Lead Agency: Hazard Assessment, “Firewise” Workshop, Develop Defensible Spaces & Treat Fuels Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: Related to Proj 53 from 2001 BLM: $350,000 FWS: $0 Utilization 0 Project Location Winthrop/Mazama, WA FPP 7 Project Title: Applicant Name Lost River Airport Assoc Contact Phone No 509 996 8144 WUI Edu Proj Rank 2002 Grant Proposals -- Ordered by App ID WUI Fuels App ID BLM Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Date Received 3/13/2002 Amt Requested $380,000 Total Proj Cost $467,550 Lead Agency BLM Coop Agency DNR Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist W5 Linda Freeman, President Total Funded: $350,000 Description: This project is to conduct a hazard assessment and “Firewise” Workshop and follow up with development of defensible spaces and fuels treatments for 295 lot subdivision. 11 0 Project Title: Sun Mountain Ranch Club & Membership Assoc., Inc. Winthrop, WA Hazard Assessment, “Firewise” Workshop, Develop Defensible Spaces & Treat Fuels Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $225,000 FWS: $0 Comments: $751,200 (1st Priority - $275,200) $886,500 (1st Priority - $335,200) 3/11/2002 509 996 3820 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Related to Proj 53 from 2001 $751,200 $886,500 BLM DNR 0 W5 FS 0 O2 Fred Edelman, President Total Funded: $225,000 Description: This project is to conduct a hazard assessment and “Firewise” Workshop and follow up with development of defensible spaces and fuels treatments for 300 lot subdivision 12 0 Project Title: Grant County Private Woodlands Association Grant County Oregon 541 421 3400 FUELWISE Fire Reduction in the Urban Wildlands Interface Program Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 Comments: Coordinate Review with 12,16, 19, & 56 applications FWS: $0 3/13/2002 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $24,306 $40,506 BLM Allen Meyer, Board of Directors Total Funded: $0 Description: The FUELWISE Fire Reduction in the Urban Wildlands Interface Project will provide a safe, cost effective and environmentally positive means of treating slash and other woody debris generated in the implementation of the “FIREWISE” fuels reduction program, thereby minimizing insect and disease infestation while reducing fire risk in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) on small, non-industrial forestland properties in Grant County Oregon 13 0 Project Title: City of Redmond/Redmond Fire and Rescue Urban Interface areas Reducing the Risk of Wildfire 541 504 5006 Proj Coord Name: 3/13/2002 $18,640 $18,940 BLM FS, BLM 0 O2 Randy Davis, Fire Marshal Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $18,640 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $18,640 Comments: Description: Three people will be hired for a period of 90 days during the area's peak fire season to implement a home safety inspection/education program in the urban interface to reduce the risk of wildfire. The education/inspection program will educate homeowners on how to create a defensible space around their homes by reducing hazardous fuels and vegetation. Seven urban interface subdivisions have been targeted, although other subdivisions will be contacted as time and funding allows. The program will follow the guidelines established by the "Fire Free" and "Firewise" programs and the Oregon Department of Forestry's SB360 Urban Interface classifications. 15 0 Project Title: City of Jacksonville Jackson Creek Watershed Jackson Creek Fuel Reduction – Public and Private Lands 541 773 8845 Proj Coord Name: 3/13/2002 $180,000 $190,000 BLM FS 0 O2 Paul Kangas, City Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $180,000 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $180,000 Comments: Description: Mechanical reduction and thinning of unmerchantable trees and brush along roads and in units on public and private property with “Slashbuster” type machine, manual work and chipper equipment. Thinning, pruning and brushing accompanied by a chipper would be employed where larger equipment may not operate effectively. Some tree planting will be done if seedlings are available. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 1 of 10 Project Title: Grant County, Oregon, Wildland Urban Interface Prevention and Education Project Utilization 0 Project Location Grant County, Oregon FPP 16 Applicant Name Grant Soil & Water Conservation Contact Phone No 541 575 0135 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/13/2002 Amt Requested $138,700 Total Proj Cost $138,700 Lead Agency BLM Coop Agency FS Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Jennifer Holm, Wildland Urban Interface Coordinator Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This project is a continuation of the Wildfire Risk Reduction Project that the Grant Soil and Water Conservation District (GSWCD) initiated in January 2002. Upon meeting with several cooperators it was recognized that there is a need for assistance and coordination in fire prevention, education and planning in Grant County. This grant has three parts. The first being the development of a Community Wildland Urban Interface Plan to educate residents and community leaders of fire risk and hazards in the interface and promote FIREWISE actions. Secondly this project will develop or implement new fire prevention and education programs previously not available in Grant County which will include a county prevention website, “FireWorks Curriculum”, new property owner packet, prevention and education materials supply. GSWCD will also assist in the planning and implementation of “FIREWISE Communities Workshops”. In the third part of this grant, GSWCD would continue assisting in current fire prevention, education and planning projects with different partners. The goal of the project, which is partially funded by this grant, is to prevent unwanted wildfires that might have resulted in damage to local watersheds, fish/wildlife habitats and negative impacts on the local economy. 