Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC) Minutes Regular Meeting at URS Corporation 7th Floor Board Room 7650 West Courtney Campbell Causeway Tampa, Florida October 12, 2007 10:00 a.m. Attending: Ken Hoyt, Citizen Rep for TBRPC Andrea Barber, Program Coordinator, Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful Chris Weber, Director of Transportation, Westshore Alliance Michael Palozzi, FDOT GEC Support, PBS&J Felicia Leonard, Administrative Support Manager, City of Clearwater Parks & Recreation Susan J. Miller, Bicycle/Pedestrian Planner, Pinellas County MPO Ron Gregory, Vice President, URS Corporation Bill Jonson, CCSH CAC Chairman The minutes of the July 20, 2007 meeting were approved with no corrections. Old Business: 1. Interim report on the FDOT Cross Causeway Trail Feasibility Project Mr. Palozzi provided some background information stating the department and the Courtney Campbell Corridor Advisory Committee (CAC) were awarded close to a half million dollars to do a feasibility study. The scope is to, at least, investigate the feasibility of getting pedestrian access across the main span bridge on the causeway. The FDOT has recently selected a consultant, LPA Group out of Orlando, to do the feasibility study. This study is just getting underway. The project manager at FDOT is Gabor Farkasfalvy, the assistant project manager is Michelle Greene. The study is projected to take approximately one year or less and is currently in the data collection phase. Mr. Palozzi handed out the first project newsletter which provides the current status of the project. There will be a public workshop which is projected to take place in January or February 2008, but no exact date has been set. Mr. Palozzi stressed that is important for the CAG to take an active role in providing input to the study. The CAC’s Goals, Objectives and Strategies indicated that a major issue of importance is gaining a pedestrian facility the length of the corridor. He suggested that it was important that all CAC members are added to the study mailing list so that they receive future project notifications. The group discussed how to best ensure this happens. Mr. Palozzi distributed copies of the first project newsletter to all in attendance. Mr. Gregory pointed out that they could do another mailing since there is nothing really time-sensitive in this newsletter. Also, he added that having looked at the consultant’s schedule he assumes they will use the second newsletter to announce the public meeting. Mr. Jonson asked if the CAC could request a copy of their mailing list. Mr. Palozzi advised that the CAC contact Mr. Farkasfalvy to inform him that none of the members of this group have received the newsletter and because they feel it is important, the CAC is willing to share its distribution list. Mr. Gregory agreed and recommended the notice be sent via e-mail with copies to Michelle Greene, Bob Clifford and Linda Saul-Sena. Mr. Palozzi felt that the first e-mail should state that the newsletter says to contact the project manager and/or Marian to be placed on the mailing list. If the first request receives no response, then another e-mail could be sent copying those formerly mentioned folks. Mr. Jonson re-stated the two actions he had taken: 1) To respond back to the consultant that the CAC has a mailing list and suggests it be included for the mailing of the newsletters; and 2) that the CAC would like to see the Public Involvement Plan and provide comments on it. Mr. Hoyt expressed concern that seventy-five days after the go ahead was given there is no substance, which means all of the remaining work on the project is going to have to be done in the time remaining. Mr. Gregory referred to a letter from Bob Clifford as a response to the meeting held at URS regarding the study team examining the trail in front of the Shriners’ facility. The letter states FDOT shares the CAC’s vision and will continue to work closely with all of the CCSH partners as the study moves forward. Now it appears that the very people who attended that meeting were not on any list to receive the newsletter. Mr. Gregory felt the letter from Mr. Clifford is completely out of touch with what is going on by his team. Mr. Palozzi mentioned that the consultant has now been provided a link to the Scenic Highway Designation document. He gave the consultant the website and suggested they download it and read it, so they would know the Goals and Objectives and Strategies. Mr. Jonson stated he would like to request a special meeting with the project manager and the consultant within the next thirty days. The other members of the group agreed that this would be highly desirable. Mr. Gregory added that a discussion needs to be held with them regarding what they are and are not going to examine. Also, he felt Linda Saul-Sena should be present since the information gleaned from such a discussion would be valuable to her in her role as councilwoman. Mr. Gregory stated the timing of this is very important, and he proceeded to report that Chris Weber with the Westshore Alliance is working with the MPO in Hillsborough County to do a complete update expansion of the Westshore Pedestrian Plan to include bike and pedestrian for the whole district, including the Rocky Point area. The issue of the connectivity of this area to Westshore and to Clearwater is very pertinent because they are now going to take their original pedestrian plan, expand it through the entire Westshore district and include the bicycle issues. In January, the Hillsborough MPO will kick off that effort under the auspices of the Westshore Alliance. Mr. Palozzi questioned whether the consultant is aware that this effort is taking place. Mr. Hoyt expressed the belief that the consultant should be coming to the CAC for information and background data. Mr. Gregory recommended that Councilman John Doran, the new representative from the City of Clearwater attend that special meeting as well. Mr. Jonson stated a Hillsborough County representative should also be present, as well as one from the City of Tampa. Susan Miller reported that the Pinellas County MPO approved adding into their trailways plan the section from McMullen Booth over to the Progress Energy Trail, which will complete the connection to their tail system. Mr. Jonson stated he would draft a letter and give Mr. Hoyt a copy. He will also contact Manny Pumariega of the Regional Planning Council to give him an update. 