootstrapping the sample 5000 times. The top and bottom 22 493 edges of the boxes encompass the middle 50% of lead times, or interquartile range (IQR). 494 Plus signs indicate outlier lead times beyond 1.5 times the IQR. Lead times are 495 substantial when computed relative to the LSR time (Fig. 6a), as evidenced by median 496 lead times of 25 min and 15 min for the two highest probability bins. Even when lead 497 time was measured relative to NWS warning issuance (Fig. 6b), 50% of the storms had at 498 least 12.5 min of lead time in the 0.6 bin. Median lead times for the 0.8 and 0.9 bins were 499 approximately 10 min. Thus, this model may be able to help forecasters extend some 500 severe storm warnings from one or two radar volume scans (approximately 5 min each) 501 to perhaps 30 min or more, even with the model’s current latency of 5 min (using modest 502 hardware). 503 A reliability diagram (also called an attributes diagram) can also elucidate the 504 skill of the model. It expresses the conditional probability of event occurrence, as a 505 function of probability forecast. Unique probabilistic forecasts (not thresholded) were 506 used for each probability bin. Figure 7 illustrates the reliability of the model to both LSR 507 (Fig. 7a) and NWS warning occurrence (Fig. 7b). The inset in Fig. 7a represents the 508 forecast frequency for each probability bin. A perfectly reliable model corresponds to the 509 blue 1:1 line. Points that fall on or near this line signify that the probability of the event 510 occurring, given a forecast probability, is approximately equal to the probability of the 511 forecast. The horizontal no-resolution line represents the value of the sample climatology 512 (~0.09 for LSRs and ~0.12 for warnings). A “no-skill” line is drawn halfway between the 513 no-resolution line and the perfect reliability line, and forms two regions: one area closer 514 to the perfect reliability line and one area closer to the no-resolution or climatology line. 515 Points in the region closer to the perfect reliability line than to the no-resolution line add 23 516 to the model skill, which is equivalent to the Brier skill score (Wilks 2006). Thus, the 517 forecasts in a given probability bin contribute positively to model skill where any red 518 point resides in the green shaded region. The skill is measured relative to the climatology 519 of the sample (i.e., the average forecast probability). The model is well calibrated when 520 measured against NWS warnings, since the red line corresponds closely to the 1:1 line, 521 with each probability bin contributing to the forecast skill. The model is less reliable 522 when the truth metric is LSR occurrence. In fact, an overforecasting bias is evident at 523 probability bins 0.4 and greater. The sources of error discussed in sections 2c and 2e may 524 contribute to this, as well as potential LSR shortcomings, similar to the discussion 525 regarding Fig. 5. Despite this, each bin above 0.05 still contributes positively to the 526 forecast skill. 527 Lastly, model skill was compared against the skill of NWS warnings, measured to 528 LSR occurrence. The most skillful (as measured to LSRs) probabilistic threshold is used 529 for the model (0.7). Figure 8 shows the POD, FAR, CSI, and median lead time for the 530 statistical model and the NWS-issued severe weather warnings (the initial warnings for 531 storms). The NWS has overall higher skill than the statistical model (0.51 vs. 0.41 CSI), 532 but shorter median lead time than the model (15 min vs. 25 min). This lead time statistic 533 is heavily weighted toward large hail and high wind reports. Regardless, this model may 534 provide forecasters more confidence to issue some severe weather warnings sooner than 535 they otherwise would have, which may be especially important for users who require 536 more lead time (e.g., hospitals, stadiums, concert venues). 537 538 4. Conclusions and Future Work 24 539 This paper describes the method and skill of the real-time synthesis of data from 540 GOES, NEXRAD, and the RAP model to statistically forecast the probability that a 541 developing storm will produce severe weather. This research leverages refined data and 542 concepts from recent work regarding cloud properties (Pavolonis 2010a and Pavolonis 543 2010b), convective cloud growth (C13, Sieglaff et al. 2011), multi-radar multi-sensor 544 products (e.g., Ortega et al. 2006; Lakshmanan et al. 2007a), rapidly updating numerical 545 models (Benjamin et al. 2006), and object tracking (S13, Lakshmanan et al. 2003). Object 546 identification and tracking from both satellite and radar imagery enables the sharing of 547 storm trends and information for data derived from each sensor, and facilitates the 548 association of features on an object level instead of a pixel level, thus reducing gigabytes 549 of input to kilobytes of output. 