
Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway
Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC)
Regular Meeting at
URS Corporation
7th Floor Board Room
7650 West Courtney Campbell Causeway
Tampa, FL
July 11, 2008
10:00 a.m.
Karla Price, Landscape Architect, City of Tampa
Lori Snively, Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator, Florida Department of Transportation
Lee Royal, Florida Department of Transportation
Gabor Farkasfalvy, Project Manager, Florida Department of Transportation
Susan J. Miller, Bicycle/Pedestrian Planner, Pinellas County MPO
Shannon Niles, Transportation Planner, PBS&J/FDOT
Christine Commerce, Executive Director, Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful
Chris Weber, Westshore Alliance
Lauren Brooks, Planner, URS Corporation
Felicia Leonard, Administrative Support Manager, City of Clearwater Parks & Recreation
John Doran, Council Member, City of Clearwater
Ken Hoyt, Citizen, Hillsborough County
Michael Palozzi, District Scenic Highway Coordinator, PBS&J/FDOT
Jessica Lunsford, Senior Planner, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council
Ned Baier, Transportation Manager, Hillsborough County
Bill Jonson, Chair, Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway CAC
The minutes of the May 9, 2008 meeting were approved with no corrections.
Old Business:
Update report on the FDOT Cross Causeway Trail Feasibility Study
Mr. Farkasfalvy reported that FDOT is currently working on updating the report, basically incorporating
all of the comments they have received from the public. In addition, they are in the process of drafting
response letters to those who had valid questions or suggestions. By July 22 they should have a final
version of the report scheduled to be released, and, unless otherwise instructed, they will use the
same distribution as the last time. Mr. Farkasfalvy stated that the next phase of the Feasibility Study
will be to develop the NEPA document which is a Type 2 categorical exclusion because Coast Guard
involvement will be required, and this has been confirmed by FHWA. FDOT has requested the
consultant prepare a proposal and the cost involved to complete the NEPA document. This task is in
process and should be completed within the next couple of weeks. Regarding the NEPA document,
Ms. Royal explained that they will take the alternatives discussed in the feasibility review and the
NEPA document will come forward with a recommended alternative. Because FHWA is requiring the
project to be a Type 2 Categorical Exclusion, FDOT will be able to go forward in requesting additional
federal funding. Mr. Farkasfalvy added that there will more than likely be more than one
recommended alternative. Mr. Hoyt asked if they have to evaluate the alternatives exactly as they
are, or can they combine alternatives or make modifications to the alternatives if there is another
solution. Mr. Farkasfalvy replied that the consultant definitely has the option to make modifications.
The project will be going into the design phase after the PD&E study is completed.
Mr. Jonson asked if the distribution of this next document should go to any others besides the CCSH
CAC members. Ms. Royal stated that FDOT usually provides the MPO with a copy and/or other
offices that are partners in the process. The copies are normally distributed electronically by posting
to an FTP sight from which the document can be downloaded.
Mr. Palozzi asked what FDOT=s expectations are of the CCSH CAC during the PD&E process. Mr.
Farkasfalvy replied that the role would remain pretty much the same in that FDOT would like input
and comments. Mr. Jonson asked if enough funding remains to complete the PD&E study and Mr.
Farkasfalvy stated that FDOT is optimistic that there is. The consultant is working on a proposal and
he feels the study can be accomplished within the $400,000 budget. Mr. Farkasfalvy added that the
next milestone is to get the report finalized at which time they will have the consultant=s proposal and
then move into the PD&E. He felt six months would be a safe estimate for completion of the PD&E.
Mr. Palozzi stated that during the last few meetings in discussion of the Feasibility Study there
appeared to be some confusion among the members as to what exactly is the scope of the Study.
Ms. Royal stated the Feasibility Study was done to look at whether or not the crossing can be made,
and can some structure be hung from the big bridge to make those connections. Mr. Farkasfalvy
added that the Study narrowed down the options of what is feasible and what is not feasible. Mr.
