Lead Agency: Suquamish Fire Prevention Project Utilization 0 FPP 31 Project Title: Applicant Name The Suquamish Tribe Contact Phone No Project Location Port Madison Indian Reserv 360 394 5338 WUI Edu Proj Rank 2002 Grant Proposals -- Ordered by App ID WUI Fuels App ID BIA Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: No Dollar amount listed on App. Ken Snell FWS: $0 BIA: $0 Date Received 3/14/2002 Amt Requested $84,016 Total Proj Cost $84,016 Lead Agency BIA Coop Agency FS Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W1 David Mills, Forest Resource Manager FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Description: 38% of the Port Madison Indian Reservation constitutes of forestland. Forest roads have been opened in 1977 to ease logging. These roads have become barely accessible, some of them turning into trails. The Forest Program of the Suquamish Tribe is proposing to open the existing forest roads as well as new fire roads for purposes of prevention and suppression of fire incidents. The objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of the Tribe to develop a fire prevention plan and implement it in the Port Madison Indian Reservation. The plan will constitute of opening fire roads;chipping, clearing and mulching brush and branches; making a firewood reserve for community elders; educating the community on fire prevention and suppression. The proposed life of the project is six months with a longterm perspective of implementing and maintaining a fire prevention plan. The project requires the purchase of Bob Cat, Trailer, Wood Chipper, Chainsaw, fire fighting tools and a water tank to be handy during fuel burning in case of fire accident. 71 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry NEO District – 4 county are 541 886 2881 Wildland-Urban Interface Community Education Program for Northeast Oregon District 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $103,000 $128,000 BIA ODF 0 O2 Matt Howard Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $53,000 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $53,000 Comments: Description: Obtain materials and equipment needed to develop and deliver coordinated, multifaceted awareness and education programs to landowners and neighborhood associations. Programs targeted to use are “FireFree”, “Living With Fire”, the “I’m Concerned…” campaign and examples of current and past success stories from local WUI Fuels Reduction Treatments. These programs will inform target audiences about the wildland-urban interface problem in Union, Wallowa, Baker and Umatilla counties and how to mitigate the risk of fire by increasing fire awareness, reducing human-caused fire starts, reducing fuels and developing survivable space around structures and communities Grand Total Requested: Grand Totals by Agency: Friday, May 24, 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $53,000 FS WUI: $0 $187,016 $212,016 Total Funded: $53,000 Page 1 of 1