Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC) Minutes

Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway
Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC)
Regular Meeting at
Clearwater Christian College
Cathcart Hall
3400 Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard
Clearwater, Florida
March 16, 2007
11:00 a.m.
Josh McCart, Program Coordinator, Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful
Chris Weber, Westshore Alliance
Lee Stripling, Keep Pinellas Beautiful
Michael Palozzi, FDOT GEC Support, PBS&J
Ken Hoyt, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council
Manny Pumariega, Executive Director, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council
The Honorable Bill Jonson, Council Member, City of Clearwater
Mary Helen Duke, Greenways & Trails Coordinator, City of Tampa Parks & Recreation
Susan J. Miller, Bicycle/Pedestrian Planner, Pinellas County MPO
Michelle Greene, Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator, Florida Department of Transportation
The minutes of the January 19, 2007 meeting were approved with no corrections.
Old Business:
Update on FDOT trail feasibility study for the Courtney Campbell
Michelle Greene reported that the study is progressing, with final selections due to
be made by the end of the month on March 28. FDOT hopes to have a consultant
on board and to begin work by May 1, 2007. Mr. Palozzi added that the
presentations are to be held on the 26th, with three firms short-listed.
Rocky Point pedestrian safety discussion update from meeting with FDOT and
Council Member Jonson reported that he, Manny Pumariega and Ken Hoyt met with
Bob Clifford to discuss these safety issues. Mr. Hoyt summarized by stating that
basically there is a rural road which suddenly crosses into a very large urban
intersection. Over the years, no provision has been made to install sidewalks or
other pedestrian features. Mr. Clifford was very frank about not knowing what the
real solution for this intersection is going to be. The state is not interested in having
more curb cuts. In addition, Mr. Clifford had reported that there is no money
available for any solution that might be suggested and he went to some length to
describe the current situation at FDOT. Revenues are declining, costs are going up
and the demand for projects is almost overwhelming. Ideally, there would have
been sidewalks, but to get them installed now would require a right-of-way
acquisition program. Council Member Jonson reported Mr. Clifford stated that there
are no improvements to this area included in the current five-year plan. The
feasibility study will gather the players together, including the Westshore Alliance,
and the businesses in that area to look at the opportunities. Also, Mr. Clifford
mentioned the traffic signal by the Radisson could be eliminated, making it possible
to link the left turn lane which would allow the use of part of the right-of-way for a
sidewalk. He also referred to a sidewalk master plan that was done for the
Westshore area, but upon further examination, it was discovered that this plan did
not include the Courtney Campbell Causeway. Mr. Hoyt expressed the belief that
Mr. Clifford would prefer the City of Tampa and the Westshore Alliance get together
on what they think a solution would be, then come to the State.
Mary Helen Duke mentioned that the Radisson is going through a new development
review process at the present time, and Judy Hunt with FDOT is requiring the
petitioners to submit a new traffic signalization warrant study to determine whether or
not the traffic signal at Bar Harbor Drive is needed or not. Apparently, Ms. Hunt s
section of FDOT believes this signal should be removed. Ms. Duke reported that
most people she has spoken with have grave concerns about the removal of this
signal, because it serves as a traffic calming function. As of today, she has not
received any follow-up materials from the petitioners, and she has specifically
requested a copy of the traffic warrant study. One member of the group reported
she had heard the signal is going to stay. Ms. Duke asked whether during the
meeting with Bob Clifford there was any discussion about the fact that this is a scenic
highway and there is a need to lower speed limits on this section of roadway? Both
Mr. Hoyt and Council Member Jonson indicated there had been no discussion
regarding that subject. Ms. Duke expressed the belief that with the increased level of
residential activity taking place on Rocky Point that the area should be thought of
more as a neighborhood rather than a freeway, and that more consideration should
be given to lowering speed limits or adding more traffic calming features. She also
stated that the City of Tampa is working diligently with the private sector, and as new
redevelopment projects come forward, the City is requiring them to put in
improvements that will improve bicycle/pedestrian accessibility. Ms. Duke stated her
feeling that this Corridor Advisory Committee is here to help encourage and foster
the development of bicycle/pedestrian improvements, and that just because a
roadway has always been rural that once a section of it becomes urban, we cannot
be blind to the fact the general public has a right to cross this road safely at some
point. Council Member Jonson recalled from their conversation with Mr. Clifford, as
mentioned previously, that there is no pedestrian sidewalk plan for this area, except
for the trail plan. Ms. Duke pointed out that the trail plan is very conceptual, but they
must start somewhere and the feasibility study will certainly assist the CAC in moving
toward that goal. An assessment was done approximately two years ago that
identified areas where they felt there was need for pedestrian crosswalks, for trails,
for improvements to the maintenance service road, and a copy of that assessment
was provided to FDOT. Council Member Jonson asked if there was anything the
CAC should be doing to work with the business owners of the Rocky Point area
before the trail feasibility study gets to the point of pulling people in. Ms. Duke stated
one thing the CAC could consider doing is making an application for STP funds as a
follow up to the feasibility study in terms of missing gaps. Also, the Hillsborough
County MPO is currently developing its Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), so
it is possible to request the MPO to do more of a study of the Rocky Point area. Mr.
