Our topic is on extreme storms, specifically thunderstorms

Our topic is on extreme storms, specifically thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. A
final assessment of students understanding on this topic will be a group project. We chose
this method because we believe it is well integrated into other subjects and helps
demonstrate what the students have learned.
The project will be a weather forecast on an extreme weather event in history. This is to
be chosen by the students. We want the students to be interested in the storm they choose.
The will be in groups of 4. During their weather forecast they will discuss the following
(not limited to):
 Where the storm is and how the geography affects it
 What caused the storm?
 How did the storm progress?
 What are characteristics of the storm?
 How do these characteristics relate to weather patterns?
 What sorts of precautions did people take and how does that relate to the time
period and what was known about the storm?
 What was the aftermath of the storm?
To incorporate technology, students will be asked to film their forecasts on a flip camera
and work on iMovie to finalize their forecast. The movies will be shown to the whole
class. Other students will be asked to write in science journal 2 facts they learned about
the groups’ storm.