Lead Agency: Jefferson County Mapping A Fire Safe Community Utilization 0 Project Location Jefferson Co Fire Dist #1 FPP 1 Project Title: Applicant Name Jefferson County Fire District #1 Contact Phone No 541 475 7274 WUI Edu Proj Rank 2002 Grant Proposals -- Ordered by App ID WUI Fuels App ID FS Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/12/2002 Amt Requested $33,000 Total Proj Cost $52,000 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency BLM Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Earl Cordes, Fire Chief Amount Funded By: FS: $20,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $20,000 Comments: Description: The project will develop a digital infrastructure of at risk wildland urban interface zones within the Jefferson Co Fire Dist #1. Initially we will be targeting the same six (6) subdivisions identified in last year's grant for fuels mitigation covering 350 dwellings situated on 850 acres of urban interface area. Program outcome will provide and identify zones with a digital mapping system to be used for prefire planning, accurate and timely fire response, public education within the targeted subdivisions and integration with other agency digital systems. 2 0 Project Title: Glide Rural Fire Protection District Glide Rural Fire Protection 541 496 0224 Community and Fire Department Education of Wildland/Urban Interface Problem 3/13/2002 Proj Coord Name: $5,000 $6,000 FS ODF 0 O4 Andy Hatfield, Assistant Chief Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Our goal is to provide members of the Glide Rural Fire Protection District community with education and information regarding safeguarding their homes from wildland/urban interface problems. Almost all of the fire district is surrounded by forested lands and is at risk of fire. This project will provide the volunteer members of Glide Rural Fire Protection District with training in regards to fighting wildland/urban interface fires as well as how to educate the public while out on other types of calls or during open houses and other public education activities.This will be done by using up-to-date training. This training includes the use of an In-Focus projector and a laptop computer. Glide Rural Fire Protection District does not have either of these items which would allow us to take this educational program on the road to different parts of our rural fire district. 3 0 Project Title: Center for International Trade in Forest Products/University of Washington Washington 206 543 1918 Economic and Market Assessment of Small-Diameter Timber for Suburban Fencing, Phase II Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: Link Proj with Local Utilization Efforts. FWS: $0 3/12/2002 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $85,354 $131,076 FS 0 W7 Dr. Ivan Eastin, Associate Director and Professor Total Funded: $0 Description: Design and manufacturing cost data collected in Phase I of this project suggest that small diameter timber can be used as a raw material for fencing products. However, the results of the first phase clearly indicate that more quamtitative marketing and economic information is required to identify and evaluate specific market opportunities. A market assessment, in conjunction with an economic analysis of harvesting and fence manufacturing costs, will provide the basis to effectively assess the opportunity for successfully utilizing small diameter thinnings to manufacture fencing products. In addition, we will conduct a log furniture design contest similar to the ongoing fence design contest. The results of the log furniture design contest with be integrated with the fence designs to provide entrepreneurs with a broad range of innovative fencing and log furniture design ideas that demonstrate the economic feasibility of utilizing small diameter timber in value-added products and stimulate these entrepreneurs to identify new innovative uses for small diameter thinnings. 4 0 Project Title: Curry County Curry County 541 247 3208 Communication Enhancement Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Comments: Ollie will work w/ Applicant to find other funding sources 3/12/2002 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $129,000 $844,000 FS 0 O4 Michael Murphy, Emergency Services Coordinator Total Funded: $0 Description: **** estimate, &&& Phase 1 completed , phase 2-- 3/1/02 through 9/1/03 **** This project is to enhance the ability to communicate with emergency response agencies within the county. This radio system is in need of replacement. The present system does not work well in the wildland areas of eastern Curry County, which comprise the majority of the county. Most of this wildland is under federal control, (over 65% of Curry County is federal land). Completion of this project will allow emergency response agencies, (fire departments, law enforcement, search and rescue) to communicate with each other, and with dispatch. This will allow more efficient, timely response to emergency conditions. When responders arrive on scene, this project will allow those responders to summon additional assistance when needed, in a timely fashion. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 1 of 16 Project Title: Multi-agency Fire Service Training and Community Fire Education Utilization 0 Project Location Keno FPP 6 Applicant Name Keno Rural Fire Protection District Contact Phone No 541 883 3062 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/10/2002 Amt Requested $180,000 Total Proj Cost $334,300 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency ODF Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Chief John Ketchum Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This project request was orginated by the Klamath County Fire Defense Board, a consortium of fire departments and fire protection agencies throughout Klamath County, Oregon. The board has membership representing Federal, State, County, Municipal and Rural agencies/departments. This request will facilitate the improvement of multi-agency fire training and community fire education.The first priority is the procurement of a Fire Simulation Prop. This is a commercially available training prop resembling a structure typical of the wildland urban interface. This prop will enable state-of-theart training in dealing with firefighting and safety procedures encountered by both wildland and structural firefighters: structures, vehicles, flammable materials. The second priority will be the acquisition of training equipment and materials to support multi-agency fire training and community fire education programs. This would include audio-visual, computer, software, projection, and training course material needs. 8 0 Project Title: Unincorporated Yakima Co 509 574 2378 Yakima County Wildfire Watch Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: BIA is also a cooperator 3/7/2002 Proj Coord Name: BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $52,000 $70,900 FS DNR, BIA W4 0 Jakki MacLean, Fire Marshal Total Funded: $0 Description: With the cooperation of local building and fire service professionals, USFS, DNR, Dept. of Defense, and the Yakama Indian Nation, Yakima County adopted and continues to enforce the Urban Wildland Interface Code. Our "Wildfire Watch" project will continue to help reduce fire risk in the interface areas through application of the requirements of the UWIC. In addition to these requriements for new construction, we also intend to deliver and expand a number of community education programs to promote our voluntary efforts toward wildfire mitigation. 9 0 Project Title: Oregon Parks & Recreation Department (OPRD) Blue Mountain – Interstate 84 Fuels Reduction Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: The project should be coordinated with Project 75 3/8/2002 Cabbage Hill to Meacham 503 378 4168 Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $90,000 $105,000 FS BIA 0 O2 Amy Gillette, Forestry Manager Total Funded: $0 Description: Vegetation management of approximately 100 acres of OPRD forest land to reduce fuels, create fuelbreaks along the Interstate 84 and Highway 30 road corridors, minimize the risk of damaging wildfire, and improve forest health. Activities to include pre-commercial thinning and removal of ladder fuels. 18 0 Project Title: Organization for Economic Initiatives (OEI) a 501 © 3 non-profit corporation Oregon Local Work Force and Contractor Training, Technical Assistance and Development Amount Funded By: FS: $40,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 3/13/2002 541 756 5596 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $107,902 $126,739 FS 0 OR All J. Rick Evans, Executive Director and Jim Beltram, GCAP Contract Specialist Total Funded: $40,000 Comments: Description: The Organization for Economic Initiatives (OEI) through its Government Contract Assistance Program (GCAP) will provide local community work force and contractor training in rural and distressed interface communities. The proposed project will include developing and presenting contracting workshops, delivering training in interface high fire risk areas and economically impacted communities throughout Oregon, developing training hand-out materials and instructional Guide to Contracting on Government Lands in English and Spanish, and providing on-going technical assistance and counseling support. 27 0 Project Title: Sunriver Owners Association, a 501C(4) Non- Sunriver, Oregon Profit organization Sunriver Ladder Fuels Reduction Project for Urban Interface Fire Protection 541 593 1522 Proj Coord Name: 3/14/2002 $80,000 $259,159 FS 0 O2 Kelly Walker, M.S. Environmental Manager Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Mechanical ladder fuels treatment (brush and small diameter tree removal) on approximately 1/3 of common grounds in the urban interface community of Sunriver, Oregon, to protect over 4000 urban interface properties surrounded by Forest Service lands and to restore fire adapted ponderosa pine ecosystem. Approximately 210 acres will be treated. Education and coordination of information to landowners and surrounding communities. Sunriver’s total property value was recently estimated at about $1 Billion dollars.Sunriver Owners Association will match $80,000 in grant funds 100% and will also pay for staffing, supplies and other expenses (estimated at an additional $. