Chapter 7 Guided Reading Assignment #1 1. Read: 186-198 2. Define the following terms: a) b) c) d) e) Ice Age Glacier Snowline Valley Glacier Ice Sheet f) g) h) i) Glacial Trough TIll Stratified Drift Moraine 3. List the four key concepts for this section. 4. Where do we find water? 5. When was the ice age? 6. How do glaciers form? 7. Are glaciers motionless? 8. Where do ice sheets exist on Earth today? 9. How do glaciers move? 10. What determines how fast a glacier will move? 11. In the chart below give some details about each of the following types of land forms. GLACIATED VALLEYS 1. 1. ARETES AND HORNS 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. CPHS Physical Geology CIRQUES Mr. G. Edelman 12. What causes a glacier to retreat? 13. How do glaciers cause erosion? 14. What is glacial drift? 15. In the table below, list how each of the following depositional features form. FEATURES LATERAL MORAINE HOW THEY FORMED? End and Ground Moraines Terminal and Recessional Moraine Outwash Plains Ketles Drunlins and Eskers 16. Do 1-7 on page 198 “ CPHS Physical Geology Mr. G. Edelman