20 0 Project Title: La Pine Rural Fire Protection District La Pine Fire District - Oreg 541 536 2935 La Pine RFPD Wildland Urban Interface Awareness, Education & Fuels Disposal Alternative Proj Coord Name: 3/13/2002 $23,600 $48,100 BLM FS 0 O2 Jim Gustafson, Fire Marshal Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This project is a Wildland Urban Interface Fire prevention awareness, education, and alternative disposal of reduced fuels assistance Program. The Fire District believes that this program will enhance and advance previous joint programs that have been conducted by the Fire District in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Forestry, Walker Range Patrol Association and the Deschutes National Forest. The project includes the purchase of manufactured “Wildfire Danger Signs” that will keep residents and visitors aware of the fire danger. The purchase of approximately 9,000 copies of “Living with Fire” A Guide for the Homeowner and for the bulk mailing of them to every mailing address in the Fire District and our neighboring community of Sunriver. The final element of the project is to fund the purchase of a chipper capable of handling up to a 5” capacity. This will be utilized to help residents get rid of the fuels they have reduced, without burning, and allow the property owner to use the chipped product as ground cover or mulch. 21 0 Project Title: Jacksonville Woodlands Association Jacksonville, OR 541 899 1763 Jacksonville Woodlands Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project - East and Northwest Proj Coord Name: 3/14/2002 $140,000 $140,000 BLM 0 O2 Robert Schroeter, Vice-President Jacksonville Woodlands Association Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $140,000 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $140,000 Comments: Description: This project consists of implementing hazardous fuels reduction treatments within and just outside the City of Jacksonville on 123 acres. The purpose of the project is to reduce the threat of a catastrophic fire within and around the City of Jacksonville by treating adjacent properties to the Jacksonville Woodlands (Federal, County and City lands) as identified in the Jacksonville Woodlands General Management Plan. This project ties in with and enhances previous treatments currently underway from a 2001 fuels reduction grant for the Jacksonville Woodlands and with a state grant that the Jacksonville City Fire chief has received. 22 0 Project Title: Jacksonville Woodlands Association Jacksonville, OR Jacksonville Woodlands Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project - Southeast 541 899 1763 Proj Coord Name: 3/14/2002 $292,500 $292,500 BLM 0 O2 Robert Schroeter, Vice-President Jacksonville Woodlands Association Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $292,500 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $292,500 Comments: Description: This project consists of implementing hazardous fuels reduction treatments just outside the City of Jacksonville on 250 acres. The purpose of the project is to reduce the threat of a catastrophic fire within and around the City of Jacksonville by treating adjacent properties to the Jacksonville Woodlands (Federal, County and City lands) as identified in the Jacksonville Woodlands General Management Plan. This project ties in with and enhances previous treatments currently underway from a 2001 fuels reduction grant for the Jacksonville Woodlands and with a state grant that the Jacksonville City Fire chief has received. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 2 of 10 Project Title: Jacksonville Woodlands Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project - Southwest Utilization 0 Project Location Jacksonville, OR FPP 23 Applicant Name Jacksonville Woodlands Association Contact Phone No 541 899 1763 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/14/2002 Amt Requested $169,000 Total Proj Cost $169,000 Lead Agency BLM Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Robert Schroeter, Vice-President Jacksonville Woodlands Association Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $169,000 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $169,000 Comments: Description: This project consists of implementing hazardous fuels reduction treatments just outside the City of Jacksonville on 134 acres. The purpose of the project is to reduce the threat of a catastrophic fire within and around the City of Jacksonville by treating adjacent properties to the Jacksonville Woodlands (Federal, County and City lands) as identified in the Jacksonville Woodlands General Management Plan. This project ties in with and enhances previous treatments currently underway from a 2001 fuels reduction grant for the Jacksonville Woodlands and with a state grant that the Jacksonville City Fire chief has received. 32 0 Project Title: Edelweiss Maintenance Commission Winthrop, WA 509 996 2174 Complete Fuel Breaks, Defensible Space Development & Fuels Treatment Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $300,050 Comments: Coordiante with existing WDNR Grants FWS: $0 3/14/2002 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $300,050 $410,760 BLM FS W5 0 Phil Heitman, President EMC Total Funded: $300,050 Description: This request is to implement and complete the treatments identified from the 2001 Fire Plan Grant. The hazard assessments, “Firewise” workshop and fire protection plan have been completed and the treatments have started. The work that will remain includes 33 0 Project Title: Lomakatsi Restoration Project Colestin Valley, Oregon 541 488 0208 Phase I - Colestin Road Fuels Reduction Project 3/14/2002 Proj Coord Name: Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $74,360 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 Comments: (1) Regional Fuels Reduction & Workforce Training Program- Phase II (2) This Proposal FS WUI: $0 $74,360 $82,760 BLM FS 0 O2 Oshana Catranides, Program Development Coordinator Total Funded: $74,360 Description: Project will reduce fuels on private properties adjacent to Colestin Road, the only route in-to and out-of the Colestin Valley of Southwestern Oregon. Approximately 200 people live in the Colestin area. This roadside fuels reduction proposal increases the beneficial effects of Lomakatsi's current wildfire hazard mitigation project to reduce