550 The simple naïve Bayesian model exhibited good performance using traditional 551 skill metrics during a preliminary evaluation of over 800 storms for two days, with 552 maximum CSI > 0.4 and maximum PSS > 0.65 measured to both LSRs and NWS-issued 553 severe weather warnings. The model demonstrated sizeable lead times relative to initial 554 LSRs and NWS warnings for those storms which were correctly identified, evidenced by 555 a median lead time of 12.5 min for NWS warnings and a median lead time of 31 min for 556 LSRs (for the 0.6 probability bin). The two days evaluated contained a variety of storm 557 types in geographically diverse regions; skill was measured relative to initial NWS 558 warnings and LSRs when most storms were single-cell or smaller multicell entities, 559 however. Thus, the model’s skill should be investigated further based on varying storm 560 type and morphology (e.g., supercell, ordinary storm, multicell, convective line), which 561 may indeed have an impact on forecast skill (Guillot et al. 2008). It is important to note 25 562 that mesoscale convective systems (MCS) that tend to produce predominantly high winds 563 may not be handled well by this model, since there are often processes driving these 564 systems (e.g., large, deep cold pools and rear-inflow jets) that are captured by few if any 565 of the predictors of this model. MCSs generally form from upscale growth of single or 566 multicellular convection, or when the deep-layer wind shear has a large component 567 parallel to the initiating boundary of the convection. The model in this paper has been 568 mainly designed to predict the severity of storms where updraft strength can be inferred. 569 Several measures have been identified to decrease false alarms and improve 570 detection of severe weather. The introduction of several additional NWP-derived 571 products could help sharpen the a priori probability, including products that help capture 572 the melting of hailstones (e.g., height of the 0oC isotherm), and tornadogenesis (e.g., 573 lifted condensation level, low-level shear). Percentile values of predictors (such as the 574 75th or 90th percentiles) may be less noisy than the maximum value of predictors, 575 enhancing the discrimination between severe and non-severe storms. GOES temporal 576 resolution also varies from 5 to 30 min, greatly influencing the ∆εtot and ∆ice for storms. 577 A more precise training based on temporal resolution could help discern severe from non- 578 severe convection better. 579 One data source that is missing from this model is lightning data. Total lightning 580 flash rates, which have been shown to be skillful when predicting severe weather (Schultz 581 et al. 2011), will be available on the Geostationary Lightning Mapper instrument (GLM; 582 Goodman et al. 2006) aboard the next-generation GOES (GOES-R; Schmit et al. 2005), 583 which is anticipated to be operational in 2017. In the interim, cloud-to-ground (CG) 584 lightning flash rates or GLM-proxy total lightning flash rates (from ground-based 26 585 lightning mapping arrays) may be investigated as potential predictors, but actual GLM 586 data will likely be utilized in this model once GOES-R becomes operational. This real- 587 time model also readily lends itself to create statistical models for specific severe hazards, 588 by adding or subtracting certain predictors for each hazard. Models for severe hail, severe 589 wind (from single-cell convection and MCSs), tornado, and flash flooding probability 590 may also be pursued. 591 The end goal of this research is to provide skillful guidance to forecasters to 592 discriminate between severe and non-severe convection and increase warning lead time 593 for severe hazards. This fused approach may help forecasters make better warning 594 decisions by distilling the pertinent information from an increasing amount of data at the 595 forecaster’s disposal into a focused probabilistic product. With the advent of more 596 numerous and more capable satellites, radar networks, numerical models, and in situ 597 measurements, products that incorporate some or all of these data sources may provide 598 meteorologists a better answer to certain forecast problems than any single product alone. 599 27 600 Acknowledgments 601 The authors would like to acknowledge NOAA GIMPAP (GOES I/M Product Assurance 602 Plan) for support of this research, as well as Valliappa Lakshmanan, Travis Smith, and 603 Karen Cooper at OU/CIMMS NOAA/NSSL for supplying weather radar data in real- 604 time. The authors also acknowledge three anonymous reviewers, whose comments 605 greatly enhanced the development of this manuscript. The views, opinions and findings 606 contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an 607 official NOAA or U.S. Government position, policy, or decision. 28 608 REFERENCES 609 Adler, R. F., D. D. 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Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 101, 191-210. 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 38 806 807 List of Figures 808 FIG. 1: Conditional probability distributions of severe and non-severe storms for a) storm 809 lifetime maximum ∆εtot, b) storm lifetime maximum ∆ice, and c) storm instantaneous 810 maximum MESH. 811 FIG. 2: Table of a priori probability of severe for identified storms, given their median 812 effective bulk shear and median MUCAPE. 813 FIG. 3: The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) map of preliminary severe weather reports for 814 a) 18 May 2013 and b) 17 June 2013. 