ITU Workshop on “Cloud Computing” (Tunis, Tunisia, 18-19 June 2012) Emerging Architecture for Cloud Computing Monique Jeanne Morrow Distinguished Engineer and CTO Asia-Pac Tunis, Tunisia, 18-19 June 2012 My Co-Authors Masum Z. Hasan,Sree Gudreddi, Edgar Magana and Lewis Tucker Cisco CTO Office Remember: Network Factored Cloud? App Tiers in a Typical DC Dept/Customer 1 Branch Branch Internet MAN/WAN/SP Net DC Dept/Customer 2 Web Tier DMZ App Tier Core Distribution DB Tier Aggregation Storage Tier Tiered Network: § § § § § § Storage SAN/NAS Access: App tiers reside here Aggregation, distribution, core (part of app tiers may reside here) DMZ Campus core/MAN/WAN edges Dept 2 Dept 1 App 6 App 1 Access DB 2 SAN DB 1 Outsource to Cloud Generic Data Center and Network Drawing Data Center A ApplicaBon ApplicaBon ApplicaBon ApplicaBon ApplicaBon ApplicaBon ApplicaBon ApplicaBon Virtual Machine (VM) Virtual Machine (VM) Virtual Machine (VM) Virtual Machine (VM) Virtual Machine (VM) Virtual Machine (VM) Virtual Machine (VM) Virtual Machine (VM) ApplicaBon Virtual Server Hypervisor VM/Server Control Server Server Rack Virtual Subnet/ VLAN 2 Virtual Subnet/ VLAN 1 L2 Aggregator Func%onal Servers Func%onal Servers Provisioning, Billing, Security, Load Balancing, Monitoring, AudiBng, Logging, and ETC. Data Center Core/ Gateway Customer Edge WAN Edge WAN Network Workloads categorisation (and generalisations) Type of Workload Example Implication Stateful Shopping cart, collaboration services Synchronisation Stateless HTTP (without cookies) No synchronisation required Live Mission-critical ERP, hosted UC&C services Performance, distance, application tolerances Offline Document management, archives - Bursty Voting system, VoD, ticket booking Capacity management Non-bursty Data analysis Time dependent (predictability) Desktop as a Service (during business hours vs. non-business hours) ‘Follow the moon’ migration Shared Utility hosting (SaaS) - Grid Grand challenge problems – derivatives analysis at NAB, SETI Higher utilisation possible – requires HPC environments Transactional Billing system Local storage & compute Batch Payroll Storage & compute can be remote <TELSTRA DOCUMENT ID> Putting it All Together: Seamless Cloud Public / Community Clouds Tenant Private Cloud / Intranet One or more DC Enterprise Users, Departments Cloud Service Consumer Intrane t Enterprise IT Cloud Service Provider vNIC2 OS1 DB1 VM13 Seamless Execution and management as if all resources are on Intranet Seamless Cloud: covers Private, Hybrid, Multi-SP Inter-Cloud Internet / SP Private MAN/WAN Cloud Service Provider #K One or more DC Seamless Extension SCL Service Internet / SP Private MAN/ WAN (IP/ MPLS/ Optical) One or more DC Cloud Service Provider #1 vNIC5 OS2 App1 VM55 Internet / SP Private MAN/WAN Cloud Service Provider #K One or more DC Use case: Distributed Applications on Seamless [Hybrid/Inter] Cloud Example: Hadoop MapReduce Enterprise (onpremises) Load Data in DFS nodes Launch Map/ Reduce Data Block Info (RPC) Cloud Network Cloud Provider s DC Get processed Data (HTTP) Get processed Data (HTTP) Cloud Management Framework Architecture § Cloud Service and Resource Management § Cloud Abstraction § Cloud service interfaces to Cloud Service Consumers à Software :Examples: vCloud Director, Amazon AWS, OpenStack (Cloud Abstraction) Compute, Storage, Network abstraction & Management (config / provisioning / monitoring), Orchestration and Automation à Software Example: NMS/EMS, Orchestrator/ Management Systems, Libvirt API, OpenStack NACI for Inter-Cloud, DQCS Cloud Service Consumer (User / Admin/ Tool / Program) CSP Cloud Management Framework (CCMF) Cloud Services Layer SaaS Cloud Services API Engine PaaS IaaS (Abstract) Cloud Resource Management Cloud Abstraction Compute/VM à Software and Hardware Storage Network Abstraction for Cloud Interfaces (NACI) Network SCL CCMF/CSP Internal or CSPßàCSP Cloud Resource/Service CRUD Realization Layer