Palozzi stated he feels one of the most important deliverables out of this next consultant assignment
is a draft of a recommended phasing. Ms. Royal replied that the phasing approach probably will not
be a part of the PD&E Study. The purpose of the PD&E is to arrive at the alternative portion. The
phasing will be discussed with the CAC and FDOT. She added that FDOT=s process for gaining
estimates is to submit the project in logical segments, since it cannot be built all at the same time.
The segments the CAC would like to move forward with could become part of the overall comment
process that is incorporated into the PD&E as it progresses. Mr. Palozzi asked, as the PD&E process
moves along, if there are other opportunities this group should be considering to get little things
accomplished on the existing trail, such as resurfacing portions of the roadway. Ms. Royal stated that
FDOT=s maintenance crew will not come out and put pavement down without going through a NEPA
process. She also pointed out, with regard to landscaping and maintenance, that this is a scenic
highway and as the PD&E process moves forward the CAC should consider who will maintain the
landscaping, benches, etc., they desire to have on the project. Ms. Miller asked whether some
resurfacing project might happen where someone might realize that certain pieces of this project can
be incorporated. Ms. Royal agreed and stated that the priority for Pinellas County has always been to
put in the continuation of the trail along Gandy to connect the bridge. FDOT has a study, along with
its resurfacing project, looking at putting that in and on which side of the bridge would be best. If
there is a something similar on Courtney Campbell Causeway that moves forward with resurfacing,
they will have a plan that will enable them to do that. Ms. Miller clarified that it would be advantageous
for them that, even though there will not be a lot of money at the end of this study, it is possible that
parts of it could be incorporated in other scheduled projects.
Update on the incorporation of the Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway elements into the
governmental Comp Plans
Mr. Jonson mentioned that he attended a City of Clearwater meeting and there seemed to be a
disconnect from the top to the people who were actually working on it. He passed these thoughts on
to Councilman Doran along with the thought that it might be appropriate to touch base with each of
the four jurisdictions. Councilman Doran reported he turned it over to the City Manager and told him
they should do it. Mr. Palozzi pointed out that the bylaws of the Scenic Highway Program must be
included in each of the comp plans in order for the program to be ensured of success. He used an
example that occurred farther south in Alligator Alley where they ran into trouble with a scenic highway
that ended up being de-designated because the local governments never accomplished incorporating
the bylaws into the comprehensive plan. Mr. Hoyt asked where the CCSH stood on that issue. Mr.
Jonson explained that the group had the agreement that they would be doing this as the
comprehensive plans go through their updating process. Ms. Miller reported she had spoken to Brian
Smith and he told her the next update needs to be submitted to the MPO by the middle of August to
be incorporated into the October amendments which would then be up for approval in January or
February 2009. Ned Baier stated that The Planning Commission is responsible for the Hillsborough
County Comprehensive Plan. He spoke to Joe Zambito this morning and was told that for the past
few years the comprehensive plan has been in the update process and was recently approved. It is
currently in Tallahassee. Mr. Baier reported that at present there are no references to the Courtney
Campbell, or scenic highways in the county document. Twice a year, if there is an update, a plan
amendment can be processed through The Planning Commission and the Board of County
Commissioners. The next Plan amendment cycle is February 2009. Mr. Baier reported Mr. Zambito
made a point that the Causeway is not in the unincorporated area. Mr. Hoyt asked if it should be in
the City of Tampa Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission is also involved with the Tampa
Comp Plan and Mr. Zambito had not found any references in that either. Mr. Baier stated that the
Tampa Comp Plan is being updated and the City Council has just requested a sixty day extension for
the purpose of further analysis. Ms. Karla Price stated she is pretty certain there is a reference in the
Comp Plan, but she will check. She also added she reviewed it last year when the Greenways and
Trails section was being expanded and that she remembers the Causeway was part of it. Mr. Jonson
recalled that state Scenic Highway Manual has three requirements 1) that the map be included which
designates the beginning and the end; 2) that the vision be included; and 3) that the goals, objectives
and strategies, at least as it relates to that jurisdiction, be included. Mr. Baier suggested that maybe
the approach for Hillsborough County is to get the scenic highway reference into the MPO Comp Plan
since it is cross-jurisdictional. The MPO will be updating its Plan next year in 2009. He will speak to
Ray Chiaramonte, Interim Executive Director, to see if that is a logical move, because if it is just
adding the map that is relatively simple. For the vision statement or goals they can check how those
might be incorporated. The point was made that the MPOs should have a regional component for
there shared-use trails, and it should already be in their long-range plan under that regional
component. Mr. Jonson recalled when they were doing the actual program manual, the state wanted
to be certain that the communities would do what they had promised to do as part of the corridor
management plan, and the reference was by incorporating it in the comp plans. He wants to be sure
the Courtney Campbell does not lose its designation because the CAC had not done this.