fuels along private properties adjacent to Central Oregon Pacific Railroad (CORP) easements. In some areas, CORP easements are adjacent to Colestin Road, and throughout the area railroad sparks have historically ignited wildfires. This increases the importance of improving safety and accessibility of Colestin road for residents and Firefighters alike, in the event of a wildfire from any source! Through this project, this narrow dirt road can become an advantageous fuel break, enhancing the adjacent CORP easement thinning project, increasing fire-fighting capabilities if needed. Colestin Rural Fire District Chief Steve Avgaris, residents, and CORP thinning participants indicated a critical need for improved fire safety along their sole transportation route. Local employment will be used to protect homes, properties and surrounding federal resource areas including Rogue River NF, Mount Ashland ski area, Cascade Siskiyou National Monument, and Interstate 5. 34 0 Project Title: Lomakatsi Restoration Project Southwestern Oregon 541 488 0208 Multi-Regional Fuels Reduction Workforce Training Program, Phase II Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $148,148 FWS: $0 Comments: 1) This Proposal 2) Colestin Road Fuels Reduction Program. 3/14/2002 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $148,148 $159,648 BLM FS 0 O2 Oshana Catranides Total Funded: $148,148 Description: Project will reduce fire risk through fuels reduction work, while providing strategically coordinated workforce training programs which support the implementation of community fire plans in the Applegate Valley, Illinois Valley, and Wildcat Canyon areas of S.W. Oregon. Project increases regional workforce capacity to implement fuels reduction plans on a multi-community level. Organizations and communities are requesting this program in response to Lomakatsi's pilot “Multi-regional Fuels Reduction Workforce Training / Demonstration Program”, coordinated with NFP funds during January - March 2002. This program is creating widely supported models of effective, ecologically-based fuels reduction practices that are building bridges across which landowners, communities, environmental groups, and agencies are working together to support the goals of the National Fire Plan. Project partners will assist in identifying and measuring secondary forest products to provide baseline data for partners assessing marketing feasibility for thinning by-products from privately owned lands. Program will include by-product utilization demos to help address economic, social and environmental concerns about forest fuels reduction. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 3 of 10 Project Title: Seven Basins Neighborhood Fire Planning and Education Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: See App #126 it’s a duplicate. BLM: $0 FWS: $0 Utilization 0 Project Location Evans Creek Watershed FPP 40 Applicant Name Southwest Oregon Resource Conservation & Development Council Contact Phone No 541 830 3781 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Date Received 3/14/2002 Amt Requested $7,205 Total Proj Cost $18,265 Lead Coop Agency Agency BLM ODF, FS Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Gail Perrotti, Chair Total Funded: $0 Description: The Evans Creek watershed is among the most fire prone areas in Southern Oregon. This project will engage & empower rural residents to become more aware and active in wildfire prevention & response. It will begin with a one-day workshop to develop the capacity of the Watershed Council members to conduct outreach, provide public education. Working with agencies the Council will conduct 3-4 localized workshops to increase awareness and promote utilization of existing programs and resources. The Council will coordinate with agencies to facilitate the development of two neighborhood fire strategies complementing fire planning activities occurring on Federal lands and in ODF priority areas. These will include risk assessment and planning. This project will pave the way for the Watershed Council to continue to provide education and facilitation of neighborhood fire plans throughout the fire-prone watershed and to develop a role of liaison between the agencies and the dispersed rural residents. 43 0 Project Title: Deschutes County La Pine, OR unincorporated 541 385 1708 La Pine Neighborhood Defensible Space Treatment Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $109,835 $109,835 BLM FS 0 O2 Catherine Morrow, Principal Planner Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Implementation of a model "Defensible Space Management Plan" now in development will treat 540 acres of county-owned property in southern Deschutes County in the urban/forest interface on the outskirts of the rural community of La Pine. Outcomes will include fire-defensible areas for medium/high density residential for 1,800 homes, as well as commercial and natural open-space areas; ongoing vegetation management; shaded fuel breaks; job skill-development for at-risk youth; community-service opportunities for incarcerated youth; seasonal employment; and fuels utilization. Documentation of the model fire-defensible landscape will aim to make this project replicable throughout the county and the Western U.S. 49 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Coos Forest Protective Assn 541 267 3161 Fuel Hazard Analysis/Community Planning Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $15,500 $18,500 BLM FS, BIA 0 O4 Mike Robison, Staff Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: The intent of the project is to develop a fuels management plan in our district. A fuels assessment of hazardous fuels in the wildland urban interface would be completed by using 2002 color air photos made available by the local BLM agency. These photos would allow us to prioritize areas to target for fuels reduction. CFPA would support this project with manpower and other needs to complete this fuels analysis. With a completed fuels management plan our agency in conjuction with the USFS, BLM and local Rural Fire Departments could assist communities with identified fuel hazard areas in reducing these hazards. This would be accomplished through clearing and chipping fuel hazards around homes. 