The catalytic hydrogenation of certain aliphatic amines by Robert A Currie A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Robert A Currie (1960) Abstract: The effects of pressure> temperature, and space velocity on the hydrodenitrogenation of certain aliphatic amines were studied. The feed concentration and hydrogen rate were held constant for all runs. The compounds studied were n-butyl amine, octyl amine, iso-butyl amine, sec-butyl amine, and tert-butyl amine. An increase of temperature caused a corresponding increase in the conversion of the nitrogen compound. An increase in pressure also caused an increase in the nitrogen conversion. By comparing n-butyl amine to octyl amine, it was evident that the lower molecular weight amine denitrogenated more readily. Similarly, the isomers of butyl amine denitrogenated in the order n-butyl amine, iso-butyl amine, sec-butyl amine and tert-butyl amine, with the ease-of denitrogenation increasing respectively. The product formed from n-butyl amine is a mixture of iso-butane and n-butane. Sec-butyl amine forms essentially n-butane, while iso- and tert-butyl amine form essentially iso-butane at high conversions. THE .CATALYTIC HYDROGENATION •OF CERTAIN ALIPHATIC AMINES by ROBERT A. ,CURRIE O A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in p a r t i a l •f u l f i l l m e n t •of t h e 'requirements f o r .the degree of Master: of Science in Chemical Engineering at .Montana State College Approved: Head, Major Departm^p Jean, Graduate Division Bozeman,. Montana J u n e ,.i960 ' J i!.; fyl' I A f r;:ii;■ M i 1 s' r,/Pkc '(Vf-^ •2TABLE OP CONTENTS page Abstract .......................................................... 3 I Introduction ................................................. 4 II Experimental Considerations 9 A. B. C. D. E. ............................... Introduction ............................................. 9 Materials.................................................... 10 E q u ipment.................................................... 11 Operating Procedures .................................... 13 Analytical Procedures...................................... 16 III Discussion of Methods of Data A n a l y s i s .................... 17 IV Discussion of R e s u l t s ........................................... 22 A. B. C. D. Effect Effect Effect Effect of of of of Tenperature...................................... P r e s s u r e ...................................... Molecular Weight ........................... Structure on Hydrogenation of Butyl Amine . 24 25 2$ 26 V C o n c l u s i o n .................................................... 32 VI A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s ............................................... 33 VII Literature Cited ............................................. 34 VIII A p p e n d i x ........................................................ 35 145253 -3ABSTR AC T • The effects of pressure, temperature, and space velocity on the hydrodenitrogenation of certain aliphatic amines were studied. The feed concentration and hydrogen rate were held constant for all runs.­ pounds studied were n^butyl amine, octyl a m i n e , .iso-butyl ■amine., secbutyl--amine, a n d .tert-butyl amine. i An increase of temperature caused a corresponding increase in the conversion of the nitrogen compound. An increase in pressure also caused an increase in the nitrogen conversion. By comparing n-butyl amine to octyl amine,.it was evident that the lower molecular weight amine denitrogenated more readily. Similarly,..the isomers of butyl amine denitrogenated in the order n-butyl amine s isobutyl amine, .■sec-butyl amine and tert-butyl amine., with the ease of deni.trogenation increasing respectively. ' The product formed from n-butyl amine is a mixture of iso-butane and h -butane. Sec-butyl amine forms essentially n - b u t a n e , while iso- and tert-butyl amine form essentially iso-butane at high conversions. -4— I.INTRODUCTION. When .a nation's industrial picture is changing rapidly* new.proc­ esses and products.must.he.introduced at a corresponding rate. But with each new or improved p r o c e s s ^ more demands are placed •on each inter.?mediateosiepp:-.-uThesedeman'ds may be quite, diversified,, but .one of the largest demands falls on the- specifications.and requirements of an inter­ mediate used. This rapidly.changing industrial picture applies directly to-most chemical, and petroleum industries.. With any.industrial changes growths are created. To -supply, these .markets larger.and different sources or raw materials and intermediates are needed. Often new sources -of these materials must be used,, which may. .require the .use. of inferior grades. This imme­ diately, presents the problem-of upgrading the materials to meet the required specifications. Demands to. improve any product present;'new problems' that met .and h a n d l e d , If the information needed-to ' obtain a ,complete knowledge.of the problem is not available.,.then it conduct studies to obtain this information. In recent years, one problem has arisen that exemplifies this demand. This problem.concerns, itself with the efficient removal of nitrogen-containing compounds from the petroleum.distillates■of which t h e y sarepa .part. Since 1953 the Esso Research and Engineering Company has sponsored a research project at Montana State College. Not only was this study I -5conducted here.* ,but also- In their, own research laboratories. The purpose of the.project was to study.the removal of sulfur by hydro­ desulfurization which also included in-cycle catalyst.deactivation studies (6 , ,g.jt-ll, l 6) . Recently,, however, ..the study has been carried to the level where it is no.longer desirable to continue . this..type of,work -at the present time. Since 195$ and.the .com­ pletion of Mahughts thesis., attention has been focused on hydrode<-. nitrogenation. Because of •previous experience, with desulfurization., and the similarities between this and denitrogenation* this new, was conducted in much the same way. as desulfurization. In an effort, to understand .better a.small portion of the.:over-■ ■all .problemj,,. this study, was conducted on Qnly,one type of nitrogen -compound.. The type of nitrogen compound this study was limited.,to/ aliphatic.amines... h o w e v e r ,. this- type o f .compound makes up a.part -of the total nitrogen content of' many commercial..petro^ •Ieum