Paltay e 4600 48 Aerial photos (left) and satellite imagery (above) were used to map glacier extent in 1962 and 1997. Digital glacier surfaces were reconstructed with photogrammetry and differential GPS. Contour map (upper right, interval = 200m) of the glacierized areas on the Queshque massif (photos of 3 glaciers to left). Three tones of shading represent: 1999 glacier areas of the glaciers (light grey); the 1962 areas mapped from aerial photography (blue); and other areas mapped from 1997 SPOT imagery (dark grey). Dots represent GPSmapped surface elevations from 1999 survey. Dashed lines are ridges separating the major drainages. Digital elevation model (DEM) generated from digitized 1:25,000 contour lines (lower right). 00 48 00 40 Negra1 40 0 40 -1.0 1960 1970 1980 1990 5688 00 1980 1990 5400 5300 -11° S (SW) Queshque Main (E) Queshque East (S) Mururaju 5200 (Left): Hypsometric curves for the Queshque glaciers, showing area with altitude. The Queshque Main glacier has more mass exposed at lower elevation. 5100 °C 5000 per decade 4900 4800 4700 4600 0 0.5 1 300 Moraine Ice2 L. Casercocha Ice3 4450 ± 45 Modern Ice 10 10,362 ± 73 0 250 Queshque East (E) 255 260 2830 ± 70 328 ± 46 13,380 ± 150 Cordillera Vilcanota Lakes 20 Kil Ausengate (6372 m) om ete rs Glacier Rivers Nevado Ausengate (6372 m) Quelccaya Ice Cap 235 Huancane Valley 230 1.5 Glacier area (km2 ) 2) 2 2.5 Quesh Main (SW) SW E S 3 - Cl 24 + SO + 2- + - Cl CO3 + HCO3 Na + K - 120 small large small large 100 200 80 150 60 100 40 DEM volume change 1962-99 mean area 3 3 2 Quesh East (E) Mururaju (S) 2 (5645 m) 0 2 4 8 10 Kilometers (10 m ) (m) 48951 2215 5441 2197 407 1079 22 5 5 Lake H1 12,230 ± 180 -2 Winter Solstice Wm 6600 - 7500 6200 - 6600 5800 - 6200 5500 - 5800 5100 - 5500 4600 - 5100 4100 - 4600 3500 - 4100 2800 - 3500 1000 - 2800 No Data Summer Solstice Wm 7900 - 8700 7600 - 7900 7400 - 7600 7100 - 7400 6700 - 7100 6300 - 6700 5800 - 6300 5300 - 5800 4600 - 5300 2800 - 4600 No Data N W E S -2 (Above): Mean annual solar radiation flux (Wm ) verses average surface lowering (m) calculated for the 3 Queshque glaciers, identified by name. A 30m DEM was generated from 1:25,000 and 1:100,000 maps and used to model insolation receipt to the surface. Integrated clear-sky values of global radiation for winter and summer solstices (right) show seasonal shading differences. A simple transmittivity model using the DEM indicates solar radiation related to altered cloudiness was not a predominant climatic forcing of mass loss. (Right, top): Mean annual clear sky solar radiation flux (Wm-2) averaged over the 3 different areas for each of the glaciers, representing the surface areas for both 1962 and 1999, as well as the area vacated by the ice between these dates (1962-99). The mean annual total radiation is greatest over the east-facing glacier. 0 Moraine H2 Stream View of Ausengate and the Cordillera Vilcanota from the Upismayo valley (below). Landsat image draped over DEM of the Vilcanota, viewed from NW (above). H3 270 ± 80 Modern Ice 10,910 ± 160 10,870 ± 72 -2 +0.4 6 0 6 12 Kilometers ey e ll Va L. Acconcancha an L. Paco Cocha nc Qu Ha elc ca ya Ice Ca p 2670 ± 95 9980 ± 255 1 0 1 2 3 ice3 Glacier Volume (km3) Upismayo Valley ice3 1.17 ice2 0.74 ice1 0.55 mod 0.14 Huancané Valley H3 0.43 H2 0.34 H1 0.19 mod 0.14 ice2 H3 ice1 H2 Deglacial Volume (km3) Deglacial Interval (yrs) (small) (large) Qori Kalis glacier H1 Deglacial Rate (10-5 km3/yr) (small) (large) (small) 5150 4400 3746 12073 11605 10950 2504 2135 1823 4986 4651 4472 489 384 279 0.43 0.19 0.55 1.31 0.88 0.69 3.56 3.71 3.81 4.09 112.47 143.23 3778 2400 1511 1806 700 617 492 290 0.09 0.34 0.19 0.57 0.48 0.33 2.38 3.47 