50 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Central Oregon District Burning Prevention Program 541 447 5658 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $43,200 $85,200 BLM 0 Stuart Otto, Service Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: With increased fuel treatment work the use of fire will increase to dispose of this debris. A portion of this treatment will be too large to cost effectively treat by chipping or removing from the site. This portion will be piled and burned. This grant will fund the purchase of 3 infarred imaging cameras to prevent the likelyhood of hold over wild fire that could occur from this type of burning. The cameras would be located at ODF offices in Pineville, John Day and the Dalles. The cameras would be available to cooperators, rural fire departments, and other agencies to prevent fires or assist in the efficient and effective mop up of wildfires. 53 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry 2002 WUI Fuel Treatments Central Oregon 541 447 5658 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $265,500 $522,999 BLM FS 0 O2 Stuart Otto, Service Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This grant is to fund fuels treatment in the wildland urban interface in Central Oregon. This grant will continue the fuels treatment program begun under a Community Assistance grant received in 2001. Under the 2001 grant a fuels reduction program was begun that targeted the reduction of fuels 100 feet around structures and along drive ways. This program was a 50% cost share to help defray the cost of fuels treatment. For 2002 ,we hope to expand treament to treat the whole lot. This will give us, by treating full lots, and connecting lots, a continuous fuel break to protect subdivisions and communities. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 4 of 10 Project Title: Applegate Watershed Community Fuel Reduction Utilization 0 Project Location Applegate Watershed FPP 54 Applicant Name Oregon Department of Forestry Contact Phone No 541 664 3328 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $249,000 Total Proj Cost $325,000 Lead Agency BLM Coop Agency FS Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O 2,4 Jim Wolf, District NFP Coordinator Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $249,000 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $249,000 Comments: Description: Provide financial assistance and incentives to landowners to complete survivable space fuels reduction around homes and community fuel reduction zones. This is a continuation and expansion of an existing successful landowner rebate/incentive program in coordination with the Applegate Communities Collaborative Fire Protection Strategy’s (Applegate Fire Plan) 24 partners. This FY2003 project will provide financial assistance for home survivable space projects for landowners identified through the collaborative fire planning process funded by a 2001 Community Assistance grant. This project is a perfect match for the Applegate Fire Plan as it provides an incentive for landowners to become involved in the community fire plan and accomplish on-the-ground work. It is just one of several projects being proposed for the Applegate. Other projects being proposed by the plan’s partners would provide work force training, assistance for low-income landowners unable to participate in cost share programs, and assistance to landowners who prefer approaching fuel reduction in a more “traditional”or tribal manner, and without government involvement 55 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Northeast Oregon 541 963 3168 Baker County Defensible Space 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $247,500 $312,150 BLM FS 0 O2 Paul Joseph, Staff Forester, NEO Grants Coordinator Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $247,000 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $247,000 Comments: Description: This project will create defensible space around homesites within the Urban Interface areas in Baker County. Funds obtained from this grant will be used as a cost share incentive for private forest landowners within the Urban Interface areas of Baker County. It will build upon fuels mitigation projects in place and planned in Baker County. We have found, with existing projects, that demand for assistance far exceeds funding. Wood fibers and local work force will be utilized whenever feasible to support a local depressed economy. Financial stability from cost share funds will benefit both the environment and local citizens. Educational material (existing) will be utilized and promoted. 60 0 Project Title: Douglas Forest Protective Association Douglas District 541 672 6507 Hazardous Fuels Reduction for the Cities of Roseburg and Sutherlin in Douglas County 3/15/2002 $1,396,000 Proj Coord Name: $1,605,315 BLM FS 0 O4 Dennis Sifford, Staff Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: To continue the Fuels Reduction work started under the 2001 Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program. With this grant Douglas Forest Protective Association (DFPA) will continue reducing hazardous vegetation around structures and communities of Roseburg and Sutherlin in Central Douglas County with the cooperation and coordination of local fire departments, Douglas County Government, and Bureau of Land Management. The areas to be treated have become overgrown with brush and trees. The overload of available fuels for wildfires has created a potential for catastrophic fires to threaten these two most populated communities within Douglas County. These communities are within two municipal and two rural fire districts 61 0 Project Title: Douglas Forest Protective Association Douglas District 541 672 6507 Hazardous Fuels Reduction in High Risk Areas of Douglas County 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $509,946 $621,057 BLM FS 0 O4 Dennis Sifford, Staff Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: To continue the Fuels Reduction work started under the 2001 Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program. With this