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 2 of 16 Project Title: Demand Creation for Fire Hazard Reduction By-Products Utilization 0 Project Location Illinois Valley FPP 28 Applicant Name Illinois Valley Community Resource Team Contact Phone No 541 592 4440 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/14/2002 Amt Requested $46,482 Total Proj Cost $57,982 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Ronald Phillips, Executive Director Amount Funded By: FS: $30,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $30,000 Comments: Description: The intent of this project is to increase the number of fire plans and thinnings conducted by the Forestry Action Committee, Lomakatsi, and others by providing an economic incentive to property owners through creating links to reliable, growing markets for small diameter and other materials removed in fire hazard reduction thinning. Demand for thinning by-products will be enhanced by helping targeted wood product businesses increase sales through assistance in marketing studies, marketing activities, business plan development, feasibility studies for new product development, and leasing of select, critical equipment that will increase value-added opportunities and/or reduce production/cost bottlenecks that are negatively impacting on sales. The equipment will simultaneously be used to demonstrate to other wood working businesses the potential for utilizing small diameter material. The goal of marketing collectively is to establish the Illinois Valley as a destination center for high quality, hand crafted wood products. This project will result in at least 8 jobs being created and/or retained 29 0 Project Title: Ferry Conservation District Ferry County and N. Centra 509 775 3473 Extract And Sort Yarding (E.A.S.Y.) 3/14/2002 Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Comments: Used old form and I had to guess at Project Type. Ken Snell BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $100,000 $142,268 FS DNR W5 0 Lyle Gardinier, Ferry Conservation District Manager Total Funded: $0 Description: This project will educate the public of the critical nature of problems associated with fuel loads from years of fire suppression, a major decline in logging and other wood removal; as well as increased insect and disease problems that have dramatically decreased much of our forests overall health. We will provide planning and technical assistance, demonstrate extraction methods, procedures, and evaluate the economic feasibilty of removing biomass materials through the different techniques. 30 0 Project Title: Clackamas County, Oregon Precise location undetermin 503 353 4328 Biomass Power Plant Proj Coord Name: 3/14/2002 $40,000 $50,000 FS 0 OR 1,3,5 Gregory Jenks, Business & Economic Development Director Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: The removal of tons of forest fuels under the National Fire Plan raises two issues – whether the material can be disposed of in an environmentally manner, and whether the material can be utilized for an economic benefit. This proposal provides a viable solution for both of those issues, as well as providing quality jobs and tax revenues for Clackamas County, Oregon. Logistically, Clackamas County is a suitable location for a biomass power plant, including the availability of forest debris for use as a fuel source. However, the county faces a significant hurdle before the project can get under way. A feasibility study must be conducted to determine the size and location of the plant as well as identify other necessary fuels and users of the steam and/or power that will be generated by the facility. The Fuels Utilization and Marketing Projects grant will fund the feasibility study, which will be completed within six months. If feasible, construction can then begin on the project, which will create a profitable use for the forest fuels while providing a non-polluting method of their disposal. 35 0 Project Title: University of Oregon OR & WA, emphasis on E. 541 346 0676 Building community and interagency capacity for employment results monitoring of the National Fire Plan Proj Coord Name: 3/14/2002 $70,000 $88,254 FS 0 O4 Charles Spencer Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This project will help increase community and agency capacity to provide quality jobs while meeting other goals of the National Fire Plan by providing community-based and regional monitoring tools. Monitoring is the way that communities and agencies can to evaluate progress, learn from experiments, and make mid-course corrections. This project will: (1) provide technical assistance to communitybased efforts to monitor employment results, and (2) expand regional monitoring and evaluation of the economic effects of the National Fire Plan. To assist at the community level, we will revise and widely disseminate our employment results monitoring guide and expand our technical assistance from two to three communities. At the regional level, we will build on our current regional economic monitoring of the National Fire Plan by: (1) working with the federal agencies to incorporate lessons from EWP and agency monitoring into future planning, (2) identifying monitoring gaps and strategies to fill those gaps, and (3) expanding EWP monitoring to include grants to agencies such as the Oregon Department of Forestry. The project will help communities and agencies to: (1) understand progress towards quality jobs in ecosystem management; (2) focus contractor and worker assistance to meet real needs; (3) focus procurement innovation to provide quality jobs for rural communities and forest workers. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 3 of 16 Project Title: Biomass Power Plant Utilization 0 FPP 36 Contact Phone No Applicant Name Project Location Snohomish County, Washington (Jeff Kelley- Precise location undetermin 425 743 4567 Clarke WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/14/2002 Amt Requested $40,000 Total Proj Cost $50,000 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist WA 1,2 Michael Cade, Vice President Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: The removal of tons of forest fuels under the National Fire Plan raises two issues – whether the material can be disposed of in an environmentally manner, and whether the material can be utilized for an economic benefit. This proposal provides a viable solution for both of those issues, as well as providing quality jobs and tax revenues for Snohomish County, Washington. Logistically, Snohomish County is a suitable location for a biomass power plant, including the availability of forest debris for use as a fuel source. However, the county faces a significant hurdle before the project can get under way. A feasibility study must be conducted to determine the size and location of the plant as well as identify other necessary fuels and users of the steam and/or power that will be generated by the facility. The Fuels Utilization and Marketing Projects grant will fund the feasibility study, which will be completed within six months. If feasible, construction can begin on the project that will create a profitable use for the forest fuels while providing a non-polluting method of their disposal. 38 0 Project Title: Crescent Gilchrist Community Action Team Crescent , Oregon 541 433 2619 Emergency Shelter Rennovation 3/14/2002 Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Comments: No Funding amt included. Ken Snell Ollie will follow-up. BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $89,346 $98,346 FS 0 O2 FS 0 O5 Dave Crider Total Funded: $0 Description: Renovate the local community building to bring up to code [ ADA] for use as a emergency evacuation site for the communities of Northern Klamath County. 44 0 Project Title: Office of Sponsored Programs / Oregon State Corvallis, OR University 541 737 4210 New Drying Technology Demonstration for Lumber Produced From Small-Diameter Logs Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $26,643 $33,304 Michael R. Milota, Associate Professor, Department of Wood Science and Engineering Amount Funded By: FS: $26,643 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $26,643 Comments: Description: There are hundreds of thousands of acres of young, fast-growing ponderosa pine stands in the Western U.S. Utilization of this for lumber is often uneconomic due to warp. A recent study conducted by OSU, in cooperation with the US Forest Service and Burnt River Forest Products (Unity, OR), confirmed this problem when approximately 80% of lumber obtained from young, fast-growing ponderosa pine failed to meet grade due to warp. We propose to demonstrate that a technology recently developed in New Zealand can be used to produce straight dry lumber from green and dry warped lumber using high temperatures and elevated pressure. The technology is also applicable to difficult-to-dry hardwoods. If a board is held straight during drying, warp is reduced. However, when conventionally dried, the memory in the wood polymer structure can cause warp after drying. The higher temperature and pressure will eliminate this effect. A report will be prepared documenting warp reduction, necessary operating parameters, and estimated costs. This will be used to design and obtain partners for a precommercial version of the dryer. A nontechnical how-to guide will also be prepared which summarizes the findings. 45 0 Project Title: Rural Technology Initiative (RTI)/University of Washington Washington Case Studies of Small Diameter Processing Equipment for Different Levels of Investment 206 616 3218 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $99,753 $124,922 FS 0 W4 Bruce Lippke, RTI Director and CFR Faculty Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: In cooperation with local economic developers, equipment consultants and utilities this project will investigate the feasibility of three small business manufacturing alternatives to utilize small diameter logs, with each requiring different levels of investment. A low cost, $100,000, portable saw mill has been designed locally to manufacture lumber in the woods from small diameter logs. A trailer mounted veneer lathe specially designed to utilize small diameter logs at the harvest location could be purchased with necessary support equipment for under $1,000,000. Small co-generation facilities to produce steam and electricity may cost less than $5,000,000 and could utilize forest biomass baled or chipped in the woods to augment log and industrial residual fuel supplies. This project will investigate the fixed and variable costs, raw material needs, employment opportunities, tax contributions, product potentials, and other opportunities associated with operation of one or more of these facilities and resulting contribution to fuel risk reduction and rural economic vitality. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 4 of 16 Project Title: Community Education and Training Utilization 0 FPP 51 Applicant Name Oregon Department of Forestry Contact Phone No Project Location Coos Forest Protective Assn 541 267 3161 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: Ollie will Follow-up to look for other sources. FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $9,000 Total Proj Cost $11,160 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O4 Mike Robison, Staff Forester Total Funded: $0 Description: The intent of the project is to obtain training aids, (projectors, laptops and digital cameras) for use in communities throughout our district to educate public groups in the wildland urban interface. These aids would also be used for interagency training with other agencies for safer and more efficient fire operations in the wildland urban interface. 