2. Update on the Scenic Highway Brochure Mr. Palozzi reported that over the last few months, PBS&J graphics staff and Felicia Leonard’s (City of Clearwater) staff have gone back and forth communicating in an attempt to finalize the brochure. Mr. Palozzi stated the most significant changes are indicating available restroom facilities on the map and the inclusion of a small map of Florida so that out-of-state visitors will be able to locate the Courtney Campbell Scenic Highway more easily. The Grand Hyatt is a CCSH sponsor and their affiliated restaurant, Oyster Catchers, is listed as well. Mr. Palozzi indicated that Bahama Breeze was removed since they are not currently a sponsor, and it is felt one of the functions of the brochure is that of a marketing tool for the sponsoring businesses. Once these minor edits are made, he will have about 500 copies printed to be distributed to area businesses, information booths, etc. New Business: 3. Annual Report to the Florida Scenic Highway Program Mr. Palozzi distributed copies of this year’s Annual Report for the members to read through and keep for their files. He informed the group that the format and the numbers and types of pictures that are inserted are set by the Program. The two questions the Program requires be responded to are 1) What has been done during the reporting year and 2) Are the goals, objectives and strategies still what the CAC wants them to be. Mr. Hoyt asked whether a copy of this annual report could be supplied to Gabor Farkasfalvy, the project manager for the grant feasibility study, since the goals, objectives and strategies are clearly laid out in this document. Mr. Jonson mentioned there is a State Scenic Highways coordinators meeting being held on Clearwater Beach in November, and he has been invited to represent the CCSH CAC to give a brief update. He thought it would be a good idea to have the annual report available for handouts and also give an update regarding the status with the FDOT Trail Project. Also, he asked permission of the group to discuss at the coordinators meeting the differentiation between Scenic Highways and Heritage Roads, which are not necessarily scenic but significantly historic. He feels that because Heritage Roads fall under Scenic Highways the issue can become confused, and he feels the solution would be for the State to modify the legislation to have either Scenic Highways or Heritage Roads. Mr. Gregory voiced a difference of opinion. He related that there is a white paper developed for central office support of FDOT concerning what is termed linear resources, and the state has been grappling with the issue of linear resources within the cultural resource field, e.g. historic sites, archeological sites, etc. The whole issue of linear resources is extremely complex from a policy and administrative standpoint, but FDOT has taken the lead. The historic designation “Heritage” is one of four processes of identifying linear resources in the historic sense. Having read the white paper, Mr. Gregory feels the Courtney Campbell qualifies under at least two of the categories. Several of these designations would embrace trail enhancements within it as supportive. He stated there is very little money in Scenic Highway designations, but there is an almost unlimited amount of money for Section 106 and 4F, which would make available a much more well-funded source of opportunity. Mr. Gregory suggested asking the FDOT, both the District and Central Office, to study the corridor for designation. This would make the corridor eligible for money to enhance the corridor, plus it would afford both state and federal protection which are not the same as Scenic Highway. Mr. Jonson’s concern was that the Courtney Campbell would lose its “Scenic” designation, but Mr. Gregory assured him that the designations are two separate things with separate statutes. He explained that CCSH could promote the scenic highway function while tapping into the protection and funds of the federal state program that is unavailable to scenic highways. Mr. Jonson referred to a “Letter to the Editor” item he brought with him in which a citizen complains about the lack of maintenance on the service road on the Courtney Campbell which is part of the trail. It was written by a man named Bob Paul, and Mr. Jonson mentioned he knows a Bob Paul who is the code enforcement officer for the City of Clearwater. He has put in a call to Mr. Paul to ask if they are one and the same. Mr. Gregory stated this topic could be passed along to FDOT’s maintenance crew since it is their responsibility. Mr. Jonson asked for any other topics for discussion. Andrea Barber mentioned they have a new Adopt-a-Shore group on the Causeway, the University of Tampa Environmental Protection Coalition, making a total of three groups. During the Coastal Clean Up there were 539 volunteers that worked on the Courtney Campbell Causeway alone and they picked up an estimated 6,954 pounds of trash. There was a planting project held on September 29 at the boat ramp at which time 100 beach sunflowers and 400 sea oats were planted. This project was supported by the Parks and Recreation department and the Kimley-Horn Foundation. There being no other business, Mr. Jonson adjourned the meeting. Next Meeting: Friday, November 16, 2007 at URS Corporation