Meeting Date: October 21, 2015 MINUTES

Finance, Budget & Planning Committee Meeting
Meeting Date: October 21, 2015
Location: Staff Lounge - 12:45 p.m.
Committee Members: X = Present, A = Absent
X Odell Moon
Frederick Board
X Henry Young
Justin Gatewood
Tim Isbell
Renny Thoms
Steve Garcia
Karen Hardy
Robert Sewell
Maria Soto
Non-Voting Present: Deedee Orta, and Shirley Snell-Gonzalez (recorder).
1. The meeting was called to order at 12:53 PM by Henry Young, Chair. Professor Young welcomed all in
attendance. Maria Soto is the newly assigned Student Representative.
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2015: The minutes of the October 7, 2015 meeting were presented.
A motion by T. Isbell with a second by K. Hardy opened the discussion of the minutes approval, which passed
With regard to future agenda changes, Chair Young stated that he would like to rename “Old” (Business)
“Unfinished” and move it to the beginning of the agenda. There were no objections to this change. There
was a motion by R. Sewell with a second from T. Isbell to suspend the orders of the day so that business
could be conducted out of order of the presented agenda. The motion passed.
3. Review Charge of Committee and Ground Rules: MSC R. Thoms/S. Garcia to open the item. Copies of the
current, (as of October, 2013), Finance, Budget and Planning committee charge were distributed and
reviewed by the members. Mr. Gatewood noted that the charge distributed is not the charge posted on the
website; stating that the most recent is dated November, 2007. Mr. Garcia stated that it appears to be a
matter of the process not being followed as far as lack of posting to the website, but that this committee is
required to review the charge and forward to College Council. Ms. Orta stated that all committees have
updated their charge, but Dr. Wagner wants to change the dynamics as to the whole AP process of committee
charges. Mr. Isbell stated that this committee should still follow our own process and not be concerned about
College Council. This topic will be mentioned at the College Council meeting today.
The current charge reads:
Charge 
Review and recommend short- and long-term budget strategies to the Superintendent/President.
Make reports to College Council.
Remain informed about financial matters through reports and other means.
Engage in two-way communication with the College community regarding financial matters.
Process program review and planning reports annually and make appropriate recommendations
regarding resource allocation requests.
Monitor development and implementation of formal college plans (eg. Education Master Plan) for financial
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implications, and make recommendations, as needed regarding resource planning and allocations related
to those plans.
Review and make recommendations regarding policies and procedures related to the Finance, Budget &
Planning committee functions.
Information Flow –
 Reports to College Council.
 Reports and recommends to Superintendent/President.
Further discussion arose regarding bullets #2 and #5. Mr. Isbell suggested that language from AP 6200,
Local Practices, 11.d. be used to replace bullet #5. which states: “Subcommittee will review, rate, and discuss
division-level prioritized requests following a systematic method to assess alignment of planning and budget
requests with strategic priorities from the most recent Educational Master Plan.”
A motion was made by J. Gatewood and seconded by O. Moon to accept the language suggested by Tim
Isbell. Further discussion questioned the verbiage of bullet #2. with regard to the definition of “remained
informed.” It was pointed out that the committee received updates from the former V.P. of Administrative
Services, G.H. Javaheripour when he was with VVC. Another motion was made by R. Thoms, seconded by
O. Moon to form a committee to discuss possible changes to the charge and bring back those suggestions to
the Finance, Budget and Planning committee. It was then suggested that all members review the entire
charge and submit their recommendations to Ms. Snell-Gonzalez for review and discussion with Professor
Young by October 30th. This will be placed on the next committee agenda.
4. PRAISE/AP6200 Timeline: this item was discussed in conjunction with item #5.
5. 2015-16 Budget Calendar: Ms. Orta presented a draft of the 2015-2016 Budget Calendar timeline to include
Program Review deadlines, presentation to the President’s Office, the Governor, etc. A few updates were
suggested and a motion was made by T. Isbell and seconded by R. Thoms to accept the calendar as
amended. This calendar is available on the VVC website at:
6. Augmentation Sub Committee Recommendations Update: In follow up of the last meeting, Ms. Orta presented
the final Budget Augmentation Scoring for 2015 – 2016 as approved by Dr. Wagner which amounted to
$159,450. In previous years, non-justified requests (in PRAISE reports) were not scored, nor were they
allotted funding. This year, items not justified were scored and funded in the amount of $85,020. There is
the potential of an additional $500,000. for Supplies, Travel/Conferences and Equipment, as well, although
this windfall has not been finalized. The question was asked if departments have not requested funding, can
they do so now. Departments will have to wait until next year’s PRAISE cycle.
Additionally, Ms. Orta distributed a hand out of the “Budget Planning Process” which illustrates how planning
occurs from the Program areas (Deans, Department Chairs, Facilitators and Directors) to the augmentation
prioritization conducted by the Augmentation Sub Committee.
7. Meeting Time Change: Due to a change in the meeting time of College Council meetings, it was suggested
that this meeting’s time also be changed to avoid the current overlap of meetings. MSC R. Sewell/K. Hardy
to change the meeting time of the Finance, Budget and Planning Committee meetings from 12:45 PM – 2:15
PM to 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM. The motion passed.
8. Budget Update: Ms. Orta stated that the September budget update is tentative. The State will be finalizing
figures with an expected additional $1 million in general fund dollars. Dr. Wagner is still reviewing the budget
which will then be approved by the Board of Trustees.
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9. Other: Ms. Hardy stated the adopted budget is due today or tomorrow from the County. Budget transfers will
be allowable after that time.
10. Next Scheduled Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for November 4, 2015.
11. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 PM.
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October 21, 2015
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