Compute/VM Embedded Management, Control in devices Tenant ßà CSP Interfaces SP Private MAN/WAN / Internet Storage Network Internal Interfaces or Protocols CLI, XML-I, SNMP, etc.) Physical Compute/Storage/Network Element or Infra Layer Compute/VMM Storage Network Service Class based DQCS RFC 4954 " Application or Service class based " T2CSP: specify service class (such as Multimedia Streaming) when acquiring compute/storage resource CSP-I/NACI: Realize_QoS (DSCP, BW, …, points_in_network) CSP-CSP " " " Delegate T2CSP request ITU Y.1541 • IPTD: one way • Y.1541 defines IP Delay Variation in terms of the difference between the minimum and maximum transmission delays during some time interval. • IPTDmin = Minimum IP transmission delay • IPTDupper = 99.9% percentile of IP transmission delay • IPDV = IPTDupper – IPTDmin RFC 4594, Y.1540/1 and other Recommendations ------------------------------------------------------------------|Service Class | | Tolerance to | | Name | Traffic Characteristics | Loss |Delay |Jitter| |===============+==============================+======+======+======| | Network |Variable size packets, mostly | | | | | Control |inelastic short messages, but | Low | Low | Yes | | | traffic can also burst (BGP) | | | | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| | | Fixed-size small packets, | Very | Very | Very | | Telephony | constant emission rate, | Low | Low | Low | | | inelastic and low-rate flows | | | | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| | Signaling | Variable size packets, some | Low | Low | Yes | | | what bursty short-lived flows| | | | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| | Multimedia | Variable size packets, | Low | Very | | | Conferencing | constant transmit interval, | | Low | Low | | |rate adaptive, reacts to loss |Medium| | | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| | Real-Time | RTP/UDP streams, inelastic, | Low | Very | Low | | Interactive | mostly variable rate | | Low | | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| | Multimedia | Variable size packets, |Low - |Medium| Yes | | Streaming | elastic with variable rate |Medium| | | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| | Broadcast | Constant and variable rate, | Very |Medium| Low | | Video | inelastic, non-bursty flows | Low | | | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| | Low-Latency | Variable rate, bursty short- | Low |Low - | Yes | | Data | lived elastic flows | |Medium| | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| | OAM | Variable size packets, | Low |Medium| Yes | | | elastic & inelastic flows | | | | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| |High-Throughput| Variable rate, bursty long- | Low |Medium| Yes | | Data | lived elastic flows | |- High| | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| | Standard | A bit of everything | Not Specified | |---------------+------------------------------+------+------+------| | Low-Priority | Non-real-time and elastic | High | High | Yes | | Data | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- ITU Y.1540/1 Class 3 IPLR/IPTD/IPDV Loss/Delay/Jitter Ignore IPER (BER) Class 0: .001/100ms/50ms Class 0 Class 1: .001/400ms/50ms Class 3 Class 2 .001/100/U Class 0 Class 3: .001/400ms/U Class 0 Class 4: .001/1s/U Class 4 Class 5: U/U/U Other recommendations: Class 1 Class 3 Class 4 Class 4 Class 5 Class 5 Streaming video: Loss: 2% (2 loss every 100) Delay: 5s Jitter: Unspecified Video Conferencing: Loss: 1% (1 loss every 100) Delay: One-way 200ms Jitter: Average 30ms Bandwidth: Extra 20% for burst Voice: Loss: <=1% Delay: One-way 200ms Jitter: Average 30ms Bandwidth per call: 21-106 kbps based on sampling rate, codec, frame/packet overhead Conclusions and Recommendations Now looking at offering Differentiated Cloud Services " Inter-Cloud and so called Federated Constructs now " Prototyping Service capabilities in progress " Cloud Standards Activities very active "