University Hall Simulation Lab Posting No. 2 - Questions and Answers December 5, 2011 NOTE: These are additional questions and answers in addition to those provided on Friday, December 2, 2011 Question: Please provide the sequence of operation and/or points monitoring required for the Div. 230900 DDC Controls? (no specification included for Div. 230900 attached) Answer: Refer to specification section 23 81 29 paragraph 2.06 E 2. The following operation/settings should be provided by the Campus EMCS: Request all Off (Emergency Stop) Request On/Off Setpoint Request Lossnay Mode Request Fan Speed Filter sign reset Request Local Prohibit On/Off, Mode, and Filter Sign Filter Sign Reset Request Limit Temperature Setting Range Ventilation Mode The following points should be measured/monitored by the Campus EMCS: Emergency state On/Off run state Mode state Setpoint state Lossnay mode state Fan Speed state Filter status Space Temperature Alarm state Error Code Ventilation Mode Question: Please confirm that the VRF system (including packaged ERV unit) will be standalone controls with monitoring only through the DDC? Or what read/write functions will be available from the VRF system BACnet interface to the DDC? Answer: The VRF system will be stand-alone but with some oversight by the DDC system as noted above. Question: Clarify where plastic laminate and epoxy resin countertops occur. Answer: See sheets A8.1 and A8.2 for scope of plastic laminate countertops, there are no epoxy resin countertops. Question: Section 12 40 00 – clarify guest chair model number is 31331. Answer: The chair can be viewed at Question: Will we be allowed to use the building toilet facilities during project construction? Answer: No. Question: Drawing A8.1 – clarify W.A. Braun model number for Key Symbol E22. Answer: See sheet A8.1, the manufacturer’s name is Wa baum. Question: Drawing A8.1 – clarify Metro model number for Key Symbol E29. Answer: The manufacturer’s name will be changed to Pocket Nurse and the model number will be changed to 02-25-257M in the addendum. Question: Drawing TS1.1 indicates we can pay for parking in 10 spaces before and after winter break; are we limited to 10 spaces? Answer: A small number of additional spaces “may” be available. The exact number depends upon the contractor’s layout.