grant Douglas Forest Protective Association (DFPA) will continue reducing hazardous vegetation around structures and communities in high risk areas throughout Douglas County with the cooperation and coordination of local fire departments, Douglas County Government, Bureau of Land Management, and the United States Forest Service. The majority of the areas to be treated are within or adjacent to volunteer rural fire districts 62 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry 3.5 Miles So of Bend, OR 541 382 4754 The High Desert Museum's Forest Management & Wildfire Mitigation Program Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: Chk 2002 WSFM = $250,000 BLM: $300,000 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: FS WUI: $0 $300,000 $300,000 BLM FS 0 O2 Mr. Arnie Tronson, Facilities Manager & Katie Kause (ODF) Total Funded: $300,000 Description: The Museum's "Forest Management & Wildfire Mitigation Program" would provide a silviculture stand diagnosis, a comprehensive forest management plan, and implementation process. The highest risk to the Museum is wildfire and the area around it would also be directly impacted by wildfire. The proposed long-term plan and implementation process would ensure forest health for this public facility; the 135-acre Museum grounds--consisting of second-growth pine forest, grass, and bitterbrush vegetation; and the bordering properties--private forests on the north and east, and National Forest System lands on the south. The long-term plan will identify wildfire risk areas, and wildfire implementation and mitigation activities will take place on the grounds. Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 5 of 10 Project Title: Infrared cameras Utilization 0 Project Location Forest Grove District FPP 63 Applicant Name State of Oregon Department of Forestry Contact Phone No 503 359 7449 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $27,514 Total Proj Cost $31,759 Lead Agency BLM Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist OR Mult Dave Johnson, District Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This grant will allow the Forest Grove District (two unit offices, Columbia City and Forest Grove) to purchase two infrared imaging cameras (one per unit) to be used to insure that escaped debris burns, slash fires or other fires are completely extinguished so they do not rekindle in to a wildfire. These cameras will also enable units to monitor and assess whether or not debris piles or slash piles are completely extinguished, thus preventing wildfires in the interface. 64 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Jackson County Jackson County Community Fuel Reduction 541 664 3328 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $250,438 $310,438 BLM FS 0 O2 Jim Wolf, District NFP Coordinator Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $250,438 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $250,438 Comments: Description: Provide financial assistance and incentives to landowners to complete survivable space fuels reduction around homes and community fuel reduction zones. It is an expansion of an existing successful landowner rebate/incentive program started with a 2000 SFA home survivable space grant and NFP Hazard Mitigation Title IV/Multi-Resource Stewardship funds to landowners in communities that have not received NFP funding yet in Jackson County. The highest priority will be within an area of the newly formed Seven Basin Watershed Council. This area was the center of catastrophic interface fires in the 1990’s, burning homes and killing one firefighter. Another priority will be areas that BLM will be moving into for fuel treatment. This project provides a perfect match with a proposed fire planning effort by the watershed council by providing both an incentive for landowners to become involved in the fire plan, and the means to accomplish projects identified through the planning process. The watershed council will provide a link with landowners that has not existed in the past 65 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry Josephine County, Oregon 541 664 3328 Josephine County Community Fuel Reduction Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $253,600 $341,600 BLM FS 0 O4 Jim Wolf, District NFP Coordinator Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $253,600 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $253,600 Comments: Description: Provide financial assistance and incentives to landowners to complete survivable space fuels reduction around homes and community fuel reduction zones. It is a continuation and expansion of an existing successful landowner rebate/incentive program in coordination with Josephine County, the North Valley Fire Plan, and the Illinois Valley Fire Plan. The highest priority will be to fund home survivable space projects identified through two community fire planning efforts funded by 2001 Community Assistance grants. This project provides a perfect match with these three fire planning efforts by providing both an incentive for landowners to become involved in the fire plans and the means to accomplish projects identified through the planning process. 73 0 Project Title: Douglas Forest Protective Association Douglas District Interface education through the “Living With Fire” 541 672 6507 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $8,080 $17,380 BLM 0 O4 Dennis Sifford, Staff Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $8,080 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $8,080 Comments: Description: Purchase 49,000 copies of “Living With Fire, A Guide for the Homeowner” pamphlets. 