Mr. Jonson suggested the CAC defer the review of Goals, Objectives and Strategies and move on the
next agenda item.
Status of the Westshore Alliance==s Westshore Area Pedestrian System Needs Assessment and
Implementation Plan Addendum.
Ms. Lauren Brooks reported they have just completed review of the existing conditions in which they
conducted a very comprehensive inventory, noting all the deficiencies and gaps and barriers not only
pertaining to pedestrian traffic, but also looking at technical and transit facilities. They are compiling
this deliverable by the end of the month at which time she will share it with the CAC in the event any
updates are necessary so that following deliverables will be on track. They are also planning to
launch an online survey and she will send the link to CAC members. In addition, a survey flyer will be
distributed to the residents and businesses within the Addendum area.
Mr. Jonson asked if the CAC could do anything to help and Ms. Brooks replied that they need the
committee=s feedback regarding the existing conditions so that they can correct anything that is not
accurate. She added that during the field review they did a needs assessment which will be reviewed
and appear in Deliverable 2 at the end of August. The question was asked if this is an update to the
MPO Plan, and Ms. Brooks stated that it is. Mr. Weber explained the reason for this addendum is
because of their special assessment area. In order to use special assessment funds the study must
include the entire Westshore area, whereas the previous study included only the central business
district. Ms. Brooks reported that next month they will begin presenting their needs assessment to the
MPO committees and probably some time in September she will give the CAC the same presentation.
They will be meeting with the Shriners and then the Sports Authority to discuss the Super Bowl and
the area around Raymond James Stadium regarding what improvements they feel need to be made
to facilitate pedestrian traffic. They will also meet with FDOT and Mayor Iorio.
New Business:
Other items from the group
Christine Commerce reported their Coastal Clean-up is coming up on Saturday, September 20, and
she brought flyers for those who want them. Once again they will have a clean-up site on the
Courtney Campbell Causeway and right now they are trying to decide if they want to use the boat
ramp or consider another location because of the heavy traffic on Saturdays. Since this event is
worldwide, they are working with the Nature Conservancy and are trying to get the governor to come
out to the clean-up at the Courtney Campbell location. They are also partnering with radio station
97X, so there may also be a DJ out at the site. Mr. Jonson asked if their group had much contact with
Keep Pinellas Beautiful and Ms. Commerce replied that they did. Pinellas has chosen to hold this
event in October since September is still so hot, but Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful chose to stay
with the international date.
Mr. Jonson reported that PSTA is working with HARTline to come up with some ways of connecting
Pinellas County to the Tampa International Airport. There is a potential transfer facility that HARTline
is developing just off the airport grounds which is currently under construction. This facility has been
included in PSTA=s transit development plan.
In the TBARTA (Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority) one of the corridors is actually
the Causeway. The initial ranking took that out of the corridors in favor of the Howard Frankland and
the rail corridor crossing Oldsmar and across the top of the bay. Ms. Royal encouraged everyone to
go to the website and take a look at the various corridors. They are in Phase 2 of the system
development and very soon will begin testing the various corridors so now is the time to submit
comments. Mr. Jonson reported there is a public workshop for Pinellas County on August 7 and
around that same time frame for Hillsborough.
Next Meeting:
Friday, September 12, 2008, 10:00 a.m.