feedstocks . ■T h e 'e£E'gx$ts up on hydrogenation, of stiCh..variables as pressure.,., temperature* J,. and-structure, of the. amines, were studied^ and their correlations to hydrogenation were ■examined. The feedstock used in this study- was -resemble -some o f .the ,characteristics of a commercial, feed. However3..only, one type, of nitrogen compound of known concentration was introduced into.the feed. This-.made it.possible to understand better the -6behavior of this compound to hydrogenation. Commercial feeds may contain several types of nitrogen coim­ pounds .. Some of the more common compounds encountered are as follows: I. H R - C H NH 2 Amlnes Quinoline Isoqulnollne Pyridine Pyrrole H 6 . Figurations undetermined Porphyrins A feedstock may contain many more types of nitrogen com­ pounds than these. Also, each type of compound may have more than one possible arrangement of atoms In its structure. As an example, quinoline differs from isoquinoline In only the placement of the nitrogen atom in the heterocyclic ring. Since many compounds are present in most feedstocks, numerous reactions may occur simul­ taneously. as f o l l o w s : Some of the problems encountered in hydrogenation are -71- Does the ^pfesenoe of different nitrogen compounds cause an interaction ttia-t would affect the hydrogenation? .2, Does the presence ,of c m p o p n d s other than nitrogen-con­ taining ,compounds affect hydrogenation? 3.. What affect- does the- carrier h a y e on. hydrogenation? -4. What part of the reaction is rate controlling? 5-. What,physical conditions arid limits' -6 . How do variables like pressure and. temperature affect the ape present? hydrogenation? In most cases before a study like this is. conducted, there, must first-he sufficient interest to merit such an investigation. Reasons leading up to the.desire to remove nitrogen compounds are numerous and diversified,, -gome of the more.obvious reasons are as follows: 1., When, nitrogen-containing compounds c o m e into -contact with, sensitive catalysts^ the catalysts are easily poisoned and quickly lose their efficiency. Some processes in - which this may occur are catalytic cracking., hydrogen .platforming,, and alkylation (I,. ' 2.. 10)., Nitrogen compounds are- partially responsible for extensive gum formation., TMs- formation is Caused, by their ability to accelerate the oxidation of numerous unsaturated compounds (1, 5.).. 3. Removal .of nitrogen compounds to produce .a product that is competitive with those from other sources. The re­ moval of nitrogen compounds from, shale ail to upgrade its .quality would be, an example, The catalytic hydrogenation of crude shale ail has been studied by the Chemical Engineering Department at Montana State College since 1954 .4. (2 , 5 j- 7) v Nitrogen compounds are.often the source,of objectionable odors (15).. 5 . Nitrogen impurities Can hinder various chemical processes The purpose and. reasons f o r this st.udy have been previously stated. The information obtained f r o m this study is of funda­ mental nature and should be of value in solving the broader p r o b l e m of upgrading -commercial feedstocks, -9 II EXPERIMENTAL .CONSIDERATIONS A. Introduction C a r r i er : In order to- p r e p a re a feedstock that contained the desired, amount of nitrogen as amines> it was necessary to use a hydrocarbon carrier that simulated commercial feedstock charac^ teristics. It was necessary to choose a carrier that in barrel lots was reasonably"' p r i ced* .that would blend readily with various low molecular weight amines* and not affect the hydrogenation process itself. The hydrocarbon carrier .chosen was normal h e p t a n e », which has a boiling point of 98„5°C a n d a density of 0,6838 gm/cc (4), The •normal heptane was purchased in barrel lots from the Phillips Petroleum Company, Process Conditions: The operating conditions chosen for this study were orginally selected, with the assistance of the Esso Research and Engineering Company. After a few- exploratory runs were conducted* the -conditions were modified, to prevent total nitrogen conversion and. also to be more compatible with the limi­ tations of the equipment involved, and the analytical techniques used. The following .conditions .were finally selected: Pressure — 10.0 $00 psig. Temperature - 62$°? 725°]?. Hydrogen flow rate -■ $00 SCE/bbl. Nitrogen concentration - 1,6$ N by wt. Space velocity - 10 — 100 gm/gm p er hour. -tIOCatalyst -• CoMo-; 1 0 - 100 grains „ Amines .used: n-batyl amine tent-butyl amine sec-butyl amine iso—butyl amine n-octyl amine B. Materials Feedstock: The various amines u s e d in this study were com­ mercial grade reagents purchased f r o m Eastman Organic Chemicals. The desired amine was blended with n-heptane to produce approxi­ mat e l y lfo by weight nitrogen,.. space velocities Since each, run consisted, of four (IO jl- 2 0 4 0 „. 100) * it w a s .nodessary to Jblend about 15 liters' of feed p e r run.. This quantity of feed was sufficient to r u n the unit until the .nitrogen conversion reached a constant level and samples obtained. Catalyst a n d .catalyst s u p p ort: Hydrodesulfurization w°rk con­ ducted previously at Montana. State College in. conjunction with, the Esso Research and Engineering .Company j[-9>. 11) Used a cobaltmolybdenum catalyst.. Erom previous experience of hydfodenitro- genation and from the similar characteristics between, desulfuri­ zation .and denitrOgenatIonj the Halco-Esso cobalt-molybdenum 1/16inch extruded catalyst was used.. This catalyst is a mixture of cobalt and molybdenum, oxides on an al u m i n a .support. T h e catalyst b e d was supported in the reactor on the top and bottom by 1/ 8 -inch alundum pellets which were obtained from the Morton Company. The alundum pellets were also used to dilute the -ll-. catalyst and. thereby produce a larger catalyst zone. The catalyst was diluted j? parts pellets to I part catalyst by yolpme. The cata­ lyst dilution made it possible to use a larger portion of the r e ­ ac t o r which aided .in. the control of reactor conditions. Hydrogen Treat G a s The hydrogen treat gas was supplied in. h i g h press u r e .cylinders by H R Oxygen .and Supply.,. Billingsjc Montana. The h y d r o g e n was first passed through a "Peoxp" to remove trace quantities of oxygen,. A palladium, catalyst in the 'tBeoxo" unit catalytic ally combined the oxygen with hydrogen to form water., The water was