52 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Central Oregon District 541 447 5658 COD Vegetation / Fuels Mapping Project 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: Check in with Fuels working team. FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $310,175 $588,175 FS O2 0 Stuart Otto, Service Forester Total Funded: $0 Description: This project will create a digital vegetation / fuels map using satelllite imagery for the Central Oregon Fire Protection District. Currently, we have no district wide vegetation / fuels map in a digital format. This map will aid the district in strategic long range planning, determining high fuel hazard areas, initial attack analysis and many other planning functions. This map will be useful in coordinating National Fire Plan Fuels reduction projects with US Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management and other cooperators. The current plan is to create this map at two levels of resolution. The first is to map the wildland fuels at a 30 meter resolution. The second level is to map the urban interface areas at 4 meter resolution. This would should give us the detail to acomplish Wildland Urban Interface fuels reduction mapping and aid the currently ongoing NFP fuel reduction projects and assist in planning and lay out of future projects. 57 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Philomath, Oregon 541 929 3266 Benton County Wildland Urban Interface Fire Protection Plan:A Community Planning Effort 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $78,000 $128,000 FS BLM 0 O 4,5 Steven L. Elefant, Protection Unit Supervisor Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: The Benton County Wildland Urban Interface Fire Protection Plan is a project proposed to fill a vacuum in fire planning in Benton county. Currently the county has no coordinated fire protection, education, or prevention plans. This project is an attempt to pull together a wide variety of public and private entities into a coordinated and comprehensive planning environment to benefit the citizens of Benton County. 59 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Prairie City area 541 575 1139 Prairie City Defensible Space & Hazard Fuel Reduction 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $101,700 $121,700 FS BLM 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Provide assistance to non-industrial landowners in the Prairie City area for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health 66 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Klamath-Lake District 541 883 5681 Interface Fire Planning & Education Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $122,300 $122,300 FS All Feds 0 O2 Danny Benson, Unit Forester Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This project would inventory the wildland urban interface and make group contacts with the rural residents within the Klamath-Lake District. This area covers 1.3 million acres of private lands intermingled with approximately 10 million acres of federal lands. The demographics have changed in the area from scattered ranches and timberland to a more rural residential with concentrations of homes built in the forest. Contacts would be made with the rural residents and provide technical assistance in creating a fire safe environment, defensible space, technical understanding of fire danger and community fire planning. At the same time an inventory would be done on each improvement or group of improvements that would include access, water availability, bridges, defensible space issues, and specialized equipment needs. This will provide additional information in the Risk and Hazard analysis process. This has been completed on three areas in the Klamath-Lake District and has proved invaluable in assessing fire protections needs during large fire situations. The areas completed represent less than 2% of the total area Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 5 of 16 Project Title: KL Interface Fire Prevention & Education Utilization 0 Project Location Klamath-Lake District FPP 67 Applicant Name Oregon Department of Forestry Contact Phone No 541 883 5681 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $55,000 Total Proj Cost $55,000 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency All Feds Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Danny Benson, Unit Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This project would provide one on one contacts with the rural residents within the Klamath-Lake District, Oregon Department of Forestry. This area covers 1.3 million acres of private lands intermingled with approximately 10 million acres of federal lands. The demographics have changed in the area from scattered ranches and timberland to a more rural residential with concentrations of homes built in the forest. Contacts would be made with the rural residents and provide them with numerous fire prevention messages that would cover, fire safe environment and defensible space. This will provide additional educational and prevention messages over what is currently being accomplished 68 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Klamath-Lake District 541 883 5681 KL Interface Hazard Inventory & Education Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $115,000 $115,000 FS All Feds 0 O2 Danny Benson, Unit Forester Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This project would inventory the wildland urban interface and make one on one contact with the rural residents within the Klamath-Lake District. This area covers 1.3 million acres of private lands intermingled with approximately 10 million acres of federal lands. The demographics have changed in the area from scattered ranches and timberland to a more rural residential with concentrations of homes built in the forest. Contacts would be made with the rural residents and provide technical assistance in creating a fire safe environment, defensible space. At the same time an inventory would be done on each improvement or group of improvements that would include access, water availability, bridges, defensible space issues, and specialized equipment needs. This will provide additional information in the Risk and Hazard analysis process. This has been completed on three areas in the Klamath-Lake District and has proved invaluable in assessing fire protections needs during large fire situations. The areas completed represent less than 2% of the total area 69 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry State of Oregon 503 945 7440 Identify And Map High Fire Risk and Wildland-Urban Interface Areas of Oregon 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $250,000 $260,000 FS 0 OR All Richard Gibson, Fire Policy and Prevention Manager Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Using current GIS technology, identify and map high fire risk areas and the wildland-urban interface in Oregon. Oregon has never accurately identified nor mapped the wildland-urban interface. Such a mapping is urgently needed in order to set priorities, make sound prevention decisions, and to plan future interface mititation projects. Previous mapping efforts in the state are five to fifteen years old, were quickly conducted, lacked well defined standards, were completed without the benefit of GIS technology, and were performed with input only from a very limited number of partners and cooperators. Previous mapping of Oregon's high fire risk areas is now twelve years old and badly out of date. Additionally, the mapping was limited to selected regions of the state and is now of marginal value in helping to solve today's complex mix of problems. 70 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Northeast Oregon District 541 963 3168 Northeast Oregon Fuels Inventory and Interagency Project Coordination 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $153,840 $207,490 FS 0 O2 Paul Joseph, Staff Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $25,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $25,000 Comments: Description: This project will support strategic community fire planning in the high-risk areas of Northeast Oregon (Wallowa, Baker, Union, and Umatilla Counties) by providing coordination between Federal, State, County, and private landowners. Fuel reduction projects are being accomplished on private lands in Northeast Oregon with funds from multiple sources. These include : National Fire Plan dollars, Blue Mt. Demonstration dollars, Stewardship Incentive Program dollars, Federal Incentive Program dollars, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Program dollars and Private Landowner dollars. In addition, similar projects are being accomplished on adjacent Federal lands. This project would coordinate, support, and enhance these activities across the landscape. 72 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Northeast Oregon District 541 963 3168 NEO District Youth Crew Defensible Space Fuel Treatment Pilot Project Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: Linked to: 76, 77, 75, 72 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $144,882 $209,255 FS 0 O2 Paul Joseph, National Fire Plan Forester Total Funded: $0 Description: Use a youth labor crew (at-risk and other youth) to create defensible space around homes in priority wildland urban interface areas in Northeast Oregon. This 8 person crew will be provided through Traning and Employment Consortium, a private nonprofit partner. The youth will receive life skills classes and academic enrichment from Training and Employment Consortium. The crew will be supervised and mentored by ODF Forest Officers. A crew leader and Forest Officer will operate power driven equipment along with the crew work. The Forest Officers will also initiate one-on-one contacts with rural residents in NEO. Partnerships will be developed with rural residents to provide education and motivation to create and maintain a fire safe environment with defensible space. This project will build upon current NFP funded projects in NEO. