Lead Agency: Hazard Fuel Reduction Utilization 0 FPP 37 Project Title: Applicant Name Walker Range Fire Patrol Association Contact Phone No Project Location Walker Range FPA District 541 433 2451 WUI Edu Proj Rank 2002 Grant Proposals -- Ordered by App ID WUI Fuels App ID FWS Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/14/2002 Amt Requested $185,120 Total Proj Cost $234,680 Lead Agency FWS Coop Agency FS Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Echo Murray, Project Coordinator Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $100,000 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Comments: Description: Implement two phases of hazardous fuel reduction on property identified through community fire plans developed in 2001. Total Funded: $100,000 Phase I would involve fuel treatment in Tall Pines and Cascade Estates Subdivisions involving approximately 60 acres. This project is in conjunction with and adjacent to the US Forest Service 5825 corridor fuel treatment project scheduled for 2002. Phase II, scheduled for 2003, involves 13 subdivisions and over 300 acres and 750+ homes. Adjacent to the Long Prairie fuel treatment on BLM & USFS lands. Part of this Phase would involve implementing evacuation routes. 39 0 Project Title: Washington State University Skamania County (office) Columbia Gorge Wildfire Preparedness Project 509 427 9427 Proj Coord Name: 3/14/2002 $226,380 $244,380 FWS FS 0 W 3,4 O 2 Ole T. Helgerson, Chair and Area Forestry Agent Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $125,000 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $125,000 Comments: Description: Skamania, Klickitat, Hood River and Wasco Counties lie in high fire risk areas due to high fuel loads, increasing numbers of interface dwellers and weather. This two-year project targets 1) identifying high risk areas using existing interface survey protocol; 2) working with rural volunteer fire districts to identify and remedy equipment and training and; 3) educating interface dwellers in wildfire damage prevention. A 1.0 fte WSU Extension Coordinator assisted by 0.5 fte from two summer hourly positions would achieve these tasks in areas identified by a bi-state advisory council (state and federal wildfire managers and county representatives). Expected outcomes are data bases describing fire risk areas and rural fire districts; increased access to grant funding by rural volunteer fire districts, and increased fire-wise management of interface dweller properties. Comparing pre- and post-activity results using standard methods such as focus groups and surveys would assess impacts. 41 0 Project Title: Benton County Fire District #1 Benton County, Washingto 509 734 9100 Fuels, NFDRS, and Response Coordination Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $65,000 $80,400 FWS BLM 0 W4 Robert W. Gear, Fire Chief Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $65,000 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $65,000 Comments: Description: Survey and map fuels, topography and developmet within Benton County. Compile occurance records from all fire agencies and match with weather data. Conduct hazard analysis of current and projected development. Suggest appropriate response within pre-determined fire management zones based on weather occurance, topography, fuels and risk to improvements. 42 0 Project Title: Benton County Fire District #1 various locations Fire Danger Signs 509 371 1801 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $8,750 $13,250 FWS 0 W4 Eric Hagen, Zone FMO Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $8,750 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $8,750 Comments: Description: Contract construction of 25 fire danger rating (NFDRS 5-increment scale) signs for placement in Benton, Grant, Franklin & Adams Counties (signs will be placed and maintained by jurisdictional RFPDs and/or USFWS employees). Signs will also benefit USFWS (Hanford Reach Nat'l Monument, Saddle Mountain NWR, Columbia NWR), DOE (Hanford site) and BLM (scattered tracts) lands within these counties. 56 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Seneca, Bear Valley Seneca, Bear Valley Defensible Space & Hazard Fuel Reduction 541 575 1139 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $101,700 $121,700 FWS FS 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $95,000 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $95,000 Comments: Description: Provide assistance to non-industrial landowners in the Seneca, Bear Valley area for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 1 of 3 Project Title: Monument, Canyon Cr, Strawberry Follow Up Defensible Space & Hazard Fuel Reduction Utilization 0 FPP 80 Applicant Name Oregon Department of Forestry Contact Phone No Project Location Canyon Cr, Strawberry, Mo 541 575 1139 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $101,700 Total Proj Cost $121,700 Lead Coop Agency Agency FWS FS, BLM Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This grant is designed to provide a follow-up to three grants that were funded in 2001. In the original three grants an estimate was made on the amount of work that the landowners would sign up to do. There is still work that needs done and this grant will cover that work. The original grants provided assistance to non-industrial landowners in the Canyon Creek, Strawberry Front, and Monument areas for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The same is true with this grant proposal. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health. 83 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Keno 541 883 5681 Keno RFD Fuel Reduction FS: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: 0 Project Title: Craig Leech, Oregon Dept. of Forestry, Klamath-Lake District FWS: $141,000 BIA: $0 $91,720 FWS 0 O2 Danny Benson, Unit Forester Amount Funded By: Total Funded: $141,000 Comments: Description: Provide assistance to non-industrial landowners in the Keno area for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard. The funds will be used to coordinate and assist with fuel reduction, door to door contacts, fire prevention awareness sessions and provide technical evaluation for interested participating properties. 