Building Consistency Meeting Commercial Date 12/01/2010 Recorder and minutes prepared by: Melanie Sellers/Lon McSwain Staff present: On File Public present: Wayne Carter (Life Style Homes); Jason Whitner (Southern Traditions Homes); Topics/Subject Decisions/Conclusions/Actions Old Business None New Business Section 1011.1 Section 1015.2.1 Section 1017.3 Section 1210.1 Section 1013.3 Engineered Judgments Section 308.5 New Roof Loads Cable Guard Rails Plan review needs to check for location of directional exit signs on plans. Warehouses with high pile storage or high racks have been a problem in the field. If two or more exits are required they must be located as required by sect. 1015.2.1 and sect. 1015.2.2. care must be taken so that even if the exits are located as required from the room or space, that the paths do not converge and become closer than allowed by the above sections. Check to make sure dead ends longer than allowed by 1017.3 do not occur in warehouses and other rack storage. A 6” base would not be required if the entire wall surface is painted with an epoxy paint and a water proof sealant is used at the joint of the wall and floor. Cable guards shall not allow the passage of a 4” sphere. Use reasonable force when checking the deflection of the cables and measuring the gap. .EJ’s must be submitted on the forms that can be found on our web site along with the instructions for filing them. They will come to the CA for approval and then be distributed to the designer , contractor, inspector and records. They cannot be transferred form on job to another and must be based on an approved tested design. Nurseries in churches shall be classified as an I-4 but can be classified as an E if they meet the exception under 308.5.2. However it then cannot be taken one step further under 508.3.1 and be classified as an A-3 and remove the exterior door requirement. Any new roof load added to a building shall be addressed be the designer of record. DOI has not issued an interpretation on the force to be applied to the 4” sphere. Inspectors should reasonable force when testing the cables for compliance. Something equal to 50#. Approved By ___Lon Mcswain_________ Date _______12/09/2010_______________