DILLON INTERAGENCY DISPATCH CENTER MOBILIZATION GUIDE CHAPTER 30 ORGANIZATIONS 31 Basic Forest Dispatch System 31.1 Organizational Structure DDC is an interagency operation staffed with personnel from the Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF’s, Butte BLM and the Dillon Unit of the DNRC. Positions assigned to DDC are: Center Manager Assist. Center Manager BLM Dispatcher DNRC Dispatcher Judith Heintz Patty Williams Doug Caffee Marie Smith BDF BDF BLM DNRC The agency contributing the employee to DDC is responsible for handling hiring, payroll and other personnel actions. The day-to-day supervision of DDC personnel will be handled through the internal DDC chain of command. The Center Manager will make work assignments, provide training, and provide employee performance feedback in order to best utilize the assigned personnel to accomplish the requirements of this plan. 24 K:\rtf\fire\Mob_Guide\2008 Mobe Guide\Chapter 30.doc May 2008