47,000 will be inserted into the three newspapers that serve the residents of Douglas County. The remaining 2000 will be distributed through the fire department offices and at community events. The pamphlets will be used to inform residents about the benefits of developing and maintaining defensible space around the home 78 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry John Day, Mt Vernon area 541 575 1139 West Bench Defensible Space & Hazard Fuel Reduction Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $101,700 $121,700 BLM FS 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Provide assistance to non-industrial landowners in the West Bench area for vegetation management to create defensible space and to reduce fire hazard and improve forest health in the adjoining timber stands. The funds would be used as a cost share incentive to allow landowners to make a single entry into stands and treat the total stand to meet the objective of reducing the fire hazard and improving forest health. West Bench is located between the communities of John Day & Mt Vernon Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 6 of 10 Project Title: Reducing the risk of fire in the WUI within the Western Lane District Utilization 0 Project Location Western Lane Distict FPP 79 Applicant Name Oregon Department of Forestry Contact Phone No 541 935 2283 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $282,508 Total Proj Cost $307,415 Lead Agency BLM Coop Agency FS Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O4 Craig Mackey, Forest Unit Supervisor Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Implement a program which will reduce the risk of fire affecting 10 high risk area communities within the district. To accomplish this the initial process would involve educating the public and communities to raise awareness in reducing /mitigating the risk of fire. An intense information campaign will be used to initiate this process utilizing a variety of media, the FIREWISE program and requiring the cooperation of various local fire departments, the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service. The results of this campaign will generate a labor intensive response to provide technical assistance, educational programs and fuels treatment projects. The net result will be an increased awareness of the impact of fire in the WUI, behavorial changes to reduce the cause(s) of fire and reducing/eliminating hazardous fuels surrounding homeowners' properties. 81 0 Project Title: Oregon Department of Forestry John Day Unit, Central Ore 541 575 1139 Interface Hazard Inventory & Education FS: $0 Proj Coord Name: 0 Project Title: FWS: $0 Deschutes County Global Action Plan, Inc. BIA: $0 $91,000 $91,000 BLM FS 0 O2 Gordon Foster, Unit Forester Amount Funded By: Total Funded: $91,000 Comments: Description: This project would inventory the wildland urban interface and make contact with each of the rural residents within the John Day Unit. This area covers 1.6 million acres of private lands intermingled with approximately 3.4 million acres of federal lands. The demographics have changed in the area from scattered ranches and timberland to a more rural residential with concentrations of homes built in the forest. Contacts would be made with the rural residents and provide technical assistance in creating a fire safe environment, defensible space. At the same time an inventory would be done on each improvement or group of improvements that would include access, water availability, bridges, defensible space issues, and specialized equipment needs. This will provide additional information in the Risk and Hazard analysis process. This has been completed on two areas in the John Day Unit and has proved invaluable in assessing fire protections needs during large fire situations. The areas completed represent less than 5% of the total area 84 BLM: $91,000 3/15/2002 FS WUI: $0 541 330 2646 Neighborhood Wildfire Safety Program 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: $150,000 $150,000 BLM FS 0 Elaine Sigvaldsen, Campaign Manager Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: During the project period, July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 with requested funding of $150,000, GAP will design and implement a wildfire safety and prevention outreach effort and deliver it through our already existing platform – the Livable Neighborhood Program (LNP). This outreach effort will take place within high hazard communities in Deschutes County, OR and focus on mitigating fire risk in the wildland urban interface (WUI). All fuels treatments will meet Oregon Senate Bill 360 guidelines. As a result of this outreach, 35 neighborhood groups will be formed protecting a minimum of 300 households representing over 100 acres of direct treatment on high value suburban property from forest fires. These groups will be located strategically along the urban interface to maximize the overall protection to the community resulting in actual protection to at least three times as many homes. Homes to be targeted will be identified by the local fire departments working in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), the US Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM). This pilot project will be designed to be rapidly taken to scale in future years. 89 0 Project Title: Josephine Soil and Water Conservation District Fire and Fuel Reduction Initiative in the Wildland Urban Interface Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: Linked to app 65. BLM: $0 3/15/2002 Northern & Eastern Josephi 541 474 6799 FWS: $0 Proj Coord Name: BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $127,780 $171,080 BLM FS 0 O 2,4 Suzy Liebenberg, Watershed Technical Specialist Total Funded: $0 Description: This project would provide cost-share funding and technical assistance to woodlot owners to reduce fuel loading by pre-commercial thinning, pruning (the ladder fuels), removal of undesireable vegetation and slash disposal (including handpiling, chipping, and underburning). It would focus on land holdings between 1-20 acres in the urban wildland interface where considerable urban development has taken place and where fuel loading has increased due to aggressive fire supression and lack of forest management. The project would provide opportunities for landowner education and awareness related to fuel reduction strategies and resource stewardship. Key landowners would be targeted to foster and promote sustainable resource management concepts as mini-demonstartion projects in various neighborhoods. More than 50% of potential landowners and properties are already identified. The project would be patterned after the on-going OWEB Middle