17 sec 2


Name _____________________________

Your assignment is to create a PowerPoint Presentation for a section in your book. The section you are covering is Chapter 17: Section 2. Follow the directions below carefully.

You may pick any slide background that you want, but just remember that you need to be able to easily

read the words on your slide! For example, don’t pick a green background and yellow font. That would be ridiculously hard to read. Your goal is to 1) include all the information for the section and 2) make

each slide look good.

Slide 1: List the title of the section at the top of the slide. Put your name and the name(s) of your group members below the title. Find a picture of a glacier.

Slide 2: The title of this slide will be “Glacial Erosion”. Explain how you can determine which way a glacier was travelling. Find a picture of grooves in rocks caused by glaciers.

Slide 3: The title of this slide will be “Landforms Created by Glaciers”. List and define the type of landforms created by alpine glaciers. Find a picture(s) of these landforms.

Slide 4: The title of this slide will be “U-Shaped Valleys”. Find a picture of a U-Shaped Valley produced by an alpine glacier.

Slide 5: The title of this slide will be “Erosion by Continental Glaciers”. Describe what the landscape looks like due to erosion by a continental glacier. Show a picture if possible.

Slide 6: The title of this slide will be “Glacial Deposition”. Define erratic, glacial drift, and till. Show a picture of one or all of these.

Slide 7: The title of this slide will be “Glacial Deposition”. Define moraine. Say what the difference is between a lateral moraine and a terminal moraine. Show a picture of a moraine.

Slide 8: The title of this slide will be “Glacial Deposition”. Say what an outwash plain is. Define kettle and explain how one forms. Define esker. Find a picture of a kettle lake.

Slide 9: The title of this slide will be “The Great Lakes”. Explain how the Great Lakes were formed using

Figure 7 on page 430. Show a picture of one of the Great Lakes.