then removed b y passing the hydrogen through a drying ,unit which was p a c k e d with "Drierite". C» Equipment Elow D i a g r a m : A schematic flow .diagram of the catalytic hydrogenation unit is shown, in Figure I. The feed is pumped to the top of the reactor where it enters along .with the purified hydrogen. Together the f e e d and hydrogen pass down through the preheater, catalyst^ and after-heat zone. The vapors are.con­ densed first in a counter current water condenser while still under reactor pressure.. After passing through the reactor pres­ sure regulator^ the gas a n d liquid products ar e then passed through a cooling .coil .contained in a n ice b a t h . The liquid p r o ­ duct is collected in .a flask while the gaseous product is vented to the atmosphere. -12EqiiilBment Specifications : seamless,^ schedule length. The reactor was made frqm I -Inch O D j 8 O j stainless steel .pipe,f;and .was 30 Inches In The bottom -of the reactor was silver welded to a flanged union to permit easy access to the Inside,of the reactor. The top ,of the reactor was permanently, connected to a .high pressure cross. A thermowell enters the reactor through the top of the cr o s s . •The feed, and hydrogen enter the r e a c t o r .through one side of the., cross while the.other is used as a. safety device to vent the reactor to the atmosphere. A 1 5 0 0 psi rupture disk was used for this purpose. The r e a c t o r wras wrapped-with five, ceramic-beaded nichrome heating co i l s . The heating coils were covered with approximately 1-1/2 inches .of .magnesia, insulation. A thermowell extended .down through the center of the reactor, to the .flanged, ,union at the bottom. A 3/l6^inch OD stainless sealed at the lower end,^ .was u s e d for the thermowell., .Inside the thermowell were placed fiye lron^constantau thermo­ couples which measured the temperature at various leyels through the reactor. A diagram of the location -of heating coils.* thermo­ couples^. •and catalyst aone are shown in Figure.2. Accessory equipment was also utilized i n the hydrogenation unit as f o l lows: .A HIlls-McCanna high pressure proportioning .pump with a l/ 8-inch piston;, a Brooks armored, high pressure roto.meter with 3/52-inch b a l l 5 a drove back pressure regulator) five -13110 volt Powers tats ;j a 100Q ml glass feed reseryoir with a. 50 ml graduated burette attached through a side arm* a Leeds and Worthrup. indicating potentlffimdter,* four Marshalltown. 200.0 psi test g a u g e s ; a Qohor Deoxp P u r ifier 5.a Matheson hydrogen regulator. ' The tubing used,on the,unit was type 304- stainless steely 1 /8-,inch. OD tubing. Various', types of yalyes used on the .unit are -as follows: Hoke- on-off yalv.e; Hoke turn-to-open needle .yalye j .Hoke micro, adjusting needle valve used for hydrogen metering.. D.- Operating Procedures Reactor Preparation.: Once the reactor is. dismantled from the •system it i s .cleaneduand dried before recharging. The reactor is inverted to expose the annular space between the reactor wall and the thermowell. The alundum. pellets were first charged into the reactor to a selected depth,.of the reactor. This forms the- feed preheat section The,catalyst that had been diluted with pellets was then, charged, into the reactor and, p a c k e d Jpy tapping. The length of the .catalyst ,zone was kept as .uniform ,as possible for each run. The reactor was then filled to .about one inch below the flange with more .catalyst support... A .stainless steel coil Vfas then secured.on the- bottom, of the reactor to hold .the catalyst and catalyst support in place when it was turned up into its n o r ­ m a l position. The reactor was then coupled into its position in -14the system.. The feed and gas line> the thermocouple leads,,, and the Power­ 'stat cords were then connected, to the reactor. Qnce the reactor, was pressurized,, the unit >ras checked for l e a k s , After the reactor was brought to a temperature of 288"0, a gas mixture of 5$ hydrogen sulfide and. 95$ hydrogen was passed, over the.catalyst for a period of 24 hours at a reactor pressure of 250 psig. This procedure was used for catalyst hydrodenitro- genation run s t a r t s . Reactor Operation.:- Before the actual run was started, the reactor was changed from, the break-in temperature to the desired temperature fo,r that particular run. Once the pump was started it was necessary to adjust the pumping ,rate to the ..desired, rate. This was done by a micro,-adjustor on the pump that changed the stroke length of the piston. The space velocity was set to the desired .value by .measuring the volumetric oil feed, r a t e . As the f e e d and hydrogen entered the reactor it was necessary to adjust the preheat Powerstat to heat the incoming feed to reactor tem­ perature. The temperatures through the reactor were recorded, and the Powerstats were continually adjusted to maintain the desired constant temperaturet The product passed out of the reactor and the liquid w a s collected in a flask until a product sample was taken. -.15gampllng,: Before a .prodtiet sample was taken,,, it was necessary to wait for the reactor to line pat .and. thereby produce a. reasonably •constant c.onversiqn. quinoline that from, Ryffel (13). fo.und In his. investigation of 6 to 8 hours of line-out time was sufficient to insure a constant conversion, After sufficient line out time,, a sample’ of about 50 cc was taken in a 500 ml flask. This sample was followed by another sample at approximately I hour l a f e r . In most cases both samples were analyzed and. the average of the two conversions was used. Since- the various amines are. in vapor phase while in the reactor, it was necessary to be sure that all of the amines that had not Jpeen converted to ammonia were.condensed and collected in the product s a m p l e . To, insure this^ the liquid p r o ­ duct .and, the gas product were passed, through,,an additional con­ denser after passing through the Grove regulator. This condenser was a.stainless steel.coil that was maintained in a n ice b a t h . At the beginning of the study^ the additional condenser was not used. In Figure 3> two runs of identical conditions are plotted^ except during ,one of the runs, the additional.condenser was employed.. ,It pan be seen that the. ice-bath h a d considerable - effect on fully recovering the unreacted amines from, the gas product stream. Additional procedures were employed