Rogue Forest Health Initiative Project. Project Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 7 of 10 Project Title: La Pine Community Ladder Fuel Reduction Utilization 0 Project Location La Pine Basin FPP 93 Applicant Name La Pine Community Action Team Contact Phone No 541 536 3972 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $195,000 Total Proj Cost $210,960 Lead Agency BLM Coop Agency Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Kristi Rye Otteni, La Pine Community Advocate Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: The scope of this project is to reduce the risk of wild fires in the La Pine Wildlands Urban Interface and build community capacity through direct job creation. The area in southern Deschutes County is heavily timbered with second and third growth lodgepole pine trees and has a high unemployment rate. The focus of phase one of the La Pine Community Ladder Fuel Reduction Project will be to target lands that are adjacent to federal lands and are identified by the La Pine Fire Department and ODF as high risk to catastrophic wild fires. All work will be contacted out to local companies who will supply all equipment and employ a local workforce to complete the project. 94 0 Project Title: La Pine Community Action Team Rosland Park, La Pine 541 536 3972 La Pine Youth and Parks Ladder Reduction Project Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $21,626 $42,876 BLM 0 O2 Kristi Rye Otteni, La Pine Community Advocate Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This project combines Wildlands Urban Interface fuel reduction with expanded educational opportunities for La Pine High School Forestry Class students. Ladder fuel reduction will be provided at Rosland Park in La Pine, Oregon by the students. Rosland Park is one of four parks owned and operated by La Pine Park and Recreation District (LPRD) without the benefit of a tax base. This grant will purchase new equipment and a used van for the high school forestry class to complete ladder fuel projects in the park and community. LPRD provides the laboratory for the high school students to gain marketable job skills, explore future Natural Resource career pathways, learn concepts of land stewardship and civic responsibility. In return, the park’s land is treated to create a beautiful, fire safe environment for park patrons. 96 0 Project Title: Washington Department of Natural Resources statewide 360 902 1300 PNWCG Fire Prevention Week Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $28,750 Comments: Congressional Districts listed: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9 KS 3/15/2002 Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $28,750 $37,710 BLM 0 WA All Sandy Williams, Prevention Education Manager Total Funded: $28,750 Description: This proposal is to be able to offer scholorships to Washington Rural fire district personnel to attend the annual PNWCG Fire Prevention Week Conference. Grant funds will pay for registration fees, room and meal costs only for approximately 25 people per year for the 2003 and 2004 conferences. The PNWCG Fire Prevention Conference rotates between Skamania, Washington and Gleneden Beach, Oregon. 104 0 Project Title: City of Jacksonville Fire Department The Jacksonville Project Phase Two City of Jacksonville 541 899 1231 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $48,000 $52,000 BLM FS 0 O2 Tracy Shaw Fire Chief Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: We are continuing a project that was funded last year to remove fuels and create defensible space around home in the City of Jacksonville. The homeowner is responsible for 10% of the rated density price of their property. Our bidder last year rates were 575.00 for heavy, 325.00 for medium, and 205.00 for light. The last project treated approximately 84 acres and help 36 high value homes to be protected from wildfire 106 0 Project Title: Jackson County Community Fire Protection Plan Five-County area of Southw 541 774 6007 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $141,401 $160,778 BLM FS 0 O2 Lin Bernhardt Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: This project will develop a community fire protection plan that will serve as a comprehensive interagency and multi-jurisdictional fire protection strategy. It will include federal, state, and local fire protection agencies in a five-county area of Southwest Oregon, including Jackson, Josephine, Coos, Curry, and Douglas counties. The purpose of the plan is to 1) improve coordination and communication amongst the cooperators, 2) to better understand and define roles and responsibilities, 3) identify resources, opportunities for job creation, and other benefits, and 4) develop a framework for identifying and prioritizing priority areas for fuel reduction. The plan will ultimately maximize fire protection capabilities within the fiscal constraints of the fire fighting organizations in SW Oregon Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 8 of 10 Project Title: Rural Residential Fire Safety Management Plans Utilization 0 Project Location Illinois Valley FPP 109 Applicant Name Forestry Action Committee Contact Phone No 541 592 4098 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $15,000 Total Proj Cost $19,000 Lead Agency BLM Coop Agency BLM Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Susan Chapp, President Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $15,000 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $15,000 Comments: Description: This will build on the Illinois Valley Community Fire Plan funding we received for 2002 through 2004. There will be several training work shops for the whole community on how to do a fire safety management plan for rural residential properties of 10 acres and under. Two to three individuals who received training with the Lomakatsi Restoration Project and who are already doing defensible space assessments for the Illinois Valley Community Fire Plan Project will attend these workshops. They will become the fire safety technicians and do fire management plans for 10 acre and under properties. Priority will be given to landowners who participate in neighborhood planning meetings, and who have accomplished their defensible space to ODF's satisfaction. ODF will give rebates for the defensible space, and if they get the funding, will do the same for work done according to the management plans. 