Meeting Date: January 6, 2016 MINUTES

Finance, Budget & Planning Committee Meeting
Meeting Date: January 6, 2016
Location: Staff Lounge - 12:00 p.m.
Committee Members: X = Present, A = Absent
A Odell Moon
Frederick Board
X Henry Young
Justin Gatewood
Tim Isbell
Renny Thoms
Hamid Eydgahi
Steve Garcia
Karen Hardy
Robert Sewell
Maria Soto
Non-Voting Present: Deedee Orta, Director of Budget and Planning; and Shirley Snell-Gonzalez, recorder.
1. Chairman Young welcomed all back to the campus. The meeting was called to order at 12:01 PM by Henry
Young, Chair.
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2015: The minutes of the December 16, 2015 meeting were
presented. R. Sewell moved to approve the minutes which was seconded by Hamid Eydgahi.
ACTION: The motion to approve the December meeting minutes passed and were approved.
3. Review Charge of Committee: This item was discussed in some detail at the last meeting. Professor Young
reviewed the proposed charge as per the 3rd draft:
Charge of the Finance, Budget and Planning Committee:
1. Review, evaluate and recommend short and long term budget strategies to the Superintendent/ President
to ensure alignment of college financial goals and resource allocation.
2. The Finance, Budget and Planning Committee will review, rate, and discuss division level prioritized
requests both Instructional Program Review (IPR) and Non-Instructional Program Review (NIPR) requests
following a Tier II budget rubric, to assess alignment of planning and budget requests with strategic priorities
from the most recent Educational Master Plan.
3. Monitor development and implementation of formal college plans for financial sustainability. Make
recommendations, as needed regarding unrestricted general fund resource planning and allocations.
4. All recommendations from the Finance, Budget and Planning Committee will be forwarded to the
Superintendent/President in support of the college initiatives.
Motion by R. Sewell, with a second by T. Isbell to approve the revised Charge as per the 3rd draft.
ACTION: The revised charge was approved as stated.
4. Campus-wide New Hires Start Dates Report: Chairman Young was tasked to send an email to Trinda Best,
Human Resources Director, requesting a report of the cost of newly hired staff between November 1 and
December 15, 2015. Concern was expressed at the last meeting as to hiring new employees so close to the
Finance, Budget & Planning Committee
January 6, 2016
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two week holiday break, therefore paying that staff member for paid leave time. The purpose of the request
is to conduct a cost analysis for more efficient use of resources. It was pointed out that consideration should
be taken on a case-by-case basis. The timeframe was adjusted to December 22nd, as the holiday started on
the 23rd. Chairman Young will report his findings at a future meeting.
ACTION: Chairman Young will forward an email to Trinda Best requesting New Hire Date information
and report his findings to the committee.
5. College Council Info: Chairman Young stated that he will attend the College Council meeting scheduled today
and report that this committee has met two times within 45 days. Ms. Orta suggested that he include that Dr.
Wagner attended a meeting to discuss budget augmentation and allocation, and the additional funding
provided as well as how Dr. Wagner determined those allocations. She also suggested that mention be made
as to the approval of this committee’s finalization of the Charge.
6. Budget Update: Nothing new at this time. Ms. Orta will be attending a Budget workshop in Sacramento on
January 20th, wherein the Governor’s budget proposal will be presented.
7. Other: Mr. Isbell communicated that the IT staff is close to being fully staffed and asked for patience with those
newly hired. Professor Young stated the necessity of chair replacement in the Library. It was suggested that
the Library’s PRAISE process, as well as from the Instructional side be made for this important need. Ms.
Orta provided a timeline for the upcoming year’s PRAISE cycle as to when Instructional Program Review
(IPR) and Non-Instructional Program Review (NIPR) Departments’ requests are due. Dean Eydgahi stated
that the STEM departments have been meeting and are moving forward in the process.
8. Next Scheduled Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for January 20, 2016.
9. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM.
Finance, Budget & Planning Committee
January 6, 2016
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