815 FIG. 4: An example from 3 July 2013 of GOES-East visible reflectance overlaid with 816 shaded REFcomp. The arrows point to storms identified by the model. Arrows are colored 817 by the computed probability of severe. If an arrow does not point to a REFcomp maximum, 818 then that REFcomp maximum was not identified as a storm by the model at this time. 819 Storm 1 and storm 2 are indicated by larger arrows with attached labeled boxes, and are 820 referenced in the text. 821 FIG. 5: Probability of detection (POD), false alarm ratio (FAR), critical success index 822 (CSI), and Pierce skill score (PSS) as functions of forecast probability threshold (from the 823 statistical model) scored against a) LSRs and b) NWS warnings. Error bars represent 95% 824 confidence intervals for the CSI and PSS. 825 FIG. 6: Distributions of lead time for model hits measured to a) LSRs and b) NWS 826 warnings, given the forecast probability. Horizontal red lines are median lead times; 827 boxes represent the IQR of lead time values; the bounds of notches are 95% confidence 828 intervals for the median lead time; and plus signs represent lead time outliers. 39 829 FIG. 7: Reliability diagrams for model skill measured against a) LSRs and b) NWS 830 warnings. The inset figure in a) shows counts of unique forecast probabilities. The blue 831 line is the 1:1 line, and represents perfect reliability. The “no-skill” line delineates 832 regions where the model contributes positively to skill (green region) and negatively to 833 skill (as measured against the sample “climatology”, the horizontal line). A red point that 834 resides in the green shaded region demonstrates a positive skill contribution for the 835 associated forecast probability bin. 836 837 FIG. 8: The probability of detection (POD), false alarm ratio (FAR), and critical success 838 index (CSI) for the model presented in this paper (orange) and the NWS warnings (blue), 839 measured to severe LSRs. The most skillful probabilistic threshold was used for the 840 statistical model. The bars on the right represent the median lead time to severe weather 841 occurrence for both the statistical model and the NWS warnings (scale on right side of 842 figure). 843 40 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 FIG. 1: Conditional probability distributions of severe and non-severe storms for a) storm lifetime maximum ∆εtot, b) storm lifetime maximum ∆ice, and c) storm instantaneous maximum MESH. 41 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 FIG. 2: Table of a priori probability of severe for identified storms, given their median effective bulk shear and median MUCAPE. 42 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 FIG. 3: The Storm Prediction Center’s (SPC) preliminary map of severe weather reports for a) 18 May 2013 and b) 17 June 2013. 43 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 FIG. 4: An example from 3 July 2013 of GOES-East visible reflectance overlaid with shaded REFcomp. The arrows point to storms identified by the model. Arrows are colored by the computed probability of severe. If an arrow does not point to a REFcomp maximum, then that REFcomp maximum was not identified as a storm by the model at this time. Storm 1 and storm 2 are indicated by larger arrows with attached labeled boxes, and are referenced in the text. 44 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 FIG. 5: Probability of detection (POD), false alarm ratio (FAR), critical success index (CSI), and Pierce skill score (PSS) as functions of forecast probability threshold (from the statistical model) scored against a) LSRs and b) NWS warnings. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals for the CSI and PSS. 45 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 FIG. 6: Distributions of lead time for model hits measured to a) LSRs and b) NWS warnings, given the forecast probability. Horizontal red lines are median lead times; boxes represent the IQR of lead time values; the bounds of notches are 95% confidence intervals for the median lead time; and plus signs represent lead time outliers. 46 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 FIG. 7: Reliability diagrams for model skill measured against a) LSRs and b) NWS warnings. The inset figure in a) shows counts of unique forecast probabilities. The blue line is the 1:1 line, and represents perfect reliability. The “no-skill” line delineates regions where the model contributes positively to skill (green region) and negatively to skill (as measured against the sample “climatology”, the horizontal line). A red point that resides in the green shaded region demonstrates a positive skill contribution for the associated forecast probability bin. 47 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 FIG. 8: The probability of detection (POD), false alarm ratio (FAR), and critical success index (CSI) for the model presented in this paper (orange) and the NWS warnings (blue), measured to severe LSRs. The most skillful probabilistic threshold was used for the statistical model. The bars on the right represent the median lead time to severe weather occurrence for both the statistical model and the NWS warnings (scale on right side of figure). 48