Mecklenburg County Common Code Defects Commercial- Building Code Defects • Penetration through rated floor system assembly not correctly protected such as plumbing or electrical contained in a non-rated interior wall below that run up and into a rated floor/ceiling assembly Code Description Section 712.4 Horizontal assemblies “Penetrations of a floor, floor/ceiling assembly or the ceiling membrane of a roof/ceiling assembly shall be protected in accordance with Section 707. Penetrations permitted by Exceptions 3 and 4 of Section 707.2 shall comply with Sections 712.4.1 through 712.4.4” (Through or Membrane penetrations). Possible Options: Approved firecaulk, fire collars or other material so designed and tested for specific product penetrating rated assembly should be installed to maintain integrity of rated assembly. UL directory will also detail specific product applications for firestopping and this information is available on line at Protection required Disclaimer: There may be other ways to comply with the Code. If so, you are not required to use this method to comply with the Code. You may want to investigate other options, or consult with a design professional identifying an equally code compliant solution.