Reporting and Data Governance Strategy

Institutional Research and
Reporting and Data Governance Strategy
Implementing a Holistic and Systemic
Data Management Structure
1. Differentiate the functions of data warehousing
(technical) and data reporting (analytical).
2. Establish a Data Governance Council (DGC) as the
authoritative oversight and policy board for data
governance at the College of Charleston.
3. Reconstitute existing data committees and create new
subcommittees that are coupled to the DGC.
1. Differentiate the functions of data
warehousing (technical) and data
reporting (analytical).
• This was accomplished on August 1, 2012.
• These are two distinct and comprehensive tasks.
a) Information Services remains within IT to focus specifically on
the technical, backend aspects of building and securing the
ODS, data warehouse, or data repository.
b) The administration and management of all reporting resides
within IRP. This step included reassigning the current
Business Intelligence Analyst to report to the AVP for IRP.
2. Establish a Data Governance Council
(DGC) for the College of Charleston.
• “A system of decision rights and accountabilities for
information-related processes, executed according to
agreed-upon models which describe who can take what
actions with what information, and when, under what
circumstances, using what methods.” (Data Governance
• Data Governance should encompass the development,
alignment, compliance and enforcement of policy; as
well as resolution of issues
Why Establish a Data Governance
Council (DGC) for the College?
• Data are an invaluable institutional asset that must be
managed and protected through systemic, holistic
governance structures and policies.
• This proposal is an effort to systemically couple the
executive, tactical, and operational levels of data
management throughout the College of Charleston.
• The formation of the DGC and subcommittees is
designed to create an authoritative structure for all data
policy and management issues impacting the College.
Structure of the
Data Governance Council
Operational Level
Adapted from Robert S. Seiner, KIK Consulting and Educational Services
Data Governance
Sub Committees, Data Owners,
Data Stewards
Data Definers,
Producers, Users
Executive Level of the Data Governance
Council (DGC)
• The DGC will consist of senior level personnel
representing many sectors of the campus environment.
• The DGC will have direct authority over:
Campus data management,
Data policy development,
Strategic level approval and decision making,
Oversight of subcommittees,
Compliance audits, and
Promotion of improved data governance practices including
collection, storage, compilation, and reporting of data.
Executive Level of the Data Governance
Council (DGC)
• DGC activities and responsibilities will revolve around:
– Risk management,
– Compliance, and
– Campus-wide department-specific data governance interests.
• The DGC will monitor alignment of data collection,
storage and reporting with strategic planning goals.
• The DGC will generate issues and requests to the
subcommittees, as well as receive information and
requests from the subcommittees.
Executive Level of the Data Governance
Council (DGC)
• It is proposed that the DGC be chaired by the Associate
Vice President for Institutional Research and Planning.
• There should be one standing meeting per quarter.
• The DGC Chair will report quarterly on data governance
Executive Level of the Data Governance
Council (DGC)
Proposed representation would include the following:
• AVP of Institutional Research
and Planning, Chair
• Information Technology, CIO
• Senior Vice Provost
• VP for Fiscal Services
• Director or Associate Director
for Human Resources
• AVP of Budgeting and Payroll
• Senior Vice President for Legal
• Dean, (TBD) (two-year rotating)
• AVP for Enrollment Planning
• Registrar
• AVP for Student Affairs
• Information Technology,
3. Reconstitute existing and create new
data subcommittees that are coupled to
the DGC.
• The subcommittees should be charged by the DGC with
the subcommittee chairs reporting progress and
activities to the DGC.
• Existing data and information committees will be
recharged as DGC subcommittees as needed to
accommodate the proposed systemic structure.
• The chairs of the subcommittees will be identified by the
DGC and may sit on the DGC as ex-officio members.