Program Assessment Plan American University KSB: Management MSM

Program Assessment Plan
American University
KSB: Management MSM
KSB: Management MSM
Contact Person for Itir Karaesmen Aydin
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Primary Department: Management
Learning Outcome: LO1 - Basic Business Knowledge and Skills
Develop foundational business knowledge in financial accounting and financial analysis, managerial economics, and statistical reasoning.
Outcome Year: 2012-2013
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Related Courses
- ACCT-607 - Financial Accounting
- FIN-605- - Managerial Econ/Corp Strategy
- FIN-614 - Financial Management
- ITEC-610 - Applied Managerial Statistics
- ITEC-616 - Management Information Syst
- MGMT-609 - Mgmt of Orgs & Human Capital
- MKTG-612 - Marketing Management
Learning Outcome: LO2 - Additional Foundation Business Knowledge
Develop foundational knowledge in several functional areas of business, including accounting for the production of and marketing goods and services, management of people and organizations, financial
management, and management of information and technology.
Outcome Year: 2012-2013
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Related Courses
- ACCT-607 - Financial Accounting
- FIN-605- - Managerial Econ/Corp Strategy
- FIN-614 - Financial Management
- ITEC-610 - Applied Managerial Statistics
- ITEC-616 - Management Information Syst
12/12/2014 12:02 PM
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- MGMT-609 - Mgmt of Orgs & Human Capital
- MKTG-612 - Marketing Management
Learning Outcome: LO3 - Strategic Thinking
Develop strategic decision-making abilities and be able to integrate knowledge across individual business functions in order to make strategic business decisions.
Outcome Year: 2012-2013
Outcome Status: Active Learning Outcome
Related Courses
- ACCT-607 - Financial Accounting
- FIN-605- - Managerial Econ/Corp Strategy
- FIN-614 - Financial Management
- ITEC-610 - Applied Managerial Statistics
- ITEC-616 - Management Information Syst
- MGMT-609 - Mgmt of Orgs & Human Capital
- MKTG-612 - Marketing Management
12/12/2014 12:02 PM
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