111 0 Project Title: adjacent to Cascade-Siskiyo 541 482 2859 Friends of the Greensprings FOG Community Fuels Reduction Project FS: $0 Proj Coord Name: 0 Project Title: Sunridge Homeowners Association FWS: $0 BIA: $0 $96,292 $176,054 BLM FS 0 O2 John Ward, Chairman Amount Funded By: Total Funded: $96,292 Comments: Description: This project asks landowners to join and cost share in a voluntary effort to reduce fuels and create Defensible Space around their homesites. Heavy fuel loads, hot dry summers and rapid residential development put homeowners and the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in peril. Project reduces fuels at 131 homesites, reduces ladder fuels on critical access and escape roads for 30 homeowners, and builds a community fuel break protecting 12 homes. Total area treated is about 248 private acres, including 203 adjacent to or intermingled in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument and 45 acres about one mile distant. Last year, Friends of the Greensprings (FOG) a 350-member community based 501c(3) organization field checked fuel loads, mapped high fire danger areas, developed 146 requests for ODF consultation visits, and helped to create I-acre Defensible Spaces at 115 residential homesites. Funding this project will provide Defensible Space at half the 484 rural households 131 BLM: $96,292 3/15/2002 FS WUI: $0 T37S,R1W, 25 ; T37S,R1E, 541 772 6740 Sunridge Homeowners Fuel Reduction Project Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $66,675 $88,900 BLM FS 0 O2 Craig Olson, Chairman of Sunridge Wildfire Risk Assessment Committee (SWRAC) Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $0 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $0 Comments: Description: Sunridge Homeowners Assoc. is a non-profit corporation meeting the IRS 501 (c) 6 classification. Sunridge intends to reduce the potential for catastrophic wildfire by reducing the fuel loading within the boundaries of the project area. There is a total of 193+ acres within the Sunridge Planned Unit Development (PUD). Out of the 193 ac. there is 62 acres of common area and 65 acres of homeowner acreage that will be treated. Fuel reduction will be accomplished by hand and/or machine. In addition we have contacted adjoining landowners to Sunridge in an effort to cooridinate fuel reduction measures on their property to further reduce the spread of wildfire. Several neighbors have expressed great interest and have indicated they will contact the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) for assistance. ODF encouraged us to apply for a direct grant and Fire Marshall John Pierce of Medford Fire Dept. has stated "Any fuel break reduction or the establishment of a defensible space around structures would be welcomed and supported by this department." 137 0 Project Title: REACH, Inc. T39S R2W Sec 8 Sterling 541 899 7750 Sterling Landowners Consortium Fuels Reduction Co-management Proposal 2002 Proj Coord Name: 3/15/2002 $42,560 $47,181 BLM FS 0 O2 Bjorn Everson, Director of Workforce Training, Ecosystem Workforce Training Project Amount Funded By: FS: $0 BLM: $42,560 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $42,560 Comments: Description: The Sterling Landowners Consortium (SLC) has practiced management prescriptions across ownership boundaries since 1998. Seven original private landowners and partner Ashland Resource Area BLM have sought increased membership for 2002; we have successfully doubled landowner numbers and quadrupled the extent of private acreage. Treatments public and private have reflected the dual goals of fire hazard reduction and wildlife habitat enhancement through landowner education and co-operative work experience. Proposed tasks for this project are: A) Individual landowner prescriptions facilitated by Ecosystem Workforce Training (EWT) crew. Includes flagging, GPS, mapping. B) Contract with 'Slashbuster" in conjunction with BLM treatments. C) EWT crew performs 'interface' thinning around homes, outbuilding, and plantings. D) Integration of SLC with Applegate Fire Plan. E) Outreach and modeling to two adjacent neighborhood groups to maximize treatment benefits Gilson Gulch Group and Buncom Bunch Friday, May 24, 2002 Page 9 of 10 Project Title: Running Y Ranch Interface Fuels Reduction Amount Funded By: FS: $0 Comments: No dollar amount listed. KS BLM: $39,992 Utilization 0 Project Location T39S R2W Sec 4 & 9 FPP 139 Applicant Name REACH, Inc Contact Phone No 541 850 5560 WUI Edu Proj Rank WUI Fuels App ID Proj Coord Name: FWS: $0 BIA: $0 Date Received 3/15/2002 Amt Requested $39,992 Total Proj Cost $40,070 Lead Agency BLM Coop Agency FS Eval Score 0 Cmt To Fund Cong Dist O2 Bjorn Everson, Director of Workforce Training Ecosystem Workforce Training Program FS WUI: $0 Total Funded: $39,992 Description: The Running Y Ranch is a new partner with REACH, Inc. for developing workforce training in Klamath County. Fuels reduction is critically important in this area listed by Region 6 as ‘High Hazard’ due to the increasing number of homes in the Wildland-Urban Interface zone at the Running Y. A significant number of homes may be protected by removing oak scrub, invasive Western Juniper, and brush species in a concentrated area around Kestrel Ridge. Impacts to upland slope above Klamath Lake will be mitigated by restoration treatments performed by the REACH, Inc. Ecosystem Workforce Training crew as part of their certificated training program. A match by the Running Y will fund restoration to the site, including plantings and upland components. Steep sites mandate hand removal; all residues will be hand piled, covered, and burnt in winter. A Regional Fuels Reduction Strategy will be seeded by this project under the auspices of partner Fire District #1. Grand Total Requested: Grand Totals by Agency: Friday, May 24, 2002 FS: $0 BLM: $3,519,410 FWS: $0 BIA: $0 FS WUI: $0 $7,772,106 $9,381,185 Total Funded: $3,519,410 Page 10 of 10