Palozzi stated the most important thing right now is to be certain Ms. Greene s scope
includes the issues of importance to the CAC.
Council Member Jonson asked Chris Weber to take the lead on gathering the
appropriate people together for discussion of the aforementioned issues. Ms. Duke
felt Ron Rotella and Linda Saul-Sena should definitely be included.
New Business:
Guardrail maintenance using different materials
Mr. Palozzi explained that this issue began with Council Member Jonson noticing a
maintenance crew on the Causeway near Ben T. Davis Beach replacing the box
beam guardrail with tribeam guardrail material. Upon inquiring of a couple of the
maintenance workers, Mr. Palozzi was told that many spots had been hit and FDOT
was replacing those sections representing the greatest liability as quickly as possible.
He noticed that the new material was not as attractive as what was being replaced
and was told that box beam is not readily available since it is more expensive and is
not produced as rapidly as tribeam. Obviously, this new material is contrary to the
philosophy of a scenic highway. Council Member Jonson stated he had an
opportunity to speak with Don Skelton, FDOT, for a few minutes regarding the
replacement material, and mentioned that along the George Washington Parkway in
Virginia an alternative to the waffle tribeam material had been used. Mr. Skelton s
comment was that it would have to meet safety standards and he indicated he would
speak his operations people. However, Council Member Jonson told him he would
be working through the CAC contact, i.e., Mr. Palozzi. Mr. Palozzi thought it would
be wise for the CAC to draft a letter to Mr. Skelton, expressing what has been
observed that is contrary to the goals and objectives, strategies and vision the group
has for this corridor. He feels it may be up to the CAC to discover what other
materials are available for guardrail maintenance and replacement. FDOT is now
looking at cable guardrails, which may not be any better looking, but meets the
FDOT criteria. Council Member Jonson suggested contacting the National Scenic
Byway resource center for other possible ideas.
Brochure Update
Council Member Jonson indicated he really did not have an update other than work
continues, however, he does have the historic photos. He visited the Tampa library
and discovered they have a wonderful collection of historic photos from the 1920s
and !30s, and he had several copies made.
Ms. Duke mentioned that as she was driving to the meeting today, she noticed a new
information kiosk has been installed at the boat ramp. Josh McCart reported it has been
installed by Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful in connection with its monofilament
recycling and recovery program. He also reminded the group that the Great American
Cleanup will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2007. Since the Courtney Campbell is one of
their sites, they have two Adopt-a-Shore groups that will be participating. Lee Stripling from
Keep Pinellas Beautiful announced that their cleanup is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday,
March 17. They have thirty sites around the county, a list of which is available on their
website. One of the sites is Bayview Park and Bayview Bridge which are critical areas
heavily impacted by seasonal tides and debris. They will have forty to fifty Clearwater High
School students, teachers and faculty working this area.
There being no further business, Council Member Jonson adjourned the meeting.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
Friday, May 25, 2007, 11:00 a.m.
Meeting location to be determined