38.62 250 (large) 3.93 4.25 197.13 25.44 35.14 141.10 29.77 41.22 179.69 34.97 48.27 247.31 5.96 4.18 --- 15.09 26.58 67.07 23.75 68.57 113.79 37.72 77.80 --- 4 5 Kilometers 12,240 ± 170 11,183 ± 109 200 150 9787 9130 8133 3.75 3.72 65.52 Moraine chronology in the Upismayo and Huancané valleys allows for a rates of deglaciation to be calculated using paleoglacier volumes estimated from a digital elevation model (DEM). Radiocarbon ages for moraine features are shown in the site maps above (from Goodman et al., 2001). Three paleoglacier volumes were reconstructed for each valley, as shown with contour lines in figures to left (Mark et al., 2002). The estimated rates are tabulated above, and shown in bar graphs, as explained below. Huancané Valley 1962-99 surface lowering (10 m ) 20 50 0 240 Queshque Main Queshque East Mururaju 2+ Ca (Above) Piper plot of major ion chemistry from the averaged end-members in the Callejon de Huaylas watershed. The Rio Santa is on a mixing line between the glacierized Cordillera Blanca tributaries and non-glacierized Cordillera Negra tributaries, with a relative contribution of 66% from the Cordillera Blanca. The size of each symbol is proportionate to TDS. 250 L. Comercocha 10 Upismayo Valley 1962 area 1999 area 1962-99 area -2 5600 5500 Ice1 DEM (1:25,000) 245 3 60 ismayo 255 Aspect 20 40 Glacierized area (%) Q. Up 250 Glacier 2- Stream 2000 Year Ele v ation (m ) ºC 0.0 -1.0 1970 Lake 225 1.0 1960 E S Pleistocene moraines, Cordillera Blanca 5 (Left): Annual deviation of temperature from the 1961-1990 average from 29 Peruvian stations located between 9-12 S latitude, ranging in elevation from 20 - 4600 m a.s.l. The trends are based on ordinary least squares regression, and the vertical bars extend 2 standard errors of the mean on either side of the annual average. SO4 Part 3: Glacial moraine chronology provides a basis for evaluating the timing and rates of deglaciation for late glacial and Holocene paleoglaciers in the Peruvian Andes. Rates of deglaciation were calculated for paleoglacier volumes on both the western side of the Quelccaya Ice Cap and the northwest side of the Cordillera Vilcanota, Perú. The late glacial episode of deglaciation on the west side of Quelccaya is coincident with rapid deglaciation in the Cordillera Blanca of north central Perú that occurred during the Younger Dryas interval, out of phase with glaciation in the North Atlantic region (Rodbell and Seltzer, 2000). The fastest rates of deglaciation were calculated for the youngest paleoglaciers, corresponding to the last few centuries. These rates fall within the range of modern rates measured on the Quelccaya Ice Cap, interpreted as evidence of enhanced atmospheric temperatures (Thompson, 2000). Applying the maximum modern deglacial rates to the late glacial ice volumes results in deglaciation over a few centuries, consistent with lake-core evidence. These results imply that rates of deglaciation may fluctuate significantly over time, and that high rates of deglaciation may not be exclusive to the late 20th century. Mururaju (S) Solar radiation (Wm -2) 2.0 -2.0 1950 Glacierized % (1962) (1997) Paron 55 52 Llanganuco 41 36 Cedros 22 18 Chancos 25 22 Colcas 20 18 Olleros 12 10 Querococha 6 3 2 Upismayo Valley 10 Year 0 N Queshque Main (SW) 245 2+ (Above) Hydrological and climatological data from the successively larger catchments of the case study (see Fig. 1): (a) observational data from the Yanamarey glacier catchment, including monthly measurements of specific discharge (Qt) (mm) from YAN plotted with the monthly precipitation totals (P) (mm) and monthly average temperature (T) (degrees C) sampled over the 1998-99 hydrological