ADDENDUM NO. 1 Charlotte Douglas International Airport Terminal Elevated Roadway and Pedestrian Tunnels Special Inspections, Testing and Geotechnical Engineering Issued on 3/9/2015 Addendum # 1 dated 3/17/2015 This Addendum is hereby made a part of the contract documents and specifications of the above referenced project. All other requirements of the original plans and specification shall remain in effect in their respective order. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum by inserting its number and date on the cover page of your proposal. The following question was received and answered. Q. Regarding the following on page 5 under “Selection Criteria” of the RFQ: “experience collecting and verifying unit of work quantities for pay purposes to the contractor”. Does this relate to items such as quantifying rock volumes, soil undercut volumes and similar such items? A. Yes, but in addition to the items listed it also includes pay items typical for Unit Price contracts associated with bridge and roadway construction. General Information. Section II RFQ SELECTION PROCESS The selection criteria been revised, the new criteria are as follows Experience in providing quality assurance testing per the North Carolina Department of Transportation Roadway Specifications Qualifications, certifications, abilities, demonstrated experience on similar projects and geographic location of key individuals identified in the Qualifications Package Ability to provide services 24 hours/day 7 days/week dependent on the contractor’s schedule Experience collecting and verifying unit of work quantities for pay purposes to the contractor Recent experience with projects comparable to the proposed work Execution of the attached Commercial Non-Discrimination Certification Affidavit and EVerify Certification Compliance with CBI Program; References. Qualifications package responsiveness, appearance and presentation End of Addendum # 1