in, .an effort to .determine if there was a n appreciable loss of amines from the product due to carry oyer but this could, not b e fully —1.6determlned. E. Analytical Procedures The nitrogen, content of each product sample was determined ,by the standard Kjeldahl method (8). For each run it was necessary to determine the nitrogen content of the feed, as well as the nitrogen content of the various samples. Each determination was run in duplicate to insure accuracy,, and the average of the two trials was used. Samples f r o m the runs which studied, the effect of hydrogena­ tion of the isomers of n-butyl amine were further analyzed with a vaporphase chromatography u n i t . The use of this unit ,made it possible to examine the .various intermediates and products formed upon hydrogenation. This work was accomplished with a n Aerograph Model A-IlO-C gas chromatograph in conjunction with a BrownHoneyweil .Model 14,5 x. 57 I H V recorder. —3-7’ III DISCUSSION OP METHODS OP DATA ANALYSIS The rate of a chemical reaction, is expressed, quantitatively as the mass or ,moles of a product produced, or reactant consumed^ per unit time (14). The rate of reaction can also be termed the velocity or speed of a specific reaction. Since the mass or moles of a product or reactant are usually expressed as a concen­ tration,; the rate of reaction is.dependent upon the change of concentration with time. If the rate is based on the .change of concentration (C) of the reactant with time (t)> the rate of reaction (r) can be exp. pressed as: since the concentration of the reactant is decreasing. "The law of mass action .states that the rate of a chemi cal .reaction is proportional to the product of the 'active masses' of the reactants involved. Since the activity of a substance in a mixture is frequently difficult to obtain, concentrations are usually used to replace the active mass terms. Por example, in the reaction A + B —> R + S we can express the rate as r = -- s kC% 8% where r is the rate, C a and C^ are the Concentration of the respective reactants A and B and a, b, and k are constants. The constant k in the above equation is termed the 'specific reaction rate c o n s t a n t ', or simply the 'rate.constant'. In , rrgineral, its .units depend upon those employed for the con- —18 — centrallon arid upon the order .of reaction. The order of reaction Is defined as the sxtoi of the' exponents a and. h. Reactions orders m a y h a v e values of 0, I* 2^ or some fractional value.. This derivation of the rate equation based.upon the law of mass action is theoretically■valid only for homogeneous systems. However* it has been found that data f r o m heterogeneous systems can also, be correlated, quite -well in many cases. This is particularly true when one of the present in large excess, In. a heterogeneous catalytic reaction^ a factor must also be included in the .rate equation to account for the preparation^ composition^, and. physical properties of the catalyst. Thus for the overall reaction of Quinoline + Hydrogen — $=■Hydrocarbons + Ammonia the rate could, be expressed a s ; s 1=--aF=kM cS. where k is the rate constant> z is the catalyst factor* and C a n d C are the concentrations of quinoline and hydrogen* respectively. This is* of course* assuming constant tem­ perature a n d pressure,." (13) The above equation for this particular study would be replaced by the reaction: Amines + Hydrogen -— > Hydrocarbons + Ammonia ■ If a large concentration of hydrogen is used*, the change in con­ centration.of hydrogen is negligible-and therefore the concentration is assumed to be constant. For any one given catalyst^ the factor z is a constant and .can be combined with the rate .constant f o r m a new constant R 2 . to Since the product from the reaction is analyzed for nitrogen,* and, the nitrogen concentration of the feed is also, knovjn^ it is advisable to base -the change of concentration -+19'. in the reaction on the concentration of the nltfogen rather than the particular nitrogen compound. This changes.the above rate equation to the .new form: Since the amount of nitrogen remaining in the sample, is analyzed the-diff erence between the. initial .concentration (A) a n d the amount converted (x), is determined. then be substituted, for This quality. (A~x) can In, equation (I,).. Also^ the symbol (.'O) is u s e d to represent time by common convention.,. r = -^ Equation (I) becomes: = .Ka(A-Tx).11 (2 ) Since the actual .contact time is virtually impossible to. determine^ some proportional measure of contact time must b e used. The term ,space velocity is used and it is based. Upon, the yolume or weight of reaching mass per unit v o l u m e .or weight of catalyst p e r unit time. Since ,both the feed and catalyst are measured, in, the same units.,, space velocity has the unit of reciprocal time. By using the reciprocal of space velocity? this quantity can be subr Stitufced for the actual contact time in the above e q u a t i o n F o r this study, the space velocity was determined by the weight of feed in ,grams to the yreight of the catalyst in grams per hour. If equation (2) is rearranged and integrated from. x. = .0 to x = x and Q = 0 to & = Q, the following is truer (3) -2.0Where O is also replaced by l / S y The order of ,the reaction, is then equal to the'exponent equation, (3) - (n) in In. arriving at this- equation^ it, was assumed the hy d r o g e n concentration was a constant,; therefore^, ,the order .of, the reaction is termed, "pseudo order". T o r experimental .methods of determining order of reaction^ the different orders are usually assumed,until one is found, which agrees with the experimental -data. , T h e •agreement between the order of ' reaction tested and. the data is. ,usually tested, visually unt i l the .data looks as though it fits quite well. If additional assurance is needed.* statistical methods can. b e u s e d to further verify the exactness of the res,ttlts, .Under any condition^ however* the d a t a points should n o t s h o w ..a .definite Upward o r .downward trend j (3') -In. this, study the following, orders were -assumed -and tested,; n = I.* 3/2.