year, plotted with the glacier melt (Melt) calculated from a simplified hydrological mass balance; (b) specific discharge data from locations in the Querococha watershed plotted with monthly precipitation at the Querococha gauge (both in mm), on the same scale as (a); (c) magnitude and variation of annual stream discharge with percentage of glacierized area in the Río Santa tributaries, shown by ratio of maximum monthly discharge to mean monthly discharge (max Q / mean Q); labeled data points correspond to gauge locations shown on map. 80 km 5400 265 0 240 2000 - 0.0 (Above) Case study location maps of successively larger scale: Callejon de Huaylas, a watershed of ~5000 km draining the Cordillera Blanca, Perú, to the upper Rio Santa. 2 2 Stream gauge and sample locations are identified; Querococha watershed, 60 km , showing the discharge and water sampling points; Yanamarey catchment, 1.3 km between 4600 m and 5300 m, 75% of which is covered by glacier ice. The shaded region shows the outline of Glaciar Yanamarey in 1982, with contours and a center-line to show distance from headwall with 100 m intervals (after Hastenrath and Ames, 1995a). Terminus positions are mapped onto a common datum, based on surveys for 1939, 1948, 1962, 1973, 1982, 1988, 1997, 1998, and 1999. The latter three positions were mapped using differential GPS. The cumulative terminus recession from the 1939 position is shown (m) on the inset graph as solid line, with solid rectangles for years with corresponding terminus position mapped (data from A. Ames, personal communication, 1998), along with average recession rate between years with mapped termini (in meters/year). Asterix marks the location of a weather station, where daily •1999 glacier surface from temperature and monthly precipitation were recorded discontinuously from 1982. W Mururaju (S) -2.0 1950 Cl Paron Mg 3. Tributaries of Rio Santa Tuco CONOCOCHA - R2 = 0.65 Querococha 3980 Q3 discharge SANTA1 Negra2 72°W + HCO 0.5 44 80°W 2- Chancos 1.0 4400 00 16°S Queshque East (E) 260 15 Q1 discharge cha 0.0 Max Q Mean Q 44 Q2 discharge CO differential GPS survey 25 20 Olleros 1.5 laco mm 1.0 Querococha 2.0 Q. Ja (Left): Normalized anomalies of annual precipitation totals (mm) from 45 Peruvian stations above 3000 m a.s.l. Between 1953-1998. Vertical bars extend 2 standard errors of the mean on either side of the annual averaged anomaly. 5197 00 Pachacoto Wm 2.0 Surface lowering (m) Mururaju (S) 2.5 Llanganuco 9°50' 5000 Queshque Main (SW) c. Callejon de Huaylas 48 Yanayacu Lima + Na + K Cord Blanca Rio Santa Cord Negra 08- 06- 10- 19- 19- 28- 29- 04- 05- 23- 02- 25Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov-Dec- Feb- Mar- Apr- Jun- Jun98 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 2. Downstream confluence 00 77°00' Q3 Cordillera Vilcanota YAN discharge 5322 Olleros + 2+ (Above) Piper plot of major ion chemistry from the YAN-Querococha watershed. Q3 is on a mixing line between the glacial snout and Q1, with a relative contribution of 50% from each end member. The size of each symbol is proportional to TDS. 0 Glaciar Yanamarey 6395 SANTA2 Ca -4 100 4 km 5237 -3 Q1 Q2 Q3 2+ hqu 2 -2 b. Querococha 300 Contour interval = 200 m -1 400 -400 g +M ues 0 2 4000 sQ * 73 62 2- 2+ a una 0 P Melt Qt (YAN) T 500 -300 Quilcay Cordillera Blanca 1 800 0 600 -200 82 SO4 2 900 100 700 -100 88 2+ Ca gr Ne Lag 3 Queshque Main (SW) 3 Querococha watershed 6162 Huaraz 1100 300 200 50 00 Queshque East (E) 1. Glacier watershed 1939 ca 5000 Marcara 8°S 5403 Mururaju (5688) 1990 4 Mg Cl - 1970 400 97 48 Anta JANGAS 1950 5 1000 200 00 99 98 10 5 0 2010 6 500 + 6125 00 9°10' 15 an 30 ra ille 4000 rd Buin -700 1930 20 Bl 5000 