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 6 of 16 Project Title: Rowena Drainage, Seven Mile Hill Defensible Space & Hazard Fuel Reduction Utilization 0 FPP 74 Applicant Name Oregon Department of Forestry Contact Phone No Project Location Rowena Drainage, Seven M 541 296 4626 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $175,000 Total Proj Cost $205,000 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency BLM Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 David Jacobs, Assistant Unit Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Provide assistance to non-industrial landowners in the Rowena Drainage of the Seven Mile Hill area, just outside of The Dalles, for vegetation management to create defensible space, to reduce fire hazard, and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health. This area is at extreme risk from wildfire due to the increase in rural residences in the Interface, and the signifant role that the Gorge winds play in creating a potential for disasterous wildfires 0 Oregon Department of Forestry Project Title: Umatilla County Defensible Space 75 Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: Linked to App 9 Linked to: 76, 77, 75, 72 Northeast Oregon 541 963 3168 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $247,500 $312,150 FS BIA O2 0 Paul Joseph, Staff Forester, NEO Grants Coordinator Total Funded: $0 Description: This project will create defensible space around homesites within the Rural Forest Interface areas in Umatilla County. Funds obtained from this grant will be used as a cost share incentive for private forest landowners within the Rural Forest Interface areas of Umatilla County. It will build upon fuels mitigation projects in place and planned in Umatilla County. Project coordination is occurring Bureau of Indian Affairs and with Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation to address a large fire-prone interface area along the I-84 corridor that encompasses several small communities at risk between Poverty Flats and Meacham, Oregon. We have found, with existing projects, that demand for assistance far exceeds funding. Wood fibers and local work force, hopefully including the NEO District youth crew (pilot) will be utilized whenever feasible to support a local depressed economy. Financial stability from cost share funds will benefit both the environment and local citizens. Educational material (existing) will be utilized and promoted. 82 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Central Oregon District 541 575 1139 GIS Land Classification 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $121,300 $121,300 FS 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Land Classification under ORS 526 is an integral part of the department’s Protection Program. This project would involve transferring the current land classification maps to a GIS layer. At this time there is only one copy of these land classification maps in existence. A loss of these maps would require rebuilding them at an estimate cost of $750,000. The area involved is approximately 400 townships. All the maps are hand drawn from information developed by the County Land Classification Committees. The maps are updated by hand with each land exchange and classification change. This information in a GIS layer would facilitate the process for making changes. This information is key in identifying project areas to be treated under the WUI Fuel Treatment grants. When this information is tied with the county tax lot improvement information a determination can be made on the density and value of improvements at risk from wildland fire 85 0 Project Title: Alliance Of Forest Workers And Harvesters Southern Oregon 541 342 6146 Monitoring the NFP & Ecosystems Workers in Jackson and Josephine Counties, OR. 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $37,200 $44,700 FS 0 O2 Bradley Porterfield, Coordinating Director Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: The ALLIANCE, in collaboration with partnering agencies and organizations, proposes to conduct an economic and workforce monitoring project of the NFP funds allocated for contracted projects in Jackson and Josephine Counties. The program will monitor contracting specifications & award information, job creation/retention, and job quality measures. 86 0 Project Title: North Central Washington Resource Conservation & Development Okanogan Small Diameter Wood Processing - Phase 3 Products Mfg. & Market Testing Amount Funded By: FS: $100,000 Comments: No Project Type Listed. KS BLM: $0 FWS: $0 3/15/2002 509 997 2245 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $100,000 $125,000 FS 0 W4 Mike Ferris, Executive Director Total Funded: $100,000 Description: Phases I & 2 Feasibility/Business Planning (NFP 01) identified flooring and paneling products as having the best potential for value-added manufacturing from small diameter wood from local forests. A final report being prepared this month by OCDC's consultants addresses strategies, costs and revenue estimates for producing approximately 440 mbf annually of flooring and paneling products. This proposal(Ph 3) will provide needed information concerning the ability of existing producers utilizing existing equipment and infrastructure to profitably produce high quality, market acceptable products. The resulting products will be used as test marketing samples. The project will engage existing local producers in a demonstration project to: 1.Evaluate quantity and quality of selected stands of local small diameter suppressed douglas fir and ponderosa pine for the product lines envisioned; 2. Determine potential recovery rates and costs for milling this wood into various products; and 3. Test market those samples to determine potential pricing and market acceptance. Anticipated benefits of this pilot project include:1.Suitabilities of existing infrastructure to produce desired results; 2. Test cooperative arrangements between local producers; 3. Refine Business Plan assumptions with actual results. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 7 of 16 Project Title: Targeting communities for fuels reduction and hazard mitigation Utilization 0 FPP 87 Applicant Name Washington State Department of Natural Resources Contact Phone No Project Location Thurston, Lewis, Grays Har 360 740 6800 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $76,000 Total Proj Cost $108,000 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W 3,9 Jeannie Abbott Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This project has 4 phases. The first phase consists of updating the Wildland Fire hazard assessments within the Washington State Department of Natural Resources Central Region. The second phase develops community awareness and participation through the use of the FireWise program. The third phase will consist of writing a community protection plan as well as individual mitigation plans. The fourth phase will implement the plans written in phase 3 through fuels reduction/mitigation work by local contractors, landowners, homeowners, and community groups. 88 0 Project Title: NWPA Northwest Wood Products Association Bend OR & Fossil OR 541 388 8421 Instillation of Dry Kilns 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: No Congressional District or Project Type given. KS FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $99,090 $198,180 FS 0 Dennis G. Brock, Executive Director Total Funded: $0 Description: Brief Project Description: A Dry-Kiln instillation project is being submitted to the National Fire Plan to stimulate on-site utilization, research and cost-effective methods to process Non-Traditional wood fiber such as Juniper, LLP, White Fir and small diameter Ponderosa Pine currently being removed from National Forest lands. In Central Oregon the large dryers located in Prineville and John Day used to process traditional large volumes of 180,000 bf set empty. Large capacity dryers are not currently suited for small diameter wood or the currently underutilized wood species that are targeted to be removed. Small capacity drying systems are totally non-existent in the multi-fiber production infrastructure. This proposal addresses the challenges created by the absence of local small volume drying capacities by dramatically reducing added processing costs, reducing added drying costs and reducing added transportation costs to dryers located in the Willamette Valley. 91 0 Project Title: Harney Soil & Water Conservation District Burns, OR 541 573 5010 Steens Mountain Essential Oils Amount Funded By: FS: $50,000 Comments: No Project Type Listed. KS Description: Phase One: 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $12,000 $15,000 FS O2 0 Marty K. Suter, Project Coordinator Total Funded: $50,000 Steens Mountain Essential Oils Market and Feasibility Study PROJECTED TASKS 1. Confirm wholesale & retail markets for western juniper essential oils, using as baseline the information developed by The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs (Joe Ysenofski, Western Juniper Oil Distillation and Marketing Project, 1997) 2. Obtain sufficient samples of juniper leaf to use in market research 3. Perform preliminary economic analysis and determine if a full business plan is warranted 4. Prepare a report documenting results of market research and preliminary economic feasibility determination; and make recommendations whether of not to pursue further business plan development, seek partners and funding “Steens Mountain Essential Oils: Capturing the Essence of the High Desert” © 92 0 Project Title: La Pine Community Action Team La Pine, Oregon 541 536 3972 La Pine Fire-Resistant Plants for Home Landscapes Interpretive Garden 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $14,600 $21,300 FS 0 O2 Kristi Rye Otteni, La Pine Community Advocate Amount Funded By: FS: $14,600 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $14,600 Comments: Description: Flammable plants and plant material can increase the fire risk to local homeowners. This project will educate the citizens of La Pine with an interpretive garden filled with plants that are fire-resistant and will grow in the limited 4,200 ft. growing season. Fire-resistant plants don’t readily ignite from a flame and their foliage and stems don’t significantly contibute to a fire’s intensity. There are a wide variety of attractive trees and other plants to choose from, but the public is presently unaware of these plants. This garden will give people a beautiful opportunity to see what these plants look like in real situations. Each plant will have a sign with the plant’s name and specific growing criteria. A large 4 x 8 ft. sign will be located in the park near the garden with contact information, specific explainations of the Fire Safe Homes Program and information on fire resistant plants. This educational sign will be designed with input from the La Pine Fire Chief, OSU Extension Service, La Pine Garden Club and ODF. 97 0 Project Title: Washington Department of Natural Resources Washington Washington FireWise workshops Amount Funded By: FS: $30,000 BLM: $0 Comments: Congressional Disgtricts Listed: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 KS 3/15/2002 360 902 1300 Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $64,600 $113,730 FS WA All 0 Sandy Williams, Prevention Education Manager Total Funded: $30,000 Description: This proposal is to provide Washington FireWise workshops for 2003 through 2005. We are into our second year of highly successful workshops, This proposal will provide expenses for up to 280 bankers, builders, local government and concerned homeowners to attend local one or two day workshops. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 8 of 16 Project Title: Forest Stewardship Fuel reduction Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: Congressional Districts Listed: 1,2,3,4,5,6 KS Utilization 0 FPP 98 Contact Phone No Applicant Name Project Location Washington Department of Natural Resources Wa. High Risk Communitie 360 902 1706 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Total Lead Requested Proj Cost Agency $785,000 $1,199,200 FS Coop Agency All feds Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist WA All Steve Gibbs, Forest Stewardship Manager Total Funded: $0 Description: Wildfire hazard reduction on non-industrial private forest lands in high risk areas:1) Cost-share program for creating defensible space, establishing shaded fuel breaks, and slash disposal (75 cents of grants buys $1 worth of on-the-ground results).2) Accompying promotional campaign, educational events, and demonstration sites. 