* 2. f o r the .case of n = I P O . ,fe .A-X = ' -%A. Sy which integrates to give ln( V a -x :). = K e/S^, A plot, of I n ( V A 7X). ys l/Sy would, then, yield, a straight line with a .slope .of ,Kg. and an' intercept of zero,. To study reaction, orders of 3/2 a n d .2* the f o l l owing.should be plotted and the results examined to determine if the .data yields a. .straight Ihie.; n = 3/2 Plot 2 / (A-X-J1^ 2VS l / S y Intercept u 2 / A ^ — 21— n = 2 Plot I / (A-x) vs Intercept - l/A 1/SV IarSeiI, on the assumption that the reaction isAmines + Hyirogen — Hydrocarbons •+ Ammonia. Pnom the ,analysis obtained Ir pm. the. chromatograph., it was .evident that no .intermedi­ ates tha/k .contained nitrogen were lprmed., .I t .is-.,reasonable to assume that the nitrogen compounds were .entirely converted to ammonia or else remained in the s a m p l e .as the original nitrogen compound. —22— IY DISCUSSION. OF RESULTS The data from -this study were first examined .in. the m a n n e r .out­ lined previously. Two hydrogenation runs were selected for the ■study of possible, reaction rate's. The two runs chosen for this analysis were selected on the basis that they best represented.the charaoteristies of all t h e . ■data,,,'and because these runs were con­ ducted with some of the operating conditions similar to each of the other.runs. The operating conditions along w i t h 'the initial feed concentra­ tion changed with each run. Since this information is only used- in analyzing the dafa^ it is not generally referred to in this report. These data.are given in Table II. Also, the data.contained in Tables III,.IV, V,.and VI, are the data.used for.constructing ,Figures 4 through 10. Figure 4 is a plot of In A / (Ar-X) vs reciprocal space Velocity. Since the data do not even resemble a, straight line through the origin for,, it is assumed t h e .reaction cafe between n - b u t y l :amine and hydrogen 'under the giveh conditions is not first order. .Similarly,.-Figures 5 and 6 are plots to determine if the reaction is- second order, or 3/2. order, respectively. In "Figure 5,, l / (A-x) i s . p l o t t e d ,vs reciprocal space velocity with the- intercept equdl to l/A. In this figure, ..the run conducted at 2^0 psig I reactor pressure comes closer to .fitting.a straight l i n e , but is StiXl not accupEtte enough to assume a second..order reaction. Figure 6 indicates clearly that the reaction rate is not of the order 3/ 2 . F r o m the ,basis of this analysis,, it is assumed that the.reaction rate is not of -common o r d e r . This does not •eliminate the possi­ bility of an empirical equation that could express the reaction rate for hydrogenation of n— butyl -amine. It is- possible that the reaction is controlled by some particular-step which .must first occur before the-actual hydrogenation reaction, is completed. For example., if it is form a carbonium ion from the amine before the reaction can occur., then this rearrangement would conceivably b e the controlling.step in the reaction. -The .possibilities of -actually forming carbonium.ions, in such a reaction are -discussed later. Since .more -extensive -studies were, not conducted into possible reac­ tion c o n t r o l l i n g ^steps., an oyerall reaction rate expression cannot be determined. In an effort to compare the.results of these runs ^.a common basis was chosen for the analysis of all the-data. The method chosen was t o 'h a n d l e .the data in a,manner-similar to that f o r a first order.reaction. This- method was chosen f o r two reasons. Since this work was carried on in conjunction with the Esso Research .and Engi­ neering Company.,.the data were analyzed in the form of a first order reaction so that both groups used the -same- .method .of data analysis. Secondly* it- has been shown that the rate- of reaction for the Jaydrogenation of quinoline under somewhat similar operating -condi­ tions -was of first order (13 ). A, Effpet Pff temperature,: The .effect of -temperature.-on hydrodenitrogenation between the temperatures, of shown in Fig u r e Th 625-to 7250B1 is ■Fop a ..plot of In ^/(A-x) ys reciprocal, space Velocity,.. the.;Uurves. should ,have an intercept .of z e r o . This condi­ tion is true -both from integrating the reaction rate equation and froni the.fact that at an infinite space velocity,*-the conversion would b e - z e r o , At h i g h space v e l o c i t i e s , .it became increasingly more, diffi­ cult to.maintain -constant.temperature.through the catalyst zone. . At a. space velocity, of 100.* .the -upper part of the ..catalyst zone was not maintained at the -desired temperature. This happened because it became impossible for the-preheat zone to supply suffi­ cient' heat to bring.such.a.large volume.of feed.up to reactor temperature. F o r .this, reason the .data obtained at a space velocity of 100 were.not included in this .temperature stu d y ^ The -data for space velocities of 40.or less were obtained at constant tempera­ ture conditions. ■From Figure tJf it is,evident that an increase in temperature of 5Q°F through- the-reactor w a s .sufficient to increase the conver­ sion considerably. As -an example., the -data obtained at a space velocity of .20.can be.used to compare the amount of nitrogen -25■removed, for each temperature. At ..this, space, velocity the..-catalyst zone could h e maintained-at constant temperature, .but yet the .-con.Version was not high en °ugh to create-possible lnacccuracies in the nitrogen content determination. At velocity.the ,percent of nitrogen r e m o v e d .ah .the, temperatures of respectively-were 66., S 75*2^,. and @0.0#. •over, this temperature, range -an increase of 625, 675., and 7? 5 0F This, indicates.that 50°F.-created- a.corres­ ponding increase -of approximately 6, 6^ .in the total, a m o u n t .of nitrogen removed. B. Effect of p r e s s u r e; The.effect of pressure, on hydrode- .nitrogenation f or. n-butyl amine .between the .pressures of IOQ and 500 psig is. shown .in'Figure 8.. Figure 8 is a.plot,of In. A/(A-x) vs.reciprocal s p a c e .veloc i t y . As the ,pressure increased., ,the conversion increased rapidly. For a pressure .of 100 psig., a. s p a r e .velocity, of 10 gave a .conver­ sion of -approximately 65^. At a. pressure of ^OO psig.., .the-space velocity, was increased to 100 and still gave a conversion higher than at a space, velocity, of 10 for a reactor pressure of 100 psig.. T h e .conversion at a..pressure, of 5PP psig.and a space velocity, of 100 was 65.8$,, while -a space velocity of 100 at 100 psig had -a conversion.of 5 5 -.SfL Three runs were compared i n ‘Figure 8-. with a n-butyl.amine feed. All runs were ,made The,pressures were 100,■250,. and 500 ^-26— psig. Again ,a. space velocity, cxf 20 was -chosen for a cpmpapison between conversions, The conversions f or pressures of 100^-250, and 500 p s Ig ,were $1.?