Co PERU ra 6768 Ranrahirca 0°S ille Llanganuco -550 25 Terminus recession (m) (m/yr) (m/yr) (m) rd 6395 Kinzl Equator 0 77°20' Co Paron -400 5000 78°00' 4000 Llullan South America and differential GPS mapping to quantify the volume of ice lost between AD 1962 and 1999 from 3 glaciers of different aspect. A heuristic sensitivity analysis -2 indicates the 9.3 Wm required to melt the observed ice loss can be explained -1 by a 1K rise in temperature and 0.14 gkg increase in specific humidity. Queshque (5680) Glaciar Yanamarey 48 7 600 2- -100 -250 6259 a. Yanamarey 700 00 50 40 35 >4000 m in elevation (SPOT image 1997) 5237 400 m 30 Colcas Negra Low SANTA LOW Part 1: We use a combination of aerial photogrammetry, satellite imagery, 5680 200 4 00 Huallanca 0 200 SO Lake Watershed Glacierized 20 3000 8°50' Tropical glaciers are intriguing and presently rapidly disappearing components of the cryosphere that literally crown a vast ecosystem of global significance. They are highly sensitive to climate changes over different temporal and spatial scales and are important hydrological resources in tropical highlands. Moreover, an accurate understanding of the dynamics and climate response of tropical glaciers in the past is a crucial source of paleoclimatic information for the validation and comparison of global climate models. We have studied both present-day glacier recession and field evidence of past episodes of deglaciation in Perú to test hypotheses related to this important climatically forced process in the developing Andean region. Modern glacier recession raises the issues of the nature of climatic forcing and the impact on surface water runoff. While rates of contemporary glacier recession appear to be accelerating, careful analysis of the timing and volumetric extent of deglaciation from Late Glacial and Holocene moraine positions provides a historical comparison with important implications for understanding glacial-to-interglacial transitions. Our research incorporates three specific parts: (1) an analysis of the spatial variability and climatic forcing of late 20th century glacier recession in the Queshque massif of the southern Cordillera Blanca, Peru; (2) an evaluation of the hydrological significance of glacial meltwater with respect to streamflow in the Cordillera Blanca region; and (3) an evaluation of the rate and extent of deglaciation during the late-Pleistocene and Holocene compared to modern glacier recession in the Cordillera Vilcanota/Quelccaya. We review our results in the context of outlining a vision for using glacial-environmental assessment as a focal point to investigate both physical and human dimensions of climate change. Yanamarey catchment Contour interval = 1000 m a (C) nt (mm) Callejon de Huaylas 4000 Sa 2+ o g +M Ri (1) The Ohio State University, Department of Geography & Byrd Polar Research Center, Columbus, OH 43210, (2) Syracuse University, Department of Earth Sciences, Syracuse, NY 13210, Yan Glac YAN Q2 Q1 Q3 Below Quero 2+ Bryan G. Mark (1) & Jefferey M. McKenzie (2) Part 2: Understanding the impact that melting glaciers are having on water resources in the Callejon de Huaylas requires quantifying the annual impact of glacier mass loss to the main river channel. We have traced melt water hydrochemically from the small Yanamarey glacier catchment through the Querococha watershed and in the downstream tributaries of the Rio Santa with different degrees of glacier coverage. Ca Tropical Peruvian glaciers in a changing climate: Forcing, rates of change, and impact to water supply 3 Volume (km ) of each reconstructed paleoglacier is calculated using gridded-model surfaces and the DEM. Modern glacier 1.36 