99 0 Project Title: Clark County Fire District #2 T5N, R1E, multiple secs 360 225 7076 Wildland Urban Interface Area Risk Reduction 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $15,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 Comments: Fuels portion can go under the WSFM's. Wade Alonzo 360-577-2025 Castle Rock FS WUI: $0 $16,200 $31,712 FS W18 0 Rob Dahl, Chief Total Funded: $15,000 Description: Conduct surveys of properties iwthin the Fire District to identify wildland fire risks, educate residents on methods of reducing their risk, assisting property owners with achieving recommended fules reduction and creating defensible spaces, while also identifying high risk areas within the fire district and improving the ability to locate those areas in time of an emergency. 102 0 Project Title: Skagit County, Washington Precise location undetermin 360 336 6114 Biomass Power Plant Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $40,000 $50,000 FS 0 W2 Don Wick, Executive Director Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: The removal of tons of forest fuels under the National Fire Plan raises two issues – whether the material can be disposed of in an environmentally manner, and whether the material can be utilized for an economic benefit. This proposal provides a viable solution for both of those issues, as well as providing quality jobs and tax revenues for Skagit County, Washington. Logistically, Skagit County is a suitable location for a biomass power plant, including the availability of forest debris for use as a fuel source. However, the county faces a significant hurdle before the project can get under way. A feasibility study must be conducted to determine the size and location of the plant as well as identify other necessary fuels and users of the steam and/or power that will be generated by the facility. The Fuels Utilization and Marketing Projects grant will fund the feasibility study, which will be completed within six months. If feasible, construction can begin on the project that will create a profitable use for the forest fuels while providing a non-polluting method of their disposal. 103 0 Project Title: Klamath County, Oregon Precise location undetermin 541 882 9600 Biomass Power Plant Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $40,000 $50,000 FS 0 O2 Trey Senn, Executive Director Amount Funded By: FS: $25,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $25,000 Comments: Description: The removal of tons of forest fuels under the National Fire Plan raises two issues – whether the material can be disposed of in an environmentally manner, and whether the material can be utilized for an economic benefit. This proposal provides a viable solution for both of those issues, as well as providing quality jobs and tax revenues for Klamath County, Oregon. Logistically, Klamath County is a suitable location for a biomass power plant, including the availability of forest debris for use as a fuel source. However, the county faces a significant hurdle before the project can get under way. A feasibility study must be conducted to determine the size and location of the plant as well as identify other necessary fuels and users of the steam and/or power that will be generated by the facility. The Fuels Utilization and Marketing Projects grant will fund the feasibility study, which will be completed within six months. If feasible, construction can then begin on the project, which will create a profitable use for the forest fuels while providing a non-polluting method of their disposal. 105 0 Project Title: Harney County Hines Industrial area Harney County Hazardous Fuels Utilization Pilot Project 541 573 6356 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $56,500 $118,000 FS BLM 0 O2 Steven E. Grasty, Judge Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Hazardous fuel on lands of US Forest Service, BLM and on private lands is creating both problem and opportunitiy for Harney County. Removal of fuels near all the rural comunities and the munipalities of the county is critical for safety. Within the range of materials which are potentially available, the mission of the county is to identify products, determine the highest value use and spin off local products from otherwise waste materials. Three specific areas identified are: 1) Biomass for co-generation/steam production (feasibility) , 2) value added wood products - i.e. kiln drying product for small portable mill owners (field testing), dairy calf bedding (field trials -shavings), and juniper oil production (field trials); 3)coordination of the flow of materials from hazardous fuels removal to the end use will greatly improve the efficiency of the businesses involved in wood products. Louisiana-Pacific engineered wood products plant has excess steam capacity to be contibuted for kiln drying, for juniper oil distillation and a need for dependable and affordable hog fuel. Harney County is already in the process of creating an organization on the model of Wallowa Resources Inc. which will serve to inherit and advance the successes of the pilot project. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 9 of 16 Project Title: Wildfire Policy And Rural Poverty Alleviation: A Project To Develop a Coordinated Plan to Reduce The Risk Of Wildfires On The Rural Poor And Distressed Communities Utilization 0 Project Location Oregon and Washington FPP 107 Applicant Name Center for Watershed and Community Health, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon. Contact Phone No 541 744 7072 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $231,188 Total Proj Cost $365,899 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist Bob Doppelt, Director, PSU Center for Watershed and Community Health Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: We have submitted grant applications to numerous foundations and we are confident that we will raise the $134,711 needed to complete the budget. Congressional Districts: All with high fire risks Description: Despite the best intentions, existing wildfire-related policies and programs find it difficult to help the rural poor within the wildland-urban interface protect themselves from wildfires. Our research suggests that approximately 3–5 million of the 10-15 million residents in the W-UI of the west lack incomes high enough to meet basic economic needs with enough left over to cover the expense of wildfire protection. Wildfires intensify poverty by having a pervasive, disproportionately negative impact on those households and communities lacking adequate resources to reduce the flammability of nearby wildlands, fire-proof homes and other structures, respond quickly when wildfires occur, and recover from economic losses resulting from fires. The impacts also go in the reverse direction, with poverty increasing the incidence of wildfires, raising the costs of fighting fires, and creating additional risks for firefighters. These problems exist, in part, because there is little communication or coordinated planning between agencies working on land management/fire issues and those addressing rural poverty. Local fire districts and other government fire prevention programs also lack the capacity or skills to identify, contact, and provide fire prevention service to the rural poor. To address these concerns, this project will assess the current service delivery system, map high poverty areas at high risk of fire, and then develop a coordinated regional strategy to fill gaps in fire prevention service delivery. The strategy will be aimed at closing service delivery gaps and building local capacity to provide fire prevention services to the rural poor. The strategy will be tested through a series of pilot projects, and after a thorough evaluation, policy recommendation will be made to institute a comprehensive and integrated fire prevention service delivery system for the rural poor throughout Oregon and Washington 110 0 Project Title: Hood River County Public Works- Roger Kauble, Public Works Director Hood River 3/15/2002 541 354 1648 Wildland-Urban Interface Community Assessement and Action Program for Hood River County Proj Coord Name: $50,350 $106,200 FS 0 O2 Jeff Walker, Hood River County Defense Chief Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Hood River County has begun the progress of developing and gathering data to start a GIS program. This grant will allow us to dedicate a GIS technician (RARE Student) to conduct necessary fieldwork and data collections under the direction of the County's GIS Coordinator. In addition grant funds will be used to purchase equipment to develop accurate mapping and to be able to take this mapping to the field electronically. The new GIS will support the development and implementation of Hood River County’s Community Fire Plan. 112 0 Project Title: Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council Central Oregon 541 548 9540 Central Oregon Partnerships for Wildfire Risk Reduction (COPWRR) Phase II Amount Funded By: FS: $83,000 Comments: No Project Type Listed. KS BLM: $0 Linked to 34 FWS: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $83,057 $110,105 FS 0 O2 Ric Ingham, Economic Development Manager Total Funded: $83,000 Description: The COPWRR Project and the Advisory Council serve as a community-based "hub" of networking, facilitating, and communication for the National Fire Plan projects under way in Central Oregon. The working focus of the Advisory Council is to create a strategy to implement ecologically sustainable, economically viable, market-driven methods to remove hazardous fuel and utilize non-sawtimber biomass from Central Oregon's public and private lands. The COPWRR Phase II Project is focused upon the continuation of the local "hub" function, and the implementation and refinement of the COPWRR Strategy. The six core goals of Phase II are to (1) maintain the energy and dynamic interaction of 24 diverse local stakeholder groups that comprise the COPWRR Advisory Council (and six other partner organizations – see list in section 4) to help monitor, guide, and implement the COPWRR Strategy; (2) continue to guide local utilization and treatment demonstration projects; (3) encourage and enhance the marketing of Central Oregon products utilizing small diameter materials; (4) fill critical data and knowledge gaps identified by the Advisory Council; (5) support and broaden local public education and outreach efforts; and (6) develop a comprehensive report that can be used as a model for other communities seeking to collaborate around small wood utilization. 