Meeting Date: December 16, 2015 MINUTES

Finance, Budget & Planning Committee Meeting
Meeting Date: December 16, 2015
Location: Board Room - 12:00 p.m.
Committee Members: X = Present, A = Absent
A Odell Moon
Frederick Board
X Henry Young
Justin Gatewood
Tim Isbell
Renny Thoms
Hamid Eydgahi
Steve Garcia
Karen Hardy
Robert Sewell
Maria Soto
Non-Voting Present: Dr. Roger Wagner, Superintendent/President; Greta Moon, Admissions and Records
Director; Trish Ellerson, Dean; Deedee Orta, Budget Analyst; and Shirley Snell-Gonzalez, recorder.
1. Chair Young welcomed all to the meeting and expressed Merry Christmas and happy holidays. The meeting
was called to order at 12:10 PM by Henry Young, Chair.
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2015: The minutes of the November 4, 2015 meeting were
presented. Tim Isbell moved to approve the minutes as presented which was seconded by Karen Hardy. The
motion passed and the minutes were approved.
3. Reallocation of Remaining Budget Augmentation Funds, 2015 -16 Fiscal Year: Dr. Wagner remarked that it
has been quite a journey in the process of reallocating funds in all budgets. The usual process was followed,
however, the full budget of $300,000 was not allocated. Dr. Wagner reviewed the initial submission from this
committee which fell within established guidelines; the augmentation requests that did not meet criteria (they
were not specified in the PRAISE forms, although included with the approved augmentations); the additional
requests submitted by the Deans; and the list provided by the Non-Instructional departments. From those
submissions, he then used a simpler format for evaluation, somewhat like the four pane Johari Window, to
review all submissions and focused on high student and employee impact. After some discussion it was felt
that some items/projects listed could be removed or adjusted. Student Travel should be excluded, as funding
cannot be used for this item, Quickbooks software licenses have been purchased, Schedule 25 Training is in
another departments’ budget, etc.
ACTION: Dr. Wagner will conduct another assessment and forward a report to the campus by the end
of this week.
4. Review Charge of Committee: A second draft of the committee charge was presented for discussion. The 2nd
draft read:
Draft 2, November 4, 2015
1. Review, evaluate and recommend short and long term budget strategies to the Superintendent/ President
to insure alignment of college financial goals and resource allocation.
2. (FBPC) subcommittee will review, rate, and discuss division level prioritized both (IPR and NIPR) request
following a tier II budget rubric, to assess alignment of planning and budget request with strategic priorities
from the most recent Educational Master plan.
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3. Monitor development and implementation of formal college plans for financial sustainability. Make
recommendations, as needed regarding unrestricted general fund resource planning and allocations.
4. Recommends strategies to the Superintendent/President in support of the college initiatives.
Chairman Young reviewed the proposal line by line. Suggestion #1 remained. #2. Also remained the same
with the exception of deleting “subcommittee” and spelling out the acronyms, IPR and NIPR. #3. Remained
as stated.
#4. Brought about discussion as to specifying forwarding recommendations to the
Superintendent/President. The following was agreed upon:
Finance, Budget and Planning Committee Charge
Draft 3, December 16, 2015
1. Review, evaluate and recommend short and long term budget strategies to the Superintendent/ President
to ensure alignment of college financial goals and resource allocation.
2. The Finance, Budget and Planning Committee will review, rate, and discuss division level prioritized
requests both Instructional Program Review (IPR) and Non-Instructional Program Review (NIPR) requests
following a Tier II budget rubric, to assess alignment of planning and budget requests with strategic priorities
from the most recent Educational Master Plan.
3. Monitor development and implementation of formal college plans for financial sustainability. Make
recommendations, as needed regarding unrestricted general fund resource planning and allocations.
4. All recommendations from the Finance, Budget and Planning Committee will be forwarded to the
Superintendent/President in support of the college initiatives.
ACTION: Ms. Snell-Gonzalez will forward the updated draft to the committee for review. This item
will be placed on the next meeting.
5. Review of Committee Ground Rules: Chair Young opened discussion for the update of the committee’s
current ground rules. With regard to #1, it was felt that no abbreviations should be used, so “mtgs” will be
spelled out. Items 2 – 4 remained the same. The committee has had a difficult time in reaching quorum in or
that business can be smoothly conducted. Mr. Sewell reminded everybody that meetings can be conducted
without a quorum, and the subjects presented ratified at the next meeting. Much discussion occurred with
regard to what constitutes a quorum of members and the representative mix of all constituency groups. Mr.
Sewell additionally stated that the committee members can decide what constitutes a quorum, not necessarily
“the half plus one” as has traditionally been the rule for this committee. A second statement was added to #5,
i.e., “Quorum is defined as a minimum of five (5) members”.
Committee Ground Rules:
1. Gavel will be used to declare the meeting in order, maintain speakers recognized if necessary and to
adjourn meetings.
2. Cell phones must be in vibrate mode during meetings.
3. Member shall be recognized by the Chair before speaking.
4. Absenteeism: Miss 2 in a row or 40% in a semester, Chair will investigate if member wants to remain on
committee. Chair will report that conclusion to the committee. Chair will request replacement of member when
5. Attend meeting whenever possible to effectively utilize quorums for decision making. Quorum is defined
as a minimum of 5 members.
6. Maintain professional courtesy at all times.
ACTION: MSC T. Isbell/S. Garcia to accept the changes as redefined.
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6. YTD Budget Status Report: Ms. Orta stated that there is no update at this time, but there will be when the
Governor’s revise is released in January. Mr. Isbell expressed concern regarding the spending by some
departments of more than 25% of their budgets in the first quarter of this year.
7. Consideration of Meeting Time Change: The members agreed that the current time will stand at 12:00.
8. College Council Info: Mr. Sewell informed the committee that there was dialog regarding the Board Agenda
and changes to AP 1201.
9. Budget Update: as above, item 6.
10. Other: Professor Young inquired as to the PRAISE cycle. Ms. Orta stated that the Non-Instructional Program
Review reports are due February 2 and the Instructional Program Review reports are due now. The order of
submission is: 1st deans, 2nd department chairs, 3rd facilitators, and 4th directors who forward their submissions
to their department chair/supervisor who will then prioritize the augmentations, meet with the Vice Presidents
and forward to this committee who establishes a recommendation list.
Mr. Isbell expressed concern regarding the hiring of new employees so close to the upcoming two week
holiday, therefore paying that staff member for paid leave time. Mr. Garcia pointed out that it is the budget
manager of the department’s decision when to start a new staff member. The members would like to explore
this issue further and it was decided that Human Resources would be contacted for a report of this activity.
ACTION: Chairman Young will contact Trinda Best, H.R. Director to request a report on campus-wide
new hire start dates for the month of December. This topic will be placed on the next agenda.
11. Next Scheduled Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for January 6, 2016.
12. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 1:39 PM.
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December 16, 2015
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