#, 80.0#, and 95-.2^ respectively. space velocity of At a 10 ,and-a pressure.of 500 pslg».there was essen­ tially. complete.conversion. C. Effe c t ,of molecular weight: ,As a- comparison for molecu­ lar weight both n-butyl smine a n d .n -octyl amine were studied. N o r m a l .octyl amine was hydrogenated at pressures of p s i g ,and a temperature of plotted In Figure 9- 100 and 500 7250F « The results of these runs are Also^ in Figure •amine are .plotted for a comparison. 9 ,similar runs with n-butyl At pressures of both 500 and IOO psigj the conversion is hig h er f o r .n-butyl amine than for .H-OCtyl amine. toward' As the .molecular.weight, increases ^ this trpnd more stable- compounds would probably continue for. other saturated aliphatic amines The product from the n-octyl amine study was examined for ppssible intermediate, compounds. By-use of the .chromatograph it was possible to determine that the n-octyl amine was not cracked to form lower .molecular weight hydrocarbons . dent that the •carrier, -n-heptane* underwent Also.,.it- was evi­ very, little .cracking or change of composition. D. Figure . Effect of structure on .the .hydrogenation of butyl a m i n e s ; 10 shows the effect of hydrogenation on the,various isomers -27of butyl a m i n e . .F r o m the Figure It is evident that the ease of denltrogenating the Isomers decreases from tert-butyl amine.* secbutyl amine* Iso-butyl amine.., to ,n-butyl amine In that order. a ■comparison between, the conversions , ..a^space velocity of As 100 for tert-butyl. amine gave much higher conversions than did a space velocity of 10 for n-butyl amine. In an effort to justify this occurrence*, various possible reac­ tion mechanisms were studied. The possible intermediates were examined by use of a vapor-phase chromatograph. It was proposed that the reaction occurred after the amine first went through a rearrangement to form a. carbonium-ion., A carbonium ion. is of carbon atoms such that the carbonium. ion carbon has only.six electrons i n its valence shell (12). As an example of a carbonium i o n * ■isOtbutyl amine can. f o r m the ion: .H3C i. CH 3 - 0+ i H 3C ■This ion .can then react with a hydrogen ion from the catalyst to form the hydrocarbon isobutane. The identification of the reaction products and intermediates was accomplished, by using the method., of yapor-phase chromatography. A vapor-phase chromatograph works essentially as a highly efficient distillation column., ..However., it allows the analysis of very small samples in a.matter of minutes. The sample under investigation is .-28in je eted into the iinit and is carried.,by a stream of helium into the packed column where it is selectively absorbed on .the substrate.. ■The absorption properties of each compound determine their respective retention times in the column. The stream of gas emerging, f r p m the column passes through a sensing .element which measures its thermal..conductivity and compares it to a.standard (helium) . This change i n thermal conductivity is shown -on .a continuous chart a series, of peaks ? one for each com­ po u n d .as it emerges f r o m the column. .Thus by identifying each peak by. comparing it to peaks created f p o m k n o w n compounds ,■ it is possible to determine the various intermediates.or products formed in a reaction (13). Samples studied by this method were: 1. .n-butyl ,amine .under high conversion. 2 . iS'Q'-butyl amine under h i g h conversion. 3 . sec - b u t y l .amine under high conversion. 4. • t e r t - b u t y l .amine .under ,high conyers i o n . 3 . .Urrbutyl pmine under -low. conversion. 6.. iso-butyl-amine ..under low. conversion. 7 . sec- b u t y l -Umine Under l o w .conversion.. 8 . tert-butyl-amine under low.conversion. 9 . iso-butyl amine with acid.wash. 10.. .tert-butyl-amine with acid wash. The chromatograms of the above studies are included in Figures 11 and 12. In these figures* the Various products formed a r e also identified. The proposed mechanism for hydrodenitrogenation, of the isomerp of butyl-amine is essentially that of a car.bonium ion rearrangement. -29Both n-butyl amine-and iso-butyl amine form the carbonium ion before, reacting.• The .sec-butyl amine, reacts directly without rearrange­ ment while tert-butyl .amine reacts as a carbonium ion since it is already in that, form ('12). Samples f r o m these.runs which had,very high conversions seemed to uphold this theory. This assumption is based,on the fact that the carbonium. ion. must first be.formed before.the reaction can occur. Because of this.,,, -some .of the hydrocarbons.produced must s' appear in. the product as isobutane. ■E i g u r e .11 shows the. results of this investigation. The.difference between the isobutane curve ,and.the n-butane curve is labeled (A).on Figure.11. By comparing the s e .c u r v e s •to the .curves-' produced ,from the product, samples.,.it is. possible to •distinguish .the :various hydrocarbons -which were formed. Part qf Figure 11.shows.the effect of the n-butyl.amine s a mple. (B) By comparison .it is.evident that some isobutane is formed from n-butyl amine. Also,, Part (O) shows that iso-butyl,amine produces essen­ tially iso butane at high .conversions, Part (D) indicates that sec- butyl -amihe-does not,-any. Isobutane.!,therefore.,,the. carbonium ion was.probably n o t .formed,before denitrogenation occurred. Finally, Part (E) indicates that, tert-butyl.amine,produced isobutane .-upon ■reaction... This .analysis at high conversions tends to.uphold.the carbonium ion rearrangement as .a, possible intermediate .step.,in the -90reaction. As .-a further check,.■samples from the low. con^ versions.w e r e .examined. Part (A) of Figure 12 indicates that at l o w e r .conversions.,.n -butyl amine, still, produces, some isohutane .and Part '(B) indicates, that sec-hutyl-amine still forms, only, n-hufane. However, iso-butyl .amine.and., tert-hufyl amine indicate that, there is. some, other intermediate addition to. the isobutane.. This is sh Part ('C).and (B) in. Figurp 12. The .possibility that these two .compounds form, an intermediate.of n - b u t a p e .is diffi­ c u l t .t o :understand .or explain,. .In a n e f f o r t .to--determine the. nature of this intermediate, compound,,, the .samples, were acid-washedbefore b eing .examined..