113 0 Project Title: Wasco County Fire Committee Portions of Wasco County 541 298 3543 Wildland Urban Interface Community Assessment and Action Program Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $52,500 $68,900 FS 0 O2 Tycho Granville, GIS Coordinator Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Develop a coordinated assessment, awareness, and education program to assist wildland fire officials, local and rural fire departments, landowners, local government officials, and others to improve fire protection in wildland urban interfaces and high hazard communities in portions of Wasco County. Comprehensive publications and community meetings will occur and may include a county-wide detailed Fire Atlas for all local fire protection agencies, newspaper inserts, mailings, development of rural community self-protection programs, changes to Wasco County Fire Safety ordinances, and more. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 10 of 16 Project Title: Bull Run and Sandy Community Fire Planning and Education Project Utilization 0 FPP 114 Applicant Name Sandy Fire District #72 Contact Phone No Project Location Bull Run and Sandy CPO A 503 668 8093 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $40,600 Total Proj Cost $47,600 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency BLM Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O3 Gary McQueen, Fire Chief Amount Funded By: FS: $20,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $20,000 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $40,000 Comments: Description: Project will develop a basic local community plan for wildfire response, improve fire district preparedness, and provide community education regarding fire prevention and risk reduction. The community wildfire response plan will identify areas of concern, community values at risk, a community emergency center, local emergency contacts and information. Important local information, such as homeowner locations, roads, gates, water sources, and access/egress points, will be gathered for integration with existing map coverage of the area. Large-scale maps containing strategic response information will be created and distributed to homeowners living in the Bull Run and Sandy CPO areas. Local fire district wildfire preparedness, communications, and response in the event of an electrical power failure or disaster will be improved by the purchase of ham radios and automatic power transfer switches for two fire stations. Community homeowners will receive training and educational materials regarding fire prevention and risk reduction. 115 0 Project Title: University of Oregon c/o Office of Research Services and Administration Proposed location; Central 541 346 5833 Regional Fire Planning Partnership Project Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $249,972 $329,099 FS 0 O2 Andre LeDuc, Program Director Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Oregon Natural Hazards Workgroup (ONHW) at the University of Oregon’s Community Service Center is proposing to assist communities in Central Oregon to build capacity and develop wildfire mitigation plans to prepare for and reduce risk from wildland/urban interface fires. This will be accomplished through a coordinated and comprehensive regional planning process that fosters partnership development, cooperation, and resource sharing among federal, state, and local government and community and regional organizations. ONHW uses a collaborative approach to mitigation planning in Oregon that builds local capacity through partnerships, training, and technical assistance and resources. The process focuses on fostering partnerships among agencies and communities to determine community need, identify issues and resources, and develop strategies for risk reduction. Among the project outcomes is a planning model that communities statewide will be able to use in future planning processes. 0 Greater Eastern Oregon Development Corporation (GEODC) Project Title: Value-Added Options for Local Sawmill 117 Reith and Boardman 541 276 6745 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $31,500 $39,500 FS 0 O2 Melisa Jo Drugge, Executive Director Amount Funded By: FS: $31,500 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $31,500 Comments: Description: Project consists of assisting Blue Mountain Lumber Products (Reith) and Boardman Chip Co. (Boardman) (Richard Dodge, Owner) examine options to add value to smaller diameter logs removed from Federal, State, and private lands in the Blue Mountains. A report will be produced that will include basic market analysis and economic feasiblity, and general description of equipment recommended or needed. Project includes limited testing of lumber samples to ensure physical and mechanical suitability of raw material for purposes identified. Detailed engineering design is not included. Options that will be examined include: 1) Residuals - Pellets, Fire Logs and animal bedding; 2) Lumber and Trim Ends - Fingerjointed studs and glue-laminated stock, including suitability and economics of Greenweld process for green lumber ; 3) Machine Stress Rating Potential; and4) Maximization of Small Log Values at Boardman Chip Plant. 118 0 Project Title: City of Mt. Vernon Eastern Oregon Mt. Vernon Hazard Fuels Composting - Demonstration Project 541 932 4366 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $6,572 $18,415 FS 0 Susan Newstetter, Administrative Consultant Amount Funded By: FS: $6,572 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $6,572 Comments: Description: Provide a mechanism for the reduction of ladder fuels and improvement of air quality through the establishment of a demonstration community composting facility in the City of Mt. Vernon, Oregon. Mt. Vernon is listed as a high-hazard community in Grant County and through this project we would like to demonstrate the reduction of fuel loads within our community and at the same time produce a high grade product to improve local soil quality and watershed health. It is anticipated this project will help to reduce/eliminate the local "burn-pile" for yard debris and slash disposal within the City. This project is designed to produce income to help offset the cost of hiring an attendent to monitor the City "burn pile". Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 11 of 16 Project Title: Building marketing capacity, Supporting wildfire risk reduction treatments Amount Funded By: FS: $100,000 Comments: Link to #21 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Utilization 0 Project Location Pacific Northwest FPP 119 Applicant Name Sustainable Northwest Contact Phone No 503 221 6911 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $100,000 Total Proj Cost $125,000 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist Mult Maia Enzer, Director, Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities Partnership Total Funded: $100,000 Description: This project’s goal is to strengthen and expand the marketing services and tools provided by Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities Partnership (HFHC) to rural, forest-based communities poised to implement the National Fire Plan. HFHC, a program of Sustainable Northwest, is a marketing collaborative dedicated to stimulating opportunities for forest restoration and producing and marketing the byproducts of those activities. HFHC members convert these restoration ‘by-products’ – small diameter suppressed trees and underutilized species– into quality wood products thus maximizing the economic return to communities adjacent to the forest and facilitating further restoration efforts. To reach this goal with our partners and members HFHC will: 1. Provide technical assistance– offer marketing, utilization, business and manufacturing workshops and provide tradeshow exposure for rural wood products manufacturers2. Create marketing materials and tools - such as a sample portfolio, product line displays, tradeshow booth materials specific to HFHC members, a video/CD-Rom, and focus groups.3. Conduct communications and education – develop and implement an advertising strategy; and provide opportunities for communication between manufacturers and markets. 121 0 Project Title: The Forest Restoration Partnership Western Oregon, Washingt 541 338 7888 Oak Woodland Fuels Reduction Demo/Study Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: Coord with 39 BLM: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $105,600 $136,855 FS BLM, FWS Mult 0 Darin Stringer, Director Total Funded: $0 Description: The Forest Restoration Partnership (FRP), a non-profit forestry organization based in Philomath, Oregon along with various local and state government agencies and non-profit organizations propose a multi-site fuels reduction project in oak woodlands throughout Western Oregon and South Central Washington. The purpose of this demonstration project is as follows: To demonstrate to a broad audience the range of options available to treat oak woodlands within urban-wildland interface zones to achieve both fuels reduction and habitat improvement objectives. To improve our understanding of the costs associated with a variety of treatments and sites through time-motion study of treatments. To decrease fire risk within oak woodland types identified within high risk wildland-urban interface communities. 122 0 Project Title: NWPA Northwest Wood Products Association Various Locations in OR 541/388 8421 Smaller-Diameter Lodgepole Pine Value-Added Manufacturing Trials and Market Acceptance Amount Funded By: FS: $35,000 Comments: Linked to 34 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $64,100 $82,100 FS 0 OR Mult Dennis Brock, Executive Director Total Funded: $35,000 Description: There are four varieties of lodgepole pine in the Western U.S. (Pinus contorta). Secondary manufacturers are interested in using smaller diameter lodgepole pine removed as part of fuel treatments in Eastern Oregon, but are uncertain if the Oregon variety (mostly murryana) has the same manufacturing characteristics and appearance as the more northen variety (latifolia). Primary mills that cut lodgepole pine in Eastern Oregon are not willing to adapt current manufacturing practicies to accommodate secondary manufactuer needs unless there is sufficient demand. A number of secondary manufacturers have dropped product lines that use LPP because of unreliable nature of supply. This project consists of: 1) Evaluating LPP demand and characteristics required by members of NWPA, and other secondary manufacturers; 2) Sourcing raw material from six different sawmills (three sawmills each in E. OR and E. WA); 3) Conducting and documenting manufacturing trials at three OR secondary manufacturers to evaluate characterisitics and appearance; 4) Determining market acceptance; and 5) Preparing a report and disseminating information through NWPA meetings, publications, primary manufacturers in Eastern OR and Eastern WA, and U of WA, WSU, and OSU Extension mailing lists. 124 0 Project Title: Pine Hollow and adjoining 541 544 2027 Pine Hollow Fire Dept. Corp. Wildland Interface Fuels Reduction, Fire Prevention and Community Education Amount Funded By: FS: $10,000 Comments: Coord w app 123 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: FS WUI: $0 $94,500 $94,500 FS 0 Lynda Hunt Total Funded: $10,000 Description: This project consists of 5 primary areas: 1.) Educate fire department volunteers on fuels reduction and fire prevention. 