volume ('mod') was estimated from surface area by the formula V=28.5 S (after Chen and Ohmura, 1990). Deglacial interval (yrs) represents the conceivable time range over which the paleoglacier deglaciated from successively less extensive end moraine positions. The interval is presented as a mean surrounded by the one-sigma range in calibrated radiocarbon ages. Where available radiocarbon dates include more than one constraining age for a moraine, the maximum 3 and minimum possible intervals are provided as 'large' and 'small' intervals respectively. Deglacial volume (km ) represents the volume lost from the paleoglacier in 2 possible deglacial scenarios: a 'large' volume from complete deglaciation; and a -5 3 -1 'small' volume considering only the volume lost between successive moraine positions. Deglacial rate (10 km yr ) is calculated by dividing the deglacial volume by the deglacial interval, such that the 'small' rate equals 'small' volume divided by 'large' interval, and 'large' rate equals 'large' volume divided by 'small' interval. 100 50 0 1963-1978 1978-1983 1983-1991 Accelerating rates of deglaciation for the Qori Kalis -5 3 -1 glacier (photo above) in 10 km yr , calculated from terrestrial and aerial photogrammetry (Brecher and Thomas, 1993). Paleoglacier Upismayo Valley H3 H2 Huancané Valley Ice3 Ice2 Volume needed (x modeled) Time needed (yrs) 5-8 20-40 210-370 130-230 3-5 20-25 500-630 110-150 The increments in volume (multiple of the modeled volume) and deglacial interval (number of years) needed for the modeled paleoglaciers to equal the most recent rates of deglaciation are tabulated to right. References Brecher, H. and L. G. Thompson, 1993: Measurement of the retreat of Qori Kalis glacier in the tropical Andes of Peru by terrestrial photogrammetry. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 59(6), 1017-1022. Chen, J., and A. Ohmura, 1990: Estimation of alpine glacier water resources and their change since the 1870s. Hydrology in Mountainous Regions. IHydrological Measurements; the Water Cycle (Proceedings of two Lausanne Symposia, August, 1990). IAHS Publ. No. 193, 127-135. Hastenrath, S., Ames, A., 1995. Recession of Yanamarey Glacier in Cordillera Blanca, Peru, during the 20th century. Journal of Glaciology 41(137), 191-196. Goodman, A.Y., Rodbell, D.T., Seltzer, G.O., Mark, B.G., 2001. Subdivision of glacial deposits in southeastern Peru based on pedogenic development and radiometric ages. Quaternary Research 56(1), 31-50. Mark, B.G., Seltzer, G.O., Rodbell, D.T., Goodman, A.Y., 2002. Rates of deglaciation during the last glaciation and Holocene in the Cordillera VilcanotaQuelccaya Ice Cap region, Southeastern Perú. Quaternary Research 57(3), 287-298. Mark, B.G., Seltzer, G.O., 2003. Tropical glacier meltwater contribution to stream discharge: a case study in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. Journal of Glaciology 49(165), 271-281. Mark, B.G., Seltzer, G.O., 2005. Recent glacial recession in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru (AD 1962-1999). Quaternary Science Reviews, in press. Rodbell, D. T. and Seltzer, G. O. (2000). Rapid Ice Margin Fluctuations during the Younger Dryas in the TropicalAndes. Quaternary Research 54, 328-338. Thompson, L. G., 2000: Ice core evidence for climate change in the Tropics: implications for our future. Quaternary Science Reviews 19, 19-35. Acknowledgments Kathy Welch, Anne Carey and Berry Lyons are gratefully acknowledged for facilitating laboratory analyses at Ohio State University. Don Siegel supported laboratory work at Syracuse University. Initial field work was conducted while BGM was supported on a U.S. Fulbright Scholarship, 1997-98.