-on-the chromatograph. acid wash are Part (E) and The. s.amples. after­ (F) of Figure 12.* iso-butyl-amine and tert - b u t y l .amin^.-respectively. However,., f.rpm-the is evident that the-acid .-wash did. not remove the intermediates . -If ■ these intermediates had been unsaturated.or-perhaps some a m i n e , the -acid-wash sho u l d .h a y e .r e m o v ed,t h e s e .compounds . Since.the carrier has been shown to ..not he the hydrogenation, ,it is difficult t.p -determine fully the nature of these intermediates. The true.mechanism for.these -reactions cannot be fully determined ,.withp.ut.further inves tigation, The .feed-samples for each-compound were-also examined for impurities^ but since no impurities.were found, this analysis is not reported- in the ,appendix. The.possibility that,.these compounds must, form various inter­ mediates before ..reacting, may be part .-of the-reason'.that. the. reac­ tion rate cou,ld not be.expressed as.some.simple.order. i " By assuming such ,a mechanism .for t h e .hydrogenation, it would then ,be' possible .to explain- ttie-order,in '.which these, compounds' ^enitrogenated, Using the carbonium an example.,, the f o l l o w i n g .mny.occur. If the tert-butyl amine-did not -rearrange -and.was. alre a d y .in ,-a. form which -caused,-direct .reaction.,,.then .it would yield.the highest conversions. If the secondary compound also did not' BeaMaiager ^hpt -was not in the-some active, state-as tert-butyl.amine,, then It would ,yield,high.-conversions.but not as high a m i n e . The .iso-butyl amine -would -undergo some,rearrangement^, but .not as much,as .would -nsbutyl amine. •This would ,cause.the iso- butyl faster than the n-b-ptyl.amine. This, t h e n / . means,order with this.rearrangement mechanism. •From. Figure.10, it can be seen Lthat these.compounds .did -.denitrogenate in this, particular, order. V ''CONCLUSIONS The data; from the .hydrqdenitrogenatlon atudy were f i r s t .-examined for possible pseudo reaction rate.order. .It was determined that the reaction rate was not of common order. From the .chromatograph analysis,:it was evident that n-butyl amine .formed'intermediate compounds upon hydrogenation. The formation of intermediates.could .be.rate controlling, causing the .order .of reaction.rate to be .of uncommon order. The effect o f .temperature wfcs.studied on .n-butyl amine. It was shown that an increase in temperature increased the total nitrogen conversion. At a space .velocity of.20, an increase in temperature of ^O 0F .increased.the .total conversion by 6+$. An increase in pressure increased, the total nitrogen conver­ sion considerably. was At a space velocity of 100, the conversion 65.8^ at 500 a.conversion,of 35.8$ -at 100 Pflg By comparing-.n-butyl amine to n-octyl amine, it was.evident that the lower molecular- weight compound give higher conversions. This condition,held fo r pressures.of 100 and 5QQ psig. The conversions for the isomers of butyl amine decreased in the order, of tertiary, secondary, iso, and. normal.butyl.amine. This-order.may fee -accounted.for, by the.various-mechanisms needed for each compound to denitrogenate. VI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author take this opportunity to. acknow­ ledge and ..thank the Esso -Research, and Engineering .Company that sponsored this research project and supplied many materials used throughout the investigation. He also wishes, to thank the staff of the-Chemical Engineering .Department for their helpful suggest tions and criticisms-;.and in particular. Doctor Lloyd. Befg who directed this research. He would also like to thunk.Mr. G. P. Schreiber^,fellow research worker,,..for his assistance .on this project. . V m B I T E R A T U B E .CITED (1) Ball,, J. S. ,., et a l -'"Nitrogen Content of Crude -Petroleum11) I n d .■and E n g r .■C h e m .,.4^:25 (1951)• (2) Benson, D. B., B h .D .■ThesIs * Montana State College, (1958). (5) •Corrigan, T . E .,■"Chemical E ngineering,Fundamentals", C h e m . F n g r vj.61 (-1.954),, 62(1955). (4) Hodgemun^l C. D.> and H. N- Holmes.,.-"Hand Book ..of Chemistry and Physicsn j .Chemical -Rubber Publishing , C o Cleveland, -Ohio (1955). (5) Holecek., -R. J.., M.S. Thesis., ,Montana State College,; (.1955) • 46) Jacobson, R. L.., -Ph.D. Thesis.,. Montana State Collegef- (I958-) . (7 ) King, G. A.., M.S. -Thesis;,. Montana State College,. (1955) • (8 ) Kirkj .P . L. ,• "Kjeldahl .Method for Total Nitrogen"., Analytical Ch e m . , 22:554(1950). (9) Mahugh, R. A. , Ph.D, Thesis^ Montana State . . C o l l e g e (1,960). (10) Mills, G. A., et a l . "Chemical,Characteristics of Catalysts. I. Poisoning.of Cracking,Catalysts by Nitrogen Compounds.and Potassium Ion." .J. Am. C h e m . Soc ., 7? ^ 5 4 4 (1950) . (11) Opprecht, M. K., M.S. Thesis,, Montana State College* (12) Royals E . E ., ■"Advanced .Organic Chemistry" , Pr entice-Hall,. Inc.j New York., (1954) . (15) Ryffel,. J. R . f .Ph.D. Thesis* Montana State College,, .(1.4) Smithy J. M., "Chemical Engineering Kinetics'!,, McGraw-Hill Book Co. , New ,York* (1956). (15 ) United States Bureau,,of Mines,*,Report.of Investigation*, (1958.) . (i960). 5044(1951). (1'6) Waterman*.-R,. . vG.,j, Ph.D. Thesis.* Montana State College*. (1958). APPENDIX page Table I Effect of Ice Bath on Sampling 35 Table .11 Operating .Conditions and Initial Feed •Concentrations 36 Table III Data for Test of Reaction Order 37 Table IV D a t a for Effect of Temperature on Hydrogenation .38 Table V D a t a for Effect of Pressure on Hydrogenation 39 Table VI Effect of Structure on Hydrogenation of Butyl. Amine 40 Figure I Schematic Flow Diagram .of Hydrogenation Unit 41 Figure 2 Detailed Diagram of Reactor 42 Figure 3 Effect of fee Bath on Sampling 43 Figure 4 Test for Pseudo First Order Reaction 44 Figure 5 Test for Pseudo Second Order Reaction 4$ Figure 6 Test for Pseudo Reaction Order of 3/2 46 Figure 7 ' Effect of Temperature on Hydrogenation 4y Figure § :. Effect of Pressure.on Hydrogenation 48 Figure 9 Effect of Pressure on Hydrogenation of Aminej,.. and Effect of Molecular Weight ojL Hydrogenation. nvQctyl 49 Figure 10 Effect of Structure .o n .