2.) Educate the community on fuels reduction and fire prevention, utilizing special workshops by the State Fire Marshals Office, and booths at organized community functions. 3.) Identify problem areas needing fuels reduction utilizing assistance from the State Fire Marshals Office and other county wide resources and secure equipment. 4.) Organize community volunteers and community partners (i.e. local recycling centers, youth organizations and American legion andVFW organizations) to assist homeowners with fuels reduction. 5.) Schedule community wide cleanup days. 6.) Assess % of reduction in problem areas and evaluate effectiveness of project Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 12 of 16 Project Title: NE Washington Community Wildland/Urban Interface Mapping Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: Talk Mark GrayLinked to 34 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Utilization 0 Project Location NE Washington FPP 127 Applicant Name Rural Information Technology Center Contact Phone No 509 684 2588 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $170,000 Total Proj Cost $170,000 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency DNR Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W7 Al Kowitz, President Total Funded: $0 Description: We propose combining GIS (Geographical Information Systems) fuel/fire layers for NE Washington and making them accessible to the community at large. Edge mapping between jurisdictions is a weak link when it comes to pre-attack planning in Wildland/Urban zones. By combining layers from participating agencies they will be able to identify high risk areas of mutual concern and plan joint projects. This data will be available to all agencies, including fire districts, 911, counties, cities, and individual community members. Agencies can receive the data in two formats. One is by CD rom, the other by visiting the community web site. The data will be available on the web site by an interactive mapping program called ArcIMS viewable with a web browser. With the CD rom files organizations will be able to utilize the information using the free version of ArcExp. Initially the three counties of Ferry, Stevens, and Pend Oreille will be targeted. Future expansion would include Spokane, Lincoln, and Okanogan counties and eventually the entire state. 128 0 Project Title: The Lands Council Three locations in Region 6 509 838 4912 Rural Wildfire Protection Startup Program Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: Congressional Districts: WA-4 and 5th,OR-2nd 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Coord Proj 53 from FY 2001 Linked to 34 $17,200 $21,500 FS 0 Mult Mike Petersen, Executive Director Total Funded: $0 Description: The program will develop fire education & defensible space planning assistance programs with existing non-profit organizations in three areas of Region 6. The organizations would start their wildfire programs with grant money & training we provide and write their own grant to support and expand their program in the next grant cycle for the National Fire Plan (August, 2002). These groups would be trained in how to do outreach, identify sites, produce defensible space plans, complete on-site work, monitor progress, track important data and coordinate with relevant agencies and authorities. The groups will be encouraged to hire & train low income community members to do work whenever possible.A training package will be developed for the groups, which includes educational handouts, outreach and planning strategies, recordkeeping methods and grant writing. The Lands Council has information based on their existing program that will be organized into an easy to use package. We will monitor and report on the success of our efforts. 129 0 Project Title: Dale Swedberg, Sinlahekin Wildlife Area, Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Sinlahekin Wildlife Area Sinlahekin Fuels Management & Demonstration Project - Phase 1 Amount Funded By: FS: $45,000 BLM: $0 Comments: No Congressional District Listed. KS FWS: $0 3/15/2002 500 223 3358 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $91,046 $120,464 FS 0 Dale Swedberg, Wildlife Area Manager Total Funded: $45,000 Description: Project Goal: Perform assessment, analysis, planning, education, demonstration, coordination, and mapping activities that will prepare the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area for FUTURE fuels treatments. These future fuels treatments will set the stage for reintroducing and maintaining fire in the fire-adapted ecosystem to reduce catastrophic impacts of potential wildfires and benefit wildlife and vegetation dependent on a high-frequency low-intensity fire regime. Process: Develop a model Adaptive Fuels Treatment Plan that, when implemented, will provide prescriptions and strategies for fuels treatments integrated with prescribed burning that will result in reduced potential of damaging wildfires and improved wildlife habitat in the fire adapted ecosystem of the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area. Development of an adaptive management plan, by necessity requires pretreatment assessment as well as commited and regular monitoring to determine cause and effect relationships in order to make adaptive changes needed to effect desired outcomes. 130 0 Project Title: Jeff Morrell, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Corvallis, OR/Joseph, OR Pole/Post Preservative Treatments for Small-Scale Operations: a demonstration project Amount Funded By: FS: $15,000 BLM: $0 Comments: No Applicant Name Listed and dollar amt included. KS FWS: $0 3/15/2002 541 737 4222 BIA: $0 Proj Coord Name: FS WUI: $0 $14,890 $22,335 FS 0 O5 230 Richardson Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Total Funded: $15,000 Description: Treated fence posts are a value-added product that can contribute to the restoration of over-stocked small-diameter stands while creating local and regional economic development. Unfortunately, many of these stands are located considerable distances from commercial pressure treatment facilities. Double-diffusion treatment is an option for rural areas, but there are environmental concerns with respect to chemical leaching. Another alternative is to use longer soak treatments with combinations of water diffusible and low toxicity organic biocides. This approach is more suitable for non-soil contact, however, the potential for below groundline decay can be mitigated with low-cost external barriers or sleeves that limit the potential for direct soil contact. This project would include controlled trials of the dipping process in a lab setting, followed by a field demonstration for treatment of lesser utilized species such as intermountain Douglas-fir, grand fir and white fir in Wallowa County using thinning materials from the Wallowa Whitman National Forest. The treated posts would be installed in demonstration plots in Wallowa County and Corvallis, Oregon. Economic analysis will compare this approach to conventional pressure treatment and a limited market acceptance survey will be performed Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 13 of 16 Project Title: Biomass Power Plant Utilization 0 FPP 132 Contact Phone No Applicant Name Project Location Bellingham Whatcom Economic Development Precise location undetermin 360 676 4255 Council WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: No Congressional District listed. KS FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $40,000 Total Proj Cost $50,000 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist Frederick Sexton, President Total Funded: $0 Description: The removal of tons of forest fuels under the National Fire Plan raises two issues – whether the material can be disposed of in an environmentally manner, and whether the material can be utilized for an economic benefit. This proposal provides a viable solution for both of those issues, as well as providing quality jobs and tax revenues for Whatcom County, Washington. Logistically, Whatcom County is a suitable location for a biomass power plant, including the availability of forest debris for use as a fuel source. However, the county faces a significant hurdle before the project can get under way. A feasibility study must be conducted to determine the size and location of the plant as well as identify other necessary fuels and users of the steam and/or power that will be generated by the facility. The Fuels Utilization and Marketing Projects grant will fund the feasibility study, which will be completed within six months. If feasible, construction can begin on the project that will create a profitable use for the forest fuels while providing a non-polluting method of their disposal. 133 0 Project Title: Northeast Washington State 509 838 4912 The Lands Council Rural community wildfire protection & education program 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $35,000 $45,000 FS DNR 0 W5 Mike Petersen, Executive Director Amount Funded By: FS: $15,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $15,000 Comments: Description: To continue and expand our ongoing Wildfire Education Program that was developed through a grant awarded in 2001. The program involves hosting free defensible space workshops, providing free defensible space planning for rural homeowners, providing free educational material on defensible space, fire-resistive building materials and landscaping, and collaborating with other agencies (federal, state and county) and organizations to promote rural community wildfire protection in northeast Washington. In addition, we plan to continue to collaborate in an effort to collect high-quality information through fire planning useful to fire protection efforts and future GIS mapping as well as expand our outreach program to schools, realtors and community organizations and an additional county (Ferry). 134 0 Project Title: 3/15/2002 Union County Economic Development Corp. / Blue Mountain Regional Ar 541 963 0926 Union County Org. Wood Biomass to Energy Analysis Proj Coord Name: $89,700 $138,000 FS 0 O2 Joel Frank, Executive Director Amount Funded By: FS: $40,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $40,000 Comments: Description: This project is phase II of an analysis that was previoulsly formulated and will be used to study and identify all existing applications that wood biomass or chipped hog fuel could be utilized in a cost effective manner to produce principle energy source. To use as cost effective alternative to fossil fuels. To develop a sustainable economic environment that will enhance and improve our forestry management practices through biomass fuel applications. 135 0 Project Title: Union County Economic Development Corp. / North East Oregon Union County Marketing and Business evaluation for wood waste to composite commodity. