MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING COURSE SYLLABUS AND GUIDELINES Course: Managerial Accounting EBGN 306 Spring 2011 Instructor: Ann Dozoretz Office: Engineering Hall, Room 128 Phone (Campus): 303-384-2191 Phone (Home) 303-695-4438 Phone (Cell): 720-982-6643 E-mail: Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 1:15 to 2:15 pm and by appointment Class Times: Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 pm to 12:15 pm Required Text: Management Accounting Hansen and Mowen (8th ed.) The following syllabus is a guideline and is subject to change at any time, therefore it is recommended you attend all classes so you may be apprised of any modifications. Grading: Tests (100 points each) Homework & Quizzes* Case Presentations Budgeting Project Total 400 50 50 100 600 Grading Policy: 540 to 600 points 480 to 539 points 420 to 479 points 360 to 419 points 359 points and below A B C D F 1 *HOMEWORK AND POP QUIZZES AND ATTENDANCE Homework is assigned for most class sessions and along with pop quizzes, will be weighted to be worth 100 points. No credit will be given for homework that is late and the homework will be posted on Blackboard. EXAMS There will be no make-up exams except in the case of emergencies or approved school related activities. I must be notified in advance if at all possible and will make the determination as to whether or not a make-up test will be allowed. PROJECT There will be a budgeting project assigned later in the semester and this project is to be done on an individual basis. Further information will be given to you later in the semester and the due date will be posted on Blackboard. CHEATING All cheating will result in an automatic “F” for this class, and you will be disciplined in accordance with the University guidelines. 2