Finance, Budget & Planning Committee Meeting Meeting Date: April 6, 2016 Location: Board Room - 12:00 PM MINUTES Committee Members: X = Present, A = Absent A Ed Burg A Mark Clair X Claude Oliver X Jennifer Larriva A Odell Moon A Tim Isbell X Henry Young X Renny Thoms A A X A Hamid Eydgahi Steve Garcia Karen Hardy Robert Sewell X X Maria Soto Abigail Ledesma Non-Voting Present: Kelley Krasney (AFT); Deedee Orta, Director, Budget and Planning; and Shirley SnellGonzalez, recorder. 1. Chairman Young called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM. He welcomed new members, Jennifer Larriva, CSEA representative, and Kelley Krasney, AFT representative. Mark Clair has also been assigned to the committee as a CSEA representative. Professor Oliver will join the committee as the fourth faculty representative through the end of the semester. 2. Pledge of Allegiance – Abigail Ledesma led the group in the pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes of March 2, 2016: The minutes of the March 2nd meeting were presented. Abigail Ledesma moved to approve the minutes which was seconded by Claude Oliver. ACTION: The motion to approve the March 2nd, 2016 meeting minutes passed and were approved. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 4. Campus-wide New Hires Start Dates Report: Chairman Young stated that Tim Isbell had previously expressed concern regarding the hiring of new employees so close to the upcoming two week holiday, at the end of last year, therefore paying that staff member for paid leave time. Chairman Young provided a handout with the staff position, their hire date and an estimated cost to the District established on the 3rd step of the salary schedule. Based on the review of the information, the hires appear to be justified. 5. Budget Augmentation Sub-Committee (Rubric Changes): Chairman Young reported that the sub-committee has met several times over the last few months. The committee is developing a new rubric, which will not be used this year, as the current form is still in use. Ms. Orta reported that augmentation requests were submitted timely, by April 1st. The requests will be reviewed and scored by the sub-committee members and presented to this body, who will then forward to the Cabinet following review. The next sub-committee meeting is scheduled on April 25th at 11:30. Several May dates have been scheduled as well in anticipation of completing the process by May 23rd. NEW BUSINESS: 6. Prop 30 Status (Temporary Sales and Income Taxes to Fund Education): Mr. Isbell had previously expressed concern regarding assets from Proposition 30 expiring. Chairman Young read a statement referencing the issue which states, “Proposition 30 has yielded between $6 billion and $10 billion annually, primarily benefiting K-12 schools and community colleges. The sales tax increase expires in 2016 and the income tax on highwage earners expires in 2018. Without the extension, K-12 revenues are projected to be flat after 2018 and Finance, Budget and Planning Committee April 6, 2016 Page 1 of 2 will decline if there is a recession. Adding to the financial pressures, K-12 and community colleges are facing a $2 billion increase in pension costs over the next four years.” Ms. Hardy stated that the change in sales taxes will not affect us, but the income tax change might. The Governor has been stringent on budgets, but may suggest an extension. STANDARD TOPICS: 7. College Council Info: Ms. Hardy reported that at the last College Council meeting, it was emphasized that the committees should be meeting and reporting to the College Council. Professor Oliver identified that the issue is two-fold, i.e., staff are there to report on committee activity as well as represent their constituency group(s). 8. Budget Update: Ms. Orta reported that development of the 2016-17 budget is underway. The tentative budget will be going to the Board of Trustees in June. Professor Oliver informed the group that there were eleven full time faculty retires last year and nine this year, all positions being re-filled, which resulted in a cost-savings to the District. 9. Other: Ms. Larriva suggested that the committee conduct a comparative review between last year, and this year’s budget. Ms. Hardy will prepare the suggested documents and forward to Chairman Young for the next meeting agenda. ACTION: Ms. Hardy to prepare a comparative report of the last two year budgets for the next meeting. Chairman Young re-counted that the committee had previously met from 12:45 PM to 1:15 PM, but changed hours due to a change in the meeting time of College Council, which occurs at 2:00 PM. Dean Eydgahi is unable to attend this meeting timely due to the Wednesday morning Dean’s meeting which occasionally runs overtime. Chairman Young asked that the members think about a possible change in this committee time to accommodate that dilemma. 10. Next Scheduled Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for April 20th. 11. Adjournment: A motion was made by Ms. Hardy with a second from Mr. Thoms to adjourn the meeting at 1:05 PM. The motion passed. Finance, Budget and Planning Committee April 6, 2016 Page 2 of 2