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: Should also tie to state of WA. BLM: $0 FWS: $0 3/15/2002 541 963 0926 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $69,300 $92,400 FS 0 O2 Joel Frank, Executive Director Total Funded: $0 Description: This project is Phase II of an analysis that was previously fromulated and will be used to gather and tabulate the propriety of raw wood waste material into a processed commodity composite that would service our large recreational trailer and wood products manufacturers in North East Oregon. 0 Yakama BIA / Fuels Program Project Title: Forest Products Forest Biomass 136 Amount Funded By: FS: $75,000 Comments: Total Cost Not listed. KS Yakama Nation 509 874 8889 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $100,000 $496,178 FS BIA 0 Ralph Sampson, Jr Total Funded: $75,000 Description: Conducting biomass fuels reduction experiments on representative samples of the eight Yakama Nation forestlands forest cover types for the purpose of developing a feasibility study. This study would be for the purpose of determining the following: 1. The volume of woody fuels available throughout Yakama Nation commercial forestlands for combustion in biomass cogeneration plants. 2. Develop a business plan for forest biomass processing operations to enable Yakama Nation enterprises to extract and sell biomass residues in the regional market. 3. Support Yakama Nation enterprise growth and employment through more complete utilization of commercial forest resources Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 14 of 16 Project Title: Community-wide Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Reduction and/or Modification Utilization 0 FPP 138 Applicant Name Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire Protection District Contact Phone No Project Location Crooked River Ranch RFP 541 923 6776 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $177,500 Total Proj Cost $259,000 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Patrick Reitz, Chief Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: To continue work on the project previously awarded grant monies through the National Fire Plan. To reduce and/or modify the fuels available within the wildland urban interface and to reduce the perceived need for outdoor burning of waste to reduce the likelihood of a catastrophic wildland fire. This would be accomplished through fuels treatment and community education; with community and local business participation and cooperation; and interagency participation and cooperation. To expand Wildland Urban Interface community education and outreach programs to better address prevention and preparation issues. 143 0 Project Title: Douglas Soil and Water Conservation District Multiple 541 957 5061 Douglas County Wildfire Suppression Water Sources and Habitat Project 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 Project Type not listed. They list congressional District 14 but I believe they mean 4. KS Comments: FS WUI: $0 $143,062 $279,777 FS O4 0 Walter Gayner, District Manager Total Funded: $0 Description: This proposal will provide helicopters, engines, and tenders with water facilities at locations in Douglas County that are currently lacking adequate facilities. Three ponds large enough to accommodate the largest helicopter and bucket will be constructed. 1,000,000 gallons will be available at any time up through the end of the fire season. Ten different springs will be developed and fed into individual 10,000+ gallon tanks. In addition, funding from other sources will be used to make the ponds more environmentally friendly. Shallow water areas will be excavated around the "body" of the pond so wetland habitat is created. Livestock will be excluded from the area by fencing (if they are present). Fencing will be set back away from the possible drag area of the bucket. The pond areas will have deed restrictions prohibiting the landowner from running power lines overhead and requiring the landowner to prevent tall vegetation (trees) from establishing. 144 0 Project Title: Yakima County, Washington Precise location undetermin 509-574 2455 Biomass Power Plant 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $40,000 $50,000 FS 0 Wendy Mifflin, Senior Manager Amount Funded By: FS: $25,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $25,000 Comments: Description: The removal of tons of forest fuels under the National Fire Plan raises two issues - whether the material can be disposed of in an envirorunentally sound manner, and whether the material can be utilized for an economic benefit. This proposal provides a viable solution for both of those issues, as well as providing quality jobs and tax revenues for Yakima County, Washington. Logistically, Yakima County is a suitable location for a biomass power plant, including the availability of forest debris for use as a fuel source. However, the county faces a significant hurdle before the project can get under way. A feasibility study must be conducted to determine the size and location of the plant as well as identify other necessary fuels and users of the steaxn and/or power that will be generated by the facility. The Fuels Utilization and Marketing Projects grant will fund the feasibility study, which will be completed within six months. If feasible, construction can begin on the project that will create a profitable use for the forest fuels while providing a non-polluting method of their disposal. 145 0 Project Title: Clark County Fire District #3 T3 & 4N, R3E WM (20 Mi 360 892-2331 Wildfire Risk Surveys in the Interface 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $7,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Comments: This was scanned in and the data is suspect. Someone needs to check data against the origninal. KS $6,564 $8,250 FS 0 W4 Ray Steiger, Public Information Officer Total Funded: $7,000 Description: Conduct Wildland Fire Surveyt, in the wildland/urban interface of Eastern Clark County Washington. This will be a continuation of a program started in 1991. Our 2001 Program was partially funded by Forest Service Grant (Project #WNFP-01-003) The area is one of twelve areas in the state at high ri.,Ik,.of a major wildland fire with potential for major property loss. 146 0 Project Title: Skamania County Fire District #3 T3N, Rl OE, multiple secs ( 509 439-3654 Wildland Interface Risk Reduction Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Comments: Project Type was not listed, so I guessed. KS Link to # 39 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $8,000 $10,069 FS FWS 0 W3 Eric Ziegler, Fire Chief Total Funded: $0 Description: Conduct surveys of properties within Skamania County Fire District #3 to identify wildland fire risks, educate residents on methods of reducing their risk, identify high risk areas within the fire district and improve the ability to locate those areas in time during an emergency. The district is one of twelve areas in the state at high risk of a major wildiand fire with the potential for major property loss. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 15 of 16 Project Title: Traditional Use of Fire and the National Fire Plan Utilization 0 FPP 147 Applicant Name Sweet Home Ranger District, Willamette NF (Mike Rassbach) Contact Phone No Project Location Grand Ronde/Sweet Home 541-465-6663 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Comments: I could not tell from the scanned copy what the project type was. KS BIA: $0 Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $25,256 Total Proj Cost $42,906 Lead Agency FS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O3 Jerry Foster, NEFE Local 457 Vice-President & Contracting Officer WNF FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Description: The Confederated Tribe of the Grand Ronde, Confederated Tribe of Siletz Indians, National Federation of Federal Employees - Local 457, National Network of Forest Practitioners, Eugene BLM District and Willamette National Forest are co-sponsers for a Two day workshop titled: "Traditional Use of Fire and the National Fire Plan". The workshop will provide the fourm to discuss the traditional use of fire by Indian Tribes in the west, important cultural plants that are dependent on fire, how indian communities are linked to the land through the use of these plants, and the opportunities that exist within the National Fire Plan. The first day of the conference is at Grand Ronde, Oregon. The second day will be at the Camas Praire restoration project, Sweet Home Ranger District. This project was funded through National Fire Plan hazardous fuels dollars during fiscal year 2001. 148 0 Project Title: Sunny Wolf Community Response Team Sunny Valley & Wolf Cree 541-866-2600 Sunny Wolf Fuel Hazard Reduction and Small Diameter Utilization Pilot Project Amount Funded By: FS: $30,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Comments: Scanned copy is veryu bad. Grant person should seek original hardcopy. KS 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 $121,600 $152,000 FS BLM 0 O4 Project Coordinator (Name and Title): FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $30,000 Description: This multifaceted project in the northern poriton of the Josephine County Rural Enterprise Community establishes the local manufacture and marketing of a line of “value-added” end products using small diameter timber and other materials gleaned from fire hazard reduction activities performed on federal and private lands by trained local work crews. Ultimately, this project is self-sustaining and ongoing, providing: at least five full-time and one part-time positions to an economically depressed rural area; a reduction in fire hazard to northern Josephine County, which has a high fire risk rating; a pilot program that demonstrates use and market vitality of small diameter wood in the production of precision fence rail, deck railing, dowels, and other materials; an increase in interagency coordination; and fund administrative costs and equipment investments for value-added manufacture from small diamater byproducts of fuel hazard reduction and other forest health treatments. Public and private partners include local fire departments, local landowners, businesses, county, state, and federal agencies. 149 0 Project Title: Cowlitz 2 Fire and Rescue R 1W, 2W, 3W, 4W T7N, 8 360) 575-6290 Wildland Urban Interface Preplan and Fuel Modification Program 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $32,083 $74,054 FS DNR 0 W3 Captain Don McWain Amount Funded By: FS: $15,000 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $15,000 Comments: Description: Conduct surveys of properties, with emphasis on developments, within Cowlitz 2 Fire & Rescue to identify wildland urban interface fire risks, educate residents on methods of reducing their risk, assist property owners with achieving recommended fuels reduction and creating defensible spaces, while also identifying high risk areas within the fire district and improving the ability to locate those areas in the time of an emergency. Grand Total Requested: Grand Totals by Agency: Friday, May 24, 2002 FS: $929,315 BLM: $0 FWS: $20,000 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $6,790,507 $10,661,708 Total Funded: $949,315 Page 16 of 16