■Hydrogenation of Butyl Amine 50 Figure 11 Chrdmatogram for High Conversion Samples Figure 12 Chromatogram for L q w ■Conversion Samples and. Ac,id Washed. S a m p l e s ’ 51 .52 -36table .I EFFECT OF- ICE ,BATH ON SAMPLING Sample Conversion A-x Space Velocity Ice Bath Sample .Conversion A-x iclce Space V e l o c i t y • Bath Sv M . N- 2,^6 ' .06 0 -IQ No. .1262 ,2 0 Ho I N-IO '3 5 7 AO .No- I ' ,Yes N —2^f .2 0 2 20 Yes N -2 A t 6 .3 8 7 ' 40 Yes ■ Unifotim Operating ,Conditionst Feed.: Temperature: .Pressure:. .Weight.of Catalyst: 10 1% :n>-butyl amine 725'0F 250 psig ,10 g. — 30’'TABLE II .OPERATING CONDITIONS.AND.INITIAL FEED CONCENTRATIONS .Run Feed Feed Cone. Wt..^N T e m p .°F Press. Ps ig. Space Velocities Nr-14 n-butyl amine 0 .9 8 4 675 250 1 0 , 20 N^ l 6 ;n-butyl amine 0 .9 7 ; 625 250 N-17 octyl amine 1 .0 5 0 725 500 .-10., Nr 18' n-butyl amine .1 .0 1 4 725 500 , 1 0 , 2.0, 4 0 ,,1 0 0 N-19 sec-butyl amine 1 .0 2 7 725 290 1 0 , 2 0 , . 4 0 , 100 N-20 iso-butyl amine 1 .0 2 2 725 250 .10., 2 0 , 4 0 ,-1 0 0 NC21 tert-butyl amine .990 725 250 . 1 0 , - 2 0 , 4 0 , 100 725 100 1 0 , 2 0 , 4 0 ,.1 0 0 100 10.,. 2 0 , 4 0 , 100 ■10,20 20j .4 0 , 100 N—22 octyl amine 1 .0 4 0 N-25 n-butyl amine. .1 .0 4 5 N-24 nObutyl amine 1 .0 0 8 725 250 1 0 , 2 0 , 40 1 .0 0 8 625 250 40 N-24 n-butyl amine 725. - Uniform Operating.Conditions: .Pressure: .W e i g h t ■of Catalyst: ,Hydrogen -Rate: 250 psj.g ,10 g. 500 SCE of Ha Zbbl .of Feed ''/ TABLE .III DATA FOR ,TEST OF REACTION ORDER Sample Space Velocity .Sv l/Sv Press.. Psig A-x A A-x In A. A-x N— 23-2 20 .05 100 ..505 2.07 :728 N-23-4 10 .10 100 ,365 2 .:87 1.054 N —.25— 6 40 .025 100 .605 1.73 N-23-8 100 .01 100 ,671 ’ 1.56 ...443. N-24-2 •10 ,10 250 ,108 9.58 2.23 ■ N-24-4 20 .05. 250 ,202 4.99 1.61 N— 24-— 6 -40 .025, 2^0 ,387 2.61 .96 .548 i Sample I .A-x. 2 .A .957 '1,955 A-x 1■.- - . 2 ..8l4 2, I A A , 1:045 N—23-2 1 .98. N-23-4 - 2.74o -3..31 N-23-6 1,65 2.57 N^23-"8 1,49 .-2,44 N-24-2 9.27 6.10 .996 N-24-4 4.44 ll_ ■It ri 4,95 N-24-6 3.22 II n it 2.59 11 It 11 H It it M II 11 .Uniform .Operating ,Conditions' Feed.: Temperature:., .Weight of Catalyst: .Hydrogen Rate: lfo .n^buf^l 72§°F. .10 g. 500 SCF of amine H a Z b b l of feed 1.99 ■_ .1.008 -3<9— TABLE .IV - . DATA FOR EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE .ON HYDROGENATION Sample Space Velocity y /v Tempv0F A-x A A-x ' In A. A-x N-24-2 .10 725 .108 9,24 N-24-4 .20 725n .202 4 .9 9 1.61 6 40 725 .387 2.61 .96 Nr-14-4 20 675 .265 3.71 1.31 N-14-6 10 675 ,14-2 6.93 1.93 N - 1 6—2 20 625 .325 3,01 .1.10 N -I6-4 .10 625 .222 4.4 N-24-8. 40 625. .526 1.92 Uniform Operating.Conditions :■ .Feed: .Pressure:• Weight ofCatalyst:Hydrogen R a t e : Vfo .n-Untyl .amine 250 psig 10 g. 500 SC^ of H 3Zbbl . 2,23 1.48 .652 TABLE .V DATA FOR•EFFECT OF PRESSURE .ON HYDROGENATION Sample Space Velocity v/v N-23-2 • N-23--4 N-23-6 N-23^8 N— 24-2 N-24-4 N-24-6 N-18-2 N— l8-4 N- lb- 6 N-18--8 N-22-2 N-22-4 N-22-6 N-22-8 N-17-2 N-17-4 N-I 7-6 N-I 7-8 .20 10 40 100 10 20 40 .20 10 40 100 20' 10 40 100 20 10. 40 100 Press. Psig 100 .100 .100 100 250 250 ,250 30-0 A-x A - -A-x •505 22097 2.#7 1.73 .1,56 9.34 4 .99 2.61 14.7 .365 .605 .671 .108 ,202 .387 .069 In A A-x .728 1.054 .548 .443 2 .2 3 M .11 .96 2.70 ’ ' Uniform Operating .Conditions; .Temperature: .Weight of Catalyatc .,Hydrogen R a t e : n -butyl amine It It ' Il .1 .6,1 500 .complete conversion 500 6.00 .169 1.79 500 ' .347 2,93 1.075 100 1.643 4497 ,633 .100 .520 .6o4 2.00 1.00 -747 1.375 .519 100 .8Q2 1.296 .259 500 11.0 2.40 .0956 500 'conversion top high 500 3.80 .1,334 .277 500 ..412 2 .55 .936 Feed: Feed -1% n-Pptyl -.amine Vfo n-oetyl amine 7.25°F IO g. $00 SCF of Ha/bb.1 of Feed " .it ' I! It , n-oetyl amine 11 " It It It 11 M TABLE .VI .EFFECT .OF- S T R U C T U R E ,QN HYDROGENATION OF BUTYL AMINE . Space Velocity Feed It N-24-6 ,11 20 .202 4 .99 -1.61 40 2.61 .96 100 .0)88 2 5.5 3.34- .20 .0739 13.85 2.63 n 40 .519 3.21 1,167 n .100 .531 .1.927 .657 .100 ,1480 6..94 N-r21--@ tert-butyl amine N -20-2 iso-butyl, -.amine N-20-6. N-20~8 N - 19-8 2.23 9.34 sec-butyl ,amine Uniform. Operating ,Conditions-: ..Temperature-. Pressure: 1 .Weight Qf Catalyst:..Hydrqgen. Rahe- 725°F 2 5 0 -psjig 10 g. 56-O UQF of H 2Zhbl H N-24-4 Vio- g n-butyl amine A A-x iA A-x is N-24-2 In A-x. —j Sample 1.94 -42- Q K W O CO Eh CO O CO Ph U W Eh H FQ Ph CO CO Cq DRIER ROTOMETER INDICATING DRIERITE k DEOXO UNIT p w o ,-q HYDROGEN Figure I. Schematic Flow Diagram of Hydrogenation Unit -45 - Thermowell "Rupture Disk ■Catalyst Support ■Pipe Wall ■Catalyst Bed Asbestos Tape •Nichrome Heating Coll ■Catalyst Support Insulation "Flanged Union O " ^ Denote Thermowell Location Figure 2. Stainless Steel Screen Detailed Diagram of Reactor -4ty- 0 - U s e of Ice Bath -Normal Water Condenser W t . % N in sample (A-x) A Sy Space VelocityFigure 3. Effect of Ice Bath on Sampling -4^- 2.5 Z & T e m p . 725°F Feed I % n-butyl amine O — 250 psig 2.0 Z / / A — 100 psig f 1 .5 (A/A-x) z Z 1 .0 f5'V Z , 6°. > Z A A / z Z .025 .05 .075 .10 l/Sv Reciprocal Space Velocity Figure 4. Test for Pseudo First Order Reaction .125 -46- O — 250 pslg — 100 pslg .025 .05 .075 .10 l/Sv Reciprocal Space Velocity Figure 5. Test for Pseudo Second Order Reaction .125 -4fj- O -250 psig — 100 pslg .025 .05 .075 .10 V s y Reciprocal Space Velocity Figure 6. Test for Pseudo Reaction Order of 3/2 .125 □ — Temp. O ~Temp. -Temp. (A/A-x ) A l/Sv Reciprocal Space Velocity Figure ?>. Effect of Temperature on Hydrogenation ( V a -X) -4^- 500 psig 100 psig 1/SV Reciprocal Space Velocity Figure 8. Effect of Pressure on Hydrogenation 0 — n-butyl Amine n-octyl Amine 1/SV Reciprocal Space Velocity Figure 9• Effect of Pressure on Hydrogenation of n-octyl A m i n e , and Effect of Molecular Weight on Hydrogenation (V A - x ) -$& - O — n-butyl Amine A -Iso-butyl Amine Q -sec-butyl Amine V - tert-butyl Amine l/Sy Reciprocal Space Velocity Figure 10. Effect of Structure on Hydrogenation of Butyl Amine (T) A iV <V7> <1 i (D (^) ISe b u T ^ n €. H (D /I Tn -m o -y» I o- ® I SobuTaI) t 4- » - bu f a n e f <•<J H* 7>-bvTyl fltn c n < "sample © IS o - bo T y / a Tm,T i« 9 © Sec - bu7y / Qmme § © T rtl 6mm e H Cf 0 13 *-b O 4 M H* f O 0 2 5 3 H- § M 1H 0> W » - bvT^T* C - bv T y I S am p le S am p le S tm p le I Figure 12. Chromatogram for Low Conversion Samples and Acid Washed S amples. U.1 ■'S* r! " r V » © ^ir 4- (^ - >7- bvTy I (g)- S e c- Io c ty / d-miTv# S+Tr*p\e Am rne Tm*. /So - !,aty) tfy n iT ’ -' S a m p le a-jni-pr Sa-mfle r+>T- bvTy I ^7 771 Iit •# TerT ' b u ty l Qyrt noe ia Tnpl-* Sample ( actd uoesbej) MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 1762 1001 3372 5 N i /8 C936c cop.2 145253 Currie, R . A . 145253