90 BLM: $0 $91,720 FS WUI: $0 Bear Valley Plantation Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $35,000 BIA: $0 Comments: Description: Slashbusting in a 110 acre plantation to reduce stand density and rearrange fuels. 95 0 Project Title: Maryhill Museum Of Art 3/15/2002 2 miles south of Keno, OR 530 667 3455 Washington FS WUI: $0 509 773 3733 Maryhill Museum As A Prime Anchor Point For Fighting & Arresting Wildfires. Proj Coord Name: $35,000 $35,000 FWS 0 O2 FWS 0 W 15 David Goheen, Prescribed Fire Specialist Total Funded: $35,000 3/15/2002 $17,975 $32,725 Brian Grant, Grounds Manager and Pat Perry Operations Manager Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $36,000 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $36,000 Comments: Description: Specifically, to improve 7 miles of existing fire breaks and fire access roads on Maryhill Museum of Art’s 6000 acre conservatory, (contracted with 3 men/ 133 man hours/ $75 hr.), and install 4 fire prevention education signs. Maryhill Museum of Art, a private not for profit 501(c) (3) incorporated in the State of Washington, has partnered with Klickitat County department of emergency management, local ranchers and neighbors to develop a preliminary fire plan for its 6000 acre conservatory. This plan is multi-faceted and includes: removal of hazardous woody fuels; improvement of existing fire break and fire access roads; development of water access; creation of green belts and installation of fire prevention education signage. In 2001 funds were awarded to begin implementation of the plan, with a total of 8 acres of woody fuels removed from those 35 acres immediately surrounding the Museum, and to begin rejuvenation of existing fire break/ fire access roads. We ask for your continued support 108 0 Project Title: Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Yacolt Burn of 1902: Could It Happen Again? Southwest Washington 509 427 4609 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $72,400 $110,620 FWS 0 W3 Steve Greenwood, Education Director Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $60,000 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $60,000 Comments: Description: A partnership between the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center, USDA Forest Service, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, U. S. Fish and Wildlife, and local fire departments will create and implement the "Yacolt Burn of 1902: Could It Happen Again?" project. There are two goals of this collaboration: (1) Capitalize upon the hundredth anniversary of the Yacolt Burn to reduce fire risk in the wildland urban interface by implementing fire prevention education in the school districts and communities of Clark, Cowlitz, and Skamania Counties, which have been identified as areas of high wildfire risk. (2) Create a unique partnership which combines the resources and staff from local, state, and federal government agencies with a non-profit organization. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 2 of 3 Project Title: Maryhill museum as a prime anchor point for fighting and arresting wildfires* 1) clear hazardous woody fuels. Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: Link App #95 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Utilization 0 Project Location Washington FPP 140 Applicant Name Maryhill Museum Of Art Contact Phone No 509 773 3733 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $122,710 Total Proj Cost $127,710 Lead Agency FWS Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W 15 Brian Grant, Grounds Manager and Pat Perry, Operations Manager FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Description: Specifically: To complete the removal of hazardous woody fuels from Maryhill Museum of Art’s 6000 acre conservatory. Contracting with Columbia Tree Service (the same company that cleared 8 acres with your 2001 award); eight men/ 32 acres/ $3,780 acre.Maryhill Museum of Art, a private not for profit incorporated in the state of Washington, has partnered with county department of emergency management, local ranchers and neighbors to develop a preliminary fire plan for its 6000 acre conservatory. This plan establishes Maryhill Museum as a prime anchor point for fighting and arresting wildfires. Multi-faceted, it includes removal of hazardous woody fuels; improvement of existing fire break and fire access roads; development of water access; creation of green belts and installation of fire prevention education signage. In 2001, you awarded funds to begin implementation of the plan, with a total of 8 acres of woody fuels (at $3,780 an acre) removed from within the 35 acres immediately surrounding the Museum. We ask for your continued support. Photos representing areas to be targeted are attatched. 142 0 Project Title: Ralph Sampson, Jr., Yakama BIA Yakama Nation Lands 509 874 8889 3/15/2002 Developing an Interagency Network Coop for the Protection Trust and Non-Trust Lands Proj Coord Name: $776,550 $0 FWS 0 Ralph Sampson, Jr., Fuels Program Manager Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $24,000 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $24,000 Comments: Description: The Yakama Nation Lands are a checker board of mixed ownerships, comprised of Allotted, Trust and Non-Trust lands. Protection primarily lies with Yakima County Fire Dist. 5 with areas of mutual protection with Bureau of Indian Affairs. The project involves the development of an Interagency cooperative for the protection of homes (Trust and Non-Trust), property (Trust and Non-Trust), and resources. The development of a seasonal interagency staff would assist in the reduction and/or mitigation of fire hazard within White Swan and surrounding community. Interagency crews would assist in the development of a database that would include locations of residences, improvements and hazards, useful data for both agencies. Public education would be an interagency effort utilizing fire prevention tools such as Smokey, Sparky, and Freddy. Local media, events in schools and the community would be utilized to assist in public education concerning fire hazards and preventative measures such as defensible space and structure prepardness. Grand Total Requested: Grand Totals by Agency: Friday, May 24, 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $689,750 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $1,805,005 $1,213,885 Total Funded: $689,750 Page 3 of 3